Enterprise Invite #2 2024

Enterprise, AL
Timing/Results Wildcat Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slaughter, Atorian Eufaula HS
Choquette, Remy Slocomb High School
Wyatt, Frazier Providence Christian School
Hardrick, James Enterprise High
Wells, Carter Northside Methodist Academy
Turner, Tyjuan Eufaula HS
Johnson, Tyre Slocomb High School
Free, Keith Slocomb High School
McCray, Jerell Eufaula HS
Wood, Jaden Slocomb High School
Love, Landon Providence Christian School
Jackson, Rod 11.08 Houston Academy
Domingos, Abdoulie 11.30 Dothan High School
Whitt, Jonathan 11.43 Enterprise High
Meadows, Sirlathian 11.49 Dothan High School
Myers, Markis 11.50 Dothan High School
Faught, Max 11.56 Enterprise High
Oliver, E-Mon 11.58 Ashford HS
Owens, Curtis 11.63 Enterprise High
Ragland, Jay 11.67 Ashford HS
McBride, Peyton 11.69 Ashford HS
Jones, Kinson 11.71 Dothan High School
Paramore, Coy 11.73 Ashford HS
Barrentine, Jackson 11.84 Houston Academy
Green, Tomorris 11.85 Enterprise High
McKinnon, Jayden 11.87 Enterprise High
Leavingne, Dustyn 11.94 Enterprise High
Lee, Houston 11.96 Houston Academy
Brown, Zay 11.96 Rehobeth High School
McMiller, Jacolbi 12.02 Ashford HS
James, Tevin 12.04 Rehobeth High School
Reese, Jy'rell 12.04 Enterprise High
Hymes, Dakari 12.05 Ashford HS
Sawyer, Brack 12.06 Enterprise High
Johnson, Zay 12.07 Rehobeth High School
George, Daniel 12.09 Dothan High School
Smith, Aydin 12.10 Rehobeth High School
Hart, Nyshon 12.13 Dothan High School
Petersen, Zorren 12.14 Ashford HS
Balch, Trenten 12.19 Slocomb High School
Austin, Tyshaun 12.23 Rehobeth High School
Jackson, Jayden 12.26 Ashford HS
Baker, Eric 12.37 Northside Methodist Academy
Martin, Will 12.41 Rehobeth High School
Turvin, Logan 12.44 Ashford HS
Santiago, Richard 12.45 Enterprise High
Reynolds, Johnathan 12.47 Ashford HS
Jones, Quin 12.53 Ashford HS
Lett, Jaheem 12.56 Geneva County
Scott, Joseph 12.57 Enterprise High
Carroll, Jayden 12.58 Ashford HS
Jacobson, Gunnar 12.59 Northside Methodist Academy
Moore, Greyson 12.66 Rehobeth High School
Young, Renaldo 12.73 Houston Academy
Clark, Mitchell 12.74 Rehobeth High School
Schulermich, Henry 12.78 Ashford HS
Harkey, Aiden 12.84 Slocomb High School
Hudson, Will 12.87 Slocomb High School
McGriff, Ivory 13.13 Houston Academy
Campos, Adrian 13.17 Rehobeth High School
Smith, Andre 13.50 Houston Academy
Eck, Magnus 13.60 Northside Methodist Academy
Brooks, Hunter 13.73 Geneva County
Hickman, Tyler 13.78 Enterprise High
Bright, Carter 14.85 Houston Academy
Shawn, Owen 17.03 Enterprise High
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Register, Isaiah Rehobeth High School
Bovyer, Colin 18.03 Enterprise High
Cole, Rayshon 19.27 Enterprise High
Patel, Raj 19.76 Houston Academy
Bennett, Austin 19.77 Ashford HS
Quarles, Johnny 21.16 Rehobeth High School
Simer, Conner 22.30 Rehobeth High School
Douglas, Kris 22.39 Rehobeth High School
Leeth, Tre 22.43 Rehobeth High School
Bell, Nick 22.75 Rehobeth High School
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Welch, Clay Slocomb High School
Tyson, Jerrell Rehobeth High School
Stickler, John Martin Houston Academy
Suter, Conrad 4:38.81 Enterprise High
Smith, Cole 4:39.53 Providence Christian School
Jordan, Hudson 4:39.66 Providence Christian School
Stanley, William 4:47.82 Providence Christian School
Bloodworth, Jaiden 5:12.52 Enterprise High
Hawbaker, Matthew 5:16.01 Enterprise High
Ogden, Kaleb 5:16.66 Enterprise High
Mixson, Jacob 5:18.00 Providence Christian School
Turner, Brady 5:37.82 Houston Academy
Mullins, Cash 5:50.00 Providence Christian School
Pike, Ben 5:50.28 Enterprise High
Foster, Gregory 5:50.85 Dothan High School
Ciccarelli, Bodee 5:58.39 Houston Academy
Brewer, D'Undrae 5:58.64 Dothan High School
Tapley, Gabriel 6:04.00 Providence Christian School
West, Gage 6:09.31 Ashford HS
Gibson, Robert 6:11.81 Slocomb High School
Quillet, Joshua 6:30.04 Rehobeth High School
Dickens, Will 6:53.46 Geneva County
Hamm, Nathan 7:01.66 Geneva County
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baker, Eric Northside Methodist Academy
Lett, Jaheem Geneva County
Qin, I'Leek Eufaula HS
Banda, Patrick Rehobeth High School
Wood, Jaden Slocomb High School
Wells, Carter Northside Methodist Academy
Johnson, Tyre Slocomb High School
Turner, Tyjuan Eufaula HS
Mowbray, Noah Rehobeth High School
Bennett, Austin Ashford HS
Nalls, Erys 22.90 Enterprise High
Jackson, Rod 23.11 Houston Academy
Wimes, Sean 23.13 Dothan High School
Meadows, Sirlathian 23.34 Dothan High School
Whitt, Jonathan 23.41 Enterprise High
Mitchell, Antron 23.87 Eufaula HS
Domingos, Abdoulie 23.88 Dothan High School
McBride, Peyton 24.10 Ashford HS
Barrentine, Jackson 24.14 Houston Academy
Jones, Kinson 24.16 Dothan High School
Ingram, Joseph 24.21 Dothan High School
Balch, Trenten 24.23 Slocomb High School
Lee, Houston 24.39 Houston Academy
Ragland, Jay 24.46 Ashford HS
McKinnon, Jayden 24.67 Enterprise High
George, Daniel 24.91 Dothan High School
Genther, Graham 24.91 Houston Academy
Hymes, Dakari 25.19 Ashford HS
Sims, Kyser 25.32 Providence Christian School
Simer, Conner 25.41 Rehobeth High School
Brown, Zay 25.42 Rehobeth High School
Jacobson, Gunnar 25.44 Northside Methodist Academy
Petersen, Zorren 25.71 Ashford HS
Martin, Will 26.00 Rehobeth High School
Ingram, John 26.02 Rehobeth High School
Love, Colson 26.13 Providence Christian School
Jones, Quin 26.15 Ashford HS
Young, Renaldo 26.26 Houston Academy
Quarles, Johnny 26.78 Rehobeth High School
Bright, Carter 27.14 Houston Academy
Douglas, Kris 27.34 Rehobeth High School
Smith, Andre 27.48 Houston Academy
Mendez, Gabriel 27.74 Rehobeth High School
Bell, Nick 27.75 Rehobeth High School
Santiago, Richard 28.46 Enterprise High
Eck, Magnus 28.86 Northside Methodist Academy
Hickman, Tyler 29.90 Enterprise High
Love, Landon 32.00 Providence Christian School
Wyatt, Frazier 33.41 Providence Christian School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gurganus, Kaiden Rehobeth High School
Bell, Nick Rehobeth High School
Leeth, Tre Rehobeth High School
Quillet, Joshua Rehobeth High School
Register, Isaiah Rehobeth High School
Paramore, Coy 41.76 Ashford HS
McMiller, Jacolbi 43.29 Ashford HS
Bovyer, Colin 46.71 Enterprise High
McKenzie, Kobe 46.86 Dothan High School
Schulermich, Henry 48.66 Ashford HS
Moore, Greyson 49.49 Rehobeth High School
Patel, Raj 50.69 Houston Academy
Cole, Rayshon 51.52 Enterprise High
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Suter, Conrad Enterprise High
Ciccarelli, Bodee Houston Academy
McGuffey, Tyler Enterprise High
Trujillo-Salinas, Josue Enterprise High
Ongcangco, Ralph Enterprise High
Creel, Jacob Enterprise High
Gwaltney, Griffin Enterprise High
Booher, Harrison Enterprise High
Bloodworth, Jaiden Enterprise High
Bendebel, Lawrence Enterprise High
Kellogg, Brayden Enterprise High
Hawbaker, Caleb Enterprise High
Ogden, Kaleb 11:27.86 Enterprise High
DeJesus, Kristyan 11:29.30 Enterprise High
Hawbaker, Matthew 11:31.02 Enterprise High
Sims, Hiro 12:30.43 Enterprise High
Turner, Brady 13:10.58 Houston Academy
Roen, Ethan 13:22.64 Enterprise High
Pike, Ben 14:49.43 Enterprise High
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beck, Gabreal Enterprise High
West, Nicholas Dothan High School
Free, Keith Slocomb High School
Gwaltney, Griffin Enterprise High
Baker, Eric Northside Methodist Academy
Petersen, Zorren Ashford HS
Gurganus, Kaiden Rehobeth High School
Parker, Jalen Eufaula HS
Jones, Quin 1:00.05 Ashford HS
Guilford, Joshua 1:00.40 Dothan High School
Smith, Andre 1:00.58 Houston Academy
Ingram, John 1:00.95 Rehobeth High School
Robinson, Marcel 1:01.80 Eufaula HS
Banda, Patrick 1:02.01 Rehobeth High School
Santiago, Richard 1:02.30 Enterprise High
Hudson, Will 1:03.71 Slocomb High School
Harkey, Aiden 1:03.96 Slocomb High School
Griffin, Kendall 1:05.19 Dothan High School
Wright, James 1:10.87 Geneva County
Jackson, Rod 51.75 Houston Academy
Quintero, Tyler 53.00 Northside Methodist Academy
Sims, Kyser 53.10 Providence Christian School
Oliver, E-Mon 53.82 Ashford HS
Rich, Malachi 54.95 Enterprise High
Stafford, Malachi 56.41 Enterprise High
Genther, Graham 56.43 Houston Academy
Clark, Mitchell 57.28 Rehobeth High School
Rivers, Gerald 57.98 Dothan High School
Love, Colson 58.66 Providence Christian School
Hymes, Dakari 58.91 Ashford HS
Lewis, Timan 59.48 Northside Methodist Academy
Martin, Will 59.54 Rehobeth High School
Jacobson, Gunnar 59.55 Northside Methodist Academy
Ardis, Kelvin 59.67 Geneva County
Quarles, Johnny 59.89 Rehobeth High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Slocomb High School
Relay Team A Eufaula HS
Relay Team B Slocomb High School
Relay Team A 43.32 Dothan High School
Relay Team A 43.37 Enterprise High
Relay Team B 44.00 Enterprise High
Relay Team C 44.37 Enterprise High
Relay Team A 45.82 Houston Academy
Relay Team B 45.93 Dothan High School
Relay Team A 46.27 Rehobeth High School
Relay Team B 46.27 Rehobeth High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northside Methodist Academy
Relay Team A 3:48.97 Enterprise High
Relay Team A 3:56.92 Rehobeth High School
Relay Team B 3:56.92 Rehobeth High School
Relay Team A 4:01.49 Houston Academy
Relay Team A 4:07.70 Dothan High School
Relay Team B 4:10.80 Ashford HS
Relay Team A 4:10.80 Ashford HS
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Enterprise High
Relay Team B Enterprise High
Relay Team A 10:50.05 Rehobeth High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mixson, Jacob Providence Christian School
Parker, Jalen Eufaula HS
Tyson, Jerrell Rehobeth High School
Mullins, Cash Providence Christian School
Stickler, John Martin Houston Academy
Tapley, Gabriel Providence Christian School
Smith, Cole 2:00.85 Providence Christian School
Jordan, Hudson 2:07.73 Providence Christian School
Quintero, Tyler 2:09.64 Northside Methodist Academy
Sims, Kyser 2:11.91 Providence Christian School
Stanley, William 2:12.28 Providence Christian School
McGriff, Ivory 2:27.32 Houston Academy
Baker, Eric 2:31.51 Northside Methodist Academy
Griffin, Bryce 2:32.48 Geneva County
Dunn, Evan 2:33.75 Dothan High School
Apida, Brody 2:34.68 Dothan High School
Brewer, D'Undrae 2:36.73 Dothan High School
Turner, Brady 2:37.36 Houston Academy
Douglas, Kenon 2:41.84 Rehobeth High School
Ciccarelli, Bodee 2:42.49 Houston Academy
Gibson, Robert 2:46.51 Slocomb High School
West, Gage 2:48.65 Ashford HS
Welch, Clay 2:49.76 Slocomb High School
Lofton, Joel 2:59.58 Ashford HS
Voorhees, Scott 3:01.52 Rehobeth High School
Robinson, Marcel 3:09.47 Eufaula HS
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HS Boys Discus Throw 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Youngblood, Jack 122-8 Providence Christian School
Paramore, Coy 113-10 Ashford HS
Martin, Maurice 112-7 Enterprise High
Endrihs, Matthew 112-5 Enterprise High
Crovetto, Jude 106-7 Enterprise High
Bolden, Judah 103-6 Ashford HS
Mitten, John Parker 103-1 Enterprise High
Balch, Trenten 102-5.5 Slocomb High School
Peacock, Parker 99-11 Rehobeth High School
Myhand, Reginald 98-5 Dothan High School
Denham, Zane 97-3 Slocomb High School
Pellissier, Jackson 95-0 Enterprise High
Snell, Louis 94-6 Dothan High School
Jackson, Jacob 89-11 Houston Academy
Hicks, Eli 89-6.5 Ashford HS
Broxton, Bailey 88-11 Geneva County
Corbitt, Jalen 88-0 Dothan High School
Wagner, Gavin 84-6 Houston Academy
Smith, William 83-9 Geneva County
Wilkerson, Kamron 83-0 Enterprise High
Sims, Silas 81-4 Enterprise High
Morris, TJ 80-7 Ashford HS
Sconiers, Bruce 79-9 Geneva County
Brooks, Hunter 76-2 Geneva County
Young, Dj 76-0 Dothan High School
Valerio, Gavin 75-11 Enterprise High
Buntin, Chase 75-0 Houston Academy
Chadwick, Caleb 74-11 Rehobeth High School
Lewis, Aaron 72-10 Ashford HS
Nelson, Derrick 70-1 Rehobeth High School
Fuller, Jace 69-11 Geneva County
Woodard, Alex 67-9 Geneva County
Richards, Hooper 61-11 Rehobeth High School
Stanley, Daniel Providence Christian School
Hughes, Aiden Geneva County
Rogers, Landon Dothan High School
Smith, Gabe Dothan High School
Gilmore, Scout Rehobeth High School
Hardy, Hudson Rehobeth High School
Davis, Latrail Rehobeth High School
Reynolds, Ervain Houston Academy
Rowell, Jamal Dothan High School
Ragland, Jay Ashford HS
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HS Boys High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leavingne, Dustyn 5-10 Enterprise High
Mowbray, Noah 5-6 Rehobeth High School
James, Tevin Rehobeth High School
Johnson, Zay Rehobeth High School
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HS Boys Javelin 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Youngblood, Jack 148-8 Providence Christian School
Smith, Gabe 141-9 Dothan High School
Causey, Braylon 138-9 Enterprise High
Mitten, John Parker 136-6 Enterprise High
Sandford, Jordan 132-10 Northside Methodist Academy
Wimes, Sean 127-5 Dothan High School
Richard, Izryal 125-0 Dothan High School
Peacock, Parker 115-9 Rehobeth High School
Smith, William 115-2 Geneva County
Griffin, Bryce 114-7 Geneva County
Quintero, Tyler 113-10 Northside Methodist Academy
Ramsey, Chris 112-3 Enterprise High
Snell, Louis 95-0 Dothan High School
Dunn, Evan 92-5 Dothan High School
Mendez, Gabriel 81-11 Rehobeth High School
Hardy, Hudson 66-4 Rehobeth High School
Hughes, Aiden 51-2 Geneva County
Stanley, Daniel Providence Christian School
Gervasoni, Vincent Geneva County
Chadwick, Caleb Rehobeth High School
Bright, Carter Houston Academy
Wagner, Gavin Houston Academy
Gilmore, Scout Rehobeth High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oliver, E-Mon 23-0 Ashford HS
Holmes, Elijah 20-5.5 Rehobeth High School
Harmon, Jordan 19-10 Enterprise High
Ingram, Joseph 19-5 Dothan High School
Youngblood, Jackson 19-4 Enterprise High
Wimes, Sean 19-2 Dothan High School
McBride, Peyton 19-1 Ashford HS
Meadows, Sirlathian 18-4 Dothan High School
Petersen, Zorren 18-0 Ashford HS
Ramsey, Chris 17-10 Enterprise High
Quarles, Johnny 17-8 Rehobeth High School
Baker, Eric 17-4 Northside Methodist Academy
Love, Colson 17-0.5 Providence Christian School
Scott, Joseph 16-10 Enterprise High
Frith, Parker 16-10 Northside Methodist Academy
Jackson, Tavares 16-8 Dothan High School
Moore, Greyson 16-5 Rehobeth High School
Lewis, Timan 15-5 Northside Methodist Academy
Patel, Raj 14-11 Houston Academy
Qin, I'Leek Eufaula HS
Choquette, Remy Slocomb High School
Wright, James Geneva County
McKenzie, Kobe Dothan High School
Campos, Adrian Rehobeth High School
Gurganus, Kaiden Rehobeth High School
Wells, Carter Northside Methodist Academy
Smith, Aydin Rehobeth High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Dezmon 49-11 Enterprise High
Martin, Maurice 44-8 Enterprise High
Beauford, Darrian 42-8 Enterprise High
Chable, Alex 42-4 Enterprise High
Endrihs, Matthew 41-5 Enterprise High
Crovetto, Jude 40-10.75 Enterprise High
Sandford, Jordan 40-4.5 Northside Methodist Academy
Youngblood, Jack 40-3 Providence Christian School
Denham, Zane 40-1 Slocomb High School
Richards, Hooper 39-11 Rehobeth High School
Mitten, John Parker 38-10.5 Enterprise High
Dowling, Mattox 38-6 Enterprise High
Snell, Louis 38-5 Dothan High School
Hicks, Eli 37-7 Ashford HS
Hardy, Hudson 37-2 Rehobeth High School
Wilkerson, Kamron 36-4 Enterprise High
Stanley, Daniel 35-2 Providence Christian School
Myhand, Reginald 35-1 Dothan High School
Peacock, Parker 35-1 Rehobeth High School
Bolden, Judah 34-10.5 Ashford HS
Smith, Gabe 34-9 Dothan High School
Young, Dj 33-5 Dothan High School
Pellissier, Jackson 33-1 Enterprise High
Chadwick, Caleb 32-3 Rehobeth High School
McKenzie, Kobe 32-0 Dothan High School
Sims, Silas 31-2 Enterprise High
Broxton, Bailey 30-7 Geneva County
Nelson, Derrick 30-6 Rehobeth High School
Morris, TJ 30-4 Ashford HS
Mendez, Gabriel 29-1 Rehobeth High School
Buntin, Chase 28-11 Houston Academy
Wagner, Gavin 28-6 Houston Academy
Fuller, Jace 28-4 Geneva County
Jackson, Jacob 26-9 Houston Academy
Valerio, Gavin 26-1 Enterprise High
Woodard, Alex 25-6 Geneva County
Rogers, Landon 23-10 Dothan High School
Curry, Nyjavious Eufaula HS
Dennis, Xavier Eufaula HS
Goldsmith, Dadriyon Eufaula HS
Gooch, Fredarius Eufaula HS
Ivory, Tyrik Eufaula HS
Lamons, Keviyon Eufaula HS
Flowers, Rasheed Eufaula HS
Pugh, Lekeveyuntae Eufaula HS
Moss, Jaquavious Eufaula HS
Choquette, Remy Slocomb High School
Davis, Latrail Rehobeth High School
Bright, Carter Houston Academy
Reynolds, Ervain Houston Academy
Rowell, Jamal Dothan High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holmes, Elijah 37-9 Rehobeth High School
Scott, Joseph 37-2 Enterprise High
Voorhees, Scott 33-7 Rehobeth High School
Douglas, Kris 32-3 Rehobeth High School
Leeth, Tre 27-7 Rehobeth High School
Quillet, Joshua 25-11 Rehobeth High School
Douglas, Kenon Rehobeth High School
Youngblood, Jackson Enterprise High
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lorman, Haley Enterprise High
Mccallum, Genna Northside Methodist Academy
Walton, Quannesia Eufaula HS
Parmer, Joleigh Northside Methodist Academy
Hall, Jordan Eufaula HS
Parrish, Paxton Houston Academy
Glover, Jalerra Eufaula HS
Green, Nylah Eufaula HS
Mathis, Sarah Rehobeth High School
Watkins, Jaziya 11.97 Enterprise High
Flanagan, Macauley 12.35 Houston Academy
Barkley, Ava 12.75 Enterprise High
Mills, Karleigh 12.86 Northside Methodist Academy
Cotton, Lael 12.96 Dothan High School
Myers, Tania 13.01 Dothan High School
Bell, Qortney 13.03 Enterprise High
Knox, Arianna 13.15 Slocomb High School
Bass, Makayla 13.16 Enterprise High
Langford, Katie 13.17 Houston Academy
Johnson, Jordyn 13.26 Enterprise High
Burger, Deshaviya 13.40 Enterprise High
Webster, Taraji 13.44 Enterprise High
Fields, Ayerllon 13.48 Dothan High School
Reese, J'aiMya 13.51 Enterprise High
Knight, Aniyah 13.51 Dothan High School
Miller, Lajei 13.55 Enterprise High
Morris, Na'Yanna 13.59 Dothan High School
Blake, Hallie 13.71 Rehobeth High School
Reed, Anala 13.89 Dothan High School
Bowers, Lilly 13.96 Houston Academy
McCray, Eryn 13.98 Dothan High School
Riley, Asia 14.04 Eufaula HS
Rane, Kate 14.15 Houston Academy
Melton, Kailynn 14.15 Ashford HS
Brillhart, Emily 14.27 Enterprise High
McMiller, Nydia 14.34 Slocomb High School
Owens, Marie 14.47 Houston Academy
Ezell, Edy 14.63 Northside Methodist Academy
Warren, Sydney 14.73 Northside Methodist Academy
Martin, Katie 14.79 Ashford HS
Metcalf, Braylee 14.87 Ashford HS
Jackson, Sha'Miyah 14.93 Eufaula HS
Harris, Angel 14.97 Slocomb High School
Trawick, Kyleigh 15.27 Ashford HS
Tiller, Halo 15.29 Ashford HS
Sanders, Lauren 15.55 Houston Academy
Ingram, Lydia 15.79 Ashford HS
Spells, Se'Riyah 15.80 Rehobeth High School
Tillery, Cammi 15.84 Enterprise High
Roberson, Claire 16.0 Houston Academy
Watson, Hadley 16.0 Houston Academy
Heersink, Caroline 16.0 Houston Academy
Bui, Thao 16.00h Houston Academy
Pittman, Bri 16.06 Rehobeth High School
Estes, Bella 16.07 Slocomb High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parmer, Joleigh Northside Methodist Academy
Brillhart, Emily Enterprise High
Ballew, Jamilla Enterprise High
Pope, Zion Rehobeth High School
Roca, Gianna 17.45 Enterprise High
Sterling, Keyandra 17.46 Ashford HS
McGriff, Makaria 17.61 Houston Academy
Price, Elizabeth 18.30 Houston Academy
Gallardo, Sydney 18.92 Providence Christian School
Triplett, Sadie 19.20 Enterprise High
Simpson, Zora 19.49 Rehobeth High School
Gilbo, Shaylee 19.61 Slocomb High School
Hagler, Lainey 20.18 Slocomb High School
McKinney, Lazyria 20.61 Dothan High School
Harris, Angel 20.96 Slocomb High School
Ingram, Kyria 21.07 Dothan High School
Singletary, Mariyah 21.68 Dothan High School
Gilbert, Dexi 22.03 Rehobeth High School
Barefield, Moriah 22.20 Rehobeth High School
Strickland, Jenna Kate 24.56 Houston Academy
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dowling, Lydia Providence Christian School
Hill, Juliette Providence Christian School
Talmadge, Millicent 5:33.79 Providence Christian School
Patterson, Madelyn 5:34.38 Providence Christian School
Jacobs, Hannah 5:50.94 Providence Christian School
Baker, Gabriella 5:52.43 Dothan High School
Dressler, Autumn 5:55.58 Northside Methodist Academy
Blevins, Abby 6:10.44 Houston Academy
Stanley, Brooke 6:11.04 Providence Christian School
Ateeque, Inaaya 6:34.04 Houston Academy
Windham, Lilly Anne 6:36.79 Enterprise High
Dawsey, Carly 6:53.39 Ashford HS
Bass, Savannah 6:57.83 Ashford HS
Estrella, Mahya 8:01.84 Houston Academy
Payne, Erin 8:18.95 Ashford HS
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parrish, Paxton Houston Academy
Bain, Aleijah Eufaula HS
Reynolds, Laila Rehobeth High School
Mccallum, Genna Northside Methodist Academy
Green, Nylah Eufaula HS
Flanagan, Macauley 25.54 Houston Academy
Straw, Layla 25.90 Enterprise High
Mills, Karleigh 27.27 Northside Methodist Academy
Ming, Isabella 27.43 Enterprise High
Baldwin, A'mirah 27.44 Enterprise High
McKnight, Trinity 27.51 Enterprise High
Cotton, Lael 27.55 Dothan High School
Blake, Hallie 27.63 Rehobeth High School
Knight, Aniyah 27.70 Dothan High School
Morris, Na'Yanna 27.87 Dothan High School
Knox, Arianna 27.93 Slocomb High School
Webster, Taraji 28.31 Enterprise High
Reese, J'aiMya 28.34 Enterprise High
Miley, Nyema 28.35 Enterprise High
Reed, Anala 28.45 Dothan High School
Howard, Jamesha 28.52 Enterprise High
Miller, Lajei 28.70 Enterprise High
Fields, Ayerllon 28.74 Dothan High School
Sterling, Keyandra 28.91 Ashford HS
Price, Elizabeth 29.24 Houston Academy
Bowers, Lilly 29.27 Houston Academy
Riley, Asia 29.30 Eufaula HS
Melton, Kailynn 29.31 Ashford HS
Mathis, Sarah 29.57 Rehobeth High School
McCray, Eryn 29.96 Dothan High School
Gallardo, Sydney 29.99 Providence Christian School
Hart, Holley 30.00h Houston Academy
Warren, Sydney 30.57 Northside Methodist Academy
Hart, Brianna 30.65 Houston Academy
Ezell, Edy 30.65 Northside Methodist Academy
McMiller, Nydia 30.74 Slocomb High School
Owens, Marie 30.84 Houston Academy
Wilkes, Sadie 30.87 Providence Christian School
Owens, Anna 30.90 Houston Academy
Tiller, Halo 31.32 Ashford HS
Watson, Hadley 31.47 Houston Academy
Martin, Katie 31.66 Ashford HS
Trawick, Kyleigh 32.19 Ashford HS
Anderson-Cruz, Anna 32.89 Geneva County
Tillery, Cammi 33.46 Enterprise High
Sanders, Lauren 33.71 Houston Academy
Barefield, Moriah 33.81 Rehobeth High School
Carpenter, Rebecca 36.06 Geneva County
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simpson, Zora Rehobeth High School
Owens, Marie 1:01.52 Houston Academy
Singletary, Mariyah 1:05.96 Dothan High School
Ingram, Kyria 1:08.08 Dothan High School
Strickland, Jenna Kate 1:08.61 Houston Academy
McKinney, Lazyria 1:11.35 Dothan High School
Price, Elizabeth 49.53 Houston Academy
Bolaji, Mariam 50.43 Enterprise High
Gallardo, Sydney 51.52 Providence Christian School
Sterling, Keyandra 52.99 Ashford HS
Roca, Gianna 53.14 Enterprise High
Hagler, Lainey 56.43 Slocomb High School
Creech, Dasia 57.39 Ashford HS
McGriff, Makaria 57.53 Houston Academy
Gilbo, Shaylee 58.20 Slocomb High School
Melton, Kailynn 59.06 Ashford HS
Harris, Angel 59.45 Slocomb High School
Werner, Brailyn 59.97 Rehobeth High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bochat, Olivia Enterprise High
Weilbacher, Johanna Enterprise High
Jenkins, Laely Enterprise High
Jones, Anniston Enterprise High
Smith, Brianna Enterprise High
Hawbaker, Allyson Enterprise High
Kim, Soomin Enterprise High
Horan, Kaili Enterprise High
Hopper, Isabella Enterprise High
Dressler, Autumn Northside Methodist Academy
McCrea, Emma 11:36.02 Enterprise High
Nichols, Hannah 13:10.63 Enterprise High
Prater, Natalie 13:27.92 Enterprise High
Jenkins, Ammarie 13:29.47 Enterprise High
Windham, Lilly Anne 14:10.90 Enterprise High
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palacios, Joanna Slocomb High School
McCray, Eryn Dothan High School
Trawick, Kyleigh Ashford HS
Witcher, Ava Eufaula HS
Langford, Katie 1:00.75 Houston Academy
Cotton, Lael 1:02.73 Dothan High School
Blake, Hallie 1:02.94 Rehobeth High School
Farris, Anna Catherine 1:02.99 Providence Christian School
Reed, Anala 1:04.57 Dothan High School
Wile, Kamryn 1:05.11 Enterprise High
Knight, Aniyah 1:05.83 Dothan High School
Hart, Holley 1:06.34 Houston Academy
Hart, Brianna 1:06.49 Houston Academy
Blaxton, Anne Marie 1:07.02 Providence Christian School
Pope, Zion 1:07.03 Rehobeth High School
Kelley, Reese 1:07.50 Enterprise High
Deetion, Bryce 1:07.72 Enterprise High
Wilkes, Sadie 1:08.32 Providence Christian School
Mathis, Sarah 1:08.56 Rehobeth High School
Creech, Dasia 1:09.72 Ashford HS
Wilson, Crystal 1:10.00 Ashford HS
Morgan, Mary 1:10.00 Northside Methodist Academy
Warren, Sydney 1:10.17 Northside Methodist Academy
Bass, Savannah 1:10.91 Ashford HS
Bowers, Lilly 1:11.00h Houston Academy
Morris, Na'Yanna 1:11.30 Dothan High School
Ingram, Lydia 1:13.40 Ashford HS
Jones, Anniston 1:14.79 Enterprise High
Carpenter, Destiny 1:15.18 Geneva County
Metcalf, Braylee 1:18.22 Ashford HS
Jacobs, Eliza 1:18.68 Providence Christian School
Parrish, Paxton 1:19.75 Houston Academy
Baker, Gabriella 1:28.10 Dothan High School
Flanagan, Macauley 58.39 Houston Academy
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Slocomb High School
Relay Team A Eufaula HS
Relay Team A 1:00.10 Rehobeth High School
Relay Team B 51.00 Enterprise High
Relay Team A 51.02 Dothan High School
Relay Team C 51.44 Enterprise High
Relay Team A 52.00 Enterprise High
Relay Team A 56.92 Houston Academy
Relay Team B 56.92 Houston Academy
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:28.30 Enterprise High
Relay Team B 4:34.30 Enterprise High
Relay Team A 5:00.00 Providence Christian School
Relay Team A 5:04.25 Houston Academy
Relay Team B 5:04.25 Houston Academy
Relay Team A 5:14.64 Ashford HS
Relay Team A 5:28.36 Rehobeth High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Enterprise High
Relay Team A 12:17.32 Ashford HS
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reeves, Madison Slocomb High School
Payne, Susie Houston Academy
Patterson, Madelyn 2:27.47 Providence Christian School
Farris, Anna Catherine 2:28.02 Providence Christian School
Langford, Katie 2:30.26 Houston Academy
Baker, Gabriella 2:36.76 Dothan High School
Talmadge, Millicent 2:37.86 Providence Christian School
Stanley, Brooke 2:41.65 Providence Christian School
Blaxton, Anne Marie 2:42.38 Providence Christian School
Morgan, Mary 2:46.98 Northside Methodist Academy
Blevins, Abby 2:51.48 Houston Academy
Gilbo, Shaylee 2:54.45 Slocomb High School
Bass, Savannah 2:55.61 Ashford HS
Hill, Juliette 2:59.62 Providence Christian School
Ateeque, Inaaya 3:02.12 Houston Academy
Dawsey, Carly 3:04.68 Ashford HS
Ingram, Lydia 3:11.23 Ashford HS
Werner, Brailyn 3:15.02 Rehobeth High School
Freeman, Emmalee 3:23.59 Ashford HS
Heersink, Caroline 3:23.90 Houston Academy
Estrella, Mahya 3:27.05 Houston Academy
Hernandez, Alexandra 3:28.21 Rehobeth High School
Payne, Erin 3:57.71 Ashford HS
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HS Girls Discus Throw 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amos, Sarah 118-2 Enterprise High
Fields, Kayla 104-0 Ashford HS
Peterman, LaCarla 100-8 Dothan High School
Jump, Raven 98-10 Enterprise High
Knight, Jazalyn 88-6 Enterprise High
Scott, Jessica 88-5 Enterprise High
Alexander, Abby Grace 88-5 Northside Methodist Academy
Dean, Leeana 87-2 Providence Christian School
Phillips, Daisa 86-5 Enterprise High
McManus, Olivia 81-7 Providence Christian School
Dorsey, Kaylin 77-2 Northside Methodist Academy
Tyson, Kaela 74-1 Enterprise High
Ezell, Amy 73-0 Houston Academy
Cool, Dana 67-11.5 Northside Methodist Academy
Lumbatis, Ariel 63-2 Providence Christian School
Moreland, Rasheeda 62-11 Enterprise High
Davis, Emmaleigh 56-0 Ashford HS
Johnson, Simora 55-1 Ashford HS
Greer, Gabi 53-11 Ashford HS
Jackson, Janelle 49-11 Rehobeth High School
Austin, Bella 43-2 Slocomb High School
Estes, Bella 40-8 Slocomb High School
Abraham, Lovella 37-8 Ashford HS
Wilson, Liana Providence Christian School
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HS Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Qortney 5-0 Enterprise High
Blaxton, Anne Marie 4-8 Providence Christian School
Roberson, Claire 4-6 Houston Academy
Rane, Kate 4-6 Houston Academy
Wilson, Crystal 4-6 Ashford HS
Blake, Hallie 4-4 Rehobeth High School
Hart, Brianna 4-4 Houston Academy
Sanders, Lauren 4-2 Houston Academy
Wilkes, Sadie 4-0 Providence Christian School
Bass, Makayla Enterprise High
Mccallum, Genna Northside Methodist Academy
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HS Girls Javelin 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mills, Karleigh 120-5 Northside Methodist Academy
Williams, Bahja 103-0 Enterprise High
Long, Cloey 95-6 Dothan High School
Knight, Jazalyn 95-3 Enterprise High
Lumbatis, Ariel 89-0 Providence Christian School
Moreland, Rasheeda 79-4 Enterprise High
Dean, Leeana 78-6 Providence Christian School
Hill, Patience 69-8 Enterprise High
Lewis, Cayden 66-3 Dothan High School
Anderson-Cruz, Anna 63-11 Geneva County
Schmadel, Reagan 60-1 Enterprise High
Scott, Jessica 56-3 Enterprise High
Pinto, Jasmin 54-8 Dothan High School
McManus, Olivia 51-9 Providence Christian School
Wilson, Liana Providence Christian School
Parmer, Joleigh Northside Methodist Academy
Felton, Cha'Nya Enterprise High
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HS Girls Long Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deetion, Bryce 16-6 Enterprise High
Hill, Patience 16-1 Enterprise High
Burger, Deshaviya 15-8 Enterprise High
Knox, Arianna 15-6 Slocomb High School
Sterling, Keyandra 15-1 Ashford HS
Owens, Anna 13-11 Houston Academy
Owens, Marie 13-4 Houston Academy
Lorman, Haley 13-3 Enterprise High
Pierce, Elise 13-2 Enterprise High
Hagler, Lainey 12-10 Slocomb High School
Cool, Dana 12-9 Northside Methodist Academy
Dawsey, Carly 12-7 Ashford HS
McGriff, Makaria 12-6 Houston Academy
Watson, Hadley 12-6 Houston Academy
Roberson, Claire 12-3 Houston Academy
Sanders, Lauren 11-10 Houston Academy
Morgan, Mary 11-10 Northside Methodist Academy
Warren, Sydney 11-10 Northside Methodist Academy
Barefield, Moriah 11-7 Rehobeth High School
Miley, Nyema 11-5 Enterprise High
Ingram, Lydia 11-4 Ashford HS
Carpenter, Rebecca 9-4 Geneva County
Lumbatis, Ariel Providence Christian School
Mullins, Scout Providence Christian School
Estes, Bella Slocomb High School
Palacios, Joanna Slocomb High School
Mathis, Sarah Rehobeth High School
Pittman, Bri Rehobeth High School
Pope, Reign Rehobeth High School
Pope, Zion Rehobeth High School
Parmer, Joleigh Northside Methodist Academy
Mccallum, Genna Northside Methodist Academy
Wilson, Crystal Ashford HS
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Amos, Sarah 37-10 Enterprise High
McMiller, Nydia 32-6.5 Slocomb High School
Tyson, Kaela 31-1.75 Enterprise High
Phillips, Daisa 30-6 Enterprise High
Dean, Leeana 30-3.5 Providence Christian School
Williams, Bahja 29-2.5 Enterprise High
McManus, Olivia 28-7 Providence Christian School
Alexander, Abby Grace 28-4 Northside Methodist Academy
Moreland, Rasheeda 28-3 Enterprise High
Austin, Bella 27-8 Slocomb High School
Scott, Jessica 27-5 Enterprise High
Johnson, Simora 27-4 Ashford HS
Dorsey, Kaylin 26-4.5 Northside Methodist Academy
Davis, Emmaleigh 26-1 Ashford HS
Peterman, LaCarla 26-0 Dothan High School
Estes, Bella 23-6 Slocomb High School
Ezell, Amy 23-0 Houston Academy
Greer, Gabi 22-1 Ashford HS
Jackson, Janelle 21-4 Rehobeth High School
Spells, Se'Riyah 18-5 Rehobeth High School
Wilson, Liana Providence Christian School
Buchanan, Liz Houston Academy
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HS Girls Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bolaji, Mariam 35-10 Enterprise High
Bass, Makayla 35-0 Enterprise High
Ballew, Jamilla 32-11 Enterprise High
Hill, Patience 31-1 Enterprise High
Knox, Arianna 30-8.25 Slocomb High School
Owens, Anna 30-1 Houston Academy
Roberson, Claire 29-2.5 Houston Academy
McGriff, Makaria 29-2 Houston Academy
Witcher, Ava Eufaula HS
Mullins, Scout Providence Christian School
Spells, Se'Riyah Rehobeth High School
Pittman, Bri Rehobeth High School
Pope, Reign Rehobeth High School
Hernandez, Alexandra Rehobeth High School
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