Mobile County Championships 2023

Mobile, AL

Mobile County Championships 2023 vs Mobile County Championships 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +24 303 279
Overall Average -2:26.44 22:30.91 24:57.35
1st-10th Place -56.28 16:16.41 17:12.69
1st-25th Place -57.16 16:51.11 17:48.27
1st-50th Place -1:18.95 17:29.28 18:48.23
1st-100th Place -1:43.75 18:26.31 20:10.06
Common Athletes -- -- 38
Ran Faster 30 34 4
Ran Season Best 8 13 5
Average Time -3:07.05 20:30.70 23:37.75
Median Time -3:08.82 20:27.38 23:36.20
Middle 80% Times -3:07.62 20:30.44 23:38.06
Top 10% Times -2:33.10 16:28.91 19:02.02
Top 25% Times -2:30.92 17:27.66 19:58.58
Top 50% Times -2:25.60 18:33.39 20:58.99
Bottom 50% Times -3:48.50 22:28.02 26:16.51
Bottom 25% Times -3:56.53 23:44.94 27:41.47
Bottom 10% Times -3:55.89 25:28.13 29:24.02
Average Difference -3:07.05 -- --
Median Difference -3:41.55 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:46.60 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:29.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:42.99 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:57.87 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:42.99 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -4:31.11 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -5:39.33 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -8:05.01 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
William Porr McGill-Toolen Catholic -2:06.47 15:40.04 17:46.51
Garrett Dolbear St. Luke's Episcopal School -2:32.99 16:18.83 18:51.82
Joshua Sasser McGill-Toolen Catholic -3:41.71 16:32.68 20:14.39
Daniel Walker Faith Academy -3:48.30 17:24.10 21:12.40
Nate Jones Saraland High School -12:11.64 17:45.46 29:57.10
Cameron Skipper Saraland High School -8:00.86 17:50.24 25:51.10
Trenton McNew Davidson -10:37.32 17:52.98 28:30.30
Logan Baxter Baker -1:48.91 18:04.50 19:53.41
Jake Davis St. Luke's Episcopal School -2:11.21 18:28.39 20:39.60
William Blanchette McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:55.19 18:39.37 20:34.56
Will Chadwick Satsuma -2:23.26 19:01.77 21:25.03
Emily Miles St. Paul's Episcopal -2:02.64 19:11.62 21:14.26
Lindsey Baxter Baker +30.47 20:06.79 19:36.32
Micah Trippe Faith Academy -42.16 19:37.43 20:19.59
Shep Faulk McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:22.21 19:42.59 21:04.80
David Guthrie Satsuma -6:01.61 19:56.14 25:57.75
Izzy Riddick Satsuma -4:38.68 19:57.35 24:36.03
Neely Kate Benton St. Paul's Episcopal -3:41.55 20:07.95 23:49.50
Carlen Cook UMS-Wright -1:28.41 20:16.16 21:44.57
Lexi Bolton McGill-Toolen Catholic -2:06.49 20:27.38 22:33.87
Audrey Kate Smith St. Paul's Episcopal -50.88 20:42.05 21:32.93
Jadin Allen Saraland High School -2:19.43 20:43.93 23:03.36
Emily Shumock Faith Academy +30.80 21:15.56 20:44.76
Jayden Steiner St. Luke's Episcopal School -6:37.17 20:45.23 27:22.40
Annalee Parks Saraland High School -5:07.03 20:56.53 26:03.56
Joscelyn Kemper Faith Academy -3:33.67 21:16.06 24:49.73
Elsa Grow McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:55.85 21:36.55 23:32.40
Tanner Skelton Faith Academy -2:50.40 21:39.60 24:30.00
Camille Wittendorfer McGill-Toolen Catholic -21.99 22:14.22 22:36.21
Maycie Drews Davidson -3:09.51 22:18.61 25:28.12
Grace Salmon McGill-Toolen Catholic -3:59.70 22:18.90 26:18.60
Davis Parks Saraland High School -5:54.66 22:34.84 28:29.50
Abigail Keahey Davidson -3:17.61 22:44.11 26:01.72
Samantha Gerardi McGill-Toolen Catholic -4:06.97 23:26.23 27:33.20
Miriam Hanna McGill-Toolen Catholic +29.04 24:05.24 23:36.20
Rowan Yeager St. Luke's Episcopal School +2:09.51 25:50.17 23:40.66
Matalin McNeal Mobile Christian -1:04.78 24:54.34 25:59.12
Presleigh Montalvo Satsuma -3:36.41 27:02.75 30:39.16