Latest installment in the "Life of a Runner" series by Cameron Deloach
The lateset installation in the "Life of a Runner" series by Cameron Deloach
Cameron Deloach, a Senior at Thompson High School will be a weekly blogger for I invite you to check out her blog each week as she gives insight in to the life of a XC Runner.
Happy Cross Country Season everyone! It's the beginning of yet another season full of Saturdays occupied by racing and team bonding. Most of us runners wouldn't trade it for anything else in the fall. I for one most definitely would not. While a variety of meets were raced by teams in Alabama last weekend, my team opened our season at the Early Bird Classic in Montevallo.
Cameron Deloach, a Junior at Thompson High School will be a weekly blogger for I invite you to check out her blog each week as she gives insight in to the life of a XC Runner.