Phenix City P&R Invitational (Speed Meet Only) 2024

Phenix City, AL

Athlete Entries

100M 371 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moore, Collin Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Johnson Jr., Mario Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Radney, Justin Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Flenniken, John Opelika Parks & Recreation
Riley, Jr, James Opelika Parks & Recreation
Burton, Jordyn
Rodgers, Zylah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Gray, Kaleb Talladega Parks and Rec
Groce, Kor"Dajiah Talladega Parks and Rec
Melski, Natalie Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Kolb, Layton Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Boyd Jr, Brandon Tuskegee Mustangs
Morgan, Zachariah
Rowe, Jr, Joshua Opelika Parks & Recreation
Carwell, Iyani Lanett Recreation
Story, Chavion Valley Parks and Recreation
Jones, Kenleigh Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Brooks, Nixxon Tuskegee Mustangs
Garrett, Kannon Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Lindsay, Kenneth Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Easley, Jeremiah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Cochran, Kamarla Talladega Parks and Rec
Sanders, Zariah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Payne, Gabriel Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Lovelace, Allaysha Valley Parks and Recreation
Gilmore, Ian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Jones, Zaylon Lanett Recreation
Avery, Kinsley Lanett Recreation
Jones, Harmoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Gilmore, Isaac Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Williams, Jordan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Evans, Jaelin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Swanson, Avah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hughley, Tyler
DiLetto, Felix Opelika Parks & Recreation
Babers, Lauren Tuskegee Mustangs
Huguley, Q'Mari Valley Parks and Recreation
Wilson, Ensleigh Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Guthery, Jesse Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Crawford, Paris Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Tincombe, Eli Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Jackson, Ace Valley Parks and Recreation
Culpepper, Braylen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Brooks, Emani Lanett Recreation
Atkinson, Jaylon Valley Parks and Recreation
Koffler, Dyllan Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Brown, Karter
Kirk, Cayden Opelika Parks & Recreation
McFarlin, LaKiyah
Beasley, Charlotte Opelika Parks & Recreation
Williams, Jeremich Talladega Parks and Rec
Dallas, Shaylee Talladega Parks and Rec
Meka, Teghan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Randle, Emery Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Boer, Aubreigh Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Harrison, Easton Lanett Recreation
Lindsay, August Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Rivas, Cristian Opelika Parks & Recreation
Harris, Chrislynn Tuskegee Mustangs
Daniel, Rylan Lanett Recreation
Brooks, Carson Valley Parks and Recreation
White, Javin Talladega Parks and Rec
Houston, Ariyale Valley Parks and Recreation
Farrow, Dailaila Lanett Recreation
Morgan, Kyler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Collins, Djiman Vickavia Talladega Parks and Rec
Foster, Addison Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Moore, Chandler Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Spratling, Nyla Valley Parks and Recreation
Dowdell, Charlee Opelika Parks & Recreation
Rawlings, Noah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Ayler, Jahmanee Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Randle, Ezekiel Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Phillips, Madison Lanett Recreation
Truss, Serenity Talladega Parks and Rec
Okoro, Sunday Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Hodge, PJ Valley Parks and Recreation
Casey, Ayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Walker, Chase Tuskegee Mustangs
Welch, Payden Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hudson, Staci Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Clark, Ja'Brayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Morrison, Isaiah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Taylor, Oliver Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Harrington, Keymijae
Ross, Kyndall Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Mitchell, Cade Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Doston, Dre Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Wallace, Micah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Crayton, Aubriel Talladega Parks and Rec
Phillips, Payton Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Swain, Komorielle Talladega Parks and Rec
Williams, Karson Opelika Parks & Recreation
Walker, Myi'Asiah Tuskegee Mustangs
Cofield, Aleina Lanett Recreation
Miller, Karley Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Steward, Jaikob Tuskegee Mustangs
Rampey, Jayden Lanett Recreation
Shepard, Hayden Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Lynn, Clayton Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Morgan, Damarion Opelika Parks & Recreation
Kennedy, Mylani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Kipping, Christopher Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Williams, Trenton Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Reed, Ky'Mani Lanett Recreation
Brown, Adrina Lanett Recreation
Davidson, Dallas Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Anthony, Trinity Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Williams, Serenity
Fulford, Anne Daniel Opelika Parks & Recreation
Dickson, Kaulder Opelika Parks & Recreation
Childress, Jordan Tuskegee Mustangs
Kirt, Aiden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Neal, Emmanuel Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Welch, Chloe Opelika Parks & Recreation
Pruitt, Ja'Daylen Valley Parks and Recreation
Taylor, Keylee Tuskegee Mustangs
Trana, Emily Lanett Recreation
Garrett, Jastyn Talladega Parks and Rec
Lory, Jamillia Talladega Parks and Rec
Hall, Jasmine Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Royals, Brayden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Pace, Kynlee Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Porter, Lazarian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lamb, Ivory Tuskegee Mustangs
Clark, Kovari Valley Parks and Recreation
Farrow, Dailiona Lanett Recreation
Nash, Kayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McCoy, Karsyn Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Cooper, Dallas Opelika Parks & Recreation
Fulford, Larkin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Pickens, Keilan Talladega Parks and Rec
Keith-Huntley, Jaleah Talladega Parks and Rec
Isbell, Ryleigh Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Tyler, Za'Niah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Flakes, Aydien Lanett Recreation
Sharpe, Callen Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
McCants, Ji'Querrius Valley Parks and Recreation
Lindsay, Elijah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Brown, Jasean Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Morgan, Deonta Opelika Parks & Recreation
Andrews, Mahaleigh Lanett Recreation
Jarnigan, Cotter Valley Parks and Recreation
Dickerson, Landan Talladega Parks and Rec
Page, Kaylen Valley Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Sydney Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Dowdell, Taylor Lanett Recreation
Wright, Evan Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Setalsingh, Christian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Morgan, ZoRhia
Heard, Tyquavian Lanett Recreation
White, Shylar Lanett Recreation
Nash, McKenzie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Moore, Chase Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Greene, Khloe Opelika Parks & Recreation
Loftin, Gary
Alford, Tymir Opelika Parks & Recreation
Richardson, Langston Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Marbury, Summer Valley Parks and Recreation
Hines, Jakhi Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Hughley, Karson
Huguley, Sunni Lanett Recreation
Williams, Collin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Sebert, Ethan Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Rampey, Jordan Lanett Recreation
Williams, Se'jon Valley Parks and Recreation
McPherson, Kam Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cason, Harmoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cosby, Caleb Valley Parks and Recreation
Moss, Majiur Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Campos, Matthew Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Alfrey, Evan Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
McCoy, Ta'marion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Scott, Jr, Tarrance Opelika Parks & Recreation
Brown, Aaden
Davis, Maiziah Talladega Parks and Rec
Shepard, Harper Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Brooks, Dantavian
Collins, Ariyah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hill, Landon Opelika Parks & Recreation
Green, Annalyse Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Overholts, Payton Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Billingslea, Portland Lanett Recreation
Helton, Cooper Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Beasley, Gabriel Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cole, Alston Opelika Parks & Recreation
Clark, Paris Valley Parks and Recreation
Wilson, Matthew Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Avery, Ky'aire Lanett Recreation
Knight, Carter Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Denmark, Jaida Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Poole, Emoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Pruitt, J'Mauri Valley Parks and Recreation
Tucker, De'Asiah Valley Parks and Recreation
Booth, Kingston Opelika Parks & Recreation
Mitchell, Jalayla Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Powell, Waylon Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Florence, Matthew Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Bledsoe, River Lanett Recreation
Alford, Jamiya Opelika Parks & Recreation
Bledsoe, Raine Lanett Recreation
Turner, Chance Talladega Parks and Rec
Lory, Lamillia Talladega Parks and Rec
Williams, Damani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Sweeten, Hasani Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Romaine, Kyler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Combs, Mason Valley Parks and Recreation
Zachery, Armani Valley Parks and Recreation
Casey, Austyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Alexander, Terrion Valley Parks and Recreation
Benning, Ayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Norman, Miles Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Brown, Karter
Gaines, Carter Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Price, Osheawn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Givens, Makie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Giovanni Opelika Parks & Recreation
Roberson, Micah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Leverette, Paisleigh Opelika Parks & Recreation
McGhee Jr., Jullius Talladega Parks and Rec
Ledger, Alannah Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Williams, Lamar Tuskegee Mustangs
Pitts, Jamarious Opelika Parks & Recreation
Williams, London Tuskegee Mustangs
Johnson, Alona Lanett Recreation
Landreth, Levi Valley Parks and Recreation
Belden, Hollisann Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Wimberly, Jayde Valley Parks and Recreation
Creaser, Laila Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McCurdy, Chandler Tuskegee Mustangs
Beavers, Izais Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Morrison, Izaac Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Morgan, India Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Montgomery, Kensley Talladega Parks and Rec
Williams, Benjamin (BW) Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Atkinson, Karsyn Valley Parks and Recreation
Curry, Rasyi Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Davis, Bre'Adrian Lanett Recreation
Nemitz, Mason Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Lindsey, Cortez Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Allen, Austin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Smith, Jr, William Opelika Parks & Recreation
Rudd, Andrew Valley Parks and Recreation
Patrick, Corbin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Carlisle, Mason Talladega Parks and Rec
Martin, Ashden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Heard, Jecaryous Lanett Recreation
Ryce, Isaiah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Maloy, Dylan Tuskegee Mustangs
Thames, Nylon Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Darden, Zayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Spencer, Mikhi Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Mitchell, Jaxon Valley Parks and Recreation
Ledger, Landon Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Houston, Kayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Miles, Jeremya Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Bootz, Bennie Opelika Parks & Recreation
ross, jaxon Talladega Parks and Rec
Middleton, Solomon Opelika Parks & Recreation
Swain, Ka'yce Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Prater, Presilee Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Cook, Imani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Evans, Aiden Lanett Recreation
Grooms, Eli Phenix City Parks and Recreation
King, Ben Opelika Parks & Recreation
Davis, Amarah Valley Parks and Recreation
Proctor, McKenzie Lanett Recreation
Lane, Brelen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
spencer, destini Talladega Parks and Rec
Hutchinson, Kaidyen
Woodard, Carter Opelika Parks & Recreation
Nelson, Collin Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Mathis, Aubri Valley Parks and Recreation
Wimberly, Aaliyah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Shaver, Kaydence
Reese, Namari Opelika Parks & Recreation
Luke, Akyia Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ramos, Enoc Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Henderson, Jessie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Martin, Austin Lanett Recreation
Lockhart, Skylar J Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hughley, Kyndall
Pope, Kallie Lanett Recreation
Ross, Chase Talladega Parks and Rec
Jones, Aleila Talladega Parks and Rec
Paul, Aaden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Lamb, Audry Tuskegee Mustangs
Gartell, Ezra Valley Parks and Recreation
Jenkins Jr, Rahjan Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Mitchell, Rlaya Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Atkins, Jakob Valley Parks and Recreation
Williams, Damarion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Stone, Aiden Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Weaver, Orzora 14.25 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jeter, Maya 14.40 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Anthony, Taniyah 14.56 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Thomas, Makenzie 14.83 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Stiggers, Jayden 14.88 Lanett Recreation
Taylor, Aubree 15.04 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Holloway, Esjay 15.05 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Pace, Rylee 15.08 Valley Parks and Recreation
Darisaw, Brooklyn 15.11 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Stiggers, Jacobia 15.17 Lanett Recreation
Moffett, Tonyeiah 15.47 Valley Parks and Recreation
Benjamin, Khaleigh 15.51 Talladega Parks and Rec
Johnson, Autumn 15.67 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jones, Niyan 15.74 Valley Parks and Recreation
Lurns, Gavin 15.75 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Brown, Christian 15.81 Lanett Recreation
Scott, Brentian 15.95 Lanett Recreation
Johnson, Morgan 16.03 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Sabir, Nyasia 16.18 Tuskegee Mustangs
Patterson-Montgomery, Ezra 16.44 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Calloway, Dylan 16.49 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Brown, Codie 16.61 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Freeman, Jenavicia 16.64 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Flowers, TyJohn 16.70 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cole, Anna 16.75 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Sullins, Kendall 16.77 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Green, Ashton 16.91 Talladega Parks and Rec
McCants, London 16.92 Lanett Recreation
Nelms, Kaidence 16.94 Valley Parks and Recreation
Davis, Ta'Lisa 17.03 Talladega Parks and Rec
McCullough, Arteana 17.04 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Farley, Salayah 17.04 Valley Parks and Recreation
Wimbley, Jaydeon 17.15 Valley Parks and Recreation
Jones, Kaleb 17.15 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Gooden, Joshua 17.24 Talladega Parks and Rec
Hartzog, Autumn 17.49 Talladega Parks and Rec
Akins, Zoe 17.50 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Stiggers, Jakaylin 17.61 Lanett Recreation
George, Justin 17.62 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Milford, Peyton 17.66 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Bailey, Koi 17.83 Lanett Recreation
Reaves, Brooklyn 17.90 Valley Parks and Recreation
Chandler, Stallings 18.06 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Jordan, Kayson 18.13 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Johnson, Colton 18.18 Lanett Recreation
Harrison, Kaelyn 18.18 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Johnson, Kalia 18.35 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Bailey, Karsyn 18.44 Lanett Recreation
Johnson, Miles 18.73 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Foster, Roderick 18.73 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Drake, Kaitlyn 18.75 Lanett Recreation
Collins, Vick 18.81 Talladega Parks and Rec
Setalsingh Jr, Rohan 19.32 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Myrick, Grayson 19.44 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Pinkard, Journey 19.49 Opelika Parks & Recreation
McKenzie-Ward, Levi 19.54 Tuskegee Mustangs
Ellis, Layla 19.66 Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Taylor, Brooklyn 19.66 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Walker, Kennedi 19.71 Tuskegee Mustangs
Smith, Gavin 19.75 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Powers Jr, Kwamane 19.95 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Powers, Kacieon 20.26 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Alves, Ashton 20.29 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Tucker, Aubre 20.33 Valley Parks and Recreation
George, Izziabella 20.77 Talladega Parks and Rec
Dunn, Madison 20.90 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Carlson, Elizabeth 20.91 Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Frazier, Zora 20.99 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Montgomery, Elijah 21.28 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Walker, Michael 21.46 Valley Parks and Recreation
Kimble, Sincere 21.48 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Smith, Aurora 21.48 Lanett Recreation
Baker, Faith 22.50 Talladega Parks and Rec
Morgan, Brailen 23.51 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Babers, Brooke 23.94 Tuskegee Mustangs
Suttle, Jermiah 24.54 Talladega Parks and Rec
Dawson, Sadie 25.65 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Walker, Bella 28.95 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
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1600M 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robertson, Taylor Opelika Parks & Recreation
George, Halicia Talladega Parks and Rec
Johnson, Ayden Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Koffler, Dyllan Alexander City Parks & Rec.
George, John Talladega Parks and Rec
Stahl, Tyler Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Radney, Justin Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Creaser, Milana Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Hock, Alex Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Kipping, Brylee Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Logan, Archer Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Smith, Noah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Belden, AJ Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Scearce, Tobias Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Taunton, Jack Opelika Parks & Recreation
Flowers, Brady Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Law, Antwion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McManus, Jerridy Valley Parks and Recreation
Powell, Kellan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Singleton, Mallory Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Miller, Lincoln Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Montgomery, August Opelika Parks & Recreation
Fisher, Avery 7:14.71 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Devorce, Royal 7:17.74
Alldredge, Alexandra 7:28.73 Opelika Parks & Recreation
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200M 229 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woodard, Carter Opelika Parks & Recreation
Boer, Aubreigh Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Green, Ashton Talladega Parks and Rec
Kennedy, Mylani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Tucker, Aubre Valley Parks and Recreation
Neal, Emmanuel Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Darisaw, Brooklyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Morgan, India Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Thomas, Chandler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Akins, Zoe Opelika Parks & Recreation
Harris, Griggs Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Clark, Ja'Brayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Moffett, Tonyeiah Valley Parks and Recreation
Swanson, Avah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Garrett, Jastyn Talladega Parks and Rec
Davis, Ta'Lisa Talladega Parks and Rec
Clark, Kovari Valley Parks and Recreation
Lindsay, Kenneth Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McKenzie-Ward, Levi Tuskegee Mustangs
Porter, Lazarian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Draughn, Collins Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Powers Jr, Kwamane Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Koon, Keaton Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Givens, Makie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Flenniken, John Opelika Parks & Recreation
Miller, Annie Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Guthery, Jesse Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
McGhee Jr., Jullius Talladega Parks and Rec
Dallas, Shaylee Talladega Parks and Rec
Williams, London Tuskegee Mustangs
Wimberly, Jayde Valley Parks and Recreation
Jones, Harmoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Garrett, Kannon Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Cole, Anna Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McPherson, Kam Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cason, Harmoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Young, Kurdian Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Pruitt, Ja'Daylen Valley Parks and Recreation
Anthony, Trinity Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Dowdell, Charlee Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jackson, Tayah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jones, Niyan Valley Parks and Recreation
Benning, Ayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Childress, Jordan Tuskegee Mustangs
Miles, Jeremya Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lindsay, Elijah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Davis, Maiziah Talladega Parks and Rec
Collins, Vick Talladega Parks and Rec
Hall, Jasmine Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Kolb, Layton Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Crawford, Paris Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Nelms, Kaidence Valley Parks and Recreation
Lamb, Audry Tuskegee Mustangs
Jeter, Maya Opelika Parks & Recreation
Tincombe, Eli Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Coley, Chayston Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Morgan, Kyler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Foster, Roderick Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Riley, Jr, James Opelika Parks & Recreation
ross, jaxon Talladega Parks and Rec
Jones, Hutton Opelika Parks & Recreation
Tyler, Za'Niah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Williams, Lamar Tuskegee Mustangs
Walker, Michael Valley Parks and Recreation
Shirel, Da"Shawn Talladega Parks and Rec
Davis, Amarah Valley Parks and Recreation
Freeman, Landen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Poole, Emoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Casey, Austyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ricks, Kingsten Tuskegee Mustangs
Clark, Kasyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Hudson, Nemehia Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Cosby, Caleb Valley Parks and Recreation
Mathis, Aubri Valley Parks and Recreation
Fulford, Anne Daniel Opelika Parks & Recreation
Holloway, Esjay Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hughley, Tyler
Turner, Chance Talladega Parks and Rec
Groce, Harmony Talladega Parks and Rec
Combs, Mason Valley Parks and Recreation
Beasley, Gabriel Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Maloy, Dylan Tuskegee Mustangs
Martin, Ashden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ledger, Alannah Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Campos, Matthew Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Jones, Kaleb Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Davidson, Dallas Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Radney, Justin Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Riyazi, Rhemmi Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Royals, Brayden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Shirel, Dakare Talladega Parks and Rec
Keith-Huntley, Jaleah Talladega Parks and Rec
McFarlin, LaKiyah
Brown, Codie Opelika Parks & Recreation
Walker, Kennedi Tuskegee Mustangs
Shepard, Hayden Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Sanders, Zariah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ryce, Isaiah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Thames, Nylon Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Denmark, Jaida Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Pitts, Jameria Opelika Parks & Recreation
spencer, destini Talladega Parks and Rec
Johnson, Morgan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Alexander, Terrion Valley Parks and Recreation
Farley, Salayah Valley Parks and Recreation
Williams, Damarion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lamb, Audry Tuskegee Mustangs
Culpepper, Braylen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Price, Osheawn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ross, Kyndall Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Carlisle, Mason Talladega Parks and Rec
Baker, Faith Talladega Parks and Rec
Williams, Damani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Powers, Kacieon Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Dozier, Savannah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Gaines, Carter Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Setalsingh, Christian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Spencer, Mikhi Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Boyd Jr, Brandon Tuskegee Mustangs
George, Justin Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Lindsey, Cortez Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Williams, Jeremich Talladega Parks and Rec
Harvery, Jaiden Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hartzog, Autumn Talladega Parks and Rec
Harris, Chrislynn Tuskegee Mustangs
Landreth, Levi Valley Parks and Recreation
White, Javin Talladega Parks and Rec
Houston, Ariyale Valley Parks and Recreation
Florence, Matthew Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McCurdy, Chandler Tuskegee Mustangs
Foster, Addison Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Wright, Evan Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Mitchell, Jalayla Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Jenkins Jr, Rahjan Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Pelham, Zy'Lan Tuskegee Mustangs
Mitchell, Rlaya Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Moore, Chandler Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Darden, Zayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Spratling, Nyla Valley Parks and Recreation
Frazier, Zora Opelika Parks & Recreation
Slaughter, Kymani Opelika Parks & Recreation
Smith, Gavin Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Garrett, Karter Talladega Parks and Rec
Truss, Serenity Talladega Parks and Rec
Babers, Brooke Tuskegee Mustangs
Gartell, Ezra Valley Parks and Recreation
Grooms, Eli Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Wilson-Scott, Londyn Tuskegee Mustangs
Walker, Bella Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Ledger, Landon Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Sharpe, Callen Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Knight, Carter Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Doston, Dre Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Paul, Aaden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Gray, Kaleb Talladega Parks and Rec
Scott, Stonie Talladega Parks and Rec
McCants, Ji'Querrius Valley Parks and Recreation
Walker, Myi'Asiah Tuskegee Mustangs
Cook, Imani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Gooden, Joshua Talladega Parks and Rec
Dotson, Keyonna Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Miles Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Trana, Jennifer Lanett Recreation
Greene, Khloe Opelika Parks & Recreation
Collins, Djiman Vickavia Talladega Parks and Rec
Setalsingh Jr, Rohan Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Johnson Jr., Mario Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Robinson, Delilah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Atkins, Jakob Valley Parks and Recreation
Pace, Rylee Valley Parks and Recreation
Morrison, Isaiah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Loftin, Gary
Singleton, Mallory Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Suttle, Jermiah Talladega Parks and Rec
Keith-Brown, Kaelyn Talladega Parks and Rec
Brown II, Warren Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Pace, Kynlee Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Mitchell, Jaxon Valley Parks and Recreation
Mitchell, Cade Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Morrison, Izaac Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Flowers, TyJohn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Green, Annalyse Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Helton, Cooper Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Alfrey, Evan Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Gilmore, Isaac Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Brown, Jasean Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Pickens, Keilan Talladega Parks and Rec
Benjamin, Khaleigh Talladega Parks and Rec
Pitts, Jamarious Opelika Parks & Recreation
Swain, Komorielle Talladega Parks and Rec
Sabir, Nyasia Tuskegee Mustangs
Story, Chavion Valley Parks and Recreation
Dickerson, Landan Talladega Parks and Rec
Page, Kaylen Valley Parks and Recreation
Henderson, Jessie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Steward, Jaikob Tuskegee Mustangs
Taylor, Brooklyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Beavers, Izais Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Luke, Akyia Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Casey, Ayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lockhart, Skylar J Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hudson, Staci Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Nemitz, Mason Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Huguley, Q'Mari Valley Parks and Recreation
Anthony, Taniyah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Wimberly, Aaliyah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Allen, Austin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Carlson, Elizabeth Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Atkinson, Jaylon Valley Parks and Recreation
Nash, Kayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ross, Chase Talladega Parks and Rec
Babers, Lauren Tuskegee Mustangs
Williams, Se'jon Valley Parks and Recreation
Lindsay, August Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Wilson, Ensleigh Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Chandler, Stallings Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Reaves, Brooklyn Valley Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Kalia Opelika Parks & Recreation
Nastasi, Dawson Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Warren, Case Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Lane, Brelen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McCoy, Ta'marion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Crayton, Aubriel Talladega Parks and Rec
Thomas, Makenzie 30.25 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Weaver, Orzora 30.72 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Johnson, Aubri 31.07 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Lurns, Gavin 31.34 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Johnson, Autumn 33.12 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Calloway, Dylan 34.17 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Back to Top

400M 160 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Poole, Emoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Beavers, Izais Lincoln Parks and Recreation
McCants, Ji'Querrius Valley Parks and Recreation
Swain, Komorielle Talladega Parks and Rec
White, Javin Talladega Parks and Rec
Clark, Paris Valley Parks and Recreation
Trana, Jennifer Lanett Recreation
Logan, Archer Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Cosby, Caleb Valley Parks and Recreation
spencer, destini Talladega Parks and Rec
Williams, Jordan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Lindsey, Cortez Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Law, Antwion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Suttle, Jermiah Talladega Parks and Rec
Lory, Jamillia Talladega Parks and Rec
Ross, Kyndall Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
McGhee Jr., Jullius Talladega Parks and Rec
Keith-Huntley, Jaleah Talladega Parks and Rec
Nastasi, Dawson Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Henderson, Jessie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Jones, Harmoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Alfrey, Evan Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Hall, Jasmine Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Woodard, Carter Opelika Parks & Recreation
Walker, Myi'Asiah Tuskegee Mustangs
Jarnigan, Cotter Valley Parks and Recreation
Gooden, Joshua Talladega Parks and Rec
Culpepper, Braylen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McCurdy, Chandler Tuskegee Mustangs
Moffett, Tonyeiah Valley Parks and Recreation
Benning, Ayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Carlson, Elizabeth Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Crayton, Aubriel Talladega Parks and Rec
Collins, Vick Talladega Parks and Rec
Keith-Brown, Kaelyn Talladega Parks and Rec
Wimberly, Jaydeon Valley Parks and Recreation
Smith, Noah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Maloy, Dylan Tuskegee Mustangs
Green, Andre Talladega Parks and Rec
Radney, Justin Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cooper, Dallas Opelika Parks & Recreation
Riyazi, Rhemmi Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Paul, Aaden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Taylor, Aubree Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Dickerson, Landan Talladega Parks and Rec
Pitts, Jameria Opelika Parks & Recreation
Collins, Djiman Vickavia Talladega Parks and Rec
Greene, Zaiden Opelika Parks & Recreation
Luke, Akyia Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Harrison, Kaelyn Opelika Parks & Recreation
Pruitt, J'Mauri Valley Parks and Recreation
Romaine, Kyler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Garrett, Jastyn Talladega Parks and Rec
Lory, Lamillia Talladega Parks and Rec
Singleton, Mallory Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Shirel, Dakare Talladega Parks and Rec
George, Izziabella Talladega Parks and Rec
Tincombe, Eli Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Sharpe, Callen Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Johnson, Ayden Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Williams, Damani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Dozier, Savannah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Jones, Hutton Opelika Parks & Recreation
Montgomery, Kensley Talladega Parks and Rec
Green, Ashton Talladega Parks and Rec
Dotson, Keyonna Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Marbury, Summer Valley Parks and Recreation
Thomas, Chandler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Steward, Jaikob Tuskegee Mustangs
Jackson, Tayah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Harris, Griggs Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Rudd, Andrew Valley Parks and Recreation
Williams, Damarion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Baker, Melondy Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Davis, Maiziah Talladega Parks and Rec
George, John Talladega Parks and Rec
George, Halicia Talladega Parks and Rec
Flowers, Brady Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Williams, Jeremich Talladega Parks and Rec
Campos, Matthew Lincoln Parks and Recreation
McCoy, Ta'marion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Flenniken, John Opelika Parks & Recreation
Nash, McKenzie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Riley, Jr, James Opelika Parks & Recreation
Neal, Emmanuel Phenix City Parks and Recreation
DiLetto, Madison Opelika Parks & Recreation
Ayler, Jahmanee Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Turner, Chance Talladega Parks and Rec
Groce, Harmony Talladega Parks and Rec
Hock, Alex Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Gray, Kaleb Talladega Parks and Rec
Groce, Kor"Dajiah Talladega Parks and Rec
Warren, Case Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Walker, Chase Tuskegee Mustangs
Green, Annalyse Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Beasley, Jack Opelika Parks & Recreation
Kipping, Brylee Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Harvery, Jaiden Opelika Parks & Recreation
Wright, Evan Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Cochran, Kamarla Talladega Parks and Rec
Shirel, Da"Shawn Talladega Parks and Rec
Kennedy, Mylani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Atkinson, Karsyn Valley Parks and Recreation
McPherson, Kam Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Hudson, Nemehia Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Atkins, Jakob Valley Parks and Recreation
Kennedy, Jacob Opelika Parks & Recreation
Mitchell, Cade Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Carlisle, Mason Talladega Parks and Rec
Davis, Ta'Lisa Talladega Parks and Rec
Childress, Jordan Tuskegee Mustangs
Pickens, Keilan Talladega Parks and Rec
Dallas, Shaylee Talladega Parks and Rec
Wilson, Ensleigh Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ledger, Landon Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Freeman, Landen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Williams, Lamar Tuskegee Mustangs
Taylor, Brooklyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Walker, Kennedi Tuskegee Mustangs
Ricks, Kingsten Tuskegee Mustangs
Pace, Rylee Valley Parks and Recreation
Martin, Ashden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Garrett, Karter Talladega Parks and Rec
Truss, Serenity Talladega Parks and Rec
Scearce, Tobias Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Scott, Stonie Talladega Parks and Rec
Baker, Faith Talladega Parks and Rec
Coley, Chayston Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
McKenzie-Ward, Levi Tuskegee Mustangs
Draughn, Collins Lincoln Parks and Recreation
King, Ben Opelika Parks & Recreation
Miller, Annie Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Brown II, Warren Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Meka, Teghan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Lurns, Gavin 1:10.62 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jeter, Maya 1:14.13 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Benjamin, Khaleigh 1:15.48 Talladega Parks and Rec
Thomas, Makenzie 1:15.52 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Aubri 1:15.54 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Slaughter, Kymani 1:15.56 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Clark, Kasyn 1:16.48 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Okoro, Sunday 1:17.35 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Autumn 1:17.48 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Freeman, Jenavicia 1:17.91 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
ross, jaxon 1:19.85 Talladega Parks and Rec
Harris, Chrislynn 1:20.52 Tuskegee Mustangs
Robinson, Delilah 1:20.80 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Fisher, Avery 1:22.46 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Sabir, Nyasia 1:22.67 Tuskegee Mustangs
Baker, Olivia 1:24.05 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jones, Noah 1:24.23 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Helton, Cooper 1:26.32 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Alldredge, Alexandra 1:27.77 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hartzog, Autumn 1:29.20 Talladega Parks and Rec
Ryce, Isaiah 1:30.45 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Morrison, Izaac 1:33.69 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cole, Anna 1:34.70 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Miles 1:38.45 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Belden, AJ 1:47.96 Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Williams, London 1:55.77 Tuskegee Mustangs
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4x100 Meter Relay 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Valley Parks and Recreation
Relay Team B Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Lanett Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team B Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Valley Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Lanett Recreation
Relay Team B Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Lanett Recreation
Relay Team A Lanett Recreation
Relay Team A Valley Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Valley Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Relay Team A Valley Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Lanett Recreation
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Relay Team A Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Relay Team A Lanett Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Relay Team A Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team B Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A m Valley Parks and Recreation
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4x400 Meter Relay 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team B Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Talladega Parks and Rec
Relay Team B Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Valley Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A Opelika Parks & Recreation
Relay Team A Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team B Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Relay Team A m Valley Parks and Recreation
Back to Top

50M 322 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Morgan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Norman, Miles Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Huguley, Sunni Lanett Recreation
Atkinson, Jaylon Valley Parks and Recreation
Crawford, Paris Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Williams, Se'jon Valley Parks and Recreation
Rodgers, Zylah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Phillips, Payton Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Kolb, Layton Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Cook, Imani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Flakes, Aydien Lanett Recreation
McCants, Ji'Querrius Valley Parks and Recreation
Belden, Hollisann Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Childress, Jaden Tuskegee Mustangs
George, Justin Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Johnson, Giovanni Opelika Parks & Recreation
Williams, Serenity
Carwell, Iyani Lanett Recreation
Jarnigan, Cotter Valley Parks and Recreation
Taunton, Jack Opelika Parks & Recreation
Morgan, Deonta Opelika Parks & Recreation
Freeman, Jenavicia Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Williams, Benjamin (BW) Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Clark, Paris Valley Parks and Recreation
Hines, Jakhi Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Avery, Ky'aire Lanett Recreation
Bailey, Karsyn Lanett Recreation
Williams, Damani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Moore, Chandler Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Grooms, Eli Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Rawlings, Noah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Suttle, Jermiah Talladega Parks and Rec
Hudson, Staci Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lamb, Ivory Tuskegee Mustangs
Heard, Jecaryous Lanett Recreation
Bledsoe, River Lanett Recreation
Koon, Keaton Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Welch, Payden Opelika Parks & Recreation
Lory, Jamillia Talladega Parks and Rec
Kimble, Sincere Opelika Parks & Recreation
Wimberly, Aaliyah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Clark, Ja'Brayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Bledsoe, Raine Lanett Recreation
Guthery, Jesse Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Porter, Lazarian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Combs, Mason Valley Parks and Recreation
Casey, Ayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Beasley, Charlotte Opelika Parks & Recreation
Ellis, Layla Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Prater, Presilee Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Creaser, Laila Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McCurdy, Chandler Tuskegee Mustangs
Billingslea, Portland Lanett Recreation
Shepard, Hayden Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Gaines, Carter Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Swain, Komorielle Talladega Parks and Rec
Morgan, ZoRhia
Johnson Jr., Mario Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cole, Alston Opelika Parks & Recreation
Anthony, Taniyah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Loftin, Gary
Smotherman, Malachi Opelika Parks & Recreation
Daniel, Rylan Lanett Recreation
Shirel, Da"Shawn Talladega Parks and Rec
Wimberly, Jayde Valley Parks and Recreation
Wilson, Matthew Phenix City Parks and Recreation
DiLetto, Madison Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hughley, Karson
Boyd Jr, Brandon Tuskegee Mustangs
Pruitt, Ja'Daylen Valley Parks and Recreation
Ross, Chase Talladega Parks and Rec
Brown, Codie Opelika Parks & Recreation
Foster, Roderick Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Nash, McKenzie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ramos, Enoc Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Atkinson, Karsyn Valley Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Colton Lanett Recreation
Doston, Dre Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Mathis, Aubri Valley Parks and Recreation
Morgan, Kyler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Alford, Jamiya Opelika Parks & Recreation
Dickson, Kaulder Opelika Parks & Recreation
Houston, Kayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Stone, Aiden Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Brown, Aaden
Dawson, Sadie Opelika Parks & Recreation
Pace, Kynlee Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Nash, Kayden Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Wimberly, Jaydeon Valley Parks and Recreation
Brooks, Dantavian
Green, Andre Talladega Parks and Rec
Groce, Kor"Dajiah Talladega Parks and Rec
Shepard, Harper Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Powers, Kacieon Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Boer, Aubreigh Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Setalsingh Jr, Rohan Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Alfrey, Evan Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Jones, Kenleigh Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Helton, Cooper Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Wallace, Micah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Dunn, Madison Opelika Parks & Recreation
Williams, London Tuskegee Mustangs
Cofield, Aleina Lanett Recreation
Landreth, Levi Valley Parks and Recreation
Easley, Jeremiah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Patterson-Montgomery, Ezra Opelika Parks & Recreation
Rowe, Jr, Joshua Opelika Parks & Recreation
Sanders, Zariah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Davis, Amarah Valley Parks and Recreation
Curry, Rasyi Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Proctor, McKenzie Lanett Recreation
Moore, Chase Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Lindsay, August Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Cosby, Caleb Valley Parks and Recreation
Alford, Tymir Opelika Parks & Recreation
Garrett, Jastyn Talladega Parks and Rec
Cason, Harmoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Kirt, Aiden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Zachery, Armani Valley Parks and Recreation
Walker, Chase Tuskegee Mustangs
Martin, Austin Lanett Recreation
Davidson, Dallas Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lory, Lamillia Talladega Parks and Rec
Williams, Collin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Brown, Karter
Norris, Brieanna Opelika Parks & Recreation
Koffler, Dyllan Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Pope, Kallie Lanett Recreation
Sweeten, Hasani Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Walker, Bella Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Morgan, Brailen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Gartell, Ezra Valley Parks and Recreation
Freeman, Landen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Fulford, Larkin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Isbell, Ryleigh Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Randle, Emery Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Steward, Jaikob Tuskegee Mustangs
Evans, Aiden Lanett Recreation
Moore, Collin Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Ricks, Kingsten Tuskegee Mustangs
King, Ben Opelika Parks & Recreation
Anthony, Trinity Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Middleton, Solomon Opelika Parks & Recreation
Andrews, Mahaleigh Lanett Recreation
Walker, Michael Valley Parks and Recreation
White, Javin Talladega Parks and Rec
Payne, Gabriel Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Wilson-Scott, Londyn Tuskegee Mustangs
Pruitt, J'Mauri Valley Parks and Recreation
Montgomery, Elijah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Lindsey, Cortez Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Jones, Harmoni Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Childress, Jordan Tuskegee Mustangs
Mitchell, Jalayla Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Randle, Ezekiel Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Lovelace, Allaysha Valley Parks and Recreation
Jones, Zaylon Lanett Recreation
Avery, Kinsley Lanett Recreation
Wilson, Ensleigh Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Spratling, Nyla Valley Parks and Recreation
Lindsay, Kenneth Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lockhart, Skylar J Opelika Parks & Recreation
Booth, Kingston Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jordan, Kayson Opelika Parks & Recreation
Jackson, Ace Valley Parks and Recreation
Taylor, Oliver Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Fulford, Anne Daniel Opelika Parks & Recreation
Brooks, Emani Lanett Recreation
Alexander, Terrion Valley Parks and Recreation
Morrison, Isaiah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Clark, Kasyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Williams, Jeremich Talladega Parks and Rec
Crayton, Aubriel Talladega Parks and Rec
Alves, Ashton Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Tyler, Za'Niah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Mitchell, Jaxon Valley Parks and Recreation
Casey, Austyn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Story, Chavion Valley Parks and Recreation
Green, Annalyse Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Miller, Karley Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Powers Jr, Kwamane Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Scott, Jr, Tarrance Opelika Parks & Recreation
Montgomery, Kensley Talladega Parks and Rec
Hutchinson, Kaidyen
Collins, Ariyah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Nemitz, Mason Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Lindsay, Elijah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Montgomery, August Opelika Parks & Recreation
Allen, Austin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Shaver, Kaydence
Williams, Karson Opelika Parks & Recreation
Drake, Kaitlyn Lanett Recreation
Roberson, Micah Opelika Parks & Recreation
Houston, Ariyale Valley Parks and Recreation
Gilmore, Ian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Farrow, Dailaila Lanett Recreation
Darden, Zayden Valley Parks and Recreation
Smith, Jr, William Opelika Parks & Recreation
Turner, Chance Talladega Parks and Rec
Taylor, Aubree Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lamb, Audry Tuskegee Mustangs
Murray, Alijah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
McKenzie-Ward, Levi Tuskegee Mustangs
Bailey, Koi Lanett Recreation
Brown, Jasean Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Knight, Carter Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Jones, Aleila Talladega Parks and Rec
Patrick, Corbin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Dowdell, Charlee Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hughley, Kyndall
Florence, Matthew Phenix City Parks and Recreation
McCoy, Karsyn Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Burton, Jordyn
Phillips, Madison Lanett Recreation
Rudd, Andrew Valley Parks and Recreation
Paul, Aaden Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Chandler, Stallings Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Hodge, PJ Valley Parks and Recreation
Leverette, Paisleigh Opelika Parks & Recreation
Melski, Natalie Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Harrison, Easton Lanett Recreation
Morgan, Zachariah
Kipping, Christopher Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Pelham, Zy'Lan Tuskegee Mustangs
Kirk, Cayden Opelika Parks & Recreation
Denmark, Jaida Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Meka, Teghan Opelika Parks & Recreation
Johnson, Alona Lanett Recreation
Brooks, Carson Valley Parks and Recreation
Dickerson, Landan Talladega Parks and Rec
Hughley, Tyler
Taylor, Keylee Tuskegee Mustangs
Rivas, Cristian Opelika Parks & Recreation
Gilmore, Isaac Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Ayler, Jahmanee Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Richardson, Langston Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Tucker, Aubre Valley Parks and Recreation
Reed, Ky'Mani Lanett Recreation
Brown, Adrina Lanett Recreation
Hall, Jasmine Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Nelson, Collin Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Beasley, Gabriel Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Reese, Namari Opelika Parks & Recreation
Sullins, Kendall Opelika Parks & Recreation
Mitchell, Rlaya Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Rampey, Jordan Lanett Recreation
Jeter, Maya Opelika Parks & Recreation
Welch, Paris Opelika Parks & Recreation
Moss, Majiur Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Brown, Karter
Frazier, Zora Opelika Parks & Recreation
Farrow, Dailiona Lanett Recreation
Atkins, Jakob Valley Parks and Recreation
Carlisle, Mason Talladega Parks and Rec
McFarlin, LaKiyah
Trana, Emily Lanett Recreation
Myrick, Grayson Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Clark, Kovari Valley Parks and Recreation
Jenkins Jr, Rahjan Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Walker, Myi'Asiah Tuskegee Mustangs
Swain, Ka'yce Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Overholts, Payton Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Johnson, Sydney Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Rampey, Jayden Lanett Recreation
Garrett, Kannon Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Jones, Kaleb Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Cochran, Kamarla Talladega Parks and Rec
Bootz, Bennie Opelika Parks & Recreation
Price, Osheawn Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Morgan, Damarion Opelika Parks & Recreation
Kennedy, Jacob Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hill, Landon Opelika Parks & Recreation
Stiggers, Jakaylin Lanett Recreation
Gooden, Joshua Talladega Parks and Rec
Page, Kaylen Valley Parks and Recreation
Williams, Trenton Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Dowdell, Taylor Lanett Recreation
Williams, Lamar Tuskegee Mustangs
Huguley, Q'Mari Valley Parks and Recreation
Evans, Jaelin Opelika Parks & Recreation
Garrett, Karter Talladega Parks and Rec
Foster, Addison Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Powell, Waylon Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Marbury, Summer Valley Parks and Recreation
Maloy, Dylan Tuskegee Mustangs
Heard, Tyquavian Lanett Recreation
White, Shylar Lanett Recreation
Givens, Makie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lane, Brelen Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Welch, Chloe Opelika Parks & Recreation
Truss, Serenity Talladega Parks and Rec
DiLetto, Felix Opelika Parks & Recreation
Harrington, Keymijae
Ross, Kyndall Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Greene, Khloe Opelika Parks & Recreation
Walker, Kennedi 10.01 Tuskegee Mustangs
Baker, Faith 10.47 Talladega Parks and Rec
Tucker, De'Asiah 10.48 Valley Parks and Recreation
Stiggers, Jayden 7.61 Lanett Recreation
Stiggers, Jacobia 7.61 Lanett Recreation
Weaver, Orzora 7.82 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Holloway, Esjay 7.87 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Pace, Rylee 8.15 Valley Parks and Recreation
Jones, Niyan 8.17 Valley Parks and Recreation
Moffett, Tonyeiah 8.18 Valley Parks and Recreation
Brown, Christian 8.19 Lanett Recreation
Scott, Brentian 8.34 Lanett Recreation
Sabir, Nyasia 8.37 Tuskegee Mustangs
Davis, Bre'Adrian 8.58 Lanett Recreation
McCullough, Arteana 8.76 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Farley, Salayah 8.79 Valley Parks and Recreation
Milford, Peyton 8.88 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Nelms, Kaidence 8.89 Valley Parks and Recreation
Robinson, Delilah 8.95 Opelika Parks & Recreation
McCants, London 9.01 Lanett Recreation
Harrison, Kaelyn 9.02 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Smith, Aurora 9.16 Lanett Recreation
Reaves, Brooklyn 9.39 Valley Parks and Recreation
Pinkard, Journey 9.39 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Johnson, Kalia 9.54 Opelika Parks & Recreation
Sebert, Ethan 9.70 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Smith, Gavin 9.74 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Back to Top

800M 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dotson, Keyonna Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lynn, Clayton Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Warren, Case Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Scott, Stonie Talladega Parks and Rec
Fisher, Avery Opelika Parks & Recreation
Riyazi, Rhemmi Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Taunton, Jack Opelika Parks & Recreation
Alldredge, Alexandra Opelika Parks & Recreation
Collins, Vick Talladega Parks and Rec
Keith-Brown, Kaelyn Talladega Parks and Rec
Mitchell, Cade Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Koon, Keaton Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Johnson, Ayden Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Pickens, Keilan Talladega Parks and Rec
Miller, Lincoln Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Jones, Hutton Opelika Parks & Recreation
Draughn, Collins Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Beavers, Izais Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Kennedy, Mylani Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Lindsay, Elijah Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Stahl, Tyler Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Coley, Chayston Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Montgomery, August Opelika Parks & Recreation
Miles, Jeremya Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Creaser, Milana Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Robertson, Taylor Opelika Parks & Recreation
George, John Talladega Parks and Rec
George, Halicia Talladega Parks and Rec
Setalsingh, Christian Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Hock, Alex Lincoln Parks and Recreation
McGhee Jr., Jullius Talladega Parks and Rec
Ledger, Alannah Lincoln Parks and Recreation
McManus, Jerridy Valley Parks and Recreation
Kipping, Brylee Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Shirel, Da"Shawn Talladega Parks and Rec
spencer, destini Talladega Parks and Rec
Easley, Brandon Opelika Parks & Recreation
Hudson, Nemehia Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Pruitt, J'Mauri Valley Parks and Recreation
Smith, Noah Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Foster, Roderick Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Singleton, Mallory Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Nastasi, Dawson Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Thomas, Chandler Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Thames, Nylon Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Groce, Harmony Talladega Parks and Rec
Lindsay, Kenneth Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Scearce, Tobias Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Baker, Melondy Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Shirel, Dakare Talladega Parks and Rec
George, Izziabella Talladega Parks and Rec
McCoy, Ta'marion Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Miller, Annie Lincoln Parks and Recreation
Koffler, Dyllan Alexander City Parks & Rec.
Riley, Jr, James Opelika Parks & Recreation
DiLetto, Madison Opelika Parks & Recreation
Collins, Djiman Vickavia Talladega Parks and Rec
Logan, Archer Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Flowers, Brady Wetumpka Youth Track & Field
Gilmore, Isaac Phenix City Parks and Recreation
ross, jaxon Talladega Parks and Rec
Henderson, Jessie Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Darisaw, Brooklyn 2:46.63 Phenix City Parks and Recreation
Devorce, Royal 3:00.00h
Baker, Olivia 3:23.56 Opelika Parks & Recreation
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