Vinemont Invitational 2024

Cullman, AL

Vinemont Invitational 2024 vs Kudzu Hills Inv 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -191 268 459
Overall Average +3:43.63 28:41.61 24:57.98
1st-10th Place +2:20.32 19:22.72 17:02.40
1st-25th Place +2:44.23 20:28.39 17:44.16
1st-50th Place +3:06.11 21:30.36 18:24.24
1st-100th Place +3:27.48 22:53.09 19:25.60
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster -44 5 49
Ran Season Best -3 -- 3
Average Time +2:19.71 28:02.92 25:43.21
Median Time +8.39 25:37.62 25:29.23
Middle 80% Times +2:17.50 27:53.18 25:35.68
Top 10% Times +1:03.66 19:08.12 18:04.46
Top 25% Times +1:14.83 20:27.53 19:12.70
Top 50% Times +1:17.57 22:19.32 21:01.74
Bottom 50% Times +3:21.85 33:46.53 30:24.68
Bottom 25% Times +4:26.47 37:41.51 33:15.04
Bottom 10% Times +5:15.64 41:53.42 36:37.78
Average Difference +2:19.71 -- --
Median Difference -3:08.98 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:08.10 -- --
Top 10% Difference +50.78 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:16.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:08.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:16.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3:22.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:32.35 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +6:30.67 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Alex England Fairview +1:46.98 18:22.34 16:35.36
Cash Daly St Bernard +3:12.02 20:54.47 17:42.45
Brady Johnson Vinemont High School +51.47 18:40.53 17:49.06
Drake Nichols Good Hope +15.62 19:00.06 18:44.44
Dane Ard Decatur High School +1:17.03 20:02.78 18:45.75
Sean Daly St Bernard +33.32 19:23.05 18:49.73
Parker Guthery St Bernard +20.27 19:19.97 18:59.70
Ian Taylor Decatur High School +2:10.10 21:33.81 19:23.71
BenJamin Fraley Cordova +56.37 20:24.61 19:28.24
Jack Lamp Decatur High School +57.12 20:49.81 19:52.69
Fisher Bailey Cordova +50.39 20:58.51 20:08.12
Andrew Landreth Vinemont High School +2:08.84 22:38.24 20:29.40
Jackson Haynes Fairview +4:15.01 24:47.47 20:32.46
Julian Hill-Hart Deshler High School +1:00.70 22:37.39 21:36.69
Charlie Thomas Decatur High School -15.90 21:39.89 21:55.79
Aiden Leffers Decatur High School +3:56.78 25:37.31 21:40.53
William Kuhlman Decatur High School +2:05.74 24:16.16 22:10.42
Madilyn Kerber St Bernard +2:52.16 25:04.44 22:12.28
Matthew Kimmett Decatur High School +36.06 22:52.05 22:15.99
Luke Daly St Bernard +2:55.91 25:19.60 22:23.69
Kevin Vazquez Cordova +40.77 23:38.21 22:57.44
Ada Dial Hayden -10.45 23:01.14 23:11.59
Noah Cohron Cordova -50.80 23:02.94 23:53.74
Isaac Kelley Winston County High School +1:40.83 24:57.70 23:16.87
Nathan Matthews Decatur High School -3:08.98 23:51.87 27:00.85
Sarah Hill-Hart Deshler High School +32.99 24:36.71 24:03.72
Calvin Whitson Deshler High School +4:22.00 28:40.65 24:18.65
Joshua Bachuss Decatur High School +41.93 25:10.50 24:28.57
Micah Bernard Deshler High School +3:13.07 28:42.30 25:29.23
Melody Busby Oakman High School -44.41 25:37.62 26:22.03
Molly Lindsey Fairview +3:33.49 30:05.64 26:32.15
Melissa Hood Winston County High School +1:37.06 28:18.79 26:41.73
Haley Hall Deshler High School +4:01.31 30:59.31 26:58.00
Brice Letson Deshler High School +2:44.40 29:47.75 27:03.35
Xana Wester Fairview +12.01 27:43.17 27:31.16
Aiden Wright Winston County High School +2:43.34 30:34.29 27:50.95
Meggie Bramlett Falkville +2:11.82 30:13.94 28:02.12
Mollye Hellebrand Decatur High School +41.45 29:11.45 28:30.00
Aubrey Scott Good Hope +3:01.72 31:36.34 28:34.62
Laura Beth Richards Deshler High School +4:26.75 33:26.35 28:59.60
AnnaBelle Smith Fairview +4:56.69 34:48.03 29:51.34
Violeta Castaneda Fairview +9:54.12 39:49.84 29:55.72
Brylee Benefield Good Hope +3:48.25 34:02.94 30:14.69
Hannah Drummond Oakman High School +2:21.94 32:43.94 30:22.00
Jillian Wheeler Deshler High School +2:25.58 33:34.60 31:09.02
Emma Buckelew Fairview +3:14.60 34:25.52 31:10.92
Paisley Hopper Fairview +2:03.32 33:29.64 31:26.32
Lacey Grace Cordova +9:09.24 40:43.14 31:33.90
Daniela Castaneda Fairview +7:51.17 39:48.78 31:57.61
Evelyn Quinn Good Hope +1:07.58 34:40.10 33:32.52
Brandi Vazquez Cordova +4:29.49 38:42.70 34:13.21
Presley Lawson Cordova +2:26.14 37:53.42 35:27.28
Alyvia Pearce Oakman High School +2:51.73 43:07.88 40:16.15
Addison Lawson Cordova +4:48.27 49:08.17 44:19.90