Mobile County Championships 2023

Mobile, AL

Mobile County Championships 2023 vs Mobile County Championships 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -23 303 326
Overall Average -47.95 22:30.91 23:18.85
1st-10th Place -7.56 16:16.41 16:23.96
1st-25th Place -2.22 16:51.11 16:53.33
1st-50th Place -4.01 17:29.28 17:33.29
1st-100th Place -15.34 18:26.31 18:41.65
Common Athletes -- -- 169
Ran Faster -19 75 94
Ran Season Best 53 82 29
Average Time +5.33 21:42.82 21:37.48
Median Time -17.07 20:56.65 21:13.72
Middle 80% Times +9.88 21:27.23 21:17.35
Top 10% Times +7.87 16:53.07 16:45.20
Top 25% Times +13.20 17:48.01 17:34.81
Top 50% Times +9.86 18:56.04 18:46.18
Bottom 50% Times +0.73 24:14.26 24:13.53
Bottom 25% Times -2.92 26:31.00 26:33.93
Bottom 10% Times -34.18 28:52.13 29:26.31
Average Difference +5.33 -- --
Median Difference +1:18.84 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +9.48 -- --
Top 10% Difference +8.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference +8.23 -- --
Top 25% Difference +11.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference +8.23 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3.29 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1.59 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -20.26 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
William Porr McGill-Toolen Catholic +12.61 15:40.04 15:27.43
Peyton Holderer UMS-Wright +18.33 16:25.63 16:07.30
J Roe Hand UMS-Wright -24.79 16:11.16 16:35.95
Estan Wrights St. Paul's Episcopal +15.86 16:36.82 16:20.96
Tyler Harris Baker +1:29.01 18:00.44 16:31.43
Phillip Parker Davidson -8.16 16:31.45 16:39.61
Joshua Sasser McGill-Toolen Catholic -46.92 16:32.68 17:19.60
Alex Gamble UMS-Wright -40.71 16:35.28 17:15.99
William Gill St. Paul's Episcopal +19.28 17:01.17 16:41.89
Wesley Robinson St. Paul's Episcopal -5.21 16:43.21 16:48.42
Evan May Faith Academy +1:11.06 17:54.34 16:43.28
Malcolm Warren UMS-Wright -1:16.27 16:43.72 17:59.99
Taylor Whitehead Faith Academy +43.54 17:37.23 16:53.69
Nate Jones Saraland High School +51.23 17:45.46 16:54.23
Noah Gautier UMS-Wright +13.85 17:10.13 16:56.28
Jp McDonald Saraland High School +38.61 17:39.42 17:00.81
Bennett Morgan Baker -7.23 17:08.13 17:15.36
Charley Willis McGill-Toolen Catholic +43.96 18:00.07 17:16.11
Daniel Walker Faith Academy +4.46 17:24.10 17:19.64
Cohen Taylor Satsuma +45.64 18:09.49 17:23.85
Lorenzo Carr Davidson +1:30.11 18:57.19 17:27.08
Shawn Nguyen Baker -40.23 17:30.05 18:10.28
Owen Farmer Davidson -18.92 17:31.95 17:50.87
Noah Jones Saraland High School +2:50.30 20:30.16 17:39.86
John Vickers Alma Bryant -23.85 17:45.13 18:08.98
Michael Croft St. Paul's Episcopal -46.34 17:48.22 18:34.56
Burns Willis UMS-Wright -14.13 17:48.45 18:02.58
Nate Martin Saraland High School +59.93 18:48.52 17:48.59
Judd Peavy St. Paul's Episcopal -36.10 17:49.37 18:25.47
Conner Fox Saraland High School +2:15.77 20:07.80 17:52.03
James Fant Davidson +22.42 18:15.28 17:52.86
Ethan Howell Mobile Christian +44.18 18:42.36 17:58.19
Steven Davis UMS-Wright -1:31.61 18:07.59 19:39.20
Jakob Moore Saraland High School +30.44 18:39.90 18:09.46
Jake Stockert Baker +34.06 18:44.19 18:10.13
Sawyer Smith St. Luke's Episcopal School +34.16 18:45.50 18:11.34
Hudson Benge McGill-Toolen Catholic -36.62 18:16.36 18:52.97
Atli Johnston St. Luke's Episcopal School +25.77 18:49.69 18:23.93
Josh Hensley Baker +17.62 18:45.84 18:28.22
Tate McAnnally UMS-Wright +8.70 18:37.11 18:28.41
Alex Gould McGill-Toolen Catholic +15.06 18:43.66 18:28.60
Luke Adams McGill-Toolen Catholic +44.11 19:13.03 18:28.92
Ryan Bayird McGill-Toolen Catholic +1:16.39 19:49.00 18:32.61
Collin Sahawneh St. Luke's Episcopal School +1:49.22 20:24.23 18:35.01
Joshua Cole UMS-Wright +31.92 19:09.16 18:37.24
Rishi Gupta St. Luke's Episcopal School -10.23 18:39.14 18:49.37
Braxton Kennedy Baker +6.45 18:47.13 18:40.68
Sawyer Bruns Saraland High School +14.37 18:56.58 18:42.21
Spencer Stoll Davidson -1:22.84 18:45.40 20:08.24
Kelvin Agee Faith Academy +36.85 19:31.22 18:54.37
Justin Ward Saraland High School +25.87 19:28.07 19:02.20
Jayden Boykin Satsuma -1:26.77 19:03.64 20:30.41
Michael Morgan St. Paul's Episcopal -35.16 19:05.59 19:40.75
Jackson Black Baker +1:03.38 20:12.21 19:08.83
Mallory Helms UMS-Wright -0.89 19:15.04 19:15.93
Whit Green Saraland High School +2:40.12 21:55.33 19:15.21
Jon Martin Saraland High School +50.98 20:07.96 19:16.98
Mallary Little Saraland High School -16.21 19:17.37 19:33.58
Everhett Smith Baker +47.69 20:09.57 19:21.88
Claire Mostellar McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:25.10 19:22.64 20:47.74
Caedon Howard Baker -48.64 19:25.63 20:14.27
Alice Moore St. Paul's Episcopal -40.56 19:28.56 20:09.12
Daniel Eddlemon Mobile Christian +58.07 20:28.86 19:30.79
Josué Heath UMS-Wright -1:57.60 19:31.51 21:29.11
Cain Matthews St. Luke's Episcopal School +34.70 20:14.91 19:40.21
Jack Schwant St. Paul's Episcopal +11.00 20:02.26 19:51.26
Ethan Banks Davidson +17.92 20:12.13 19:54.21
Audrey Woodard McGill-Toolen Catholic -24.76 19:55.81 20:20.57
John William Duffy Alabama School of Math and Science (ASMS) -46.33 19:55.92 20:42.25
Audrey Kate Smith St. Paul's Episcopal +45.44 20:42.05 19:56.61
Charlie Kidder McGill-Toolen Catholic +4.39 20:01.66 19:57.27
Izzy Riddick Satsuma -18.83 19:57.35 20:16.18
Sam Hoppe Saraland High School +49.33 20:47.02 19:57.69
Thomas Lynn Alma Bryant -42.05 20:00.44 20:42.49
Cam Wrights St. Paul's Episcopal +40.44 20:50.66 20:10.22
Travis Risper Davidson -1:35.59 20:14.85 21:50.44
Parker Young McGill-Toolen Catholic +0.19 20:16.23 20:16.04
Cooper Matthews St. Luke's Episcopal School +40.04 20:56.36 20:16.32
Hannah Porr McGill-Toolen Catholic +1:18.84 21:35.38 20:16.54
Aiden Campbell Saraland High School +19.20 20:43.74 20:24.54
Lexi Bolton McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:05.89 20:27.38 21:33.27
Blaine Smith Baker -1:11.14 20:43.61 21:54.75
Jayden Steiner St. Luke's Episcopal School -43.34 20:45.23 21:28.57
Mathew Kaulfers Mobile Christian -1:04.54 20:46.09 21:50.63
Eli Weatherford Davidson +1:00.04 21:46.74 20:46.70
Kennedy Hambright McGill-Toolen Catholic -37.92 20:52.64 21:30.56
Teresa Ye Saraland High School +1:02.56 21:55.29 20:52.73
Brayden Sadler Davidson +3:58.63 24:53.13 20:54.50
Pedro Tomas Mary G Montgomery -1:15.10 20:54.57 22:09.67
Michael Sciambra Baker -37.34 20:56.65 21:33.99
Reece Hale St. Luke's Episcopal School -6.72 20:59.03 21:05.75
Tanner Skelton Faith Academy +34.49 21:39.60 21:05.11
Isabella Benge McGill-Toolen Catholic -8.30 21:05.42 21:13.72
Abby Kilgore Baker -1:45.62 21:10.58 22:56.20
Molly Pugh UMS-Wright -1:34.31 21:11.95 22:46.25
Andrew Blejwas Davidson +38.24 21:50.48 21:12.24
Bronson Little Saraland High School +1:12.40 22:26.61 21:14.21
Hannah Wickel Baker -2:19.55 21:18.02 23:37.57
Kenly Cooper UMS-Wright +9.49 21:28.42 21:18.93
Ava Kelly Saraland High School -57.71 21:30.45 22:28.16
Truman Luna St. Luke's Episcopal School +53.26 22:23.99 21:30.73
Dorian Gonzalez Alabama School of Math and Science (ASMS) -19.33 21:30.90 21:50.23
Catherine Weinacker McGill-Toolen Catholic -23.75 21:32.56 21:56.31
Anne Hattox Saraland High School +1:28.08 23:06.77 21:38.69
Isabella McGill Davidson -1:19.63 21:40.95 23:00.57
Ethan Zirlott McGill-Toolen Catholic -4:15.63 21:43.97 25:59.60
Julia Panchenko Davidson +3:05.45 24:58.66 21:53.21
Ben Martin Saraland High School +3.18 22:01.29 21:58.11
Shelbie Harrison Baker -1:49.35 22:01.81 23:51.16
Isabelle Craddock McGill-Toolen Catholic -3.39 22:03.56 22:06.95
Hartley Smith Saraland High School +1:42.81 23:54.33 22:11.52
Dalton Lee Satsuma +36.99 22:50.15 22:13.16
Ashton Smith Saraland High School +12.21 22:30.18 22:17.97
Grace Salmon McGill-Toolen Catholic -56.75 22:18.90 23:15.65
Ava Dorminey St. Paul's Episcopal +2:02.20 24:21.32 22:19.12
Reeder Keith St. Luke's Episcopal School -41.49 22:23.94 23:05.43
Sophie Dolbear St. Luke's Episcopal School +1:10.08 23:36.64 22:26.56
Andrew Weatherby Saraland High School +39.06 23:05.92 22:26.86
Caroline McFarland St. Paul's Episcopal -5.13 22:27.04 22:32.17
Karis Singleterry Mary G Montgomery +1:35.54 24:04.35 22:28.82
Ava Quinones Davidson -9.23 22:55.11 23:04.34
Makenzie Nelson Satsuma +48.04 23:46.95 22:58.91
Mei Lin McNeal Mobile Christian -45.92 23:01.45 23:47.37
Conner Fox Alma Bryant +1:00.84 24:03.00 23:02.16
Amelie Smith St. Luke's Episcopal School +1:13.17 24:17.78 23:04.61
Caroline King Baker +54.21 24:04.69 23:10.48
Ardella Glasscock Faith Academy +1:16.76 24:39.94 23:23.18
Samantha Gerardi McGill-Toolen Catholic -47.56 23:26.23 24:13.79
Sumedh Patil Davidson +1:30.44 25:02.70 23:32.26
Khandro Butler UMS-Wright +7.14 23:48.20 23:41.06
Hannah Mularz Baker -17.15 23:45.93 24:03.08
Taylor Harris Baker +5:08.80 28:57.71 23:48.91
Corbyn Biggs Satsuma -2:45.59 23:57.10 26:42.69
Anush Mainali Alabama School of Math and Science (ASMS) +3:01.06 26:59.29 23:58.23
Miriam Hanna McGill-Toolen Catholic -49.34 24:05.24 24:54.58
Ava Purvis McGill-Toolen Catholic +1:03.32 25:16.56 24:13.24
Caroline Carter Davidson +1:42.07 25:56.97 24:14.90
Marian Gerardi McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:50.92 24:15.42 26:06.34
Ethan Gates Davidson +44.21 25:01.35 24:17.14
Natalie Webb Davidson +1:35.67 25:54.60 24:18.93
Mei-Ling Rollman Davidson +1:56.67 26:17.78 24:21.11
Benjamin Rodriguez Alma Bryant +9.38 24:34.33 24:24.95
Novah Gill Baker -51.85 24:26.04 25:17.89
Langston Little Saraland High School +53.46 25:20.01 24:26.55
Sasha Adams Satsuma +3:46.48 28:13.34 24:26.86
Sydney Catlett Baker -13.09 24:27.31 24:40.40
Katie Adams McGill-Toolen Catholic -19.95 24:41.13 25:01.08
Travis Greer McGill-Toolen Catholic -18.16 24:51.04 25:09.20
Matalin McNeal Mobile Christian -38.63 24:54.34 25:32.97
Sadie Norris UMS-Wright -21.64 24:57.59 25:19.23
Reagan Sexton Saraland High School +24.31 25:30.00 25:05.69
Grace Feenstra Baker -2:27.22 25:12.88 27:40.10
Haley Cummings McGill-Toolen Catholic -20.95 25:16.77 25:37.72
Amelia Renfrow McGill-Toolen Catholic -4:45.67 25:22.08 30:07.75
Rowan Yeager St. Luke's Episcopal School +25.64 25:50.17 25:24.53
Grace Parker Faith Academy +10.57 25:36.52 25:25.95
Skinner Childers UMS-Wright -3:47.00 25:40.05 29:27.05
Aubry Butters Mobile Christian -1:50.59 25:55.80 27:46.39
Whisper Saunders Davidson +42.15 26:38.28 25:56.14
Aidan McCafferty Davidson -8:15.06 26:06.43 34:21.49
Anais Franco St. Luke's Episcopal School +3:02.35 29:50.10 26:47.75
Miller Sigler McGill-Toolen Catholic +50.14 28:09.08 27:18.94
Bria Poellnitz Davidson +36.00 28:13.43 27:37.43
Julie Dombroski Alma Bryant -1:23.35 28:17.76 29:41.11
Emalee Alexander Mary G Montgomery -1:10.80 28:22.98 29:33.78
Piper McClure St. Paul's Episcopal +2:36.74 31:24.45 28:47.71
Cecilia Archer Baker -5:52.49 29:40.67 35:33.16
Emma Powell Davidson -3.56 33:24.73 33:28.29
Mattelyn Law Davidson +4:49.76 38:17.44 33:27.68