1A-7A Cullman Classic 2025

Cullman, AL
Hosted by Cullman
Timing/Results Xpress Timing

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

1A-7A Cullman Classic

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Start time 9:00 am


Unlimited entries for distance events / 2 relays / 6 entries for sprints, jumps and throws.


GoFan only at the gates. Two gates (main gate at the top behind the home side and the NW corner entry beside the new large flagpole).

GoFan link for this meet: 


Payment: Bring the registration check to the meet.

Registration: $10 per athlete /$15 per relay /$400 max per school. Please bring the check to the meet. We will be taking and receipting your checks at the black "Cullman" tent on the turf adjacent to the Start/Finish line starting at 8:00 AM.

Facility: The meet is at Oliver Woodard Stadium on Cullman High's campus.

Our school address is 510 13th Street NE, Cullman, AL 35055, but this will bring you to

the north end of campus and Oliver Woodard Stadium is on the south end.

Gate and Parking: All tickets will be sold on GoFan (link above). Parking is free. 

Bus Parking: Buses can park along 4th Avenue, in the small parking lot along 4th

Avenue, and in the large student parking lot behind the outfield fence of the

baseball field. The large parking lot is accessed from 13th Street and Stadium Drive. 

Concessions: Plenty of concessions will be available.

Hospitality: There will be a hospitality room for the coaches. It is located in the upper

room of our bathroom facility on the north end of the stadium behind the high

jump pit. The entrance to the upper room is up the stairs in the back of the building.

This room provides a great aerial view of the track and competition.

Timing and Live Results: Xpress Timing

Event Check-In: The check-in for the events on the track is adjacent to the Start/Finish line on

the outside of the track. We will begin making calls 15 minutes prior to the

event or close to that. Hip numbers will be available at check-in. The athlete

will then cross over the track onto the turf. This is their warm-up area prior

to being staged next to the track. Almost the entire turf field is open for

warm-up. Only athletes in the 800m, 1600m, 3200m, and the last leg of the 4x800

and 4x400 will need a hip number. The races run in lanes do not require hip


Field Athletes will report and check-in with the head

official at the event site upon hearing their event called.

Awards: 1A-7A means all teams regardless of classification are

competing in one division Saturday. Therefore, there will be one Boys' Team

Champion and Runner-Up as well as one Girls' Team Champion and Runner-Up

awarded. The top 3 individuals in every event for boys and girls will be

awarded the corresponding medal for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

Awards will be announced throughout the meet and need to be picked up at the

black "Cullman" tent on the turf adjacent to the Start/Finish line.

Event Locations

Shot Put: The NE corner of the stadium adjacent to the start of the

200 meter dash.

Discus: LOCATION. Across Stadium Drive. Behind Tennis Courts. Besides the walk, this is a good upgrade as far as the facility. We plan to have bleachers for the spectators. 

Javelin: On a field adjacent to the stadium's home side entrance up on top by the concession stand.

Warm-up Area: The turf as well as the path around the perimeter of our school campus, which is approximately a mile long.

Bathrooms: Building on the north end behind High Jump pit has a lot

of Men's and Women's bathrooms. There are Women's bathroom up top by the

concession stand and there are some more Men's bathrooms in the SW corner of

the stadium in a separate building in the corner by itself.

Field Operations:

3 jumps and 3 throws. No finals.

1st legal attempt measured.

Minimums TBA.

Opening Heights TBA.

Order of Events

8:40 AM Coaches Meeting

9:00 AM Rolling Schedule

4 x 800 Meter Relay

4 x 100 Meter Relay


100/110 Hurdles




300 Hurdles



4 x 400 Meter Relay

Field Events

9:00 AM

Boys Shot Put (then Girls)

Girls Discus (then Boys)

Boys Javelin (then Girls)

Girls Pole Vault (then Boys)

North End of Stadium (by High Jump pit)

1.       Girls Long Jump / 2. Boys High Jump / 3. Girls

High Jump

South End of Stadium (by Pole Vault pit)

1.       Boys Long Jump / 2. Girls Triple Jump / 3.

Boys Triple Jump

Meet Director: Trent Dean (tdean@cullmancats.net)

Registration help:al.milesplit.us/pages/Online_Meet_Reg_Instructions