Jesse Owens Classic 2024

Oakville, AL

Jesse Owens Classic 2024 vs Jesse Owens Classic 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +697 3230 2533
Overall Average +19.39 22:44.49 22:25.10
1st-10th Place -6.23 15:14.97 15:21.20
1st-25th Place -4.45 15:32.53 15:36.97
1st-50th Place -8.63 15:47.99 15:56.62
1st-100th Place -13.12 16:07.47 16:20.59
Common Athletes -- -- 270
Ran Faster 156 213 57
Ran Season Best 1 53 52
Average Time -1:17.97 20:50.57 22:08.54
Median Time -1:12.47 20:11.07 21:23.54
Middle 80% Times -1:19.72 20:24.38 21:44.10
Top 10% Times -1:37.61 16:10.73 17:48.33
Top 25% Times -1:32.97 17:01.50 18:34.48
Top 50% Times -1:23.53 18:08.21 19:31.74
Bottom 50% Times -1:12.41 23:32.94 24:45.34
Bottom 25% Times -1:11.79 25:51.45 27:03.23
Bottom 10% Times -44.33 28:59.94 29:44.28
Average Difference -1:17.97 -- --
Median Difference -1:15.49 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:21.17 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:09.41 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:08.19 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:19.03 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:08.19 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:27.74 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:42.16 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:00.93 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
John Shoemaker Oak Mountain HS -3:01.82 14:56.39 17:58.21
Callahan Fielder Brentwood High School -1:13.34 14:59.39 16:12.73
Bryce McCleary Hazel Green -3:55.33 15:00.60 18:55.93
Thomas Arender Pope Saint John Paul II Preparatory School -1:42.12 15:26.42 17:08.54
Bailey Kosko Oxford High School (MS) -2:34.38 15:26.50 18:00.88
Daniel Gill St. Paul's Episcopal -2:24.17 15:47.45 18:11.62
River Richard Pell City High School -1:11.04 15:55.28 17:06.32
Mitchell Schaaf Vestavia Hills HS -1:40.10 15:56.96 17:37.06
Ty Durst Collierville High School -3:05.28 16:00.26 19:05.54
Tynan Borders Signal Mountain High School -1:23.92 16:07.06 17:30.98
Peyton Holderer UMS-Wright -3:08.60 16:13.10 19:21.70
Conner Campbell Chelsea High School -2:57.42 16:13.93 19:11.35
Payne Fielder Brentwood High School -40.08 16:16.74 16:56.82
Andrew Mansfield Christian Academy of Knoxville -3:31.59 16:26.20 19:57.79
Estan Wrights St. Paul's Episcopal -1:32.66 16:27.26 17:59.92
Anglin Young Northridge High School -2:17.88 16:28.05 18:45.93
Joshua Webb Hamilton -4:12.97 16:30.76 20:43.73
James Bentley Vestavia Hills HS -1:29.49 16:32.22 18:01.71
Isaiah Crosslin Hatton -1:21.84 16:35.19 17:57.03
Israel Baird Pell City High School -2:03.38 16:35.49 18:38.87
Alex England Fairview -50.61 16:35.77 17:26.38
Aiden Haack Fred J. Page High School -29.68 16:38.15 17:07.83
Caleb Price Florence High School -1:21.61 16:40.23 18:01.84
Weaver Caldwell Westminster School at Oak Mountain -1:49.09 16:41.59 18:30.68
Pete Douglas Camden Central High School -1:52.97 16:41.73 18:34.70
Luke Marvin Oak Mountain HS -1:49.52 16:45.73 18:35.25
Jayden Bowman Fairview High School -4:38.89 16:51.18 21:30.07
John Thomas Mathison Trinity Presbyterian School -1:21.29 16:52.07 18:13.36
Caden Lindsay Collierville High School -2:42.49 16:52.79 19:35.28
Cayden Smith Athens High School -1:30.55 17:02.26 18:32.81
Auston Wilkes Auburn -1:57.00 17:04.45 19:01.45
Jack Wiggins Lincoln High School (AL) -1:45.15 17:05.27 18:50.42
Bennett Morgan Baker -1:45.42 17:08.79 18:54.21
Henry Livingston Northside -2:34.10 17:10.83 19:44.93
Andrew Cowles Station Camp High School -1:21.03 17:11.47 18:32.50
Joshua Sasser McGill-Toolen Catholic -3:07.36 17:12.58 20:19.94
J Roe Hand UMS-Wright -36.23 17:13.69 17:49.92
Carter Splittgerber Fairview High School -2:05.54 17:15.23 19:20.77
Henry Singleton Ardmore High School -4:26.52 17:15.71 21:42.23
Aaron Davis Lincoln High School (AL) -1:13.10 17:16.04 18:29.14
Anderson Streetman Hamilton -5:15.40 17:17.18 22:32.58
Carter Stephens Marion County -4:56.38 17:17.51 22:13.89
Wilson Holt Vestavia Hills HS -0.86 17:22.08 17:22.94
Wyatt Hamilton Brentwood High School -23.11 17:24.13 17:47.24
Reed Pullias Oakland High School -1:44.97 17:24.77 19:09.74
Price McLemore Montgomery Academy -3:10.44 17:27.59 20:38.03
Will Snyder Florence High School -43.07 17:31.32 18:14.39
Frank Williford Montgomery Academy -1:58.47 17:31.49 19:29.96
David Ralios Athens High School -1:57.91 17:34.40 19:32.31
Kaden Whitaker Hamilton -4:47.67 17:37.77 22:25.44
Daniel Walker Faith Academy -2:30.46 17:37.89 20:08.35
Matt Cone Montgomery Academy -3:38.81 17:37.97 21:16.78
Colin Sabo Collierville High School -1:51.88 17:48.17 19:40.05
Parker Guthery St Bernard -1:05.31 17:48.28 18:53.59
Angel Garcia Tharptown -1:49.39 17:52.38 19:41.77
Turner Chappell Lincoln High School (AL) -1:02.06 17:53.79 18:55.85
Clarence Payne University School of Nashville -2:22.26 17:57.35 20:19.61
Malcolm Warren UMS-Wright -2:17.14 17:58.53 20:15.67
Ben Guthrie Lincoln High School (AL) -33.75 17:58.61 18:32.36
Davis Wylie Vestavia Hills HS -3.88 18:01.69 18:05.57
Ethan Barnes Athens Bible School -3:44.01 18:03.20 21:47.21
Reid Cuthbertson Auburn +4.42 18:10.00 18:05.58
McKinley Zimmerman Fred J. Page High School -1:24.37 18:06.82 19:31.19
Canyon Richardson Northside -6:59.47 18:08.44 25:07.91
Cole McCarty Hamilton -6:30.78 18:09.24 24:40.02
Connor McFall Russellville -3:03.33 18:09.61 21:12.94
Lydia Cromwell Brentwood High School -16.27 18:09.69 18:25.96
Luke Daly St Bernard +4:52.99 23:02.90 18:09.91
Rachel Haws Brentwood High School -37.37 18:11.54 18:48.91
Abby Merner Auburn +39.58 18:52.05 18:12.47
Carter Peebles Brentwood High School -24.01 18:16.77 18:40.78
Jonathan Mohler Harding Academy -49.41 18:20.60 19:10.01
Alex Quintero Tharptown -46.88 18:24.71 19:11.59
Sykes Carlson Altamont -4:36.56 18:31.92 23:08.48
Katie Mae Coan Lawrence County HS -1:08.60 18:32.44 19:41.04
Alan Piceno Oneonta -2:17.73 18:32.96 20:50.69
Abi Cobb Brentwood High School -46.94 18:34.54 19:21.48
Annamaria Bacchetta Harpeth Hall School -1:27.35 18:35.26 20:02.61
Cole Parker Vestavia Hills HS +19.07 18:54.44 18:35.37
Malachi Carroll Haleyville High School -2:25.76 18:37.37 21:03.13
Will Bauer Battle Ground Academy +1:46.64 20:26.26 18:39.62
Spencer Duncan Lawrence County HS -2:08.03 18:43.28 20:51.31
Elijah Lambert Central - Florence -17.78 18:47.12 19:04.90
Hudson Benge McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:07.70 18:48.04 19:55.74
Charlie Krulak Westminster School at Oak Mountain -1:26.63 18:48.20 20:14.83
Will Marsh Lawrence County HS -2:58.89 18:49.32 21:48.21
Drew McKinnon Mars Hill Bible -2:40.76 18:51.09 21:31.85
Ayden Gargis Brooks -1:24.75 18:51.29 20:16.04
Blake Belcher Cold Springs -31.88 18:51.57 19:23.45
Owen Seal Vestavia Hills HS -1:14.82 18:53.61 20:08.43
Lily Bowen Harpeth Hall School -1:51.07 18:56.70 20:47.77
Colby Prosser Thompson -2:15.49 18:57.11 21:12.60
Mallory Helms UMS-Wright -1:19.79 18:57.76 20:17.55
Sophia Boutros Fred J. Page High School +6.85 19:04.86 18:58.01
Shelby Fargason Bayside Academy -2:41.41 18:58.52 21:39.93
Zach Kenyon Battle Ground Academy +47.38 19:46.28 18:58.90
Charlie Davis Westminster School at Oak Mountain -11.59 19:01.28 19:12.87
Malachi Stafford Enterprise High -2:43.44 19:04.06 21:47.50
Kyleigh Carter Hernando High School -2:52.36 19:04.17 21:56.53
Will Posey Lawrence County HS +1:01.66 20:08.99 19:07.33
Hannah Laramore Signal Mountain High School -45.88 19:08.26 19:54.14
Parker Guiterrez Fairview -1:47.65 19:09.22 20:56.87
Walker Bennett Brentwood High School -1:12.01 19:09.72 20:21.73
Alexander Burgess Opelika High School -3:37.22 19:09.91 22:47.13
Joshua Cloer Harding Academy -49.83 19:10.33 20:00.16
Ben Bell Opelika High School -1:07.30 19:10.48 20:17.78
Wyatt Simms Athens High School -1:04.46 19:12.20 20:16.66
Angel Soto-Ceballos Oak Mountain HS -20.06 19:12.53 19:32.59
Scarlett Spender Brentwood High School +2:57.06 22:11.55 19:14.49
Claire Spooner Vestavia Hills HS +51.82 20:07.57 19:15.75
Hunter Smiley Lincoln High School (AL) -8:26.03 19:16.18 27:42.21
Parker Bennett Brentwood High School -1:25.45 19:18.43 20:43.88
Brody Harbin Northside -2:42.30 19:19.54 22:01.84
Bennett Williams Wetumpka -5:00.00 19:19.78 24:19.78
Alexander Matthews Hazel Green -1:50.00 19:25.11 21:15.11
Banks Bradford Scottsboro HS -3:10.28 19:27.87 22:38.15
LJ Millender Lincoln High School (AL) -37.99 19:28.35 20:06.34
David Cooke McGill-Toolen Catholic -28.28 19:28.69 19:56.97
Andrew Landreth Vinemont High School -6:00.45 19:32.90 25:33.35
Ayden Hawkins Lincoln High School (AL) -1:23.51 19:35.21 20:58.72
Luke White Bayside Academy -3:09.78 19:35.92 22:45.70
Hunter Davis Lincoln High School (AL) -36.60 19:37.76 20:14.36
Juliette Edwards Chelsea High School -2:38.53 19:38.07 22:16.60
Emma McCrea Enterprise High -1:43.92 19:39.03 21:22.95
Maggie Webber Collierville High School -1:09.20 19:39.66 20:48.86
Addison Tiemann Ardmore High School -43.59 19:39.78 20:23.37
Samuel Kilpatrick Central - Florence +2:34.68 22:15.18 19:40.50
Emily Mungai Westminster School at Oak Mountain -2:31.57 19:41.83 22:13.40
Clara Scott Harden Harpeth Hall School -1:11.29 19:42.11 20:53.40
Scarlett Nash Collierville High School +24.12 20:07.58 19:43.46
Maxine Richards Signal Mountain High School +50.96 20:35.26 19:44.30
Audrey Erath Auburn +26.20 20:12.05 19:45.85
Everette Minshew Deshler High School -1:24.31 19:46.65 21:10.96
Faith Scardino Oak Mountain HS +1:28.86 21:17.00 19:48.14
Katie Dumas Lawrence County HS +31.92 20:22.44 19:50.52
Landon Hooks Ardmore High School -1:41.78 19:54.69 21:36.47
Ava Lang Collierville High School +59.61 20:54.94 19:55.33
Jasmine Zhang Vestavia Hills HS +1:11.28 21:07.04 19:55.76
Hayley Datema Oak Mountain HS -2:15.90 19:58.01 22:13.91
Linnea Cox Auburn -56.88 19:59.49 20:56.37
Lucas Snyder Trinity Presbyterian School -26.04 20:01.05 20:27.09
Hannah Quick Chelsea High School -5:08.75 20:04.67 25:13.42
Jackson Peters Lincoln High School (AL) -3:43.42 20:06.23 23:49.65
Annie Midyett Bayside Academy -23.63 20:07.25 20:30.88
Audrey Kate Smith St. Paul's Episcopal -1.67 20:07.58 20:09.25
Claire Mostellar McGill-Toolen Catholic +1:13.80 21:23.26 20:09.46
Ada Boyd Signal Mountain High School +11.22 20:21.22 20:10.00
Jacob Pogue Holtville -7:40.12 20:11.07 27:51.19
Julian Hill-Hart Deshler High School -3:20.02 20:15.27 23:35.29
Christopher Obenhaus Montgomery Academy -1:44.10 20:15.79 21:59.89
Brady Bendall Muscle Shoals High +3:28.76 23:47.36 20:18.60
Eli Weterrings Florence High School -16.83 20:23.50 20:40.33
Parker Denton Deshler High School -3:45.04 20:24.62 24:09.66
Ethan Braden Clements -1:24.51 20:25.09 21:49.60
Walter Lynch Wetumpka -1:15.49 20:25.85 21:41.34
Aubrey Lynch Signal Mountain High School +12.27 20:40.31 20:28.04
Madilyn Kerber St Bernard +1:33.33 22:02.50 20:29.17
Cambree Bradford Scottsboro HS -8.49 20:29.98 20:38.47
Steven Davis UMS-Wright -3.89 20:34.59 20:38.48
Laura Spann Altamont -1:31.23 20:37.23 22:08.46
Mary Spann Altamont -1:31.01 20:37.72 22:08.73
Addie Bogda Collierville High School -2:48.20 20:39.61 23:27.81
Mabry Bonsall Scottsboro HS -59.68 20:40.26 21:39.94
Reagan LeDuke Marion County -2:03.54 20:40.97 22:44.51
Luke Murrell Athens Bible School -14.62 20:41.56 20:56.18
Lucy Farringer Harpeth Hall School +42.61 21:26.97 20:44.36
Bradford Willis Hazel Green -5:02.67 20:48.17 25:50.84
Ryan Dover Westminster School at Oak Mountain -28.47 20:48.58 21:17.05
Tyler Butts Oneonta +20.86 21:11.13 20:50.27
Cooper Wengraf-Simons University School of Nashville -1:48.55 20:56.42 22:44.97
Kendall Feild Vestavia Hills HS -14.57 20:57.46 21:12.03
Paizley Whitlow Cold Springs +7.76 21:06.07 20:58.31
Macie Huffstutler Cold Springs -24.13 20:59.41 21:23.54
Neil Ginsberg Rockvale High School +57.38 21:57.09 20:59.71
Graham Chenault Thompson -1:57.00 21:05.01 23:02.01
Mia Martin Scottsboro HS +1:08.57 22:15.44 21:06.87
James Alexander Oak Mountain HS -2:16.13 21:12.01 23:28.14
Jackson Haynes Fairview -2:43.20 21:12.36 23:55.56
Jonathan Harris Rockvale High School +25.97 21:39.56 21:13.59
Brody Hutcheson Holtville -2:28.57 21:15.31 23:43.88
Rylan Carlisle Moody -6:05.65 21:18.35 27:24.00
Katelyn Patton Northside -2:51.81 21:21.01 24:12.82
Lexi Bolton McGill-Toolen Catholic +17.76 21:41.92 21:24.16
Brad Noah Ohatchee High School -2:36.48 21:25.97 24:02.45
Joel Dyess Holtville +1:42.30 23:08.77 21:26.47
CJ Brock Ardmore High School +31.46 21:58.13 21:26.67
Rachael Matthews Hazel Green -3:56.25 21:27.75 25:24.00
Carly Conte Brentwood High School -12.98 21:29.26 21:42.24
Kaylee Stallings Baker -1:18.60 21:30.44 22:49.04
Cooper Manning Calera +48.89 22:19.53 21:30.64
Tanner Skelton Faith Academy +3.28 21:37.16 21:33.88
Savannah Hurst Pope Saint John Paul II Preparatory School -10.33 21:35.56 21:45.89
Lydia Shafer Blackman High School -44.19 21:36.51 22:20.70
Addison Joose Scottsboro HS -2:00.42 21:37.12 23:37.54
Kamryn Wile Enterprise High -40.61 21:37.71 22:18.32
Hannah Berryman Hatton -1:30.51 21:39.81 23:10.32
Jonathan Barnes Athens Bible School -2:05.59 21:39.96 23:45.55
David Hudry Decatur Heritage Christian Academy -1:54.72 21:42.37 23:37.09
Claire Huffstutler Cold Springs -51.72 21:42.55 22:34.27
James Marshall Montgomery Academy +3:25.21 25:09.55 21:44.34
Abby Chinn Collierville High School -1:43.19 21:44.34 23:27.53
Christina McKinley Thompson -6:59.04 21:45.06 28:44.10
Emily LouAllen Lawrence County HS -26.07 21:46.10 22:12.17
Sarah Hill-Hart Deshler High School +46.02 22:43.57 21:57.55
Maggie Louallen Lawrence County HS +1:04.85 23:02.90 21:58.05
Lydia Sayner-Oubre St. Paul's Episcopal +34.88 22:33.28 21:58.40
Lilly Holliday Harpeth Hall School +23.55 22:22.69 21:59.14
Annabelle Summers Brookhaven High School -27.22 22:04.28 22:31.50
Ammarie Jenkins Enterprise High +26.82 22:32.24 22:05.42
Caroline Granger Enterprise High -2:23.90 22:05.64 24:29.54
Julie Anna Shirley Deshler High School -2:26.79 22:08.24 24:35.03
Calvin Whitson Deshler High School -3:04.65 22:09.64 25:14.29
Harmony Ross West Limestone -42.88 22:27.12 23:10.00
Daniel DeHart Blackman High School -2:12.15 22:27.65 24:39.80
MacKenzie Anderson Fred J. Page High School -23.55 22:29.37 22:52.92
Anne Harris Poss Florence High School -23.70 22:34.04 22:57.74
Tristan Hamm Colbert Heights -7:55.09 22:34.94 30:30.03
Bess Lawhead Oxford High School (MS) -3:35.77 22:38.91 26:14.68
Heinrich Zocher Oneonta -5:49.08 22:44.22 28:33.30
Spencer Decker Shelby County -54.48 22:49.37 23:43.85
Aidan Ward Calera -1:16.05 22:55.48 24:11.53
Ella Wellinghoff Oxford High School (MS) -3:33.09 23:00.58 26:33.67
Saylor Hayes Mars Hill Bible +3:12.31 26:14.86 23:02.55
Lorelai Byrd Lincoln High School (AL) +47.40 23:55.64 23:08.24
Campbell Robb Oak Mountain HS -3:29.86 23:08.30 26:38.16
Kelci Dee Maryville High School -1:31.38 23:08.58 24:39.96
Briana Acevedo-Lopez Pope Saint John Paul II Preparatory School -25.42 23:12.10 23:37.52
Seianna Marbut West Limestone +5:06.29 28:20.37 23:14.08
Elizabeth Harris Shades Valley High School/JCIB -7:38.65 23:16.25 30:54.90
Virginia McCrory Bayside Academy +3:22.32 26:46.52 23:24.20
Jasmine Jordan Opelika High School -0.02 23:43.44 23:43.46
Ashlie Easterwood Ohatchee High School +1:08.17 25:00.29 23:52.12
Hannah Wickel Baker -30.72 23:58.86 24:29.58
Isabelle Wilson Westminster Christian Academy HS -44.52 24:03.15 24:47.67
Rowan Yeager St. Luke's Episcopal School +2:20.66 26:25.69 24:05.03
Anne Claire Mitchell Faith Christian -3:26.66 24:19.78 27:46.44
Sadie Worley Lincoln High School (AL) +56.86 25:17.31 24:20.45
Genevieve Strickland Pope Saint John Paul II Preparatory School -3:27.48 24:40.69 28:08.17
Gracie Howell Elkmont High School +3:35.14 28:24.64 24:49.50
Reese Braun Christ Presbyterian Academy -35.26 24:49.94 25:25.20
Leslie Jones Cold Springs -1:44.67 24:53.75 26:38.42
Alexis Troglen Holtville -1:30.70 25:04.34 26:35.04
Laura Beth Richards Deshler High School +3:04.67 28:09.23 25:04.56
Lauren Lindsey Shades Valley High School/JCIB -2.65 25:09.69 25:12.34
Lilly Anne Windham Enterprise High +27.36 25:37.77 25:10.41
Lily Wilson Oneonta -1:21.25 25:51.66 27:12.91
Padric Peavy Oneonta -1:41.27 26:05.58 27:46.85
McKenna Barnett Rockvale High School +1:10.73 27:20.28 26:09.55
Ella Fritts Christ Presbyterian Academy -56.84 26:23.52 27:20.36
Kylea McCord Holtville -1:12.80 26:37.23 27:50.03
Draven Bowles Winfield City High School -4:05.68 26:37.85 30:43.53
Emily Puckett West Limestone +8:37.67 35:15.86 26:38.19
Lydia Jaynes Rogers +3:27.39 30:20.81 26:53.42
Olivia Garrett Faith Christian -4:34.37 26:56.59 31:30.96
Mary Helen Russ Christ Presbyterian Academy -1:09.07 27:01.97 28:11.04
Jacey Williams Wetumpka -2:24.05 27:12.69 29:36.74
Anna Watwood Ohatchee High School +2:07.22 29:25.94 27:18.72
Jillian Wheeler Deshler High School +2:52.10 30:11.46 27:19.36
Reese Edwards Pell City High School +22.35 27:47.41 27:25.06
Haley Johnigan Marion County -2:26.79 27:29.96 29:56.75
Kaili Congleton Deshler High School -20.53 27:43.71 28:04.24
Natalie McCabe Muscle Shoals High +5:29.07 33:20.78 27:51.71
Natalee Franks Tharptown -1:03.23 28:15.63 29:18.86
Eva Gallander Wetumpka -32.99 28:20.19 28:53.18
Haley Hall Deshler High School -1:45.40 28:24.85 30:10.25
Avery Holland Chelsea High School -3:27.70 28:28.21 31:55.91
Isabella Hamm Colbert Heights -2:54.61 31:08.07 34:02.68
Yoseline Flores Tharptown -58.46 31:37.22 32:35.68
Conellie Philbeck Cold Springs -55.91 32:00.16 32:56.07
Brooke Barron Oneonta -3:16.46 33:15.17 36:31.63