Brooks XC Invitational 2009

Florence, AL
Hosted by Brooks

Boys Varsity 1A-4A

                7th Annual Brooks High School Invitational
                             Florence, Alabama
                         Saturday, August 29, 2009
Event 4  Boys 5k Run CC
                      Varsity Boys 1A-4A Team Results

  1.    24  Randolph School                 (  17:46  1:28:47)
  1      1  Keith Buell                 17:00
  2      2  Hudson Robb                 17:19
  3      3  Leland Collins              17:24
  4      8  Zach Haught                 18:30
  5     10  Patrick Wingo               18:34
  6   ( 11) Aaron Merijanian            18:36
  7   ( 19) Harrison Hunter             19:00

  2.    68  Kossuth High School             (  18:43  1:33:35)
  1      5  Casey Parks                 18:06
  2      7  Kyle Suitor                 18:19
  3     14  Andy McElyea                18:42
  4     18  Nick Thompson               18:57
  5     24  Conner Martin               19:31
  6   ( 33) Slater Smith                20:03
  7   ( 44) Jordan Peters               20:24

  3.   111  Hatton HS                       (  19:20  1:36:38)
  1     12  Devin Jackson               18:38
  2     16  Jade  Brackin               18:46
  3     21  Casey Parker                19:24
  4     30  Blake Brackin               19:54
  5     32  Reid Harrison               19:56
  6   ( 39) Austin Mardis               20:14
  7   ( 42) Ben Patterson               20:22

  4.   111  Univ. School of Nashville       (  19:14  1:36:09)
  1      4  Avi Bregman                 17:38
  2     20  Ian Ball                    19:05
  3     22  Joseph Marshall             19:30
  4     25  Gregory Shemancik           19:38
  5     40  Trey Manning                20:18
  6   ( 48) William Doak                20:26
  7   ( 65) Mitchell Lutz               21:32

  5.   119  Lawrence County HS              (  19:25  1:37:05)
  1      6  Micheal Brooks              18:11
  2     17  William McWhorter           18:51
  3     27  Devin Gardner               19:51
  4     28  Tyler Corum                 19:52
  5     41  Shane Naylor                20:20
  6   ( 43) Jesse Logan                 20:23
  7   ( 46) Andrew McQuade              20:25

  6.   206  Rogers HS                       (  20:19  1:41:33)
  1     26  Lantz Passarella            19:43
  2     31  Cody Hutto                  19:55
  3     38  Ethan Corbett               20:14
  4     51  Austin Alexander            20:32
  5     60  Evan Kilburn                21:09
  6   ( 62) Austin French               21:22
  7   ( 78) Ben Etheridge               22:38

  7.   224  Haleyville HS                   (  20:30  1:42:27)
  1     13  Fabian Cortez               18:40
  2     34  Tyler Mills                 20:03
  3     47  Adam Benefield              20:26
  4     56  Brandon Santamaria          20:48
  5     74  Alex Willis                 22:30
  6   ( 82) Dustin Aderholt             23:04
  7   ( 99) Bobby Mills                 24:51

  8.   250  Clements HS                     (  20:49  1:44:02)
  1     15  Roger Good                  18:44
  2     37  Robert Altgilbers           20:12
  3     61  Garret Browning             21:15
  4     64  Will Patrick                21:26
  5     73  Chris Colwell               22:25
  6   ( 79) Trey McMeans                22:51
  7   ( 83) Luke Moore                  23:07

  9.   250  Brooks High School              (  20:55  1:44:35)
  1      9  Markus Smith                18:32
  2     36  Troy Hurren                 20:11
  3     50  Jakob Liles                 20:30
  4     71  Kedric Roach                22:13
  5     84  Austin Harrison             23:09
  6   (101) Nathan Richardson           24:54
  7   (103) Hunter Allen                25:51

 10.   322  Winfield HS                     (  21:47  1:48:52)
  1     29  Collins Davis               19:53
  2     54  Cody Spann                  20:40
  3     58  Andy Franks                 21:03
  4     90  Daniel Bowling              23:36
  5     91  Max Erb                     23:40
  6   ( 96) Garrett Clark               24:11

 11.   347  Mars Hill                       (  21:56  1:49:38)
  1     53  Drew Black                  20:39
  2     59  Jake Mitchell               21:08
  3     66  Jordan Holt                 21:33
  4     81  Kyle Black                  23:01
  5     88  Luke Krieger                23:17

 12.   350  Lexington HS                    (  22:08  1:50:36)
  1     49  Colby Handley               20:29
  2     55  Issac Joiner                20:47
  3     72  Trent Putman                22:14
  4     77  Levi James                  22:33
  5     97  Zac Alexander               24:33
  6   (107) Daniel Hambright            26:42
  7   (108) Dylan Springer              26:42

 13.   354  Covenant Christian School       (  22:12  1:50:58)
  1     45  Keith Gann                  20:25
  2     68  Michael Lossau              21:51
  3     69  Heath Franks                22:01
  4     80  Ethan Jordan                22:58
  5     92  Stephen Farris              23:43
  6   ( 98) Colton Smallwood            24:41
  7   (106) Thomas Martin               26:13

 14.   355  Catholic High                   (  22:35  1:52:51)
  1     35  Andrew Weaver               20:05
  2     52  John Shrontz                20:35
  3     70  Zach Riviere                22:12
  4     93  Phillip Bajoras             23:47
  5    105  Tom Koelbl                  26:12
  6   (114) Anthony Soprano             31:12
  7   (115) Timothy Fuerst              31:52

 15.   374  Central - Florence              (  22:43  1:53:35)
  1     23  Austin Standky              19:30
  2     75  Tyler Angel                 22:31
  3     87  Aaron Lovelady              23:13
  4     89  Seth Allen                  23:28
  5    100  Skyler Bain                 24:53
  6   (102) Wes Copeland                25:06
  7   (111) Devonta Anderson            29:25

 16.   395  West Limestone HS               (  22:44  1:53:38)
  1     63  Breck Johnson               21:23
  2     67  Jordan Romine               21:45
  3     76  Kyle Thornton               22:32
  4     94  Ramon Quiroz                23:56
  5     95  Thomas Peek                 24:02
  6   (104) Blake Pierce                26:11
  7   (109) Jeremey Romine              26:49

 17.   454  Hamilton HS                     (  25:18  2:06:30)
  1     57  David Brown                 20:55
  2     85  Zack Hanford                23:11
  3     86  Brandon Shiflett            23:12
  4    110  Gabriel Castillejos         27:20
  5    116  Jordan Carter               31:52

 18.   579  Wilson HS                       (  32:23  2:41:52)
  1    112  Levi Bevis                  29:50
  2    113  Josh Litral                 31:00
  3    117  Zack Phillips               33:17
  4    118  Kaleb Smith                 33:21
  5    119  Owen Formby                 34:24

                7th Annual Brooks High School Invitational
                             Florence, Alabama
                         Saturday, August 29, 2009

      ********** Overall Results - Varsity Boys 1A-4A - 5K **********

Place TmPl Name                      School                          Time    Pace  
===== ==== ========================= =============================== ======= ===== 
    1    1 Keith Buell               Randolph School                   17:00  5:29 
    2    2 Hudson Robb               Randolph School                   17:19  5:35 
    3    3 Leland Collins            Randolph School                   17:24  5:36 
    4    4 Avi Bregman               Univ. School of Nashville         17:38  5:41 
    5    5 Casey Parks               Kossuth High School               18:06  5:50 
    6    6 Micheal Brooks            Lawrence County HS                18:11  5:51 
    7    7 Kyle Suitor               Kossuth High School               18:19  5:54 
    8    8 Zach Haught               Randolph School                   18:30  5:58 
    9    9 Markus Smith              Brooks High School                18:32  5:58 
   10   10 Patrick Wingo             Randolph School                   18:34  5:59 
   11   11 Aaron Merijanian          Randolph School                   18:36  6:00 
   12   12 Devin Jackson             Hatton HS                         18:38  6:00 
   13   13 Fabian Cortez             Haleyville HS                     18:40  6:01 
   14   14 Andy McElyea              Kossuth High School               18:42  6:01 
   15   15 Roger Good                Clements HS                       18:44  6:02 
   16   16 Jade  Brackin             Hatton HS                         18:46  6:03 
   17   17 William McWhorter         Lawrence County HS                18:51  6:04 
   18   18 Nick Thompson             Kossuth High School               18:57  6:06 
   19   19 Harrison Hunter           Randolph School                   19:00  6:07 
   20   20 Ian Ball                  Univ. School of Nashville         19:05  6:09 
   21      Kevin Yang                Randolph School                   19:06  6:09 
   22   21 Casey Parker              Hatton HS                         19:24  6:15 
   23      Will Teachey              Randolph School                   19:29  6:17 
   24   22 Joseph Marshall           Univ. School of Nashville         19:30  6:17 
   25   23 Austin Standky            Central - Florence                19:30  6:17 
   26   24 Conner Martin             Kossuth High School               19:31  6:17 
   27   25 Gregory Shemancik         Univ. School of Nashville         19:38  6:20 
   28   26 Lantz Passarella          Rogers HS                         19:43  6:21 
   29   27 Devin Gardner             Lawrence County HS                19:51  6:24 
   30   28 Tyler Corum               Lawrence County HS                19:52  6:24 
   31   29 Collins Davis             Winfield HS                       19:53  6:24 
   32   30 Blake Brackin             Hatton HS                         19:54  6:25 
   33   31 Cody Hutto                Rogers HS                         19:55  6:25 
   34   32 Reid Harrison             Hatton HS                         19:56  6:25 
   35   33 Slater Smith              Kossuth High School               20:03  6:28 
   36   34 Tyler Mills               Haleyville HS                     20:03  6:28 
   37   35 Andrew Weaver             Catholic High                     20:05  6:28 
   38   36 Troy Hurren               Brooks High School                20:11  6:30 
   39   37 Robert Altgilbers         Clements HS                       20:12  6:31 
   40   38 Ethan Corbett             Rogers HS                         20:14  6:31 
   41   39 Austin Mardis             Hatton HS                         20:14  6:31 
   42   40 Trey Manning              Univ. School of Nashville         20:18  6:32 
   43   41 Shane Naylor              Lawrence County HS                20:20  6:33 
   44   42 Ben Patterson             Hatton HS                         20:22  6:34 
   45   43 Jesse Logan               Lawrence County HS                20:23  6:34 
   46   44 Jordan Peters             Kossuth High School               20:24  6:34 
   47   45 Keith Gann                Covenant Christian School         20:25  6:35 
   48   46 Andrew McQuade            Lawrence County HS                20:25  6:35 
   49   47 Adam Benefield            Haleyville HS                     20:26  6:35 
   50   48 William Doak              Univ. School of Nashville         20:26  6:35
   51   49 Colby Handley             Lexington HS                      20:29  6:36 
   52   50 Jakob Liles               Brooks High School                20:30  6:36 
   53   51 Austin Alexander          Rogers HS                         20:32  6:37 
   54      Michael Walker            Hatton HS                         20:33  6:37 
   55   52 John Shrontz              Catholic High                     20:35  6:38 
   56      Blake Strachan            Kossuth High School               20:36  6:38 
   57   53 Drew Black                Mars Hill                         20:39  6:39 
   58   54 Cody Spann                Winfield HS                       20:40  6:39 
   59   55 Issac Joiner              Lexington HS                      20:47  6:42 
   60   56 Brandon Santamaria        Haleyville HS                     20:48  6:42 
   61      Jamie Killen              Lawrence County HS                20:49  6:42 
   62   57 David Brown               Hamilton HS                       20:55  6:44 
   63   58 Andy Franks               Winfield HS                       21:03  6:47 
   64      Joseph Lowery             East Lawrence                     21:03  6:47 
   65   59 Jake Mitchell             Mars Hill                         21:08  6:48 
   66   60 Evan Kilburn              Rogers HS                         21:09  6:49 
   67   61 Garret Browning           Clements HS                       21:15  6:51 
   68      Michael Ginn              Kossuth High School               21:16  6:51 
   69      Avery Parks               Kossuth High School               21:21  6:53 
   70   62 Austin French             Rogers HS                         21:22  6:53 
   71   63 Breck Johnson             West Limestone HS                 21:23  6:53 
   72   64 Will Patrick              Clements HS                       21:26  6:54 
   73   65 Mitchell Lutz             Univ. School of Nashville         21:32  6:56 
   74   66 Jordan Holt               Mars Hill                         21:33  6:56 
   75      Blayne Brackin            Hatton HS                         21:37  6:58 
   76   67 Jordan Romine             West Limestone HS                 21:45  7:00 
   77      Bo Elliot                 Lawrence County HS                21:50  7:02 
   78   68 Michael Lossau            Covenant Christian School         21:51  7:02 
   79   69 Heath Franks              Covenant Christian School         22:01  7:06 
   80      Kamron Potter             Hatton HS                         22:10  7:08 
   81      Daniel Dudley             Hatton HS                         22:12  7:09 
   82   70 Zach Riviere              Catholic High                     22:12  7:09 
   83   71 Kedric Roach              Brooks High School                22:13  7:09 
   84   72 Trent Putman              Lexington HS                      22:14  7:10 
   85      Dan Gillis                Randolph School                   22:19  7:11 
   86   73 Chris Colwell             Clements HS                       22:25  7:13 
   87   74 Alex Willis               Haleyville HS                     22:30  7:15 
   88      Cody Glascow              Belgreen HS                       22:31  7:15 
   89   75 Tyler Angel               Central - Florence                22:31  7:15 
   90   76 Kyle Thornton             West Limestone HS                 22:32  7:16 
   91   77 Levi James                Lexington HS                      22:33  7:16 
   92   78 Ben Etheridge             Rogers HS                         22:38  7:17 
   93   79 Trey McMeans              Clements HS                       22:51  7:22 
   94   80 Ethan Jordan              Covenant Christian School         22:58  7:24 
   95   81 Kyle Black                Mars Hill                         23:01  7:25 
   96   82 Dustin Aderholt           Haleyville HS                     23:04  7:26 
   97      Shawn Hall                Belgreen HS                       23:05  7:26 
   98   83 Luke Moore                Clements HS                       23:07  7:27 
   99   84 Austin Harrison           Brooks High School                23:09  7:27 
  100   85 Zack Hanford              Hamilton HS                       23:11  7:28
  101   86 Brandon Shiflett          Hamilton HS                       23:12  7:28 
  102   87 Aaron Lovelady            Central - Florence                23:13  7:29 
  103      Dillion Christopher       East Lawrence                     23:14  7:29 
  104   88 Luke Krieger              Mars Hill                         23:17  7:30 
  105   89 Seth Allen                Central - Florence                23:28  7:34 
  106      Andrew McCullough         Lawrence County HS                23:33  7:35 
  107      Chase Peterson            Kossuth High School               23:34  7:36 
  108      Clint Jones               Kossuth High School               23:35  7:36 
  109   90 Daniel Bowling            Winfield HS                       23:36  7:36 
  110      Justin McLemore           Hatton HS                         23:39  7:37 
  111   91 Max Erb                   Winfield HS                       23:40  7:37 
  112   92 Stephen Farris            Covenant Christian School         23:43  7:38 
  113      C.J. Woodaham             Lawrence County HS                23:46  7:39 
  114   93 Phillip Bajoras           Catholic High                     23:47  7:40 
  115   94 Ramon Quiroz              West Limestone HS                 23:56  7:42 
  116      Jared Travnich            Hatton HS                         24:00  7:44 
  117   95 Thomas Peek               West Limestone HS                 24:02  7:44 
  118   96 Garrett Clark             Winfield HS                       24:11  7:47 
  119      Will Downs                Kossuth High School               24:24  7:52 
  120   97 Zac Alexander             Lexington HS                      24:33  7:54 
  121   98 Colton Smallwood          Covenant Christian School         24:41  7:57 
  122   99 Bobby Mills               Haleyville HS                     24:51  8:00 
  123  100 Skyler Bain               Central - Florence                24:53  8:01 
  124  101 Nathan Richardson         Brooks High School                24:54  8:01 
  125      Dakota Eskridge           Hatton HS                         24:54  8:01 
  126  102 Wes Copeland              Central - Florence                25:06  8:05 
  127      Ethan Boston              Hatton HS                         25:19  8:09 
  128      Carington Walls           Kossuth High School               25:24  8:11 
  129      Dalton Taylor             Kossuth High School               25:27  8:12 
  130      Adam Starnes              Clements HS                       25:31  8:13 
  131      Zach Pierce               Haleyville HS                     25:37  8:15 
  132      Daniel Shawl              Kossuth High School               25:40  8:16 
  133      Tanner Mills              Kossuth High School               25:48  8:19 
  134  103 Hunter Allen              Brooks High School                25:51  8:19 
  135      Zach Hill                 East Lawrence                     25:58  8:22 
  136  104 Blake Pierce              West Limestone HS                 26:11  8:26 
  137  105 Tom Koelbl                Catholic High                     26:12  8:26 
  138  106 Thomas Martin             Covenant Christian School         26:13  8:27 
  139      Kevin Saint               Hatton HS                         26:28  8:31 
  140      Dustin Colvard            Covenant Christian School         26:40  8:35 
  141  107 Daniel Hambright          Lexington HS                      26:42  8:36 
  142  108 Dylan Springer            Lexington HS                      26:42  8:36 
  143      Paul Newsome              Lexington HS                      26:49  8:38 
  144  109 Jeremey Romine            West Limestone HS                 26:49  8:38 
  145      Brannon May               Rogers HS                         27:03  8:43 
  146  110 Gabriel Castillejos       Hamilton HS                       27:20  8:48 
  147      T.J. Krieger              Brooks High School                27:24  8:49 
  148      J.P.Suggs                 Kossuth High School               27:25  8:50 
  149      Zach Martin               Belgreen HS                       28:04  9:02 
  150      Alex Haisting             Haleyville HS                     29:01  9:21
  151      Ethan Liverett            Lexington HS                      29:09  9:23 
  152      David Johnston            Lexington HS                      29:10  9:24 
  153  111 Devonta Anderson          Central - Florence                29:25  9:28 
  154      Dakota Faires             Central - Florence                29:38  9:33 
  155  112 Levi Bevis                Wilson HS                         29:50  9:37 
  156      Ben White                 Lexington HS                      30:01  9:40 
  157  113 Josh Litral               Wilson HS                         31:00  9:59 
  158  114 Anthony Soprano           Catholic High                     31:12 10:03 
  159      Temple Price              Randolph School                   31:37 10:11 
  160  115 Timothy Fuerst            Catholic High                     31:52 10:16 
  161  116 Jordan Carter             Hamilton HS                       31:52 10:16 
  162      Dakota Davis              Belgreen HS                       31:57 10:17 
  163      Chase Harrison            West Limestone HS                 32:34 10:29 
  164  117 Zack Phillips             Wilson HS                         33:17 10:43 
  165  118 Kaleb Smith               Wilson HS                         33:21 10:44 
  166      Jake Wallace              West Limestone HS                 34:01 10:57 
  167  119 Owen Formby               Wilson HS                         34:24 11:05 
  168      Brent Stark               West Limestone HS                 36:09 11:38 
  169      Clint Enfinger            West Limestone HS                 36:10 11:39 
  170      Dylan Greene              West Limestone HS                 37:22 12:02 
  171      Tyler Kelley              West Limestone HS                 37:46 12:10 
  172      Trey Craig                West Limestone HS                 38:59 12:33