Scottsboro Invitational 2012

Scottsboro, AL
Hosted by Scottsboro HS

Meet Information


$75 per gender per team and division

Payments Mail checks to John Esslinger
Scottsboro High School
25053 John T. Reid Parkway
Scottsboro, AL 35768
Or bring day of meet.

Girls Junior High 2.1 miles (7th-9th Grade)
Boys Junior High 2.1 miles (7th-9th Grade)
Girls 1A-4A 5K
Boys 1A-4A 5K
Girls 5A-6A 5K
Boys 5A-6A 5K

Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.