Admiral's Invite JV/MS #1 2023

Daphne, AL

Uploaded Entries

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Henderson, Mason Fairhope
Morgan, Cale Gulf Shores Middle School
McIntosh, Doug Fairhope
Love, Cam Elberta High School
Reams, Elijah Fairhope
Gause, Devin Elberta Middle School
Patrick, Bowers Fairhope
Lopez, Cameron Elberta High School
Davis, Michael Fairhope
Stephens, Bain Elberta Middle School
King, Traedon Gulf Shores Middle School
Billups, Adrian Elberta High School
Sunday, Maddox Fairhope
Brunick, Blake Orange Beach HS
Downer, Ajay Fairhope
Pruitt, Dylan Gulf Shores Middle School
Martin, Corey Fairhope
Achorn, Landon Elberta Middle School
Davenport, Sean 11.61 Gulf Shores HS
Hayward, Cole 11.69 Orange Beach HS
Thomas, Desmond 12.19 Fairhope
Todd, Jett 12.27 Orange Beach HS
Garlock, Ryan 12.65 St. Michael Catholic High School
Wilson, Chandler 12.67 Orange Beach HS
Roach, Christian 12.78 St. Michael Catholic High School
Gattenio, Jack 12.79 Elberta High School
Conway, Tristan 13.10 Gulf Shores HS
Wilkinson, Jack 13.12 Bayside Academy
Smith, Wells 13.13 Bayside Academy
Pinkston, Dominic 13.14 Bayside Academy
Gunter, Cole 13.44 St. Michael Catholic High School
Gober, Reese 13.50h Orange Beach HS
Helton, Evan 13.60 St. Michael Catholic High School
Cuccia, Caden 13.65 Orange Beach HS
Ward, Tyler 13.76 St. Michael Catholic High School
Watson, Nathan 13.90h Orange Beach HS
Smith, Forrest 14.34 Bayside Academy
Jones, Michael 14.44 St. Michael Catholic High School
McKean, Jack 16.55 Bayside Academy
Wallace, Cove 21.24 Orange Beach HS
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fagan, Connor Fairhope
Nevin, Charles St. Michael Catholic High School
Deas, Devin Gulf Shores Middle School
Rye, Braxton Orange Beach HS
Fillingim, Eden Elberta Middle School
Robinson, Cole St. Michael Catholic High School
Walker, Patrick Fairhope
Davis, Rory Gulf Shores Middle School
Morrow, Sawyer Elberta Middle School
Green, James St. Michael Catholic High School
Gohn, Arlo Gulf Shores Middle School
Livingston, Ryland Gulf Shores Middle School
McCrady, Ian Gulf Shores HS
Buhta, Ty Orange Beach HS
Coulter, Will Gulf Shores Middle School
Washo, Hamilton 5:08.45 Orange Beach HS
Tkac, Nolan 5:10.23 Bayside Academy
Haber, Eli 5:28.14 Orange Beach HS
Koch, Jack 5:40.68 Bayside Academy
Faircloth, Ethan 5:58.04 St. Michael Catholic High School
Monticeno, Caessar 6:00.54 Gulf Shores Middle School
Davis, Brody 6:11.29 Elberta High School
Flowers, Jayden 6:30.62 Elberta High School
Williams, Gavin 6:33.03 Bayside Academy
Armstrong, Graham 6:34.95 St. Michael Catholic High School
Miller, Morgan 6:36.38 St. Michael Catholic High School
Navarre, Eli 6:45.98 St. Michael Catholic High School
Randolph, Jesse 6:54.23 St. Michael Catholic High School
Benassi Monegatto, Pedro 6:56.34 Bayside Academy
Ramagosa, Burke 7:04.49 Bayside Academy
Nguyen, Patrick 7:28.51 Gulf Shores HS
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gause, Devin Elberta Middle School
Sunday, Maddox Fairhope
Lopez, Cameron Elberta High School
Wright, Liam Gulf Shores Middle School
Downer, Ajay Fairhope
Smith, Logan Elberta Middle School
Martin, Corey Fairhope
Conway, Tristan Gulf Shores HS
Davison, Carsten Fairhope
King, Traedon Gulf Shores Middle School
Gober, Reese Orange Beach HS
Henderson, Mason Fairhope
Davis, Butler Fairhope
McIntosh, Doug Fairhope
Reams, Elijah Fairhope
Achorn, Landon Elberta Middle School
Cochran, Noah Gulf Shores Middle School
Morgan, Sam Orange Beach HS
Patrick, Bowers Fairhope
Middleton, Cooper Fairhope
Love, Cam Elberta High School
Conwell, Henry Fairhope
Hayward, Cole 23.59 Orange Beach HS
Davenport, Sean 24.18 Gulf Shores HS
Rowland, Ashton 24.50 Bayside Academy
Billups, Adrian 24.93 Elberta High School
Kurz, Josh 25.14 St. Michael Catholic High School
Thomas, Desmond 25.19 Fairhope
Powers, Ladd 25.43 Bayside Academy
Todd, Jett 25.59 Orange Beach HS
Roach, Christian 25.85 St. Michael Catholic High School
Partin, Monroe 25.91 Bayside Academy
Garlock, Ryan 25.95 St. Michael Catholic High School
Gattenio, Jack 26.23 Elberta High School
Kasch, Franklin 26.35 St. Michael Catholic High School
Carovinci, Joseph 27.66 Gulf Shores HS
Ward, Tyler 27.87 St. Michael Catholic High School
Cuccia, Caden 28.10 Orange Beach HS
Gunter, Cole 28.30 St. Michael Catholic High School
Helton, Evan 28.32 St. Michael Catholic High School
Watson, Nathan 29.20 Orange Beach HS
Jones, Michael 29.72 St. Michael Catholic High School
Smith, Wells 30.26 Bayside Academy
Vivier, Sidney 30.27 Bayside Academy
Smith, Forrest 30.28 Bayside Academy
Winstead, Sebastian 31.48 Bayside Academy
Fetner, Will 35.12 Orange Beach HS
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bell, Gabe Fairhope
Rowland, Ashton Bayside Academy
Henderson, Mason Fairhope
Coulter, Will Gulf Shores Middle School
Davison, Carsten Fairhope
Kazman, Zach Gulf Shores Middle School
Calvery, Jonah 47.43 St. Michael Catholic High School
Woods, Benjamin 49.39 Elberta High School
Guirmarin, Luke 51.20 Fairhope
Davis, Michael 52.10 Fairhope
Middleton, Cooper 52.30 Fairhope
Byrd, Baylen 52.72 Gulf Shores HS
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stephens, Bain Elberta Middle School
Bell, Gabe Fairhope
Morgan, Sam Orange Beach HS
Davenport, Sean Gulf Shores HS
Myers, Maxwell Elberta High School
Conwell, Henry Fairhope
Anthony, Will Gulf Shores Middle School
Wallace, Cove Orange Beach HS
Guirmarin, Luke Fairhope
Cole, Drew Elberta Middle School
Guidry, Stephen Elberta High School
Etheridge, Austin Fairhope
Nguyen, Jayden Gulf Shores Middle School
Watson, Nathan Orange Beach HS
Pylant, Karsten Elberta Middle School
Helton, Evan St. Michael Catholic High School
Middleton, Cooper Fairhope
Addison, Alex Orange Beach HS
Kurz, Josh 1:00.28 St. Michael Catholic High School
Carovinci, Joseph 1:00.46 Gulf Shores HS
Roach, Christian 1:01.09 St. Michael Catholic High School
Babb, Nick 1:01.67 Fairhope
Faiupu, Arrington 1:03.11 St. Michael Catholic High School
Davison, Carsten 1:08.10 Fairhope
Fargason, Bax 1:09.90 Bayside Academy
Wright, Liam 1:22.32 Gulf Shores Middle School
Billups, Adrian 58.08 Elberta High School
Frank, Conner 59.38 Elberta High School
Davis, Butler 59.42 Fairhope
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Elberta Middle School
Relay Team A St. Michael Catholic High School
Relay Team A 48.17 Bayside Academy
Relay Team B 52.77 Gulf Shores Middle School
Relay Team A 52.77 Gulf Shores Middle School
Relay Team A 53.90h Orange Beach HS
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Elberta Middle School
Relay Team B 3:42.90 Fairhope
Relay Team A 3:42.90 Fairhope
Relay Team A 3:43.69 Elberta High School
Relay Team A 3:49.92 Bayside Academy
Relay Team A 5:17.73 Gulf Shores Middle School
Relay Team B 5:17.73 Gulf Shores Middle School
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Boys 60 Meter Hurdles 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gohn, Arlo Gulf Shores Middle School
Kazman, Zach Gulf Shores Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Patrick Fairhope
Phelps, Jaxon Gulf Shores Middle School
McCrady, Ian Gulf Shores HS
Morrow, Sawyer Elberta Middle School
Deas, Devin Gulf Shores Middle School
Etheridge, Austin Fairhope
Guidry, Stephen Elberta High School
Fagan, Connor Fairhope
Stephens, Colby Elberta Middle School
Kutz, Tristyn Gulf Shores Middle School
Benassi Monegatto, Pedro Bayside Academy
Calvert, Mathew Fairhope
Rye, Braxton Orange Beach HS
Robinson, Cole St. Michael Catholic High School
Gohn, Arlo Gulf Shores Middle School
Green, James St. Michael Catholic High School
Washo, Hamilton 2:17.69 Orange Beach HS
Tkac, Nolan 2:19.02 Bayside Academy
Carovinci, Joseph 2:24.26 Gulf Shores HS
Koch, Jack 2:31.24 Bayside Academy
Kasch, Franklin 2:34.77 St. Michael Catholic High School
Flowers, Jayden 2:35.13 Elberta High School
Babb, Nick 2:41.69 Fairhope
Cole, Drew 2:43.44 Elberta Middle School
Navarre, Eli 2:44.98 St. Michael Catholic High School
Haber, Eli 2:45.83 Orange Beach HS
Prouty, Alexander 2:50.43 St. Michael Catholic High School
Faircloth, Ethan 2:56.02 St. Michael Catholic High School
Armstrong, Graham 2:57.81 St. Michael Catholic High School
Williams, Gavin 3:01.92 Bayside Academy
Miller, Morgan 3:04.95 St. Michael Catholic High School
Buhta, Ty 3:05.66 Orange Beach HS
Randolph, Jesse 3:09.47 St. Michael Catholic High School
Ramagosa, Burke 3:22.21 Bayside Academy
Nguyen, Patrick 3:28.16 Gulf Shores HS
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Boys Discus 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fetner, Sam 113-4 Orange Beach HS
Sears, Colvin 108-9 St. Michael Catholic High School
Brereton, Henry 103-9 Gulf Shores HS
Bennett, Trenton 99-8 Elberta High School
Baas, Parker 91-2 St. Michael Catholic High School
Foster, David 90-4 Gulf Shores HS
Williams, Deshaun 86-9 Fairhope
Kaiser, Geroge 85-5 Bayside Academy
Breeland, Noah 82-8 Bayside Academy
Partin, Monroe 82-5 Bayside Academy
Peters, Mac 81-9 Orange Beach HS
Coker, Thompson 78-4 Bayside Academy
Hammock, Bo 76-3 Bayside Academy
Faiupu, Rocco 72-8 St. Michael Catholic High School
Waugh, Lucas 61-3 Gulf Shores HS
Steffek, Lachlan 60-0 Gulf Shores Middle School
Wallace, Landon 49-7 Gulf Shores Middle School
Wallace, Cove 44-7 Orange Beach HS
Hagan, Jacob Fairhope
Halm, Sebastian Fairhope
Nolan, Seth Elberta High School
Peterson, Garrett Elberta High School
Beardan, Joseph Elberta High School
Morefield, Maverick Fairhope
Gentry, Dakota Orange Beach HS
Phillips, Micah Orange Beach HS
Edgeworth, Charlie Orange Beach HS
Watkins, Tucker Bayside Academy
Sharkey, Garett Gulf Shores Middle School
Scott, Wesley Elberta High School
Craig, Austin Elberta High School
Goodson, Garrett Elberta Middle School
Reneman, Bryce Elberta Middle School
Egbert, Marshall Gulf Shores HS
Helton, Cameron Gulf Shores HS
Burkett, Tyler Gulf Shores HS
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Boys High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nebrig, Finn 5-0 Bayside Academy
Phillipps, David 5-0 Bayside Academy
Byrd, Baylen 5-0 Gulf Shores HS
Winstead, Sebastian 4-10 Bayside Academy
Koch, Jack 4-6 Bayside Academy
Fargason, Bax 4-6 Bayside Academy
Calvert, Mathew Fairhope
Patrick, Bowers Fairhope
Bell, Gabe Fairhope
LaBoa, Braydon Elberta High School
Norris, Brockton Fairhope
Smith, Nick Elberta High School
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Boys Javelin 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Ambrose 119-1 St. Michael Catholic High School
Breeland, Noah 114-1 Bayside Academy
Wilkinson, Jack 113-9 Bayside Academy
Brereton, Henry 102-9 Gulf Shores HS
Foster, David 97-4 Gulf Shores HS
Petrus, Tucker 90-11 Fairhope
Roh, James 77-3 St. Michael Catholic High School
Tickle, Wilks 76-9 Bayside Academy
Coker, Thompson 73-2 Bayside Academy
Williams, DeWayne 64-6 Fairhope
Miller, Morgan 50-11 St. Michael Catholic High School
Lorentz, Austin Fairhope
Tyler, Bennett Elberta High School
Nolan, Seth Elberta High School
Craig, Austin Elberta High School
Bennett, Trenton Elberta High School
Halm, Sebastian Fairhope
Fetner, Will Orange Beach HS
Todd, Jett Orange Beach HS
Cuccia, Caden Orange Beach HS
Gober, Reese Orange Beach HS
Nevin, Charles St. Michael Catholic High School
Randolph, Jesse St. Michael Catholic High School
Watkins, Tucker Bayside Academy
Kaiser, Geroge Bayside Academy
Carter, Aiden Gulf Shores Middle School
Wallace, Landon Gulf Shores Middle School
Owens, Luke Elberta High School
Helton, Cameron Gulf Shores HS
Waugh, Lucas Gulf Shores HS
Thomas, Keller Gulf Shores HS
Egbert, Marshall Gulf Shores HS
Baas, Parker St. Michael Catholic High School
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Boys Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nebrig, Finn 19-0 Bayside Academy
Frank, Conner 18-2 Elberta High School
Wilson, Chandler 18-1 Orange Beach HS
Conway, Tristan 17-9.5 Gulf Shores HS
Harrison, Sam 17-3 Elberta High School
Powers, Ladd 16-4 Bayside Academy
Todd, Jett 16-3 Orange Beach HS
Green, Bray 16-2 St. Michael Catholic High School
Byrd, Baylen 16-0.25 Gulf Shores HS
Harrison, Rylie 16-0 Elberta High School
LaBoa, Braydon 15-8.75 Elberta High School
Addison, Alex 15-5 Orange Beach HS
Cuccia, Caden 15-3 Orange Beach HS
Davenport, Sean 14-6 Gulf Shores HS
Vivier, Sidney 14-3.75 Bayside Academy
Winstead, Sebastian 14-2 Bayside Academy
Pinkston, Dominic 11-6.25 Bayside Academy
Gober, Reese Orange Beach HS
Kurz, Josh St. Michael Catholic High School
Smith, Wells Bayside Academy
Anthony, Will Gulf Shores Middle School
Kazman, Zach Gulf Shores Middle School
Morgan, Cale Gulf Shores Middle School
Lambert, Luke Elberta Middle School
West, Mason Elberta Middle School
Hudson, David Elberta Middle School
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Boys Pole Vault 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gee, Elijah 8-6 Elberta High School
Thomas, Keller 8-6 Gulf Shores HS
Pickle, Avery 8-0 Elberta High School
Peterson, Matthew 8-0 Bayside Academy
Godwin, Cody 7-6 Elberta High School
Wilkinson, John Ben 6-6 Bayside Academy
McKean, Jack 5-6 Bayside Academy
McCrady, Ian 5-6 Gulf Shores HS
Calvert, Mathew Fairhope
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Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kaiser, Geroge 36-7 Bayside Academy
Nettles, Ezekiel 36-7 Gulf Shores HS
Fetner, Sam 36-6 Orange Beach HS
Hammock, Bo 33-6.75 Bayside Academy
Burkett, Tyler 33-3 Gulf Shores HS
Owens, Luke 33-1.5 Elberta High School
Breeland, Noah 33-1 Bayside Academy
Foster, David 29-9 Gulf Shores HS
Bennett, Trenton 28-10.75 Elberta High School
Brereton, Henry 28-0 Gulf Shores HS
Waugh, Lucas 26-5.5 Gulf Shores HS
Wallace, Landon 25-8 Gulf Shores Middle School
Peters, Mac 25-7.5 Orange Beach HS
Coker, Thompson 21-7 Bayside Academy
Hamlin, Mason Fairhope
landry, Lawson Fairhope
Beardan, Joseph Elberta High School
Craig, Austin Elberta High School
Scott, Wesley Elberta High School
Peterson, Garrett Elberta High School
Norris, Brockton Fairhope
Sandefur, Wesley Fairhope
Baas, Parker St. Michael Catholic High School
Faiupu, Rocco St. Michael Catholic High School
Sears, Colvin St. Michael Catholic High School
Gentry, Dakota Orange Beach HS
Phillips, Micah Orange Beach HS
Edgeworth, Charlie Orange Beach HS
Watkins, Tucker Bayside Academy
Brereton, Benton Gulf Shores Middle School
Sharkey, Garett Gulf Shores Middle School
Carter, Aiden Gulf Shores Middle School
Goodson, Garrett Elberta Middle School
Reneman, Bryce Elberta Middle School
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Boys Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Partin, Monroe 35-9.5 Bayside Academy
Harrison, Rylie 35-8.25 Elberta High School
Smith, Forrest 35-3 Bayside Academy
Byrd, Baylen 34-9.5 Gulf Shores HS
Powers, Ladd 34-4 Bayside Academy
Pridgen, John 33-10.75 Fairhope
Phillipps, David 33-7.5 Bayside Academy
Vivier, Sidney 31-7 Bayside Academy
Anthony, Will Gulf Shores Middle School
Pruitt, Dylan Gulf Shores Middle School
LaBoa, Braydon Elberta High School
Lambert, Luke Elberta Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
West, Rayley Orange Beach HS
Adamski, Caroline St. Michael Catholic High School
Ramos, Katerin Elberta High School
Moss, JMo Orange Beach HS
Williams, Samaria Elberta High School
Grigsby, Taylor Orange Beach HS
Shabel, Kaylee Elberta Middle School
Logan, Lilly Kate Orange Beach HS
Odom, Anaya Fairhope
Faino, Aubrey Elberta Middle School
Hagan, Marlee Orange Beach HS
Parks, Stella 13.43 Bayside Academy
Campbell, Tevonna 13.80h Gulf Shores Middle School
Kaiser, Kimberlynn 13.90 Orange Beach HS
Farrar, Haleigh 14.14 St. Michael Catholic High School
Robinson, Katherine 14.15 St. Michael Catholic High School
Adams, Sohia 14.20h Gulf Shores Middle School
Brown, Adaiyja 14.37 Fairhope
Bonner, LeeAnn 15.18 St. Michael Catholic High School
Silvernail, Addison 15.33 St. Michael Catholic High School
Gill, Amiyah 15.40 Fairhope
Ryals, Clara 15.44 Bayside Academy
Williams, Anne Riley 15.46 Bayside Academy
Driskell, Jewels 15.50h Gulf Shores HS
Nicely, Mercedes 15.86 Elberta High School
Buckmaster, Jordyn 15.90h Gulf Shores HS
Ramirrez, Layla 15.94 Gulf Shores Middle School
Pickering, Kylee 15.98 Orange Beach HS
collins, annaleigh 16.33 Orange Beach HS
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barnett, Brooke Orange Beach HS
Garriz, Izzy 6:25.92 St. Michael Catholic High School
McCrory, Virginia 6:35.06 Bayside Academy
Eberly, Isis 6:45.90h Gulf Shores Middle School
Zhang, Minna 7:52.10 Gulf Shores Middle School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shabel, Kaylee Elberta Middle School
Law, Virginia Orange Beach HS
Nicely, Mercedes Elberta High School
Logan, Lilly Kate Orange Beach HS
Brown, Nova Elberta High School
Floyd, Ella Orange Beach HS
Faino, Aubrey Elberta Middle School
West, Rayley Orange Beach HS
Chumney, Kylie Elberta High School
Odom, Anaya Fairhope
Bullock, Sadie Orange Beach HS
Grigsby, Taylor Orange Beach HS
Hart, Magnolia Orange Beach HS
Ramos, Katerin Elberta High School
Adamski, Caroline St. Michael Catholic High School
Fogos, Ryleigh Elberta Middle School
collins, annaleigh Orange Beach HS
Moseley, Kenleigh Orange Beach HS
Williams, Samaria Elberta High School
Pickering, Kylee Orange Beach HS
Parks, Stella 27.91 Bayside Academy
Kaiser, Kimberlynn 29.01 Orange Beach HS
Brown, Adaiyja 29.50 Fairhope
Farrar, Haleigh 29.65 St. Michael Catholic High School
Prouty, Sofia 29.69 St. Michael Catholic High School
Robinson, Katherine 30.40 St. Michael Catholic High School
Driskell, Jewels 32.00h Gulf Shores HS
Silvernail, Addison 32.06 St. Michael Catholic High School
Bonner, LeeAnn 32.09 St. Michael Catholic High School
Hager, Kenadi 32.65 Gulf Shores Middle School
Gill, Amiyah 33.29 Fairhope
Myers, Lauren 35.40h Gulf Shores Middle School
Bullock, Allysa 35.50 Bayside Academy
Whiteside, Bree 36.20h Gulf Shores Middle School
Buckmaster, Jordyn 38.34 Gulf Shores HS
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pence, Jenna Elberta High School
Parks, Stella 55.50 Bayside Academy
Huey, Kate 55.50 Bayside Academy
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Addison Orange Beach HS
Marlee, Calhoun Fairhope
Moseley, Kenleigh Orange Beach HS
Prouty, Sofia St. Michael Catholic High School
Barnett, Brooke Orange Beach HS
Bullock, Sadie Orange Beach HS
Green, Olivia St. Michael Catholic High School
Davis, Natalie Orange Beach HS
Janes, Isabela Fairhope
Gillen, Katie Fairhope
Calvery, Cabrini St. Michael Catholic High School
Pylant, Chloe Elberta Middle School
Hart, Magnolia Orange Beach HS
Kaiser, Kimberlynn 1:06.56 Orange Beach HS
Booker, Maria 1:12.25 Fairhope
Davis, Kayden 1:12.58 Elberta High School
Herrera, Alexa 1:13.35 Elberta Middle School
Gilbert, Ella 1:13.74 Gulf Shores HS
Silvernail, Addison 1:13.80 St. Michael Catholic High School
Bonner, LeeAnn 1:14.38 St. Michael Catholic High School
Driskell, Jewels 1:14.74 Gulf Shores HS
Johnson, Connie 1:16.88 Elberta High School
Hollis, Portia 1:21.57 Gulf Shores HS
Holmes, Merritt 1:24.96 Fairhope
Palm, Abigail 1:25 Elberta High School
Brown, Nova 1:25.00h Elberta High School
Chumney, Kylie 1:25.00h Elberta High School
Cruz, Alydrea 1:25.00h Elberta High School
Williams, Mary Helen 1:25.00h Bayside Academy
Davenport, Nadia 1:29.50h Gulf Shores Middle School
Adams, Sohia 1:30.24 Gulf Shores Middle School
Fahy, Ellie 1:32.38 Fairhope
Maitland, Cheyenne 1:34.00 Gulf Shores Middle School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Elberta Middle School
Relay Team A 1:00.54 Gulf Shores Middle School
Relay Team A 58.72 Bayside Academy
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Elberta Middle School
Relay Team A 4:57.11 Fairhope
Relay Team A 5:06.87 Gulf Shores Middle School
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Girls 60 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pence, Jenna Elberta High School
Huey, Kate 11.50h Bayside Academy
Dudley, Madeline 11.50h Bayside Academy
Parks, Stella 11.50h Bayside Academy
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Girls 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palm, Abigail Elberta High School
Barnett, Brooke Orange Beach HS
Calvery, Cabrini St. Michael Catholic High School
Gillen, Katie Fairhope
McKenzie, Josie Fairhope
Alvallar, Danna Elberta Middle School
Marlee, Calhoun Fairhope
Green, Olivia St. Michael Catholic High School
Dawson, Grace 2:37.86 Bayside Academy
Williams, Mary Helen 3:00.29 Bayside Academy
McCrory, Virginia 3:01.12 Bayside Academy
Davis, Kayden 3:02.48 Elberta High School
Buhta, Teigan 3:07.10 Orange Beach HS
Gilbert, Ella 3:08.72 Gulf Shores HS
Johnson, Connie 3:09.15 Elberta High School
Garlock, Sara 3:10.37 St. Michael Catholic High School
Geary, Carolina 3:15.28 St. Michael Catholic High School
Fahy, Ellie 3:24.06 Fairhope
Hollis, Portia 3:28.53 Gulf Shores HS
Holmes, Merritt 3:31.27 Fairhope
Zhang, Minna 3:41.21 Gulf Shores Middle School
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Girls Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rockstall, Hailey 69-0 St. Michael Catholic High School
Winkler, Emma 64-6 Bayside Academy
Robinson, Caroline 63-5 St. Michael Catholic High School
Ernest, Elizabeth 62-0 Bayside Academy
Bingert, Haley 60-0 Elberta High School
Whitlock, Vayda 60-0 Elberta High School
Bullock, Allysa 58-11 Bayside Academy
Jordan, Amari 57-4 Fairhope
Gant, Skylar 56-7 Gulf Shores HS
Reed, Allie 55-4 Gulf Shores Middle School
Sansom, Belle 54-9 Fairhope
White, Kortlyn 54-7 Elberta Middle School
Werner, Madison 50-0 Elberta High School
Hudgins, Masyen 50-0 Elberta High School
Barnwell, Zoeylynn 49-0 Elberta Middle School
Sexton, Caitlin 41-3 Gulf Shores Middle School
Childers, Erika 38-0 Gulf Shores Middle School
Tanner, Shelby Fairhope
Gilbert, Laurel Fairhope
Curry, Sullivan Elberta Middle School
Loveland, BrookLynn Elberta Middle School
Baggett, Tristyn Gulf Shores HS
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Girls High Jump 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rogers, Jo 4-6 Elberta High School
Sanders, Catie 4-4 Bayside Academy
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Girls Javelin 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Godwin, Ryleigh 88-0 Fairhope
Bingert, Haley 76-2 Elberta High School
Sansom, Belle 67-8 Fairhope
Bullock, Allysa 64-10 Bayside Academy
Morton, Mary Lindsay 61-10 Gulf Shores HS
Ernest, Elizabeth 60-8 Bayside Academy
Winkler, Emma 57-3 Bayside Academy
Gant, Skylar 54-6 Gulf Shores HS
Reed, Allie 48-0 Gulf Shores Middle School
Buckmaster, Jordyn 47-5 Gulf Shores HS
Sexton, Caitlin 44-0 Gulf Shores Middle School
Childers, Erika 38-7 Gulf Shores Middle School
Adams, Sohia 18-9 Gulf Shores Middle School
Tanner, Shelby Fairhope
Harris, Dayton Fairhope
Dudley, Madeline Bayside Academy
Thrift, Savannah Elberta High School
Whitlock, Vayda Elberta High School
Meszares, Janley Elberta High School
Pence, Jenna Elberta High School
Driskell, Jewels Gulf Shores HS
Baggett, Tristyn Gulf Shores HS
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Girls Long Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ewart, Brooklyn 15-8.5 Fairhope
Grant, Madeline 14-9 Fairhope
Grant, Peyton 14-5 Fairhope
Sanders, Catie 13-6 Bayside Academy
Whitehead, Mary Chapel 11-7.5 Bayside Academy
Rogers, Mara 10-9 Elberta High School
Ramirrez, Layla 10-4.5 Gulf Shores Middle School
Law, Virginia Orange Beach HS
West, Rayley Orange Beach HS
Moss, JMo Orange Beach HS
Hart, Magnolia Orange Beach HS
Hagan, Marlee Orange Beach HS
Kaiser, Kimberlynn Orange Beach HS
Rogers, Jo Elberta High School
Shabel, Kaylee Elberta Middle School
Hollis, Portia Gulf Shores HS
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Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akins, Olivia 8-0 Elberta High School
Hagan, Molly 7-6 Bayside Academy
Ryals, Clara 6-0 Bayside Academy
Williams, Mary Helen 5-0 Bayside Academy
Rogers, Mara Elberta High School
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Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bullock, Allysa 26-4 Bayside Academy
Reed, Allie 25-10 Gulf Shores Middle School
Sexton, Caitlin 22-1 Gulf Shores Middle School
Winkler, Emma 21-8 Bayside Academy
Gilbert, Laurel 21-5.25 Fairhope
White, Kortlyn 20-9 Elberta Middle School
Jordan, Amari 20-8.75 Fairhope
Ernest, Elizabeth 20-2 Bayside Academy
Barnwell, Zoeylynn 18-7 Elberta Middle School
Harris, Dayton Fairhope
Ash, Autumn Fairhope
Meszares, Janley Elberta High School
Werner, Madison Elberta High School
Whitlock, Vayda Elberta High School
Bingert, Haley Elberta High School
Hudgins, Masyen Elberta High School
Childers, Erika Gulf Shores Middle School
Whiteside, Bree Gulf Shores Middle School
Curry, Sullivan Elberta Middle School
Loveland, BrookLynn Elberta Middle School
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Girls Triple Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ewart, Brooklyn 35-5 Fairhope
Dudley, Madeline 32-3 Bayside Academy
Grant, Peyton 30-10.5 Fairhope
Grant, Madeline 30-3.5 Fairhope
Rogers, Jo 27-11 Elberta High School
Campbell, Tevonna 26-0 Gulf Shores Middle School
Hager, Kenadi 25-1 Gulf Shores Middle School
Hollis, Portia 23-10 Gulf Shores HS
Harrison, Layla Elberta Middle School
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