Senior Salute: Zander Dakis

Next athlete in our Senior Salute is from Hoover High School.  Zander was an XC standout runner who will be taking his talents up to Lee University  Want to be featured in the Senior Salute, Click this HERE!

Interview with Zander Dakis of Hoover High School

Q: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

A: Cookie Dough

Q: Where are you planning to attend college? Or do you have other post high school plans?

A: Lee University

Q: Do you plan to continue competing in track and field or cross country in college?

A: Yes

Q: What is your favorite event to compete in and why?

A: 5K

Q: Do you have any pre-race/competition rituals or superstitions?

A: Gotta drink an Energy drink before every race

Q: Which track or cross country meet was your favorite and why?

A: Scottsboro because it is always good competition and fast

Q: What is your favorite memory or highlight from your time on the track and field or cross country team?

A: Going down to FSU for a track meet

Q: What is one piece of advice you would like to leave for your teammates as you graduate?

A: Trust in the training and you will succeed once you start to doubt yourself and the training is when you start to fall off