Brooks Lions Cross Country Invitational 2019

Florence, AL
Hosted by Brooks

Athlete Entries

JV Boys 2.1 Mile Run 143 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Clinard, Logan West Limestone
Dowdy, Cade Brooks
Thomas, Brock Athens Bible School
Burt, Lucas Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Narmore, Mason Lawrence County HS
Martin, Jared Winston County High School
Garcia, Makan Corinth High School
Brandon, Jace St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Dixon, Dash Austin
Padgett, Cade Lawrence County HS
Gautreaux, Lucas Muscle Shoals High
O'Malley, Ethan Rogers
Collins, Jackson Muscle Shoals High
Ivey, Will Ardmore High School
Rutledge, Hudson Corinth High School
Quillen, River Phil Campbell
Rich, Logan Wilson High School
Macri, Joe Bob Jones
Gorius, Max Decatur High School
Bozeman, Riley Florence High School
Cairns, John Bob Jones
Bruder, Bryson West Limestone
Nelms, Ethan Corinth High School
Carter, Dylan Athens Bible School
Davis, Chandler Austin
White, Aaron Lawrence County HS
Chappelle, Ethan Corinth High School
McCreless, Dylan Austin
Parker, Kain Lawrence County HS
Braden, Ethan Clements
Shores, Zander Muscle Shoals High
Fortune, Joey St. Ann Catholic School
Oyervidez, Kohl Decatur High School
Joiner, Cohen Florence High School
Burns, John Covenant Christian
Willett, Johnathan Bob Jones
Wallander, Easton Wilson High School
Castille, David East Lawrence High School
Thompson, Triston West Limestone
Bryan, Nate Bob Jones
Wilson, Kelique Central - Florence
Gault, Tanner Brooks
Noel, Glenn Athens Bible School
Morrow, Xander Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Ergle, Dakota Winston County High School
Murphree, Wyatt Corinth High School
Leopard, Ben Athens Bible School
Black, Cade St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Wood, Brandon Austin
Drane, Hunter Lawrence County HS
Raper, Grant Muscle Shoals High
Gaisser, Blazer Phil Campbell
Dalton, Piers Rogers
Cook, Hudson Muscle Shoals High
Hodges, Eli Ardmore High School
Wickwire, Ian St. Ann Catholic School
Sain, Gavin Corinth High School
Glover, Henry Covenant Christian
Abston, Cole Wilson High School
Pimmel, Matthew Bob Jones
Peters, Andrew Decatur High School
James, Jordan Florence High School
Martinez, Reyli West Limestone
Jones, Parker Brooks
Gaines, Brandon Athens Bible School
Posey, Will Lawrence County HS
Draper, John Thomas Corinth High School
Armstrong, Brock Austin
Gonzalez, Domenic Lawrence County HS
Duncan, Brayden Clements
Watkins, Cole Muscle Shoals High
Thompson, Carter Wilson High School
Farris, Carter Decatur High School
Hall, Lucas Florence High School
Hall, Braden Thomas Muscle Shoals High
Thompson, Colin Covenant Christian
Hill, Gavin Bob Jones
Gonzalez, Daniel Phil Campbell
Hodges, Brady East Lawrence High School
Bucy, Wade Bob Jones
Stewart, Tait Decatur High School
Kilpatrick, Samuel Central - Florence
Shaver, Donovan Athens Bible School
Studdard, Tildan Corinth High School
Barnes, Jonathan Athens Bible School
Eckl, Dan St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Hubbard, Elijah Austin
Duncan, Spencer Lawrence County HS
Wood, Davis Muscle Shoals High
Barton, Blake Phil Campbell
Cornelio, Santiago Austin
Dixon, Connor Rogers
Dutton, Noah Lawrence County HS
Daniel, Christian Muscle Shoals High
Singleton, Henry Ardmore High School
Dominguez Gomez, Diego St. Ann Catholic School
Carpenter, Andrew Corinth High School
Smith, Cayden Covenant Christian
Franks, Freddy Wilson High School
Allen, Isaac Bob Jones
Horton, Aedyn Wilson High School
Jones, Wyatt Decatur High School
McClanahan, Cole Florence High School
Stanley, Brannon West Limestone
Soria, Tyler Brooks
Ledbetter, Will Athens Bible School
Rich, Adam Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Harville, Jacob Lawrence County HS
Shook, Dawton Winston County High School
Evans, Samuel Corinth High School
Haavik, Adrian Austin
Graham, Blake Lawrence County HS
Kolasa, Jay Clements
Crumpton, Cash Muscle Shoals High
Trousdale, Carson Wilson High School
Branscome, Harper Muscle Shoals High
Barnette, Will Covenant Christian
Sundermann, Brody Bob Jones
Allison, Alex Phil Campbell
O'Malley, Tyler Rogers
Smith, Jacob East Lawrence High School
Byrd, Matthew Bob Jones
Hellebrand, Samuel Decatur High School
Stringer, Koda West Limestone
Stanfield, Stryder Lauderdale County
Venegas, Ricardo Corinth High School
Bradford, AJ Athens Bible School
Hardy, Brooks St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Frasier, Jonathan Austin
Borden, Hayden Lawrence County HS
Davis, Max Muscle Shoals High
Cork, Parker Austin
Denham, Maddox Lawrence County HS
Beane, Matthew Clements
McCrary, Conner Muscle Shoals High
Brock, CJ Ardmore High School
Nolasco-Aranda, David St. Ann Catholic School
Bush, Lennon Corinth High School
Patrick, Isaiah Covenant Christian
Cushing, Parker Bob Jones
King, Masen Wilson High School
Foote, James Decatur High School
Price, Caleb Florence High School
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JV Girls 2.1 Mile Run 124 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Ciara Corinth High School
Grundevik, Julia Bob Jones
Hester, Christlian Phil Campbell
Deaton, Sydney Shoals Christian
McCool, Elizabeth Decatur High School
Galloway, Lydia Florence High School
Smith, Laneigh Central - Florence
Marbut, Seianna West Limestone
Moss, Lillian Athens Bible School
Smith, Whitney Lawrence County HS
harrell, Hope St. Ann Catholic School
Parker, Hala Austin
Loaeza, Saide St. Ann Catholic School
Lewis, Camden Corinth High School
Motes, Kaylie Phil Campbell
Coranado, Aileen Austin
Rush, Jamara Lawrence County HS
Coats, Cameron Wilson High School
Regan, Kate Muscle Shoals High
Benson, Gracie Florence High School
Grimes, Dakota Corinth High School
Bennett, Abigail Bob Jones
Saylor, Sophie Shoals Christian
Vizcarra, Silvia Decatur High School
Hendrickson, Solana Central - Florence
West, Sydnee Belgreen
Newman, Karina Brooks
Perkins, Sydney Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Fisher, Taylor Athens Bible School
Fields, Claudette St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Curtis, Karley Winston County High School
Wilson, Skylar Muscle Shoals High
Poss, Anne Harris Florence High School
Beaudoin, Cathy St. Ann Catholic School
Wilbanks, Elsie Corinth High School
Pounders, Cydnie Phil Campbell
Carillo, Melany Austin
McGee, Blakely Rogers
Edwards, Caroline Lawrence County HS
Cox, Tetiya Corinth High School
Fisher, Mary Beth Phil Campbell
Stewart, Claire Decatur High School
Dickerscheid, Taylor Florence High School
Vicente Alvarado, Sucely West Limestone
Edwards, Elexus Austin
Lovelady, Callie Ann Lawrence County HS
Newman, Amber Clements
Harrell, Hollie St. Ann Catholic School
Mathis, Adelyn Corinth High School
Gaisser, Harmony Phil Campbell
Motsinger, Anna Austin
Bell, Symia Lawrence County HS
Rideout, Alyssa Wilson High School
Love, Canie Muscle Shoals High
Dawson, Claire Florence High School
Grace, Kaylea Corinth High School
Wilhelm, Corinne Bob Jones
Irwin, Kayla Shoals Christian
Coffey, Camryn Decatur High School
Lambert, Caroline Central - Florence
LouAllen, Arin Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Piscitelli, Brooke Athens Bible School
Tant, Anne Marie St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Massey, Chelsey Winston County High School
McElroy, Skylar Lawrence County HS
Barnes, Maria Florence High School
Nobbley, Emily St. Ann Catholic School
Perez, Vanessa Corinth High School
Garth, Alayna Austin
Jaynes, Lydia Rogers
Brooks, Madeline Corinth High School
Garrison, Lydia Phil Campbell
Haygood, Heather Wilson High School
Shukla, Neela Florence High School
Willingham, Noelle Belgreen
Romero, Ashly West Limestone
Corum, Kylie Lauderdale County
Grisham, Catherine Corinth High School
Anderson, Asia Brooks
Britnell, Hannah Athens Bible School
Tays, Macy St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Terry, Bella Clements
Breedwell, Arleigh Winston County High School
Dagnino, Karime St. Ann Catholic School
Shipp, Sheridan Corinth High School
Hester, Memoree Phil Campbell
Pascual, Irene Austin
McLemore, Lillie Lawrence County HS
Moore, Emma Muscle Shoals High
Dickson, Abigail Florence High School
Moss, Greenlee Corinth High School
Spindle, Aubrey Bob Jones
Duncan, Emma Phil Campbell
Owens, Maggie Shoals Christian
Puckett, Aaliyah Decatur High School
Tyree, Emmaline Central - Florence
Vargas Nava, Vanessa West Limestone
Moody, Anna Athens Bible School
Lin, Kelli St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
Martin, Ava Lawrence County HS
Brake, Elizabeth Florence High School
Ramirez, Yaretzi St. Ann Catholic School
Welch, Nealey Corinth High School
Montgomery, Nicole Austin
Holley, Andi Kate Corinth High School
Gunderman, Lara Phil Campbell
Sowell, Erin Austin
Miller, Kylie Wilson High School
Jackson, Natalee Florence High School
Mitschelen, Ava Bob Jones
Walter, Ericka Decatur High School
Lindsey, Crimson Belgreen
Beech, Lauren Corinth High School
Smith, Emily Brooks
Butler, Kaleigh Athens Bible School
Sidley, Caroline St. Joseph Regional Catholic Sch
McDonald, Abigail Winston County High School
Self, Jackie Muscle Shoals High
Poovey, Sarah Florence High School
Ramos, Jasmine St. Ann Catholic School
Smith, Lucy Corinth High School
Warhurst, Jesse Phil Campbell
Roman, Ashley Austin
Ledlow, Madison Lawrence County HS
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Varsity Boys 5,000 Meter Run 338 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Galliano, Jackson Belgreen
Hawkins, Chase Brooks
Turner, Griffin Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Crunk, Carson Lauderdale County
Elkins, Brayden Austin
Daniel, Brodie Hatton
Breen, Quincy Bob Jones
Raper, Sean Muscle Shoals High
Cioppi, Alexander Madison Academy
Adams, Jonah Ardmore High School
Foster, Tyler Mars Hill Bible
Wright, Sawyer Deshler High School
Long, Jack Elkmont High School
Ezell, Everson Prattville High School
Parker, John Corinth High School
McCleese, Brandon Phil Campbell
Liles, Hunter Rogers
George, Ethan Hatton
Martin, Joshua Decatur High School
Hillis, Ben Florence High School
Dahlin, Pierson Bob Jones
Smith, Jonah Elkmont High School
Epperson, William Prattville High School
Nuckolls, Will Corinth High School
Boyles, Nathan Haleyville High School
Brown, Gabe Decatur High School
Infanger, Ian Florence High School
Skelley, Cooper Bob Jones
Gooch, Sam Mars Hill Bible
Hill, Alan Deshler High School
Box, Maddox Central - Florence
Mann, Cameron Mars Hill Bible
Jeffreys, Colson Deshler High School
McNatt, Davis Covenant Christian
Davenport, Peyton East Lawrence High School
Price, Cap Prattville High School
Steward, Will Corinth High School
Handley, Kyler Haleyville High School
Padgett, Zachary Lawrence County HS
Marks, Heath Wilson High School
Brown, Mason Athens Bible School
Ciprian Alvarado, Alex West Limestone
Cox, Landon Belgreen
Waddell, Christopher Athens Bible School
Scone, Dante West Limestone
Gaspar, Juan Austin
Espinosa, Victor Corinth High School
Joiner, Steele Lawrence County HS
Milender, Jacob Colbert Heights
Ponds, Nikolas Hardin Co. High School
Burkhart, Tanner Muscle Shoals High
Francis, Keaton Central - Florence
Johnson, Daniel Madison Academy
Summers, Kyle Hatton
Dickerscheid, MJ Florence High School
Hill, Alexander Bob Jones
Woody, Aiden Deshler High School
Clem, Jack Madison Academy
Lawson, Chase Brooks
McKinnon, Drew Mars Hill Bible
Peden, Jake Deshler High School
Hast, Hunter Elkmont High School
Dempsey, Eli Winston County High School
Woodfin, Sam Prattville High School
Posadas, Kevin Corinth High School
Laster, Jaden Tharptown
Phillips, Jackson Rogers
Rose, Chase Hatton
McCormick, Tyler Decatur High School
Dickey, Riley Clements
Clark, Jackson Florence High School
Bublitz, Nathan Bob Jones
McLeod, Skyler Ardmore High School
Watkins, Xander Corinth High School
Marbutt, Jay Haleyville High School
Brake, John Florence High School
Uchitel, Sam Bob Jones
Owens, Ben Mars Hill Bible
Allen, Breten Deshler High School
Brackin, Andrew Covenant Christian
Payne, Jeffery Elkmont High School
Maylin, Clayton Prattville High School
Perry, Jonathan Central - Florence
Cioppi, Nick Madison Academy
Padron, Kevin Deshler High School
Smith, Caleb East Lawrence High School
Nummy, Brodie Prattville High School
Bradford, Jack Athens Bible School
Navas, Ethan West Limestone
Jerrolds, Myles Hardin Co. High School
Coggins, Seth Austin
Draper, Robert Corinth High School
Smith, Gracen Haleyville High School
Godwin, Carson Lawrence County HS
Crowden, Kaleb Colbert Heights
Robertson, Jakob Muscle Shoals High
King, Will Belgreen
Lopez, Jason Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Tapscott, Drew Austin
Louallen, Rhett Hatton
Brazeal, Luke Bob Jones
Granger, Zach Muscle Shoals High
Davis, Aaron Madison Academy
Galliart, Harrison Decatur High School
Vanveckhoven, George Florence High School
Baer, Adam Bob Jones
Flannagan, Andrew Ardmore High School
Heupel, Carson Mars Hill Bible
Richards, Jacob Deshler High School
Fleming, Ryan Elkmont High School
Jones, Ethan Prattville High School
Ramos, Brandon Corinth High School
Benford, Trey Phil Campbell
Moore, Tucker Rogers
Nix, Ty Hatton
Kuntz, Alex Elkmont High School
Gibson, Taylor Prattville High School
Evans, Ross Corinth High School
Carroll, Malachi Haleyville High School
Fowlkes, Kelby Rogers
Harville, Hunter Hatton
Betterton, Russell Decatur High School
King, Gabriel Clements
Rubolin, David Florence High School
Garrison, James Bob Jones
Windham, Brock Mars Hill Bible
Hill, Brian Deshler High School
Patel, Arya Wilson High School
Barrier, Samuel Mars Hill Bible
Hester, Jay Deshler High School
Huston, Ryan Covenant Christian
Izquierdo, David East Lawrence High School
Thornhill, Nickolas Prattville High School
Drewery, Chase Corinth High School
Robins, William Haleyville High School
Williams, Gavin Lawrence County HS
Vande Griend, Isaiah Madison Academy
Arensmeyer, Kaleb Prattville High School
Daniel, Elijah Athens Bible School
Waters, Andrew West Limestone
Atchley, Dameon Austin
Parker, Joel Corinth High School
Hollis, Bruce Lawrence County HS
Balta, Skyler Colbert Heights
Alexander, Nathanial Hardin Co. High School
Kroeger, Noah Muscle Shoals High
Kelly, Grant Central - Florence
Anderson, Brady Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Corum, Colby Lauderdale County
Crosslin, Ian Hatton
Price, Joel Florence High School
Kosan, Ben Bob Jones
David, Aiden Deshler High School
Busby, Carter Madison Academy
King, Cole Belgreen
Tyra, Brody Brooks
Richardson, Carter Ardmore High School
Mann, William Mars Hill Bible
Smith, Jake Deshler High School
Plummer, Ayden Lexington
Pryor, Jonathan Elkmont High School
Story, Michael Prattville High School
Gibson, Jack Corinth High School
Malone, Brayden Tharptown
Dunn, Matt Phil Campbell
Biffle, Jonathan Rogers
Masterson, Carson Hatton
Peters, John Wesley Decatur High School
Jones, Zac Clements
Beasley, Griffin Florence High School
Bender, Ryan Bob Jones
Grimes, Scott Corinth High School
Cardona, Moises Haleyville High School
McCormick, Henry Decatur High School
Creel, Carter Florence High School
Parsons, James Bob Jones
Bates, Ty Mars Hill Bible
Landers, Logan Deshler High School
Owens, JonMikel Elkmont High School
Smith, Justus Prattville High School
Curry, Lucas Central - Florence
Johnson Jr, Braxton Madison Academy
Franks, Jackson Central - Florence
Buckner, Brayden Deshler High School
Knop, Peyton East Lawrence High School
Dudle, Nick Prattville High School
Richter, Drake Athens Bible School
Webster, Aidan West Limestone
Cory, Karson Hardin Co. High School
Ruiz, Saul Austin
LeGoff, Parker Corinth High School
Armstrong, Hayden Haleyville High School
Soria, Jeremiah Lawrence County HS
Franks, Chase Wilson High School
Holman, Eli Colbert Heights
Mann, Tyler Belgreen
Ulrich, Nicolas Athens Bible School
Ward, Riley Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Cross, Evan Austin
McKinney, Eric Bob Jones
Henson, Eli Muscle Shoals High
Parvin, Garrett Madison Academy
Vences, Antolin Decatur High School
Phillips, Cosmo Florence High School
Morrell, Zachary Bob Jones
Hogan, Hayden Ardmore High School
Phillips, Luke Mars Hill Bible
Simms, Josh Deshler High School
Fleming, Will Elkmont High School
Masterson, Kyler Hatton
Brown, Preston Elkmont High School
Hiday, Kyle Prattville High School
Prather, Michael Corinth High School
Stamps, Raleigh Rogers
Lopez, Jairo Hatton
Bownds, John Decatur High School
Kraus, Alex Clements
Trapp, Reed Florence High School
Digges, John Bob Jones
Moore, Logan Ardmore High School
Lumpkins, Preston Mars Hill Bible
Hill, Cody Deshler High School
Carmichiel, Clark Corinth High School
Lara, Oscar Haleyville High School
Owens, Eli Mars Hill Bible
Bernard, Brandon Deshler High School
Huston, Collin Covenant Christian
Davis, Green Prattville High School
Morris, Hunter Madison Academy
Lowery, Connery East Lawrence High School
Bibb, Alex Prattville High School
Fortenberry, Eli Athens Bible School
Owens, Brayson West Limestone
Allison, Hunter Austin
Knippers, Blake Corinth High School
Barber, Lewis Haleyville High School
Denham, Andrew Lawrence County HS
Reyes, Allen Colbert Heights
Ingle, Bryson Hardin Co. High School
Houssine, Leon Muscle Shoals High
Vicencio, Martin Central - Florence
Stough, Canaan Belgreen
Warren, Clark Brooks
Woodall, Henry Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Balentine, Elijah Lauderdale County
Crosslin, Isaiah Hatton
Goldsmith, Ryan Bob Jones
Tidwell, Mason Deshler High School
Elkins, Isaac Madison Academy
Chittam, Drake Ardmore High School
Foster, Ryan Mars Hill Bible
Wallace, Ethan Deshler High School
Miller, Grant Elkmont High School
Cisneros, Kaden Prattville High School
Arguello, Julio Corinth High School
Casasola, Fransisco Phil Campbell
Davis, Wesley Rogers
Kidd, Dakota Hatton
Romero, Anothy Decatur High School
Maldonado, Sebastian Clements
Abernathy, Grayson Florence High School
Pope, Sam Bob Jones
Smith, Christian Elkmont High School
Callahan, David Prattville High School
Wilkerson, Chris Corinth High School
Godsey, Brett Haleyville High School
Coffey, Jackson Decatur High School
Hino, Taiyo Florence High School
Santiago, Mateo Bob Jones
Conner, Caleb Mars Hill Bible
Kimbrough, Austin Deshler High School
Hall, Wes Central - Florence
Farhat, Matthew Madison Academy
Sauceda, Guillermo Central - Florence
Statom, Luke Deshler High School
Garner, Coleman East Lawrence High School
Fuqua, Randy Prattville High School
Olree, Eli Athens Bible School
Parmley, Ashton West Limestone
Hill, Kelton Hardin Co. High School
Lua, Jose Austin
Massengill, Jackson Corinth High School
Bacu, Bryant Haleyville High School
Southern, Conner Lawrence County HS
Bone, Ayden Wilson High School
Williams, Austyn Colbert Heights
Hubbert, Bryant Belgreen
Fortenberry, Grey Athens Bible School
Kitchen, Michael Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Jackson, Levi West Limestone
Shaw, Jacob Austin
Seagroves, Justin Lawrence County HS
Buck, Ethan Muscle Shoals High
Hall, Sam Madison Academy
Robinson, Kalen Florence High School
Spindle, Collin Bob Jones
Roberts, Ryan Ardmore High School
Morgan, Garrett Deshler High School
Adams, Micheael Elkmont High School
Hess, Christian Brooks
Addison, Hayden Hatton
Deaton, Nathan Deshler High School
Stanley, Corey Elkmont High School
Gaddy, Josh Winston County High School
Simmons, Carter Prattville High School
Prather, Mostalgic Corinth High School
Nolen, Winston Tharptown
Malone, Tyler Rogers
Graves, Carson Hatton
Glenn, Jacob Decatur High School
Bates, Andrew Clements
Hurt, Trey Florence High School
Spindle, Bradly Bob Jones
Martin, Jeffrey Ardmore High School
Owens, Sam Mars Hill Bible
Wayne, Will Corinth High School
Smith, Logan Haleyville High School
Jackson, Harrison Bob Jones
Gooch, Bo Mars Hill Bible
Rickard, Riley Deshler High School
Glover, John Covenant Christian
Hammock, Brantley Elkmont High School
Lees, David Prattville High School
Cheek, Matthew Madison Academy
Williams, Brandon Deshler High School
Randolph, Zach East Lawrence High School
Molen, Tyler Prattville High School
Wiles, Ethan Athens Bible School
Barnes, Noah West Limestone
Roach, Matthew Hardin Co. High School
Vandine, Parker Austin
Davis, George Corinth High School
Clark, Garrett Haleyville High School
Kirby, Dorean Lawrence County HS
Hamm, C.J. Colbert Heights
Elgin, Scottie Hardin Co. High School
Bendall, Thomas Muscle Shoals High
Black, Will Central - Florence
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Varsity Girls 5,000 Meter Run 220 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sandlin, Claire Athens Bible School
Brewer, Lauren Lawrence County HS
Marion, Mackenzie Colbert Heights
Barnett, Julia Prattville High School
Peden, McKenzie Deshler High School
Grisham, Catherine Corinth High School
Morris, Abby Muscle Shoals High
Drummond, Abby Madison Academy
Nicholson, Leigh Prattville High School
Milligan, Brooks Anne Corinth High School
Welch, Sierra Austin
Roberts, Hayle Colbert Heights
Montgomery, Autumn Tharptown
McCleese, Adrianna Phil Campbell
Fielder, Ava Rogers
Fretwell, Jillian Hatton
Estrada, Meleni Clements
Malone, Aynslee Ardmore High School
Grosso, Jessica Lexington
Lopez, Neidyn Hatton
Brannon, Morgan Decatur High School
Solomon, Lillie Florence High School
Carter, Sarah Bob Jones
Leon, Elizabeth Elkmont High School
Scott, Sara Vina High School
Rebman, Mary Grace Central - Florence
Pass, Kate Prattville High School
Ramsey, Gracie Deshler High School
Rivera, Anahi Corinth High School
Chabaud, Gracie East Lawrence High School
Rocha, Alex Prattville High School
Hitchborn, Lauren Hardin Co. High School
Pendley, Carlie Haleyville High School
Ramos, Michaela Haleyville High School
Williams, Taylor Lawrence County HS
Jackson, Kaylee Colbert Heights
Trimble, Mary Anna Muscle Shoals High
Keith, Laura Prattville High School
Hill, Emily Deshler High School
Wilbanks, Caroline Corinth High School
Green, Jessie Athens Bible School
Thackston, Sophia Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Embry, Addi Lauderdale County
Dominguez, Christy Austin
Springer, Savannah Lexington
Garrison, Abby Phil Campbell
Thompson, Bailey Muscle Shoals High
Harper, Sara Vina High School
Thomas, Katie Phil Campbell
O'Malley, Katie Rogers
Welborn, Chloe Hatton
Pistorius, Mary Decatur High School
Betterton, Grace Ardmore High School
Hall, Meghan Bob Jones
Derr, Lilliana Mars Hill Bible
Hart, Ashley Central - Florence
Mangini, Alexandra Prattville High School
Welch, Nealey Corinth High School
Guthrie, Emma Elkmont High School
Largo, Daniela Haleyville High School
Bragwell, Aislin Wilson High School
Faulkner, Lexie Corinth High School
Brown, Victorya Athens Bible School
Fant, Robin Hardin Co. High School
Graham, Kylie Lawrence County HS
Shaw, Kristen Colbert Heights
Edwards, Ella Shoals Christian
Holston, Hannah Prattville High School
Wright, Abby Deshler High School
Ezekiel, Kasey Colbert Heights
Haase, Stella Muscle Shoals High
Hart, Aubrey Madison Academy
Holston, Sarah Prattville High School
Reed, Shelby Corinth High School
Sowell, Hannah Austin
Daniel, Emily Lawrence County HS
Woods, Victoria Lexington
Vandiver, Madison Tharptown
Quillen, Kayla Phil Campbell
Poole, Alanna Ardmore High School
Scott, Lacey Vina High School
Dellaporta, Kaysie Hatton
Jordan, Ansley Decatur High School
Ridgeway, Mary Claire Florence High School
Hughes, Lily Bob Jones
Leon, Johana Elkmont High School
Reaves, Emma Mars Hill Bible
Scott, Kilee Central - Florence
Rapson, Ellie Prattville High School
Hill-Hart, Sarah Deshler High School
Grimes, Dakota Corinth High School
Allen, Claudia Elkmont High School
Izquerdero, Devora East Lawrence High School
White, Abby Hardin Co. High School
Flippo, Holly Haleyville High School
Nethery, Emma Haleyville High School
Thuss, Hannah Bob Jones
Lorenzo-Silverio, Karen Austin
Marsh, Olivia Lawrence County HS
Foster, Karlee Colbert Heights
Jurgess, Meagan Muscle Shoals High
Benoist, Anna Grace Prattville High School
Alice Murner, Mary Deshler High School
Perez, Dayana Corinth High School
Hall, Mallory Athens Bible School
Cobern, Ally Prattville High School
Dunn, Melanie Corinth High School
Hight, Katie Austin
Burkhart, Taylor Muscle Shoals High
Shelton, Audrey Vina High School
Roberson, Autumn Phil Campbell
Powers, Celee Beth Rogers
Graves, Mattie Hatton
Baggett, Catie Ardmore High School
Hines, Kinsley Lexington
Allen, Katherine Bob Jones
Derr, Ashlyn Mars Hill Bible
Abell, Sheridan Prattville High School
Chappelle, Anna Claire Corinth High School
Hargrove, Emma Elkmont High School
Baker, Madison Haleyville High School
Amerson, Ally Hatton
Anne Milligan, Brooks Corinth High School
Serrato, Katie West Limestone
Pinkstaff, Ashley Hardin Co. High School
Miller, Emily Haleyville High School
Plaza, Gabriela Lawrence County HS
Pate, Lindsey Colbert Heights
Hutchinson, Arion Prattville High School
Bates, Macon Deshler High School
Martin, Allie Lawrence County HS
Henson, Zoe Colbert Heights
Anderson, Ella Muscle Shoals High
French, Morgan Madison Academy
Mitchell, Stella Prattville High School
Richards, Emma Deshler High School
Decker, Miley Corinth High School
Cole, Mallory Brooks
Furlong, Natalie Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Meneses, Vanessa Austin
McGee, Shyla Lexington
Kelley, Bailey Winston County High School
Martin, Destin Tharptown
Cook, Faith Phil Campbell
Guin, Rayleigh Vina High School
Bush, Kaylee Hatton
Mendoza, Ana Decatur High School
von Herrmann, Ellie Florence High School
Grimes, Madison Bob Jones
Hernandez, Daisy Elkmont High School
McKinnon, Sydney Mars Hill Bible
Kelly, AnaGrace Central - Florence
Turley, Brooke Prattville High School
Armstead, Alanis Deshler High School
Lebaron, Rylyn Corinth High School
Clem, Britney Elkmont High School
Cossey, Kaile Hardin Co. High School
Vickery, Aynelise Haleyville High School
Trapane, Gloria Bob Jones
Green, Jolie Athens Bible School
Soto, Yoselin Austin
Luna, Breanna Lawrence County HS
James, RayAnna Colbert Heights
Terry, Hannah Muscle Shoals High
Washington, Adriyonna Prattville High School
Bernard, Lauren Deshler High School
Hall, Emma Corinth High School
Busby, Caley Madison Academy
Schannep, Rebecca Prattville High School
Johnson, Molly Corinth High School
Velasquez, Samara Austin
Collins, Kristen Muscle Shoals High
Montgomery, Gracie Tharptown
Roberson, Britney Phil Campbell
Bucy, Kylee Rogers
Aranda, Brenda Hatton
Tiemann, Addison Ardmore High School
Grosso, Valerie Lexington
Barbee, Cydney Decatur High School
Callahan, Sydney Florence High School
Carter, Lorin Bob Jones
Brackin, Lindsay Mars Hill Bible
Gagne, Riley Prattville High School
Herrera, Leslie Corinth High School
Guth, Meadow Elkmont High School
Boyles, Katie Beth Haleyville High School
Aranda, Alondra Hatton
Harris, Annabella Central - Florence
McKinnon, Lily Prattville High School
McLeary, Chloe Deshler High School
Archie, Mary Liddon Corinth High School
Arnold, Cierra Hardin Co. High School
Aaron, Anna Haleyville High School
McCraw, Kaycen Colbert Heights
Williams, Savannah Lawrence County HS
Bruns, Kierra Colbert Heights
Rushing, Anna Muscle Shoals High
Gavitt, Patricia Madison Academy
Ragsdale, Catherine Prattville High School
Sellers, Dakoda Deshler High School
Monaghan, Grace Corinth High School
Ledbetter, Tanner Athens Bible School
Lopez, Marissa Lindsay Lane Christian Academy
Lyles, Olivia Austin
Holden, Madalyn Lexington
Scott, Kenner Phil Campbell
Mills, Maddison Vina High School
Gonzalez, Jaine Phil Campbell
Biffle, Jaycee Rogers
Parker, Lauren Hatton
Mendoza, Janet Decatur High School
Rhodes, Isabella Florence High School
Cochran, Victoria Mars Hill Bible
Aycock, Alivia Central - Florence
Wallace, Alexandra Prattville High School
Pascual, Odilia Corinth High School
Ristau, Jazmin Elkmont High School
Boyles, Mae Haleyville High School
Forsythe, Valerie Wilson High School
Sunderman, Ashlee Bob Jones
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