Cameron Deloach

Hello! I hope everyone’s first races went well. My team had our first race in Montevallo at the Early Bird Classic. We went into it just expecting to knock some dust off and get back into racing. There was no pressure to do anything spectacular but of course the team still wanted to compete to the best of our ability. While we didn’t run our fastest times or place extremely well, but everyone gave the best effort they could during the race and I’m proud of my team for that. I didn’t not have best race by far but I was still happy to have had run the race. It was a nice meet to start the season with, as it wasn’t extremely large but it wasn’t a small meet either.

This week went a little different than I would have liked for it to go. For about a year now I have had issues with my hip flexor during both my cross country and track seasons and this week some of the same inflammation I’ve felt before began occurring again. This week I completed as much of the workouts as I could while still being mindful of my hip issues. I did a lot more stretching and physical therapy exercises than running but I would rather try to gain control of the issues with my hip flexor now than suffer the consequences of not dealing with it later on in the season. Even though everything did not go as planned I know that it happened the way it did for a reason and that there are many more weeks and chances to do well in races left in the season.