AHSAA 2A - Section 3 - Fort Payne 2023

Fort Payne, AL

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McBee, Gunnar 11.42 Holly Pond
Williams, Brayden 11.50 Section High School
Hall, Ben 11.61 Southeastern High School
Holloway, Jayden 11.73 Holly Pond
Kennedy, Ryelee 11.86 Cleveland High School
Smith, Tyler 11.88 Cleveland High School
Laros, Greer 11.90 Pleasant Valley HS
Williams, Arturo 11.91 North Sand Mountain High School
Arnold, Korbin 11.96 North Sand Mountain High School
Lawson, Kane 11.98 West End High School
Chaney, Triston 12.01 West End High School
Tucker, Gunner 12.11 Locust Fork
Moore, Kaden 12.28 North Sand Mountain High School
Leonard, Caleb 12.29 Southeastern High School
Williams, Eric 12.38 Pisgah High School
Williamson, Coleman 12.53 Locust Fork
Butler, Christopher 12.56 Woodland High School
Sandoval, Brian 12.64 Cleveland High School
Cochran, James 12.73 Sand Rock
Grant, Allen 12.77 Woodland High School
Burge, Colt 12.79 Woodland High School
Dougal, Cooper 12.91 Pleasant Valley HS
Daniell, Austin 12.97 Sand Rock
Haynes, Noah 13.00 Section High School
Talley, Damien 13.24 Locust Fork
Green, Brycen M 13.35 Fyffe High School
Brewis, Carter 13.75 Holly Pond
Walker, Will 13.96 Pleasant Valley HS
Herron, Josh 14.02 Pisgah High School
Rivera, Hernando 14.11 West End High School
Haynes, Jaxson 14.18 Sand Rock
Rittenhouse, James 14.34 Southeastern High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnett, Emery 17.54 Holly Pond
Hill, Clark 18.28 Pleasant Valley HS
Dyer, Seth 18.56 Section High School
Westall, Ethan Fox 18.69 Holly Pond
White, Titus 18.92 Locust Fork
Gerlott, Haydn 18.96 Locust Fork
Cunningham, Gavynn 19.55 Sand Rock
Gengler, Indy 19.70 Southeastern High School
Montalvo, Miquel 19.96 Southeastern High School
Salster, Braxton 19.98 Pleasant Valley HS
Nash, Skylar 21.24 Sand Rock
Burge, Tye 21.36 Woodland High School
Conn, Easton 21.65 Locust Fork
Laros, Brady 22.45 Pleasant Valley HS
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Justin West End High School
Chaparro, Leo Section High School
Barnett, Travis 4:26.52 Holly Pond
McCollum, Dawson J. 4:52.24 Fyffe High School
Putman, Joshua 4:52.74 Holly Pond
Yoder, Caleb 4:53.85 Sand Rock
Little, Tristan 4:57.15 Pisgah High School
Putman, Matthew 5:01.34 Holly Pond
Luna, Josue 5:02.81 North Sand Mountain High School
Veazey, Jayden 5:04.00 Pleasant Valley HS
Ferguson, Brodie 5:06.72 Pisgah High School
Bruce, Ben 5:15.42 Sand Rock
Williams, Braxton 5:22.38 Pleasant Valley HS
Elizondo, Emanuel 5:27.22 Pisgah High School
Wortham, Stephen 5:27.65 Southeastern High School
Johnson, Brody 5:29.89 Sand Rock
Hernandez, Moises 5:40.69 Woodland High School
Holt, Eli 5:40.94 Locust Fork
Love, Colton 5:43.60 Locust Fork
Head, Jon Garrett 5:44.89 Southeastern High School
Patterson, Cooper 5:45.43 Pleasant Valley HS
Smitherman, Isaac 6:02.36 Locust Fork
Vaughn, Jarrin 6:14.93 West End High School
Waites, Noah 6:16.21 Woodland High School
Curiel, Jose 6:46.46 Cleveland High School
Olberding, Blake 6:49.92 Cleveland High School
Marvin, Jason 7:04.29 Southeastern High School
Kramer, Nick 7:05.54 Woodland High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cervantes, Erick Cleveland High School
Curvin, Zeke Pleasant Valley HS
Ramirez, Tristan North Sand Mountain High School
Lewis, Andrew Southeastern High School
Kennedy, Ryelee Cleveland High School
Dale, Ben 23.49 Sand Rock
McBee, Gunnar 23.92 Holly Pond
Hall, Ben 23.96 Southeastern High School
Lawson, Kane 24.05 West End High School
Chaney, Triston 24.23 West End High School
Watson, Jack 24.32 Sand Rock
Holloway, Jayden 24.50 Holly Pond
Mitchell, Matthew 24.56 Locust Fork
Arnold, Korbin 24.59 North Sand Mountain High School
Smith, David S 25.17 Fyffe High School
Williams, Arturo 25.47 North Sand Mountain High School
Cochran, James 25.54 Sand Rock
Fortenberry, Micah 25.59 Cleveland High School
Dougal, Cooper 25.66 Pleasant Valley HS
Leonard, Caleb 25.75 Southeastern High School
Williamson, Coleman 25.88 Locust Fork
Laros, Greer 26.34 Pleasant Valley HS
Jackson, Jahmad 26.40 Locust Fork
Williams, Eric 26.50 Pisgah High School
Haynes, Noah 26.72 Section High School
Grant, Allen 26.81 Woodland High School
Green, Brycen M 27.67 Fyffe High School
Beam, Porter 27.85 Woodland High School
Rivera, Hernando 28.56 West End High School
Guinn, Carter 28.75 Section High School
Brewis, Carter 28.79 Holly Pond
Herron, Josh 29.02 Pisgah High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watson, Jack 42.96 Sand Rock
Westall, Ethan Fox 43.10 Holly Pond
Barnett, Emery 43.49 Holly Pond
White, Titus 45.56 Locust Fork
Hill, Clark 45.83 Pleasant Valley HS
Williams, Braxton 46.45 Pleasant Valley HS
Overdear, Mason 47.84 Pisgah High School
Howell, Layne 49.06 Pisgah High School
Gengler, Indy 49.70 Southeastern High School
Chadwick, Landon 50.98 Sand Rock
Beam, Porter 51.11 Woodland High School
Salster, Braxton 52.22 Pleasant Valley HS
Montalvo, Miquel 52.35 Southeastern High School
Moon, Jordan 52.44 Locust Fork
Burge, Tye 53.47 Woodland High School
Conn, Easton 55.62 Locust Fork
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yoder, Caleb 10:40.19 Sand Rock
Vess, Alec 10:41.25 Pleasant Valley HS
Little, Tristan 10:48.56 Pisgah High School
Putman, Joshua 10:50.01 Holly Pond
McCollum, Dawson J. 10:59.22 Fyffe High School
Putman, Matthew 11:14.96 Holly Pond
Elizondo, Emanuel 11:58.61 Pisgah High School
Ferguson, Brodie 12:03.09 Pisgah High School
Slauson, Benji 12:24.58 Pleasant Valley HS
Holt, Eli 12:28.25 Locust Fork
Smitherman, Isaac 12:48.84 Locust Fork
Wortham, Stephen 12:57.20 Southeastern High School
Camp, Jayce 14:00.58 Locust Fork
Barnett, Travis 9:59.58 Holly Pond
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Kaden 1:00.75 North Sand Mountain High School
Laros, Greer 1:00.90 Pleasant Valley HS
Griffith, Kyle 1:01.04 Pleasant Valley HS
Chaparro, Leo 1:02.38 Section High School
Burge, Colt 1:02.50 Woodland High School
Beam, Porter 1:02.78 Woodland High School
Piceno, Juan 1:03.50 Cleveland High School
Green, Brycen M 1:04.06 Fyffe High School
Elizondo, Emanuel 1:04.34 Pisgah High School
Patterson, Fysher 1:04.96 West End High School
Hernandez, Ruben 1:04.99 Cleveland High School
Ball, Dakota 1:06.19 West End High School
Francisco Miguel, Alex 1:09.69 Section High School
Bell, Brayden 1:10.84 Section High School
Rogers, Conner 1:11.25 North Sand Mountain High School
Cruz, Angel 1:22.65 West End High School
Dale, Ben 51.74 Sand Rock
Barnett, Travis 51.93 Holly Pond
McBee, Gunnar 52.09 Holly Pond
Yoder, Austin 52.83 Sand Rock
Overdear, Mason 54.23 Pisgah High School
Barnett, Emery 54.25 Holly Pond
Watson, Jack 54.55 Sand Rock
Hall, Ben 55.16 Southeastern High School
Ortiz, Davey 56.15 Southeastern High School
Tucker, Gunner 56.50 Locust Fork
Smith, David S 56.51 Fyffe High School
Hill, Clark 57.07 Pleasant Valley HS
Fortenberry, Micah 57.35 Cleveland High School
Mitchell, Matthew 57.40 Locust Fork
Pendleton, Jericho 57.92 Southeastern High School
Luna, Josue 58.41 North Sand Mountain High School
Howell, Layne 59.11 Pisgah High School
Gerlott, Haydn 59.27 Locust Fork
Butler, Christopher 59.35 Woodland High School
McCollum, Dawson J. 59.41 Fyffe High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 46.21 Locust Fork
Relay Team A 46.46 Cleveland High School
Relay Team A 46.72 Holly Pond
Relay Team A 47.62 Southeastern High School
Relay Team B 48.25 North Sand Mountain High School
Relay Team A 48.72 Sand Rock
Relay Team A 50.06 Woodland High School
Relay Team A 51.09 Pleasant Valley HS
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A North Sand Mountain High School
Relay Team A 3:33.44 Sand Rock
Relay Team A 3:43.80 Holly Pond
Relay Team A 3:49.11 Southeastern High School
Relay Team A 3:51.59 Locust Fork
Relay Team A 4:10.05 Pleasant Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:15.31 Pisgah High School
Relay Team A 4:51.62 Cleveland High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:13.38 Southeastern High School
Relay Team A 10:14.45 Woodland High School
Relay Team A 11:24.20 Cleveland High School
Relay Team A 8:26.62 Sand Rock
Relay Team A 9:15.61 Holly Pond
Relay Team A 9:22.03 Pisgah High School
Relay Team A 9:42.10 Pleasant Valley HS
Relay Team A 9:57.24 Locust Fork
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chaparro, Leo Section High School
Ramirez, Max Section High School
Olberding, Blake Cleveland High School
Hurtado, Silvestre Cleveland High School
Barnett, Travis 2:08.79 Holly Pond
Bruce, Ben 2:09.46 Sand Rock
Yoder, Austin 2:09.75 Sand Rock
Yoder, Caleb 2:11.02 Sand Rock
Veazey, Jayden 2:15.25 Pleasant Valley HS
McCollum, Dawson J. 2:15.26 Fyffe High School
Horton, Kohl 2:15.67 Holly Pond
Ferguson, Brodie 2:16.09 Pisgah High School
Luna, Josue 2:17.22 North Sand Mountain High School
Barnett, Emery 2:17.48 Holly Pond
Little, Tristan 2:18.05 Pisgah High School
Williams, Braxton 2:20.52 Pleasant Valley HS
Smith, David S 2:20.59 Fyffe High School
Howell, Layne 2:21.56 Pisgah High School
Vess, Alec 2:22.90 Pleasant Valley HS
Holt, Luke 2:26.66 Locust Fork
Holland, Noah 2:26.72 North Sand Mountain High School
Dickey, Austin 2:27.14 Southeastern High School
Love, Colton 2:29.24 Locust Fork
Burge, Asa 2:34.16 Woodland High School
Hernandez, Moises 2:34.71 Woodland High School
Byrd, Derek 2:35.37 Southeastern High School
Patterson, Fysher 2:40.36 West End High School
Smith, Justin 2:41.33 West End High School
Smith, Joshua 2:41.53 Southeastern High School
Smitherman, Isaac 2:43.23 Locust Fork
Vega, Giovanny 2:44.81 Section High School
Vaughn, Jarrin 2:46.64 West End High School
Stevenson, Silas 3:03.83 Cleveland High School
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HS Boys Discus 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Metcalfe, Luke 124-10 Woodland High School
Sullivan, Chandler 118-2 North Sand Mountain High School
Moore, Hugh 109-2 Sand Rock
Holland, Seth 103-11 Sand Rock
Arreguin, Diego 102-7 Holly Pond
Steele, Lucas 97-5 North Sand Mountain High School
Curvin, Zeke 96-3 Pleasant Valley HS
Cox, Gatlin 94-0 Sand Rock
Gant, AJ 94-0 Pisgah High School
Tate, Morgen 90-8.5 Southeastern High School
Martinez, Salveador 88-5 Cleveland High School
Branham, Riley 86-10.5 Cleveland High School
Walker, Will 86-3 Pleasant Valley HS
Garrett, Connor 85-7 North Sand Mountain High School
Leo, Logan 78-11 Locust Fork
Davis, Josh 78-10.75 Woodland High School
English, Austin 74-7 Pleasant Valley HS
Cole, Adam 74-5 Pisgah High School
Ojeda, Mario 74-4 Section High School
Micheals, Eli 72-6 Section High School
Smith, Chad 71-0 Pisgah High School
Harper, Sean 70-0 Locust Fork
Smitherman, Sam 69-11.5 Woodland High School
Stedham, Jacob 55-3 Locust Fork
Garcia, John Holly Pond
Peace, Colby Cleveland High School
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HS Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Boatright, Jalon 5-10 Locust Fork
Bogle, Kodie 5-8 Gaston
Cunningham, Gavynn 5-4 Sand Rock
Westall, Ethan Fox 5-2 Holly Pond
Holloway, Jayden 5-2 Holly Pond
Salster, Braxton 5-2 Pleasant Valley HS
White, Noah 5-0 Locust Fork
Laros, Brady 5-0 Pleasant Valley HS
Jackson, Jahmad Locust Fork
Moody, Caden Holly Pond
Ortiz, Davey Southeastern High School
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HS Boys Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bogle, Kodie 159-6 Gaston
Lawson, Kane 158-2 West End High School
Gray, Skylar 139-5 Section High School
Ledford, Travis 127-5 Sand Rock
Farr, Levi 121-6 Holly Pond
Moon, Jordan 120-10 Locust Fork
Garcia, John 120-7 Holly Pond
Nash, Skylar 119-3 Sand Rock
Cox, Gatlin 110-7 Sand Rock
Davis, Josh 105-10 Woodland High School
Burge, Asa 105-4 Woodland High School
Williamson, Coleman 105-0 Locust Fork
Shockley, Jonah 104-6 Holly Pond
Steele, Lucas 101-4 North Sand Mountain High School
Rogers, Conlee 97-9 Pisgah High School
Garner, Arian 96-9 North Sand Mountain High School
Micheals, Eli 95-4 Section High School
Yates, Cruz 93-5 North Sand Mountain High School
Dickey, Austin 82-0 Southeastern High School
Garrard, Braydon 81-2 Pleasant Valley HS
Miguel, Diego 80-0 Section High School
Walker, Will 79-4 Pleasant Valley HS
English, Austin 79-1 Pleasant Valley HS
Byrd, Derek 75-6 Southeastern High School
Williams, Eric 71-8 Pisgah High School
Herron, Josh 65-11 Pisgah High School
Martinez, Salveador 57-2 Cleveland High School
Hurtado, Silvestre 46-7 Cleveland High School
Holt, Eli Locust Fork
Waites, Noah Woodland High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibbs, Boston 20-3.5 Holly Pond
Chaney, Triston 19-8 West End High School
Boatright, Jalon 19-1 Locust Fork
McBee, Gunnar 19-1 Holly Pond
Gerlott, Haydn 18-11 Locust Fork
Cunningham, Gavynn 18-2 Sand Rock
Bogle, Kodie 17-9 Gaston
Laros, Brady 17-6.75 Pleasant Valley HS
Salster, Braxton 17-5.5 Pleasant Valley HS
Spurgeon, Alec 17-5 Section High School
Daniell, Austin 17-2 Sand Rock
Jonathon, Antoine 16-11 Section High School
Kennedy, Ryelee 16-10 Cleveland High School
Overdear, Mason 16-8.5 Pisgah High School
Grider, Tyler 16-5 North Sand Mountain High School
Garrard, Braydon 15-11.5 Pleasant Valley HS
Holland, Noah 15-11 North Sand Mountain High School
Williams, Eric 15-11 Pisgah High School
Ellison, Carson 15-10 North Sand Mountain High School
Nash, Skylar 15-10 Sand Rock
Doss, Hunter 15-3 Locust Fork
Willis, Ethan 14-4 Cleveland High School
Ball, Dakota 14-1 West End High School
Cuzzort, Tristin 13-9 Pisgah High School
Marvin, Jason 13-6 Southeastern High School
Williams, Cole Southeastern High School
Harris, Caden Southeastern High School
Cervantes, Erick Cleveland High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maye, Cooper 8-0 Pleasant Valley HS
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HS Boys Shot Put 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sullivan, Chandler 42-5 North Sand Mountain High School
Moore, Hugh 41-6 Sand Rock
Curvin, Zeke 40-8 Pleasant Valley HS
Leo, Logan 39-9 Locust Fork
Pettijohn, Levi 39-8 North Sand Mountain High School
Branham, Riley 38-10 Cleveland High School
Steele, Lucas 38-2 North Sand Mountain High School
Gant, AJ 37-2 Pisgah High School
Metcalfe, Luke 36-9.25 Woodland High School
Cox, Gatlin 36-8 Sand Rock
Young, Kaleb 36-1 Southeastern High School
Holland, Seth 36-0 Sand Rock
Smith, Chad 35-2 Pisgah High School
Peace, Colby 33-11 Cleveland High School
Benefield, Will 33-3 Holly Pond
Farr, Levi 33-1 Holly Pond
Cooley, Zach 33-0 Section High School
Leonard, Jasen 32-0 Southeastern High School
Walker, Will 32-0 Pleasant Valley HS
Githens, Mitchell 31-6 Woodland High School
Waites, Noah 31-3.75 Woodland High School
Arreguin, Diego 30-4 Holly Pond
Harper, Sean 29-2 Locust Fork
Soto, Arturo 29-1 Cleveland High School
Cole, Adam 26-0 Pisgah High School
English, Austin 25-11 Pleasant Valley HS
Marvin, Daniel 23-10 Southeastern High School
Stedham, Jacob 23-5 Locust Fork
Walker, Samson 20-0 Section High School
Walker, Jr Section High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bogle, Kodie 39-11 Gaston
White, Titus 39-8 Locust Fork
Overdear, Mason 36-8.5 Pisgah High School
Hill, Clark 36-5 Pleasant Valley HS
Dickey, Austin 36-4 Southeastern High School
Westall, Ethan Fox 36-0.5 Holly Pond
Jackson, Jahmad 35-5 Locust Fork
Garrard, Braydon 35-5 Pleasant Valley HS
Cox, Gatlin 34-10.5 Sand Rock
Maye, Cooper 34-1.5 Pleasant Valley HS
Chadwick, Landon 33-3.5 Sand Rock
Holland, Noah 33-2.5 North Sand Mountain High School
Doss, Hunter 33-0 Locust Fork
Johnson, Brody 29-2.5 Sand Rock
Cuzzort, Tristin 28-8.5 Pisgah High School
Garcia, John Holly Pond
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hopson, Brooklyn Cleveland High School
Garrett, Kyli 13.13 Southeastern High School
Phillips, Lucy 13.51 Woodland High School
Hancock, Karlie 13.62 Section High School
Hall, Peyton 13.90 West End High School
Holcomb, Brylaina 14.01 Sand Rock
Coots, Kirby 14.07 Fyffe High School
Bell, Taylor 14.08 Section High School
Farmer, Aiyana 14.18 North Sand Mountain High School
Childress, Emily 14.23 Locust Fork
Carr, Presli 14.24 Holly Pond
Gamble, Sarah Grace 14.41 Pisgah High School
McKeehan, Violet 14.42 Pisgah High School
Whitehead, Abigail 14.50 Holly Pond
Bailey, Adyson F 14.61 Fyffe High School
Waddell, Lily 14.62 Woodland High School
Grider, Riley 14.65 Pisgah High School
Jones, Abbey 14.68 Holly Pond
Sweatt, Katelynn 14.74 Locust Fork
Woodle, Nataly K. 14.76 Fyffe High School
Parrish, Carlin 14.84 Woodland High School
Tawbush, Lynnleigh 14.91 Locust Fork
Daniell, Destiny 14.98 Sand Rock
Abercrombie, Addyson 15.18 Cleveland High School
Jennings, Abby 15.28 Pleasant Valley HS
Williams, Jaylee 15.82 West End High School
Roberts, Hanna 16.12 Pleasant Valley HS
Bowdoin, Anna 16.23 Pleasant Valley HS
Chaney, Tyree 16.28 West End High School
Mills, Kimber 16.44 Cleveland High School
Deason, Cheyenne 16.63 Southeastern High School
Rodruguez, Yissele 19.00 Southeastern High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Slick, Macey Woodland High School
Parris, Ella 17.91 Pleasant Valley HS
Wortham, Sophie 18.43 Southeastern High School
Readus, Baleigh 18.49 Southeastern High School
Waddell, Lily 19.08 Woodland High School
Adams, Violet 19.35 Holly Pond
Thrift, Cira 20.67 Holly Pond
Bell, Natalee 21.35 Locust Fork
Brown, Laily 21.48 Pisgah High School
Willis, Baylee 21.58 Pleasant Valley HS
Stewart, Kayana 23.84 Pisgah High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lamoureux, Caroline 5:59.66 Holly Pond
Edmondson, Mila 6:01.43 Holly Pond
Battles, Paten 6:08.52 West End High School
Stiefel, Katelin 6:19.59 Sand Rock
Baggett, Blakely 6:21.20 Holly Pond
Swain, Emma 6:31.13 Sand Rock
Tarpley, Kaylee 6:35.83 West End High School
Curry, Halle 6:37.88 Locust Fork
Smitherman, Emalyn 6:42.99 Locust Fork
Edwards, Katie 6:45.96 Pisgah High School
Stewart, Kayana 6:48.97 Pisgah High School
Evans, Nevaeh 6:49.43 Pisgah High School
Pritchett, Paisley 6:56.56 North Sand Mountain High School
Dunn, Hannah 7:30.29 Pleasant Valley HS
Poindexter, Tatyana 7:34.39 Woodland High School
Medley, Ellie 7:38.88 Pleasant Valley HS
Gembe, Dianna 7:41.83 Woodland High School
Greer, Faith 7:55.41 Southeastern High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hall, Peyton West End High School
Garrett, Kyli 27.28 Southeastern High School
Phillips, Lucy 28.87 Woodland High School
Carr, Presli 29.04 Holly Pond
Smith, Paisley 29.27 North Sand Mountain High School
Coots, Kirby 29.38 Fyffe High School
Jennings, Abby 30.08 Pleasant Valley HS
Bailey, Adyson F 30.16 Fyffe High School
Farmer, Aiyana 30.75 North Sand Mountain High School
Waddell, Lily 30.91 Woodland High School
Tawbush, Lynnleigh 30.93 Locust Fork
Graham, KoKo 31.00 Sand Rock
Westbrook, Miley K 31.10 Fyffe High School
Gamble, Sarah Grace 31.13 Pisgah High School
Wilson, Ava 31.15 Southeastern High School
Slick, Macey 31.21 Woodland High School
Jones, Abbey 31.27 Holly Pond
Whitehead, Abigail 31.27 Holly Pond
Akins, Payton 31.33 Sand Rock
Sweatt, Katelynn 31.42 Locust Fork
Day, Amber 31.63 Sand Rock
McKeehan, Violet 31.88 Pisgah High School
Abercrombie, Addyson 32.21 Cleveland High School
Edwards, McKenzie 32.23 Locust Fork
Mills, Kimber 32.56 Cleveland High School
Weldon, Raygan 32.64 North Sand Mountain High School
Roberts, Hanna 33.37 Pleasant Valley HS
Chaney, Tyree 34.32 West End High School
Wright, Alex 34.62 Pisgah High School
Beck, Taylor 34.70 West End High School
Ribis, Summer 35.09 Pleasant Valley HS
Hopson, Brooklyn 36.04 Cleveland High School
Lambert, McKenzie 37.40 Southeastern High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parrish, Carlin 1:01.29 Woodland High School
Burge, Kammi 1:02.31 Woodland High School
Stewart, Kayana 1:03.74 Pisgah High School
Macisanu, Anna 1:03.90 Sand Rock
Burge, Alice 1:06.37 Woodland High School
Parris, Ella 49.60 Pleasant Valley HS
Wortham, Sophie 53.26 Southeastern High School
Readus, Baleigh 53.84 Southeastern High School
Callantine, Ensley 54.65 Sand Rock
Willis, Baylee 56.15 Pleasant Valley HS
Bell, Natalee 58.00 Locust Fork
Brown, Laily 58.88 Pisgah High School
Thrift, Cira 59.16 Holly Pond
Adams, Violet 59.79 Holly Pond
Tarpley, Kaylee 59.87 West End High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Phoebe Holly Pond
Lamoureux, Caroline 12:57.62 Holly Pond
Battles, Paten 13:02.37 West End High School
Edmondson, Mila 13:04.60 Holly Pond
Smitherman, Emalyn 14:35.00 Locust Fork
Edwards, Katie 15:10.23 Pisgah High School
Evans, Nevaeh 15:11.58 Pisgah High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chaney, Toree West End High School
Beck, Taylor West End High School
Bartlett, Morgan Holly Pond
Waites, Ella Woodland High School
Parris, Ella 1:03.07 Pleasant Valley HS
Garrett, Kyli 1:03.31 Southeastern High School
StClair, Rylin 1:08.34 Sand Rock
Smith, Paisley 1:08.54 North Sand Mountain High School
Westbrook, Miley K 1:09.05 Fyffe High School
Carr, Presli 1:09.14 Holly Pond
Tarpley, Karlee 1:10.84 West End High School
Curry, Halle 1:11.16 Locust Fork
Woodham, Anna Claire 1:11.23 Woodland High School
Weldon, Raygan 1:11.73 North Sand Mountain High School
West, Hadley 1:12.88 Fyffe High School
Akins, Payton 1:12.97 Sand Rock
Cherry, Savannah 1:13.12 Southeastern High School
Graham, KoKo 1:13.92 Sand Rock
Dukes, Kimberly J 1:14.19 Fyffe High School
Norton, Kensley 1:17.08 Woodland High School
Garcia, Maria 1:18.16 Holly Pond
Hawkins, Aubree 1:18.29 Locust Fork
Hopson, Brooklyn 1:19.72 Cleveland High School
Roberts, Hanna 1:20.13 Pleasant Valley HS
Holt, Hallie 1:20.83 Locust Fork
Bowdoin, Anna 1:23.64 Pleasant Valley HS
Soto, Jessika 1:24.21 Cleveland High School
Givens, Kenyde 1:26.23 Pisgah High School
Vaught, Susan 1:30.39 Southeastern High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:03.82 Pleasant Valley HS
Relay Team A 53.55 Southeastern High School
Relay Team A 55.59 Fyffe High School
Relay Team A 55.60 Cleveland High School
Relay Team A 55.65 Woodland High School
Relay Team A 56.44 Sand Rock
Relay Team A 56.80 Holly Pond
Relay Team A 58.28 Pisgah High School
Relay Team A 59.57 Locust Fork
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:42.65 Pleasant Valley HS
Relay Team A 4:51.23 Sand Rock
Relay Team A 4:56.35 Holly Pond
Relay Team A 4:57.93 Pisgah High School
Relay Team A 4:58.78 North Sand Mountain High School
Relay Team A 5:04.12 Southeastern High School
Relay Team A 5:08.89 Locust Fork
Relay Team A 5:41.12 Cleveland High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A West End High School
Relay Team A Woodland High School
Relay Team A 11:19.21 Holly Pond
Relay Team A 11:21.49 Sand Rock
Relay Team A 11:38.96 North Sand Mountain High School
Relay Team A 11:42.60 Pisgah High School
Relay Team A 12:23.58 Pleasant Valley HS
Relay Team A 13:13.25 Southeastern High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
StClair, Rylin 2:46.74 Sand Rock
Tarpley, Karlee 2:48.05 West End High School
Stiefel, Katelin 2:48.58 Sand Rock
Edmondson, Mila 2:48.74 Holly Pond
Tarpley, Kaylee 2:49.29 West End High School
Shaw, Allie 2:49.56 Pleasant Valley HS
Lamoureux, Caroline 2:50.15 Holly Pond
Baggett, Blakely 2:50.45 Holly Pond
Waites, Ella 2:52.02 Woodland High School
Westbrook, Miley K 2:53.91 Fyffe High School
West, Hadley 2:57.62 Fyffe High School
Evans, Nevaeh 2:59.48 Pisgah High School
Cherry, Savannah 3:00.51 Southeastern High School
Curry, Halle 3:02.90 Locust Fork
Edwards, Katie 3:03.72 Pisgah High School
Swain, Emma 3:04.02 Sand Rock
Pritchett, Paisley 3:04.73 North Sand Mountain High School
Smitherman, Emalyn 3:05.37 Locust Fork
Brock, Abi 3:06.18 Pleasant Valley HS
Preston, Samantha 3:15.29 Pleasant Valley HS
Self, Addison 3:18.27 Southeastern High School
Chaney, Toree 3:18.40 West End High School
Poindexter, Tatyana 3:20.18 Woodland High School
Gembe, Dianna 3:20.55 Woodland High School
Freeman, Audrey 3:22.82 Southeastern High School
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HS Girls Discus 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Childress, Ashton 99-7 Pisgah High School
Powell, Hadlee K. 89-7 Fyffe High School
Evans, Faith 86-7 Locust Fork
Waters, Shelby 80-1 Gaston
Ellison, Sara Mae 71-10 North Sand Mountain High School
Mayfield, Aubrey 68-3 Holly Pond
Smith, Sadie 66-5 Fyffe High School
Stansell, Allie 65-1 Sand Rock
Davis, Kortni 65-0 Section High School
Salster, Ashlynn 64-9 Pleasant Valley HS
Camp, Emily 62-3 Locust Fork
Parris, Abby 61-9 Pleasant Valley HS
Arrington, Caylin 59-0 Woodland High School
Baird, Mya 58-6 Locust Fork
Sullivan, Kali 58-1 Southeastern High School
DeJesus, Emily 58-1 Southeastern High School
Miller, Kimberly 57-10 Pisgah High School
Matherly, Kimmy 57-7 Section High School
Chaparro, Alondra 57-3 Section High School
King, Mirissa 57-1.5 Sand Rock
Mayo, Mackenzie 56-8 Sand Rock
Hooper, Alyssa 55-9 Southeastern High School
Reno, Abby Gayle M 55-2 Fyffe High School
Whisinant, Emma 54-7 Pisgah High School
Merriman, Mary-Kate 51-6 Pleasant Valley HS
Briscoe, Payton 47-0 Holly Pond
Yeager, Jaiden 46-6 Woodland High School
Buckner, Emma 46-4 Woodland High School
Maino, Evelyn Ollie Holly Pond
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HS Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKeehan, Violet 4-9 Pisgah High School
Wilson, Kinley 4-6 Locust Fork
Carr, Presli 4-6 Holly Pond
Pullen, Jazlyn 4-5 Pisgah High School
Jones, Abbey 4-4 Holly Pond
Wright, Alex 4-4 Pisgah High School
Evans, Hope 4-0 Locust Fork
Burks, Ellie 4-0 Holly Pond
Medley, Ellie 4-0 Pleasant Valley HS
Wright, Jada West End High School
Bell, Taylor Section High School
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HS Girls Javelin 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holcomb, Brylaina 134-3 Sand Rock
Evans, Faith 101-10 Locust Fork
Childress, Ashton 90-6 Pisgah High School
Tawbush, Lynnleigh 85-3 Locust Fork
Baggett, Blakely 84-2 Holly Pond
Arrington, Caylin 83-2 Woodland High School
Sullivan, Kali 80-11 Southeastern High School
Miller, Kimberly 80-9 Pisgah High School
Ellison, Sara Mae 79-4 North Sand Mountain High School
Hooper, Alyssa 78-1 Southeastern High School
East, Lydia 75-2 Sand Rock
Salster, Ashlynn 71-2.5 Pleasant Valley HS
Cash, Haley 67-4.25 Sand Rock
Whisinant, Emma 67-0 Pisgah High School
Gembe, Dianna 58-5 Woodland High School
Jones, Phoebe 57-7 Holly Pond
Hines, Emma 57-0 Woodland High School
Lynn, Emily 54-4 North Sand Mountain High School
Parris, Abby 52-7 Pleasant Valley HS
Baird, Mya 50-2 Locust Fork
Merriman, Mary-Kate 42-11 Pleasant Valley HS
Maino, Evelyn Ollie Holly Pond
Grey, Alley Section High School
Jonathan, Jasmine Section High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holcomb, Brylaina 15-3 Sand Rock
Day, Amber 15-1 Sand Rock
Bain, Abigale 14-5 Pisgah High School
Hancock, Karlie 14-2 Section High School
Shaw, Allie 14-1.5 Pleasant Valley HS
Jones, Audrey 13-3 Sand Rock
Gibson, Jaiden 12-11.5 Pisgah High School
Adams, Violet 12-11 Holly Pond
Bell, Taylor 12-9.5 Section High School
Brock, Abi 12-9 Pleasant Valley HS
Preston, Samantha 12-7 Pleasant Valley HS
Brown, Laily 12-4.5 Pisgah High School
Peacock, Mackenzie 12-3 Locust Fork
Bell, Natalee 12-2 Locust Fork
Williams, Jaylee 12-1 West End High School
Maino, Evelyn Ollie 12-0.25 Holly Pond
Dobbs, Arleigh 11-11 Section High School
Evans, Hope 10-0 Locust Fork
Jones, Phoebe 8-3.75 Holly Pond
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HS Girls Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Audrey 6-0 Sand Rock
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HS Girls Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ellison, Sara Mae 32-0 North Sand Mountain High School
Powell, Hadlee K. 31-10.5 Fyffe High School
Turner, Victoria 29-8.5 Pleasant Valley HS
East, Lydia 29-5 Sand Rock
Evans, Faith 29-1 Locust Fork
Mayfield, Aubrey 28-11 Holly Pond
Childress, Ashton 28-10 Pisgah High School
Salazar, Ana 26-9 Sand Rock
Turner, Janette 26-2.5 Pleasant Valley HS
Sullivan, Kali 26-1 Southeastern High School
Stansell, Allie 25-3.5 Sand Rock
Davis, Kortni 25-1 Section High School
Whisinant, Emma 24-7 Pisgah High School
Salster, Ashlynn 23-6.5 Pleasant Valley HS
Smith, Sadie 23-6 Fyffe High School
Reno, Abby Gayle M 23-5 Fyffe High School
Baird, Mya 23-0 Locust Fork
Arrington, Caylin 22-8.5 Woodland High School
Lynn, Emily 22-1.5 North Sand Mountain High School
Yeager, Jaiden 21-9 Woodland High School
Briscoe, Payton 21-3.75 Holly Pond
Hines, Emma 21-2 Woodland High School
Camp, Emily 21-0 Locust Fork
DeJesus, Emily 20-11 Southeastern High School
Hooper, Alyssa 20-3 Southeastern High School
Chaparro, Alondra 19-9 Section High School
Givens, Kenyde 16-7 Pisgah High School
Garcia, Maria Holly Pond
Grey, Alley Section High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bain, Abigale 30-1.5 Pisgah High School
Brown, Laily 28-10.5 Pisgah High School
Gibson, Jaiden 28-6 Pisgah High School
Hancock, Karlie 28-1.5 Section High School
Wilson, Kinley 28-1 Locust Fork
Jones, Audrey 27-3 Sand Rock
Whitehead, Abigail 27-1.5 Holly Pond
Preston, Samantha 26-11 Pleasant Valley HS
Adams, Violet 26-11 Holly Pond
Brock, Abi 26-9 Pleasant Valley HS
Burks, Ellie 25-11 Holly Pond
Peacock, Mackenzie 25-9.75 Locust Fork
Edwards, McKenzie 23-4 Locust Fork
Akins, Payton Sand Rock
Cash, Kaegan Sand Rock
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