Meet Information
Milesplit Results with Link to Athlete Profiles
Xpress Timing Official Results
Track Heat Sheets
Field Flight Sheets
Please share with your parents for tickets! You can still pay with cash at the gate. We are still take cash at the concession stand.
GET TICKETS: S2 Pass/Look under Bob Jones Track $10.00 per Ticket
Bob Jones Red Coat
Event Limits: unlimited
Relay Limits: unlimited
Meet Fees: $15 per athlete, $10 per relay , Max per team gender $300, Max per school $600
No IMPLEMENTS will be provided. Schools will have to have THEIR OWN equipment for shot-put, discus, javelin, and pole vault.
Send payments to:
Brad Jefferson Head Track Coach
Payable to:
Bob Jones High School
Track and Field
650 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758
****Xpress Timing will manage and provide automatic time (FAT)****
Scoring: Teams 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Awards: Team trophies to the 1st and 2nd place teams. Top 3 in each event will receive an award.
Admission: Please inform your parents that the admission is $10 for adults $5 for students
There will be hospitality for coaches and officials only.
The track will be open for warm ups until 8:45. All track events will be on a rolling schedule.
Order of Events: