Brooks High School Cross Country Invitational 2021

Florence, AL
Hosted by Brooks

Athlete Entries

JV Boys 2.1 Mile Run 176 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roden, Connor Lawrence County HS
Laney, Sam Tupelo High School
Bottoms, Charlie Brooks
Green, Braxton Corinth High School
Piwowarski, Zach Athens Bible School
Eaton, Oliver Biggersville High School
Hughes, Parker E.O. Coffman Middle School
Brand, Brody Tupelo Christian Prep School
Walls, Lucas Muscle Shoals High
Magee, Toby St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Snyder, Will Florence High School
Davis, Clay Lauderdale County
Proctor, Xzyler Lawrence County HS
Brown, Walker Tupelo High School
Lowery, Michael Tupelo High School
Burcham, Aiden Corinth High School
Meeks, Paul Biggersville High School
LeGoff, Andrew Corinth High School
Barnes, Ethan Athens Bible School
Cook, Brandon Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Hovater, Nathan St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Malone, Sawyer Tupelo Christian Prep School
McNair, Jake Biggersville High School
Hurt, Holt Florence High School
Mann, Edward Mars Hill Bible
Owens, Coltin West Limestone
Garrison, Jordon Lawrence County HS
Aday, Gage Shoals Christian
Gratz, Michael Tupelo High School
Smith, Sean Austin
Austin, Eaden Rogers
Tackitt, Dawson Tupelo High School
Godwin, Carter Ray Lawrence County HS
Russell, Lewis Tupelo High School
Morring, Tyler Ardmore High School
Simmons, Caleb Corinth High School
Rolofson, Colin Athens Bible School
Bader, Adel Biggersville High School
Holt, Seth E.O. Coffman Middle School
Parrott, Weston Tupelo Christian Prep School
McGuire, Liam Muscle Shoals High
Byrd, Spencer St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Miller, Brett Tupelo Christian Prep School
Infanger, Spencer Florence High School
Carpenter, Brayden Lauderdale County
Weterrings, Eli Florence High School
Strange, Brantlee Lawrence County HS
Buchanan, Denarius Tupelo High School
McCoy, Carter Austin
McGuire, Ethan Tupelo High School
Walker, Sam Corinth High School
Arguello, Jesus Corinth High School
Bradford, Davis Athens Bible School
Daigre, Jackson Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Terry, Lane Lawrence County HS
Brown, Andrew Tupelo High School
Naidu, Advaith St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Richey, Rilan Tupelo Christian Prep School
Nguyen, Elijah Biggersville High School
Greenhaw, Parker Florence High School
Vincent, Ethan Tupelo High School
Ward, David West Limestone
Saylor, Ben Shoals Christian
Johnson, Braxton Tupelo High School
Sowell, Ben Austin
Moreland, John David Rogers
Mason, Drayden Lawrence County HS
Wilemon, Mac Tupelo High School
Grey, Paxton Corinth High School
Shaver, Brayden Athens Bible School
Wilson, Jay Muscle Shoals High
Hamlin, Joseph Biggersville High School
Williams, Reid Corinth High School
Ward, Dawson Tupelo Christian Prep School
Chaney, Whit St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Yang, Raymond Tupelo Christian Prep School
Weterrings, Isak Florence High School
Neikirk, Alex West Limestone
McGill, Troy Lawrence County HS
Cannon, Samuel Tupelo High School
Patel, Deep Austin
Jones, Kaden Rogers
Holliday, asher Decatur High School
Polk, Dillon Tupelo High School
McKinnon, Drew Mars Hill Bible
Stewart, Boone Lawrence County HS
Farmer, Charlie Tupelo High School
Gooch, Carson Brooks
Labas, John Corinth High School
James, Chandler Athens Bible School
Daigre, Baylor Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Ellsworth, Garrett Biggersville High School
Hovater, Jake St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Harmon, Oliver Tupelo Christian Prep School
Kinney, Griffin Muscle Shoals High
Sharer, Jasper Florence High School
McMeans, Conner Lauderdale County
Lietch, Parker West Limestone
Aday, Noah Shoals Christian
Long, Hayden Tupelo High School
Williams, Sonny Athens Bible School
Graham, Everett Lawrence County HS
Beavers, Jacob Tupelo High School
Holley, Baker Corinth High School
Hilliard, Case Biggersville High School
Wilbanks, Nathanial Corinth High School
Patterson, John Curtis Lawrence County HS
Peralta, Max St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Bresee, Brooks Tupelo Christian Prep School
Wright, Aiden Winston County High School
Seago, Brooks Biggersville High School
Dickson, Levi Florence High School
Berzett, Zachary West Limestone
Kimbril, Wesley Lawrence County HS
Childs, Kaleb Tupelo High School
Smith, Kaden Austin
Spees, Michael Tupelo High School
Mann, William Mars Hill Bible
Brown, Mason 11:31.24 Athens High School
Ard, Dane 12:00.07 Decatur High School
Eledge, Dallas 12:00.69 Decatur High School
Bennett, Nate 12:53.98 Athens High School
Morris, Mason 13:15.74 Athens High School
Billingsley, Grant 13:41.85 Florence High School
Taylor, Ian 13:42.90 Decatur High School
Wood, Brandon 13:50.10 Austin
Gargis, Ayden 14:04.95 Brooks
Barkley, Samuel 14:05.00 Athens High School
Payne, Aaron 14:09.87 Decatur High School
Hammond, Reed 14:19.85 Brooks
Elizondo, Edgar 14:26.50 Austin
Dempsey, Luke 14:37.31 Athens Bible School
Porter, Walker 14:37.52 Athens High School
Ward, Eli 14:39.07 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Lindsay, Logan 14:40.14 Athens High School
Brown, Javian 14:43.84 Athens High School
Ruiz Rivera, Diego 14:52.91 Austin
Pigg, Logan 15:08.89 Athens High School
Mendoza, Noe 15:15.04 Decatur High School
Thomas, Charlie 15:24.29 Decatur High School
Green, Ryan 15:26.29 Florence High School
Brumfield, Wyatt 15:33.51 Athens High School
Oyervidez, Kohl 15:37.85 Decatur High School
Dixon, Dash 15:38.55 Austin
Youngblood, George 15:46.01 Decatur High School
Barnes, Jonathan 15:54.98 Athens Bible School
Lotz, Challen 15:59.43 Florence High School
Daly, Sean 16:09.89 St Bernard
Smith, Chambless 16:13.71 Decatur High School
Lavender, Eli 16:16.93 Athens High School
Daly, Cash 16:24.90 St Bernard
Daly, Luke 16:28.45 St Bernard
Nichols, Jonas 16:29.25 Rogers
Lewis, Gavitt 16:32.89 St Bernard
Duncan, Spencer 16:45.81 Lawrence County HS
Gillespie, Kaden 16:46.76 Lawrence County HS
Lamp, Jack 16:49.61 Decatur High School
Garcia, Danny 17:02.17 St Bernard
Wood, Branden 17:06.17 Florence High School
Marsh, Will 17:06.71 Lawrence County HS
Posey, Will 17:20.90 Lawrence County HS
Kimmett, Matthew 17:21.98 Decatur High School
Gargis, Benton 17:23.01 Belgreen
Adams, Tyler 17:28.76 Austin
Wilson, Ryan 17:43.37 Austin
Estrada, Gabriel 18:17.95 Belgreen
Popour, Garin 18:19.40 Athens High School
Kuhlman, William 19:12.81 Decatur High School
LeMay, Wyatt 19:24.76 Athens Bible School
Strickland, Camden 19:39.91 Athens Bible School
Marcano, Landon 19:59.04 Brooks
Miller, Parker 20:00.42 Athens High School
Matthews, Nathan 22:12.81 Decatur High School
Prater, Eli 22:18.12 Decatur High School
Rubido, Aaron 22:57.10 Belgreen
Britnell, Jackson 25:30.86 Athens Bible School
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JV Girls 2.1 Mile Run 169 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Puckett, Emily West Limestone
Joshline, Lynn Leigh Corinth High School
Woodall, Vivian Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Holt, Lakyn Tupelo High School
Rivera, Sherlyn Austin
Estes, Larkin Tupelo Christian Prep School
Garrett, Tryniti Lawrence County HS
Bell, Zaria Tupelo High School
Meeks, Autumn Biggersville High School
Tolle, Jocelyn E.O. Coffman Middle School
Johnson, Kora Corinth High School
Booker, Kaionna E.O. Coffman Middle School
Arriaga, Isabel Lawrence County HS
Osbirn, Mary Francis Tupelo High School
Webster, Grace West Limestone
Jaynes, Lynlee Rogers
Soto-Rico, Bianca Austin
Sites, Sadie West Limestone
Pulliam, Emiery Tupelo High School
Serrett, Lily E.O. Coffman Middle School
Mitchell, Madison Corinth High School
Morris, Gracie Lawrence County HS
Ballard, Marley Tupelo High School
Elizondo Brown, Briana Austin
Chockley, Keivyn Athens High School
Frohn, Elizabeth Tupelo Christian Prep School
Mitchell, Lila Lawrence County HS
Smith, Eliza Tupelo High School
Vaughan, Zoey E.O. Coffman Middle School
Summers, Abby Corinth High School
Mansell, Elizabeth St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Kennedy, Elektra Lauderdale County
Williams, Karlei E.O. Coffman Middle School
Louallen, Maggie Lawrence County HS
Jones, Makynzie Jade Tupelo High School
Grisham, Brooklyn West Limestone
McGee, Bayley-Ray Brooks
Dalton, Zela Corinth High School
Woodall, Ellen Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Dilworth, Drewmiyah Tupelo High School
Ruiz-Rivera, Michelle Austin
Hawkins, Octavia Lawrence County HS
Cox, Morgyn Tupelo High School
Wilburn, Katie Biggersville High School
Scott, Kimmie E.O. Coffman Middle School
Roach, McKendry Corinth High School
Moore, Brenna E.O. Coffman Middle School
Borden, Kaidence Lawrence County HS
Tidwell, Morgan Tupelo High School
Ross, Harmony West Limestone
Strickland, Sam Shoals Christian
Oliver, Annabella Lawrence County HS
Butler, Kenzy Rogers
Owens, Rachel Mars Hill Bible
Tomas Avila, Denisse Austin
Marbut, Sara West Limestone
Rudy, Callee E.O. Coffman Middle School
Richardson, Margo Corinth High School
Bradford, Rachel Athens Bible School
Hill, Auburn Lawrence County HS
Sims, Aliyah Tupelo High School
Gaines, Karina Austin
Wilbanks, Charly Ann Muscle Shoals High
Kent, Rimes Tupelo Christian Prep School
Mitchell, Ava Lawrence County HS
Bass, Teicolla Tupelo High School
Flood, Loren Cherokee
Mclain, Ella E.O. Coffman Middle School
Epperson, Tulley Corinth High School
Qualls, LaKaylee St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Freeman, Clara Lauderdale County
Dolberry, Dalilah E.O. Coffman Middle School
LouAllen, Emily Lawrence County HS
Sanders, Abbey Tupelo High School
Dunbar, Wyatt West Limestone
Hatton, Lily Brooks
Mckee, Madison Belgreen
Parmeley, Grace Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Johnson, Madysen Tupelo High School
Solis Hervert, Angelique Austin
Gomez, Maya Corinth High School
Smith, Haley Lawrence County HS
Robinson, Rylie Tupelo High School
McDonald, Molly Winston County High School
Brand, Lucie Biggersville High School
Lancey, Taylor E.O. Coffman Middle School
Dutton, Alania Lawrence County HS
Fair, Kaelyn Tupelo High School
Suarez, Gianna E.O. Coffman Middle School
Saylor, Natalee Shoals Christian
McElwaney, Alyvia Lawrence County HS
Weatherford, Anslee West Limestone
Kloosterman, Gracie E.O. Coffman Middle School
Cliff, Alanna Corinth High School
Bodine, Katie Lawrence County HS
Wright, Kaylee Tupelo High School
Miguel-Jose, Sheyla Austin
Hall, Abby St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Coleman, Mia Tupelo Christian Prep School
Burns, Jordin Lawrence County HS
Barksdale, Addie Tupelo High School
Coleman, McKinsey Biggersville High School
Golden, Ella E.O. Coffman Middle School
Smith, Lily Corinth High School
Dolberry, Cheyenne E.O. Coffman Middle School
Speagle, Natalie Lawrence County HS
Edwards-McCary, Je'Keiya Tupelo High School
Harper, Bethany West Limestone
Cruz, Lilibeth Belgreen
White, Kylon Tupelo High School
Soto Rico, Aideliz Austin
Kirby, Maddi E.O. Coffman Middle School
Stark, Ella Corinth High School
Luna, Briseyda Belgreen
Napier, Addison Lawrence County HS
Stewart, Abbey Tupelo High School
Lee, Kaelyn Lawrence County HS
Boyd, Karlee Tupelo High School
Thompson, Mallie E.O. Coffman Middle School
Hall, Maddy Corinth High School
Ambrosio, Analia St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Bradley, Alli E.O. Coffman Middle School
Fields, Claudy Shoals Christian
Dumas, Katie Lawrence County HS
Leon, Dania 13:34.29 Athens High School
Sanders, Kate 14:26.46 Athens High School
Owens, Maggie 15:05.68 Shoals Christian
Saylor, Sophie 15:16.35 Shoals Christian
Diaz, Karime 15:24.00 Athens High School
Hellebrand, Mollye 15:35.00 Decatur High School
Romine, Lacey 15:47.78 Athens High School
Lively, Lucy 15:59.51 Decatur High School
Sanders, Tessa 16:00.87 St Bernard
Broyles, Kylie 16:09.11 Athens High School
Botto, Bes 16:25.25 Decatur High School
Merrill, Bodey 16:29.96 Lauderdale County
Marbut, Seianna 16:36.06 West Limestone
Vicente, Linda 16:38.98 Athens High School
Cortes, Sarah 16:40.09 St Bernard
LeMay, Morgan 16:41.25 Brooks
Stewart, Claire 16:43.47 Decatur High School
Adams, Ruth 16:56.00 St Bernard
West, Audree 17:15.23 Belgreen
Cole, Rachel 17:16.64 Brooks
Benson, Gracie 17:21.60 Florence High School
Abbott, Kenzly 17:26.40 Belgreen
Chatterton, McKenna 17:30.05 Brooks
Donagustin, Lidseidy 17:34.83 Belgreen
Tanksley, Maddie 17:35.73 Athens High School
Hernandez, Arela 17:44.75 Austin
Lovelady, Callie Ann 17:49.36 Lawrence County HS
Poovey, Sarah 18:09.83 Florence High School
Williams, Sophie 18:39.13 Lauderdale County
Willingham, Lilliana 18:42.87 Belgreen
McCool, Elizabeth 18:45.98 Decatur High School
Richeson, Katie 18:50.88 Belgreen
Matthews, Miriam 19:11.28 Decatur High School
Blackburn, Leah 19:12.58 Belgreen
Malone, Macy 20:00.00 Florence High School
Vicente Alvarado, Sucely 20:13.57 West Limestone
Pigg, Ella 20:36.29 Lauderdale County
Romero, Ashly 20:41.40 West Limestone
Jimenez, Viveka 21:27.98 Athens High School
Davis, Marley 21:31.40 Athens High School
Kennum, Gabby 21:40.76 Athens High School
Mauter, Chloe 22:50.03 St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Hernandez-Becerro, Ashley 23:24.04 Austin
Ambrosio, Naylin 24:36.47 St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Pham, Nhu 25:20.24 St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
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Varsity Boys 5,000 Meter Run 294 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Potts, David Lexington
Morris, Slade Hardin Co. High School
Perez, Ismael Tharptown
Hooper, Channing Tupelo High School
Silas, Damion Haleyville High School
Rosales, Diego Corinth High School
Pyron, Riley Marion County
Russell, Walker Tupelo High School
Roberts, Michael Hatton
Herring, Mason Russellville
Ogles, Grant Athens Bible School
Triance, Nicholas Winston County High School
Martinez, Eric Haleyville High School
Perez, Joel Tharptown
Mena-Aranda, Jorge Austin
Craig, Austin Clements
Stephens, Carter Marion County
Whaley, Brett Haleyville High School
Vianco, Jacob Athens High School
Wright, Sterling Colbert Heights
Williams, Taylor Colbert Heights
Dennis, Walker Hardin Co. High School
Holcombe, Draven Waterloo High School
ONeal, Braxton Tupelo High School
Bell, Zack Covenant Christian
Zimmerman, Bruce Cherokee
Clark, Tyler Haleyville High School
Solis, Maynor Corinth High School
Sanchez, Daniel Ardmore High School
Henson, Eli Colbert Heights
Triance, Griffin Winston County High School
Aguilar, Alisan Hardin Co. High School
Garcia, Angel Tharptown
Shelton, Andrew West Limestone
Christ, Daniel Elkmont High School
Crumpton, Isaac Colbert Heights
Jiminez, Mario Russellville
Goss, Cameron Central - Florence
Casteel, Jacob Hardin Co. High School
Goacher, Brocke Waterloo High School
Wilson, Devin Covenant Christian
Elliot, Cooper Corinth High School
Taylor, Kohlton Haleyville High School
Hays, Seth Tupelo High School
Welborn, Mitch Clements
Herdzik, Max Marion County
Mears, Kaiden Ardmore High School
Anderson, Jack Athens High School
Frederick, Michael Colbert Heights
Owens, Brayson West Limestone
Hodges, Hunter Hardin Co. High School
Santibanez, Ricky Tharptown
Cannon, Eli Tupelo High School
Dean, JB Cherokee
Honey, Jon Haleyville High School
Wofford, Blake Hatton
Martinez, Kaven Russellville
Bridges, Draven Hardin Co. High School
Scott, Connor Waterloo High School
Lucas, Leonardo Tharptown
Lua, Josue Austin
Cagle, Cody Haleyville High School
Durham, Luke Clements
LeDuke, Reagan Marion County
Perez, Miguel Belgreen
Bath, Zachary Athens Bible School
Davis, Brody Athens High School
Roberson, Riley Colbert Heights
Key, Milan Muscle Shoals High
Brown, Taylor 16:03.20 Tupelo High School
Joiner, Steele 16:04.99 Lawrence County HS
Hurt, Trey 16:05.91 Florence High School
LeGoff, Parker 16:39.60 Corinth High School
Branscome, Harper 17:03.84 Muscle Shoals High
Bridges, Jaheim 17:14.70 Tupelo High School
Bradford, Jack 17:31.98 Athens Bible School
Woodall, Henry 17:40.97 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Windham, Brock 17:45.93 Mars Hill Bible
Martin-Pascual, Lisandro 17:48.70 Corinth High School
Aguilar- Arriaga , Jiovany 17:49.80 St Bernard
Kuntz, Alex 17:49.81 Elkmont High School
Richardson, Carter 17:50.55 Ardmore High School
Jurhs, Josh 17:53.94 Athens High School
Simmons, Bounds 17:54.00 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Dickson, Ben 17:54.90 Florence High School
Weaver, Bryce 17:57.89 Tupelo High School
Stough, Canaan 18:06.05 Belgreen
Graham, Blake 18:11.12 Lawrence County HS
Savoie, Asa 18:16.99 Athens High School
Vela, Edwin 18:17.81 Tharptown
Scott, Jon 18:18.37 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Hooper, Robert 18:20.07 Tupelo High School
Glover, John 18:20.16 Covenant Christian
Price, Caleb 18:21.15 Florence High School
Draper, John Thomas 18:23.71 Corinth High School
Godwin, Carson 18:24.60 Lawrence County HS
Steward, Will 18:25.90 Corinth High School
Venegas, Ricardo 18:26.83 Corinth High School
Masterson, Carson 18:32.16 Hatton
Evans, Ross 18:33.50 Corinth High School
Jones, Wyatt 18:35.69 Decatur High School
Kidd, Dakota 18:39.47 Hatton
Lawson, Chase 18:41.50 Brooks
Ayala, Andrew 18:43.94 Corinth High School
Soria, Jeremiah 18:44.68 Lawrence County HS
Parnell, Jude 18:45.39 Athens High School
Puckett, Daniel 18:50.54 West Limestone
Sauceda, Guillermo 18:50.62 Central - Florence
Park, Elijah 18:51.53 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Elkins, Brayden 18:51.62 Austin
Hillis, Ben 18:51.65 Florence High School
Crosslin, Isaiah 18:53.07 Hatton
Lambert, Elijah 18:53.67 Central - Florence
Bennett, Jeremiah 18:53.85 West Limestone
Evans, Samuel 18:54.07 Corinth High School
Bozeman, Riley 18:55.16 Florence High School
Warren, Clark 18:55.22 Brooks
Hogan, Hayden 18:55.97 Ardmore High School
Chittam, Drake 18:56.01 Ardmore High School
Peters, John Wesley 19:00.20 Decatur High School
Woods, Tyler 19:02.27 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Huston, Ryan 19:02.48 Covenant Christian
Williams, Jonathan 19:03.73 Athens High School
Kirby, Dorean 19:04.70 Lawrence County HS
Hernandez, Ricardo 19:04.70 Corinth High School
Leonard, James 19:09.63 Athens High School
Parker, Kain 19:10.21 Lawrence County HS
Drewery, Chase 19:16.10 Corinth High School
Becerra, Brandon 19:16.66 Tupelo High School
Webster, Aidan 19:16.84 West Limestone
Nuckolls, Will 19:18.20 Corinth High School
Buck, Ethan 19:19.97 Muscle Shoals High
Fortenberry, Eli 19:20.19 Athens Bible School
Hellebrand, Samuel 19:22.08 Decatur High School
Hilb, Jacob 19:22.60 St Bernard
Moore, Tucker 19:24.66 Rogers
Bissot, Cole 19:25.20 St Bernard
Bendall, Brady 19:25.40 Muscle Shoals High
Arguello, Julio 19:27.60 Corinth High School
Hooper, Xander 19:29.52 Tupelo High School
Pierce, Kayden 19:29.84 Hatton
Smith, Christian 19:32.55 West Limestone
Draper, Robert 19:35.09 Corinth High School
Mateo, Oscar 19:40.33 Russellville
Guimarin, Caden 19:40.48 Athens High School
Peters, Andrew 19:44.37 Decatur High School
Shook, Dawton 19:44.66 Winston County High School
Shaw, Jacob 19:45.23 Austin
Cortes, Adrian 19:51.37 St Bernard
Greenhill, Xander 19:55.25 Russellville
Lumpkins, Preston 19:55.29 Mars Hill Bible
Kitchen, Michael 19:56.57 Athens High School
Walker, Andrew 19:57.28 Florence High School
Kilpatrick, Samuel 19:58.29 Central - Florence
Davis, George 19:58.85 Corinth High School
Vicencio, Martin 20:00.16 Central - Florence
Rudolph, Preston 20:00.30 Austin
Davis, Wesley 20:04.18 Rogers
Kessler, Carson 20:04.57 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Abernathy, Grayson 20:05.02 Florence High School
Carmichiel, Clark 20:08.60 Corinth High School
Morris, Abel 20:08.81 St Bernard
Valdez, Dylan 20:09.65 Tharptown
Rich, Adam 20:13.27 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
McCreless, Dylan 20:14.21 Austin
Alvis, Jacob 20:14.40 Lawrence County HS
Dickerscheid, MJ 20:14.88 Florence High School
Morrow, Xander 20:23.17 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Burt, Lucas 20:23.30 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Luna, Ivan 20:28.66 Belgreen
Parmley, Ashton 20:28.71 West Limestone
Andres, Miguel 20:29.50 Russellville
Cooper, Eli 20:32.49 Russellville
Murphree, Wyatt 20:32.74 Corinth High School
Cork, Parker 20:34.09 Austin
Ramos, Brandon 20:37.18 Corinth High School
Posadas, Kevin 20:38.46 Corinth High School
Rose, Chase 20:39.74 Hatton
Wood, Davis 20:44.49 Muscle Shoals High
Bozeman, Bodie 20:47.69 Florence High School
Porter, Ty 20:50.35 Athens High School
Meschnark, Ian 20:50.94 Hardin Co. High School
Simms, Wyatt 20:51.57 Athens High School
O'Malley, Ethan 20:52.37 Rogers
Mayfield, Jensen 20:53.35 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Ralios, David 20:53.83 Athens High School
Robins, William 20:55.99 Haleyville High School
Brown, Preston 20:56.33 Elkmont High School
Nelms, Ethan 20:56.52 Corinth High School
Summers, Kyle 20:59.57 Hatton
Bailey, Gabe 21:01.44 Elkmont High School
Roach, Keller 21:01.50 Corinth High School
Thompson, Colin 21:02.31 Covenant Christian
Carpenter, Landon 21:02.31 Hardin Co. High School
Reed, Jackson 21:02.83 Tupelo High School
McFall, Connor 21:04.24 Russellville
Parker, John 21:09.70 Corinth High School
Tapscott, Drew 21:10.18 Austin
Henson, Eli 21:13.45 Muscle Shoals High
Waters, Cooper 21:14.20 Tupelo High School
Stewart, Tait 21:15.37 Decatur High School
Stanley, Corey 21:18.83 Elkmont High School
Braden, Ethan 21:20.67 Clements
Mann, Tyler 21:23.07 Belgreen
Crouch, Karson 21:25.06 West Limestone
Bissot, Reid 21:25.09 St Bernard
Hooks, Landon 21:26.52 Ardmore High School
Ward, Riley 21:27.52 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Craig, Drake 21:30.21 Athens High School
Smith, Cayden 21:30.72 Ardmore High School
Liles, Hunter 21:31.82 Rogers
Kolasa, Jay 21:34.62 Clements
Wampler, Harrison 21:38.00 Tupelo High School
Guthery, Parker 21:39.43 St Bernard
Hodges, Eli 21:41.06 Ardmore High School
Smith, Ayden 21:41.12 Tupelo High School
Nix, Ty 21:45.71 Hatton
Jefcoat, Jude 21:47.27 Corinth High School
Brock, CJ 21:49.81 Ardmore High School
Motes, Hunter 21:51.16 Tharptown
Hightower, John Curtis 21:52.50 Tupelo High School
Roper, Thomas 21:54.34 Tupelo High School
Handley, Kyler 22:00.22 Haleyville High School
Velotta, Tyler 22:01.30 Athens High School
Childs, Eli 22:06.18 Tupelo High School
Gorius, Max 22:10.92 Decatur High School
Crowden, Kaleb 22:11.25 Colbert Heights
Daniel, Elijah 22:14.83 Athens Bible School
Dodson, Chan 22:19.00 Tupelo High School
Hernandez, Cesar 22:24.32 St Bernard
Wells, Jacob 22:26.49 Cherokee
Hines, Landon 22:30.69 Rogers
Ingle, Bryson 22:31.88 Hardin Co. High School
Dickey, Riley 22:32.01 Clements
Garcia, Makan 22:35.47 Corinth High School
Gandy, Reece 22:36.65 Mars Hill Bible
Holman, Eli 22:36.65 Colbert Heights
Romine, Nathan 22:37.19 Athens High School
Davis, Chandler 22:37.26 Austin
Ortiz, Jayce 22:37.33 Athens High School
Kelz, North 22:38.54 Tupelo High School
Jenkins, Caleb 22:40.73 Athens High School
Flores, Yalis 22:41.34 Athens High School
Carroll, Malachi 22:44.17 Haleyville High School
Harris, Reese 22:51.85 Marion County
Glover, Henry 22:53.04 Covenant Christian
Stanfield, Stryder 22:54.90 Lauderdale County
Noel, Glenn 22:54.90 Athens Bible School
Cox, Landon 22:57.25 Belgreen
Ballard, Andrew 23:02.50 Corinth High School
Fleming, Ryan 23:03.01 Elkmont High School
Carpenter, Andrew 23:04.73 Corinth High School
Frasier, Jonathan 23:08.55 Austin
Alexander, Nathanial 23:15.45 Hardin Co. High School
Miller, Brock 23:16.30 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Hernandez-Gonzalez, David 23:16.84 Austin
Marbut, Benjamin 23:17.54 West Limestone
Krieger, Kolton 23:19.50 Brooks
Rebman, Elijah 23:31.00 Central - Florence
Patrick, Isaiah 23:47.01 Covenant Christian
Singleton, Henry 23:49.87 Ardmore High School
Reyes, Angel 23:55.08 Austin
Crowden, Treston 24:00.17 Colbert Heights
Thompson, Andon 24:09.06 Central - Florence
Wu, Ethan 24:12.29 St Bernard
Sain, Gavin 24:16.80 Corinth High School
Ciprian Alvarado, Alex 24:18.08 West Limestone
Haddock, Hayden 24:27.24 Central - Florence
Grosso, Nicholas 24:28.87 Lexington
Miller, Jayson 24:31.98 Haleyville High School
Fairley, Eli 24:43.83 Tupelo High School
Barnes, Noah 24:44.64 West Limestone
Shook, Jadden 24:52.48 Winston County High School
Davis, Braydon 24:53.51 Colbert Heights
Trahan, Joshua 25:08.77 Hardin Co. High School
Bauer, Tom 25:21.45 Athens High School
Farris, Carter 25:24.72 Decatur High School
Burns, John 25:25.00 Covenant Christian
Owens, Adam 25:27.07 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Thomas, Josiah 25:28.03 Colbert Heights
O'Malley, Tyler 25:34.88 Rogers
Owens, Ben 25:46.89 Mars Hill Bible
Hamm, C.J. 27:14.40 Colbert Heights
Adams, Micheael 27:25.49 Elkmont High School
Ivey, Will 27:45.66 Ardmore High School
Sorcia, Johnathon 27:51.24 Corinth High School
Duncan, Brayden 28:01.30 Clements
Mateo, Tino 28:15.46 Russellville
Shaver, Donovan 28:34.90 Athens Bible School
Perez, Gerardo 28:43.73 Russellville
Henry, Joseph 28:58.00 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Paloney, David 31:03.98 Tupelo High School
Studdard, Tildan 31:49.72 Corinth High School
Hamm, Tristan 34:40.13 Colbert Heights
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Varsity Girls 5,000 Meter Run 206 entries

Athlete Seed Team
James, Maddie Tupelo High School
Baltazar, Esmeralda Russellville
Lambert, Caroline Waterloo High School
Yang, Michelle Tupelo Christian Prep School
Aday, Rebecca Colbert Heights
Leon, Elizabeth Athens High School
Coleman, Shelby Hardin Co. High School
Owens, Ari Mars Hill Bible
Rivera, Cadence Haleyville High School
McCay, Marie West Limestone
Kamal, Salma Tupelo High School
Bond, Hannah Waterloo High School
Handing, Angel Hardin Co. High School
Richardson, Maris Corinth High School
Wilson, Abby Tharptown
Enskat, Darcy Clements
Berryman, Hannah Hatton
Chumley, Hannahlin Muscle Shoals High
Paul, Emily Tupelo High School
Elizabeth, Alvarez Russellville
Blevins, Abigail Winston County High School
Gasque, Addison Colbert Heights
Lindsay, AnnaLisa Athens High School
Smith, Jaqueline Hardin Co. High School
Robles, Itzel Decatur High School
Foxworthy, Joclyn Clements
Stewart, Madison Lexington
Galeas, Emily Tupelo High School
Stovall, Aisha Biggersville High School
Pollard, Addie Waterloo High School
Franks, Ally Tupelo Christian Prep School
Lavender, Kiara Tupelo High School
Harville, Kayla Hardin Co. High School
Flores, Yoseline Tharptown
Chewning, Faith Athens High School
Lewis, Camden Corinth High School
Johnigan, Haley Marion County
Shack, Alecia Haleyville High School
Loosier, Ivy Hatton
Mask, Maggie Tupelo High School
Gillis, Maggie Brooks
Wells, Alaia Tupelo High School
Laird, Gracie Corinth High School
White, Sophie Waterloo High School
Hamm, Isabella Colbert Heights
McDonald, Manie Athens High School
Benson, Shelby Tupelo High School
Grimes, Sophie Hardin Co. High School
Pollock, Sarah Mars Hill Bible
Wilson, Aalivia Tharptown
Estepp, Bella Haleyville High School
Foxworthy, Savannah Clements
McCoy, Zah'Nya Tupelo High School
Sisk, Serenity Waterloo High School
Peterson, Pierce Corinth High School
White, Bethany Hardin Co. High School
Coalson, Ivy Tharptown
Lawerence, Claire Athens High School
Harville, Katie Hardin Co. High School
Cooperwood, Kamya Tupelo High School
Wigginton, Lilly Marion County
Boshell, Melissa Haleyville High School
Compton, Addison Tharptown
Walker, Kaylin Tupelo High School
Pettus, Emily Brooks
Graham, Breonna Tupelo High School
Curtis, Sarah Corinth High School
Holcombe, McKenna Waterloo High School
Howell, Brynleigh Colbert Heights
Wood, Emma Hardin Co. High School
Atterberry, Lauren Tupelo High School
Franks, Natalee Tharptown
Clemmons, Whitley Rogers
Martin, Lillian Clements
Coan, Katie Mae 19:08.27 Lawrence County HS
Morgan, Brookelyn 19:22.02 Tupelo High School
Mallette, Caroline 19:26.82 Athens High School
Williams, Taylor 19:36.96 Lawrence County HS
von Herrmann, Ellie 19:39.79 Florence High School
Williams, Savannah 19:40.68 Lawrence County HS
Trimble, Mary Anna 19:48.10 Muscle Shoals High
Embry, Addi 19:51.02 Lauderdale County
Holley, Andi Kate 19:57.10 Corinth High School
Martin, Ava 20:09.78 Lawrence County HS
Kerber, Madilyn 20:18.37 St Bernard
Hall, Emma 20:37.96 Corinth High School
Marsh, Olivia 20:40.53 Lawrence County HS
von Herrmann, Aimee 20:45.92 Florence High School
Cole, Mallory 20:46.50 Brooks
Wilbanks, Elsie 20:58.80 Corinth High School
Marlowe, Ella 21:05.98 Athens High School
Vizcarra, Silvia 21:09.79 Decatur High School
Arnold, Cierra 21:24.32 Hardin Co. High School
Tiemann, Addison 21:26.06 Ardmore High School
Lopez, Neidyn 21:26.54 Hatton
Perkins, Sydney 21:28.44 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Beech, Lauren 21:34.50 Corinth High School
McLemore, Lillie 21:52.22 Lawrence County HS
Faulkner, Lexie 22:01.64 Corinth High School
Grisham, Catherine 22:02.60 Corinth High School
Shipp, Sheridan 22:07.12 Corinth High School
O'Connor, Emma 22:07.61 Clements
Jordan, Ansley 22:07.84 Decatur High School
Powell, Anna Bishop 22:10.50 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Tant, Anne-Marie 22:12.58 Florence High School
Dickerscheid, Taylor 22:13.55 Florence High School
Powell, Ashlyn 22:17.99 Tupelo High School
Wade, Kaylee 22:19.78 Tupelo High School
Dickson, Abigail 22:21.92 Florence High School
Barnes, Maria 22:28.32 Florence High School
Henson, Zoe 22:32.23 Colbert Heights
Betterton, Grace 22:34.10 Ardmore High School
Owens, Layla 22:35.51 Hatton
Coffey, Camryn 22:36.79 Decatur High School
Poss, Anne Harris 22:37.08 Florence High School
Calhoun, Sabrina 22:37.25 Hatton
Luna, Breanna 22:39.52 Lawrence County HS
Boyles, Katie Beth 22:40.22 Haleyville High School
McDaniel, Erin 22:44.80 Brooks
Fielder, Ava 22:46.97 Rogers
Barksdale, Olivia 22:53.63 Tupelo High School
Lyles, Olivia 22:58.90 Austin
McKinnon, Sydney 23:00.12 Mars Hill Bible
Garrison, Chasty 23:03.02 Winston County High School
Scruggs, Emma 23:06.20 Tupelo High School
Shaw, Kristen 23:08.30 Colbert Heights
Hendrick, Zoe 23:13.40 Tupelo High School
Hernandez, Daisy 23:15.01 Elkmont High School
Aranda, Brenda 23:16.77 Hatton
Harris, Annabella 23:17.13 Central - Florence
Callan, Ruby 23:17.21 Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Davis, Paige 23:28.59 Lauderdale County
Montgomery, Nicole 23:30.22 Austin
Motsinger, Anna 23:33.70 Austin
Pascual, Odilia 23:37.93 Corinth High School
Wampler, Hailey 23:40.35 Tupelo High School
Vargas Nava, Vanessa 23:45.05 West Limestone
Rink, Rosemary 23:45.25 Athens High School
Mathis, Adelyn 23:53.68 Corinth High School
Nethery, Emma 24:02.18 Haleyville High School
Montgomery, Gracie 24:02.32 Tharptown
Bucy, Kylee 24:09.68 Rogers
Hight, Katie 24:09.71 Austin
Edwards, Emberly 24:09.87 Hatton
Gates, Madison 24:12.23 Corinth High School
Collins, Kristen 24:14.45 Muscle Shoals High
James, RayAnna 24:19.00 Colbert Heights
Largo, Daniela 24:20.98 Haleyville High School
Cox, Tetiya 24:21.10 Corinth High School
Sowell, Hannah 24:26.32 Austin
Williams, Rachel 24:29.60 Corinth High School
McMillin, Ansley 24:30.57 Tupelo High School
Tidwell, Landree 24:53.48 Tupelo High School
Carter, Kaylee 24:53.63 Athens Bible School
Grimes, Dakota 24:53.70 Corinth High School
Vicente, Modesta 25:01.24 Athens High School
Rushing, Anna 25:07.02 Muscle Shoals High
Pistorius, Mary 25:07.80 Decatur High School
Morris, Abby 25:14.17 Muscle Shoals High
Bruns, Kierra 25:29.00 Colbert Heights
McCabe, Natalie 25:32.74 Muscle Shoals High
Kelley, Bailey 25:38.72 Winston County High School
Wright, Alyssa 25:39.54 Rogers
Singleton, Lela 25:40.45 Tupelo High School
Welborn, Chloe 25:45.31 Hatton
Vicente, Soledad 25:45.92 Athens High School
Willingham, Noelle 25:47.61 Belgreen
Terry, Bella 25:50.91 Clements
Briggs, Briley 26:02.54 Corinth High School
Mitchell, Ansley 26:04.89 Tupelo High School
Lucas, Zoe 26:05.04 Marion County
Johnstone, Catherine 26:13.00 Athens High School
Taylor, Anne 26:19.79 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Estrado, Maria J. 26:22.29 Belgreen
Sowell, Erin 26:27.10 Austin
Edwards, Elexus 26:30.10 Austin
Williams, Matilda 26:33.00 Lexington
Barrier, Sophia 26:34.50 Mars Hill Bible
Pate, Lindsey 26:41.15 Colbert Heights
Derr, Ashlyn 26:56.98 Mars Hill Bible
Tidwell, Juliana 27:04.01 Winston County High School
Rivera, Anahi 27:07.30 Corinth High School
Timmons, Marianna 27:08.20 Tupelo High School
Montgomery, Autumn 27:10.12 Tharptown
Jaynes, Lydia 27:13.13 Rogers
Sabina, Tara 27:15.40 Biggersville High School
Mateo, Catalina 27:25.66 Russellville
Shukla, Neela 27:31.31 Florence High School
Franks, Ella 27:47.66 Colbert Heights
Foster, Karlee 27:51.92 Colbert Heights
Cornelius, Aslin 27:53.69 Tupelo Christian Prep School
Springer, Savannah 27:55.61 Lexington
Almasari, Nada 28:08.63 Tupelo High School
McDonald, Abigail 28:18.86 Winston County High School
Childs, Reigan 28:23.87 Tupelo High School
Howell, Gracie 28:24.66 Elkmont High School
Smith, Lucy 28:27.76 Corinth High School
Green, Meagan 29:07.05 Austin
Mendoza, Janet 29:07.40 Decatur High School
Dobbs, Brienna 29:19.78 Athens High School
Hart, Ashley 29:23.97 Central - Florence
Silva, Ana 29:44.52 Colbert Heights
Grace, Kaylea 29:52.93 Corinth High School
Roberts, Caroline 31:14.54 Athens High School
Brooks, Madeline 32:13.29 Corinth High School
McCraw, Kaycen 32:41.14 Colbert Heights
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