Meet Information
Xpress Timing Official Results
Friday Track Heat Sheets
Friday Field Flight Sheets
Saturday Track Flight Sheets
Saturday Field Flight Sheets
2024_Sectional Meet Information: 2024_sectional_meet_information_updated_4_21_24
*This is the Updated Schedule of Events with Races Times:
Admission for Sectional Track & Field State Qualifier Meet will be $10.00 per day. Friday, April 26, & Saturday, April. 27. 2024:
Inclement Weather Plan for Venue @ NORTHRIDGE High School Sectional Qualifying Meet:
Javelin - will be thrown off a Rubber Surface
Assignment for Meet 4x1 Relays Exchange Zones & Jury of Appeals "NEW"
Exchange Zone assignment and Jury of Appeals assignments
Venue Facility Layout: Layout of the Northridge Track & Field Facility for Sectional Championships
TCS W-9 Form
AHSAA 1A-Section 2,
2A-Section 2, & 6A-Section 3
Track & Field
Championships at Northridge HS
April 26-27, 2024
Hosted by Northridge &
Paul W. Bryant and Central Tusc. High Schools At
Northridge High School
Updated 3.24.24
1A Schools: A.L. Johnson, Autaugaville,
Billingsley, Ellwood Christian Academy, Keith, Linden, Maplesville, Marengo,
McIntosh, Millry, Pickens County, RC Hatch, South Lamar.
2A Schools: Aliceville, BB Comer, Cornerstone, Fayetteville, Francis
Marion, Green County, Holy Family Catholic,
Holy Spirit Catholic, Isabella, Lamar County, Sulligent, Thorsby,
Tuscaloosa Academy, and Vincent.
6A Schools: AH Parker, Bessemer
City, Brookwood, Calera, Central Tuscaloosa, Chilton County, Helena,
Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa, Homewood, Hueytown, McAdory, Minor, Northridge, Paul
Bryant, PD Jackson Olin, and Pelham.
Meet Administration: Games Committee: Coach Jeff Sparks, Northridge H.S. Cell: (205)792-1804, and Coach
Sharday Branch, Paul W. Bryant H.S. Cell: (205)886-2880, and Coach
Latasha Russell, Central Tuscaloosa H.S. Cell: (205)239-3784,
Tri-Meet Directors: Jeff Sparks, Sharday Branch, and Latasha Russell
Meet Referees:(At
This Time) - Sharday Branch & Latasha Russell, Running Events - &
Jeff Sparks, Field Events
Meet Times: The meet will begin at 10:00 a.m. each morning and will end at
approximately 5:00 each day. The gates will open for entry by teams and
spectators at 8:30 a.m. There will be a
coaches meeting at 9:15 a.m. each day.
Entry Procedure: All entries will be done through All entry marks must have been achieved during the 2024 season and be submitted to Entered athletes not having marks in will be given a NT and seeded accordingly.
There is a maximum of three athletes per event and one relay team per school. Each athlete may compete in a maximum of four events.
Entry Fee: $150 per boys team and $150 per girls team (Boys Team + Girls Team = $300.00). For a team of 4 or less, $20 per athlete. Make checks payable to: Northridge High School Track & Field.
* Bring the registration fee to the meet.
Familiarity of Events: For the safety of your athletes, please do not enter them in events for which they are not familiar or have not trained for, particularly in the Pole Vault and High Jump. If it is apparent to meet officials that an athlete doesn't have the training or experience to safely compete in the events for which they are entered, the
athlete's participation in that event will be disallowed. Verification of Pole Vault Weights and Implement Check in: All pole vaulters will be required to have Pole Vault Verification Forms signed by their coach before competition begins. These Forms are available online at: Coaches should print the forms and bring them to the meet(s) completed and signed. Vaulters will only be allowed to use a pole that has a rating that is greater than their weight. You must bring your own pole as poles will not be provided. Implements for throwing events will be weighed and measured beginning at 8:00 am each day. After measurement, they will become property of the field. We will hold all implements and bring them out to the competition site.
Field Events: Each jumper/thrower will have 3 attempts with the top 9 advancing from the trials to the finals. *Note: For the Sectional track meet, the pole vault and high jump will start one increment under the qualifying heights for the State Track Meet. Refer to the
Qualifying Standards found on the page, Click on Sports, Click
Spring, Click Outdoor Track & Field, then click on Outdoor Minimums
Officials: We have a experienced officials to lead each field event. Each team will be assigned one field event slot to assist with. If you are a certified official or know of a good certified official that wants to work either one or both days, please send an email All AHSAA officials can be paid.
Awards: Awards to the top three finishers in each event and team awards to the champion and runner-up.
Heats and Finals: 100m, 200m, and 100/110HH and 4x100 will have Prelims on Friday and Finals on Saturday. If there are 8 or less entries on Friday for any of these events, there will be no Prelim and the race on Saturday will serve as a Final. This usually affects the smaller school section. We will know on Thursday morning and you will be notified by email. A relay team or individual MUST participate in the event Final to qualify for the State Championship.
Team Scoring: Scoring eight places: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Coaches Admission: An AHSAA coaches card will be required for admission for all coaches. Those without cards will have to pay for admission.
Concessions: We will have a concession stand in operation both days of the meet. Teams are allowed to bring in food and drinks for their athletes and coaches.
Protest Fee: A $25.00 cash protest fee will be required for any objections to the meet referee's decision. This includes all rereads on finish photos. We will compile a Jury of Appeals for the meet. Coach Sparks, Branch, and Russell will choose 3 coaches from those schools competing to be jury members.Those chosen will rule as follows: 1A for 2A, 2A for 6A, and 6A for 1A issues.
Qualifying: The top FIVE finishers in each event meeting the state qualifying mark will qualify for the state meet the following weekend at Cullman/Gulf Shores. Additionally, four wildcards in each event will be selected from all four section meets. These wildcards must also meet the state qualifying mark. All ties for the final qualifying spot will be broken at the meet.
*Note: In all relays, the top three (3) teams from each section (equaling 12), plus four (4) wilds will qualify. Only 16 teams will qualify instead of 24.
**A performance list with wild card qualifiers included will be posted on the AHSAA ( and Alabama Runners ( websites. *** It is the responsibility of each coach and athlete to check these lists for wild card qualifiers.
Tents: Any teams wishing to erect tents must do so in the top rows of the stadium or outside the competition areas.
State Qualifying Marks and Starting Heights 2024: |
| |||||
EVENTS | lA | lA | 2A | 2ABoys | 6A | 6A |
100 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
200 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
400 | 1:12.0 | 1:00.0 | 1:12.0 | 1:00.0 | 62.00 | 53.00 |
800 | 2:55.0 | 2:25.0 | 2:55.0 | 2:25.0 | 2.35.00 | 2.10.00 |
1600 | 6:40.0 | 5:45.0 | 6:40.0 | 5:45.0 | 6.15.00 | 4:50.0 |
3200 | 14:00.0 | 12:00.0 | 14:00.0 | 12:00.0 | 13.00.00 | 10.40.00 |
100/110 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
300 | 1:00.00 | 52.00 | 1:00.00 | 52.00 | 53.00 | 45.00 |
4x100 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
4x400 | 4:50.0 | 4:00.0 | 4:50.0 | 4:00.0 | 04:45.0 | 3:40.0 |
4 | 12:30.0 | 10:15.0 | 12:30.0 | 10:15.0 | 11:00.0 | 09:00 |
High Increase 2 inches | 4-2 | 5-4 | 4-2 | 5-4 | 4-6 | 5-8 |
Pole Increase 6 inches | 7'0" | 9'0" | 7'0" | 9'0" | 7'6" | 10'6' |
Long | 13'0" | 17'0" | 13'0" | 17'0" | 15'0" | 19'0" |
Triple | 26'0" | 34'0" | 26'0" | 34'0" | 29'0" | 40'0" |
Shot | 26'0" | 34'0" | 26'0" | 34'0" | 29'0" | 40'0" |
Discus | 65-0 | 90-0 | 65-0 | 90-0 | 80-0 | 115-0 |
Javelin | 65-0 | 115-0 | 65-0 | 115-0 | 85-0 | 130-0 |
AHSAA 1A-Section 2, 2A-Section 2, & 6A-Section 3
Track & Field Championships -At
Northridge High School
AHSAA 1A-Section 2,
2A-Section 2, & 6A-Section 3
Track & Field
Championships at Northridge HS
2024 - UPDATED Sectional
Meet Schedule (With Event Start Times):
Friday 10:00 a.m.(Order 1A, 2A, 6A)
Events:With Race Start Times Changed
from Rolling Schedule
10:00am 4x100
10:40 1600
Finals on Time
11:40 400
Finals on Time
12:20pm 100HH
12:30 110HH
12:40 100 Prelims
1:40 4x800
Finals on Time (Classifications may be combined)
2:40200 Prelims
Events: Friday
11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm
Jump 2ABoys 1A Girls 6A Girls
Jump 2A Girls 1A Boys 6A Boys
Jump 6A Boys 6A Girls 1A Girls
Vault 1A Boys 6A Boys 2A Boys
Put 2A Boys 1A Girls 6A Girls
Discus 1A Boys 2A Girls 6A Boys
Javelin 6A Girls 2A Boys 2A Girls
2024 UPDATED Sectional
Meet Schedule (With Event Start Times):
Saturday10:00a.m.(Order 1A, 2A, 6A)
Events: With Race Start Times Changed from Rolling Schedule
10:00am 3200 Finals
on Time (Classifications
may be combined)
11:30 4x100
12:00 100HH
12:15 110HH
12:30 100 Finals
12:45300H Finals on Time
1:30pm200 Finals
Finals on Time
3:00 4x400 Finals on Time
4:00 Finish
11:00am 12:30pm 2:00pm
Jump 2A Girls 1A Boys 6A Boys
Jump 2A Boys 6A Girls 1A Girls
Jump 1A Boys 2A Girls 2A Boys
Vault 6A
Girls 1A Girls 2A Girls
Put 1A
Boys 6A Boys 2A Girls
Discus 1A Girls 2A Boys 6A Girls
Javelin 6A Boys 1A Girls 1A Boys