Austin 5 Team Freeze Out 2009

Decatur, AL
Hosted by Austin

Complete Results

Licensed to Austin High School                   HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/4/2009
                        five team freeze out - 3/3/2009                        
                              Austin high school                               
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 36                        
                              Female Team Scores                               
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Bob Jones High School              BOJO            257  
                2 Florence High School               FLO             137  
                3 Austin High School                 AUS              77  
                4 Huntsville High School             HUNT             68  
                5 Decatur High School                DEC              63  
                6 Lawrence County High School        LCHS             27  
                7 Randolph School                    RAN               3  
                               Male Team Scores                                
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Bob Jones High School              BOJO          272.833
                2 Austin High School                 AUS           119.333
                3 Huntsville High School             HUNT          102.833
                4 Florence High School               FLO              98  
                5 Decatur High School                DEC              46  
                6 Randolph School                    RAN              30  
                7 Athens High School                 ATH              11  
                8 Lawrence County High School        LCHS              8  

Licensed to Austin High School          HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/4/2009 09:04 AM
                        five team freeze out - 3/3/2009                        
                              Austin high school                               
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 briggs, kandis               Florence                          13.32   5  10   
  2 smith, kreshonda             Austin                            13.34   7   8   
  3 Billings, Jada               Decatur                           13.41   7   6   
  4 scott, alex                  Austin                            13.47   6   4.50
  4 smith, preshonda             Austin                            13.47   7   4.50
  6 Elliot, Leila                Bob Jones                         13.74   7   3   
  7 southward, latisha           Florence                          14.01   4   2   
  8 jackson, brittany            Austin                            14.07   4   1   
  9 Barrett, Melina              Lawrence County                   14.26   3 
 10 anderson, shaniqua           Huntsville             16.00      14.30   6 
 11 McClain, Tequilla            Decatur                           14.81   7 
 12 palmer, jasmine              Huntsville                        14.85   1 
 13 batson, sydney               Bob Jones                         15.04   6 
 14 williams, jasmine            Huntsville                        15.17   4 
 15 crayton, portia              Austin                            15.26   5 
 16 newman, charissa             Austin                            15.27   4 
 17 cunningham, kate             Huntsville                        15.56   5 
 18 tadesse, brittany            Bob Jones                         16.15   4 
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Jackson, Nate                Bob Jones                         11.37   8  10   
  2 marshall, JJ                 Austin                            11.56   8   8   
  3 Crayton, Brandon             Decatur                           11.75   4   6   
  4 milray, raheem               Florence                          11.78   3   5   
  5 buford, jamal                Austin                            11.80   7   4   
  6 Bailey, Sedale               Athens High Scho                  11.83   2   3   
  7 Jackson, Jarett              Bob Jones                         11.86   8   2   
  8 adams, madison               Florence                          11.93   2   1   
  9 Larson, Jake                 Bob Jones                         12.02   8 
  9 Blue, Dominique              Bob Jones                         12.02   1 
 11 Bess, Jamaal                 Athens High Scho                  12.05   4 
 12 jonathan, mayers             Austin                            12.06   8 
 13 Simpson, Darrius             Decatur                           12.08   5 
 14 Moore, Collins               Bob Jones                         12.09   6 
 15 white, jerome                Austin                            12.10   5 
 16 birdsong, artavious          Austin                            12.18   7 
 17 stovall, denzel              Florence                          12.19   2 
 18 Coffee, Chris                Decatur                           12.22   8 
 18 barnette, devante            Florence                          12.22   4 
 20 Elliot, Cortez               Decatur                           12.23   2 
 21 young, jeremy                Austin                            12.25   3 
 22 best, nico                   Austin                            12.38   7 
 23 vardaman, nathan             Huntsville                        12.64   7 
 24 morris, christian            Austin                            12.66   2 
 25 gardner, jamel               Bob Jones                         12.72   1 
 26 sims, trey                   Florence                          12.75   1 
 26 martin, drexel               Randolph School                   12.75   5 
 28 torain, jarod                Austin                            12.76   6 
 29 blackburn, Detanion          Huntsville                        12.78   7 
 30 bone, dominique              Huntsville                        12.79   6 
 31 wooden, trevin               Florence                          12.93   6 
 32 williams, ronald             Bob Jones                         12.98   5 
 32 Pride, Javan                 Athens High Scho                  12.98   3 
 34 ray, tyler                   Bob Jones                         13.02   4 
 35 brown, ramelle               Florence                          13.08   5 
 36 Early, Patrick               Lawrence County                   13.26   6 
 37 Dalton, Jesse                Lawrence County                   13.29   4 
 38 burke, stephen               Randolph School        15.48      13.53   5 
 39 stone, david                 Bob Jones                         13.83   6 
 40 Gordon, Nicholas             Bob Jones                         13.85   3 
 41 ballard, zach                Austin                            13.90   2 
 42 Hess, Doug                   Bob Jones                         13.97   4 
 43 morrision, codie             Huntsville                        15.15   5 
 44 Brandon, Spencer             Bob Jones                         15.72   3 
Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 cleveland, mary-katherin     Florence                          16.99   2  10   
  2 Benford, Whitney             Decatur                           18.25   3   8   
  3 burgess, taryn               Florence                          18.40   3   6   
  4 johnson, meg                 Huntsville                        18.44   3   5   
  5 Barbee, Akayshia             Decatur                           18.50   1   4   
  6 Grimm, Toria                 Bob Jones                         18.95   1   3   
  7 Forte, Camille               Bob Jones                         19.09   2   2   
  8 Clay, Jasmine                Decatur                           20.33   1   1   
  9 Wallace, Janelle             Decatur                           20.49   1 
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 beavers, nick                Bob Jones                         14.79   1  10   
  2 Jackson, Nate                Bob Jones                         15.61   3   8   
  3 smith, carson                Florence                          15.67   3   6   
  4 Horton, Aaron                Decatur                           15.74   2   5   
  5 curry, austin                Florence                          16.05   3   4   
  6 Moore, Collins               Bob Jones                         16.11   3   3   
  7 martin, darryl               Huntsville                        16.30   3   2   
  8 parks, walter                Huntsville                        16.90   2   1   
  9 Simpson, Darrius             Decatur                           17.22   3 
 10 Caudle, Macio                Bob Jones                         18.47   1 
 11 fitzgibbon, zach             Bob Jones                         19.51   1 
 12 steward, roderick            Austin                            19.85   1 
 13 irons, charley               Austin                            20.45   2 
Event 5  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 foster, jerrica              Florence                          25.63   8  10   
  2 briggs, kandis               Florence                          27.47   4   8   
  3 vaughn, candice              Bob Jones                         27.67   4   6   
  4 smith, preshonda             Austin                            27.88   9   5   
  5 smith, kreshonda             Austin                            28.53   8   4   
  6 Elliot, Leila                Bob Jones                         28.72   9   3   
  7 hannah, mollie               Florence                          28.84   5   2   
  8 Billings, Jada               Decatur                           29.15   9   1   
  9 Nichols, Haley               Lawrence County                   29.41   5 
 10 krueger, kayla               Bob Jones                         29.47   7 
 11 mitchell, chrystal           Huntsville                        29.48   9 
 12 vaughn, marilyn              Bob Jones                         29.49   2 
 13 Barbee, Akayshia             Decatur                           30.06   8 
 14 scott, alex                  Austin                            30.12   1 
 15 Nnorom, Ijeoma               Bob Jones                         30.23   8 
 16 flute, ivonnisha             Florence                          31.23   3 
 17 allen, valerisha             Florence                          31.89   3 
 17 oliver, brittany             Austin                            31.89   1 
 19 williams, corianna           Austin                            31.95   5 
 20 williams, jasmine            Huntsville                        31.97   7 
 21 southerland, april           Bob Jones                         32.43   1 
 22 douglas, dominique           Huntsville                        32.57   7 
 23 Catorie, Renee               Bob Jones                         32.63   3 
 24 Clay, Jasmine                Decatur                           32.76   2 
 25 Garrison, Alex               Bob Jones                         33.16   1 
 26 Azzam, Katie                 Bob Jones                         33.36   3 
 27 cunningham, kate             Huntsville                        34.30   2 
 28 sims, miesha                 Florence                          34.36   8 
Event 6  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 buford, jamal                Austin                            23.50   3  10   
  2 Gaddy, Xavier                Bob Jones                         23.65   9   8   
  3 garett, chance               Austin                            23.75   9   6   
  4 Bryant, Jake                 Decatur                           24.24   7   5   
  5 Bailey, Sedale               Athens High Scho                  24.41   7   4   
  6 jonathan, mayers             Austin                            24.94   3   3   
  7 Simpson, Darrius             Decatur                           25.13   2   2   
  8 shultz, trenton              Bob Jones                         25.21   3   1   
  9 marsh, zachary               Huntsville                        25.33   5 
 10 garrett, chris               Austin                            25.41   8 
 11 vardaman, nathan             Huntsville                        25.63   5 
 12 Bess, Jamaal                 Athens High Scho                  25.83   5 
 13 Wallace, Shaquille           Decatur                           25.86   5 
 14 morris, christian            Austin                            26.04   6 
 15 gardner, jamel               Bob Jones                         26.08   8 
 16 torain, jarod                Austin                            26.25   7 
 17 bone, dominique              Huntsville                        26.48   8 
 18 ray, tyler                   Bob Jones                         26.82   9 
 19 Moorehead, Michael           Bob Jones                         26.94   1 
 20 Prince, Zach                 Lawrence County                   27.17   4 
 21 williams, ronald             Bob Jones                         27.28   1 
 22 Pride, Javan                 Athens High Scho                  27.30   2 
 23 johnson, keith               Austin                            27.37   6 
 24 vaughn, jamarius             Florence                          27.57   6 
 25 stone, david                 Bob Jones                         27.64   1 
 26 anderson, DeMarcus           Florence                          27.90   6 
 26 johnson, nathan              Austin                            27.90   4 
 28 brown, ramelle               Florence                          27.91   7 
 29 Bryan, Jake                  Bob Jones                         28.27   6 
 30 Hess, Doug                   Bob Jones                         28.53   2 
 31 fletcher, damon              Huntsville                        29.15   7 
 32 Brandon, Spencer             Bob Jones                         32.98   6 
 -- haley, kenneth               Florence                             DQ   5 
 -- morrision, codie             Huntsville                           DQ   8 
Event 7  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 vaughn, candice              Bob Jones                       1:02.34   5  10   
  2 Orr, Jamesia                 Decatur                         1:04.86   5   8   
  3 vaughn, marilyn              Bob Jones                       1:08.50   5   6   
  4 mitchell, chrystal           Huntsville                      1:08.51   3   5   
  5 yound, jalesha               Austin                          1:09.76   2   4   
  6 krueger, kayla               Bob Jones                       1:09.80   4   3   
  7 brehmer, sarah               Randolph School                 1:09.83   3   2   
  8 Nnorom, Ijeoma               Bob Jones                       1:09.98   1   1   
  9 jordan, tymalika             Austin                          1:13.53   3 
 10 Garrison, Alex               Bob Jones                       1:14.30   2 
 11 Goodly, Rachel               Bob Jones                       1:16.24   4 
 12 Phillips, Jessica            Bob Jones                       1:19.10   5 
 13 Moses, Alex                  Decatur                         1:20.87   1 
Event 8  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Gaddy, Xavier                Bob Jones                         53.54   6  10   
  2 Anderson, Matthew            Bob Jones                         54.14   6   8   
  3 russell, eric                Huntsville                        54.88   6   6   
  4 Luckett, Matthew             Decatur                           56.01   3   5   
  5 garrett, chris               Austin                            56.28   3   4   
  6 sims, jabari                 Huntsville                        56.33   4   3   
  7 buchanan, alex               Huntsville                        56.38   2   2   
  8 Carpenter, Manley            Athens High Scho                  57.27   1   1   
  9 Charnell, Scott              Decatur                           57.37   1 
 10 shultz, trenton              Bob Jones                         58.17   4 
 11 young, jaleel                Austin                            59.01   2 
 12 clugston, trey               Austin                            59.28   2 
 13 martin, terry                Florence                          59.48   1 
 14 Allen, Samuel                Athens High Scho                  59.74   1 
 15 taylor, dave                 Huntsville                      1:00.12   3 
 16 Bouffard, Chris              Bob Jones                       1:02.16   5 
 17 Watson, Ryan                 Decatur                         1:02.18   6 
 18 marsh, zachary               Huntsville                      1:02.45   3 
 19 vaughn, jamarius             Florence                        1:02.98   2 
 20 wasmoen, chris               Bob Jones                       1:03.19   5 
 21 Moorehead, Michael           Bob Jones                       1:04.59   2 
 22 anderson, DeMarcus           Florence                        1:04.95   6 
 23 fletcher, damon              Huntsville                      1:05.01   4 
 24 leary, shawn                 Florence                        1:05.56   6 
 25 billis, dan                  Randolph School                 1:07.55   4 
 26 wymer, jack                  Randolph School                 1:08.90   5 
 -- campbell, rashara            Florence                             DQ   4 
 -- Swoopes, Jaquan              Decatur                              DQ   6 
Event 9  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 strickland, mary-beth        Huntsville                      2:29.70   10   
  2 warden, emily                Bob Jones                       2:36.36    8   
  3 Medlen, Haley                Bob Jones                       2:37.97    6   
  4 Bero, Carolyn                Bob Jones                       2:39.41    5   
  5 Johnston, Kelly              Bob Jones                       2:43.37    4   
  6 sharpe, madeline             Huntsville                      2:45.21    3   
  7 stwert, ashlee               Bob Jones                       2:48.02    2   
  8 buell, maggie                Randolph School                 2:52.85    1   
  9 hutt, maddie                 Bob Jones                       2:55.02  
 10 lane, sarah                  Austin                          2:56.41  
 11 Ryder, charity               Bob Jones                       2:57.58  
 12 Paulett, Sarah               Bob Jones                       3:04.39  
 13 nevels, lynn                 Austin                          3:10.77  
 14 roberts, allison             Bob Jones                       3:16.09  
 15 mcGuire, brooklyn            Florence                        3:21.01  
 16 beer, gracie                 Florence                        3:21.32  
 17 sparks, kelli                Bob Jones                       3:23.20  
 18 vandiver, katherine          Florence                        3:27.39  
 19 kaufman, anna                Huntsville                      3:34.12  
Event 10  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 murphy, justin               Florence                        2:12.57   10   
  2 werline, trevor              Bob Jones                       2:14.55    8   
  3 dorsey, dante                Huntsville                      2:16.87    6   
  4 sambar, philip               Bob Jones                       2:18.97    5   
  5 Azzam, Ben                   Bob Jones                       2:23.44    4   
  6 brooks, jacob                Huntsville                      2:23.96    3   
  7 brewer, trey                 Austin                          2:24.36    2   
  8 rossi, tony                  Austin                          2:25.35    1   
  9 Eller, Robert                Bob Jones                       2:26.19  
 10 holm, jeff                   Austin                          2:27.01  
 11 oliver, tucker               Huntsville                      2:27.26  
 12 Derrick, Trent               Decatur                         2:28.52  
 13 thompson, aaron              Bob Jones                       2:29.51  
 14 McCabe, Scott                Bob Jones                       2:30.37  
 15 myrick, chris                Bob Jones                       2:32.66  
 16 bolding, john                Austin                          2:33.70  
 17 sowers, mitchell             Bob Jones                       2:34.26  
 18 Bouffard, Chris              Bob Jones                       2:34.89  
 19 buchanan, alex               Huntsville                      2:35.55  
 20 smith, chase                 Florence                        2:36.36  
 21 daniel, phelps               Huntsville                      2:36.71  
 22 carpenter, brandon           Florence                        2:38.94  
 23 girsh, kevin                 Florence                        2:40.17  
 24 Johnson, Nathaniel           Bob Jones                       2:40.20  
 25 keener, kyle                 Austin                          2:43.47  
 26 Rawlings, Alec               Decatur                         2:43.64  
 27 wasmoen, chris               Bob Jones                       2:43.75  
 28 little, matthew              Huntsville                      2:47.31  
 29 Johns, Matthew               Bob Jones                       2:49.12  
 30 hughs, alex                  Huntsville                      2:56.90  
 31 miller, riley                Huntsville                      3:00.98  
Event 11  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 warden, emily                Bob Jones                       5:43.47   10   
  2 Bero, Carolyn                Bob Jones                       5:43.99    8   
  3 stwert, ashlee               Bob Jones                       5:49.31    6   
  4 sharpe, madeline             Huntsville                      5:53.73    5   
  5 martin, kaycee               Bob Jones                       5:56.56    4   
  6 Hurley, Samantha             Bob Jones                       5:58.25    3   
  7 hutt, maddie                 Bob Jones                       5:58.92    2   
  8 clay, khadiji                Huntsville                      6:17.21    1   
  9 Goldsmith, Katie             Bob Jones                       6:17.81  
 10 Ryder, charity               Bob Jones                       6:22.60  
 11 Paulett, Sarah               Bob Jones                       6:34.76  
 12 roberts, allison             Bob Jones                       6:53.36  
 13 nevels, lynn                 Austin                          7:11.87  
 14 mcGuire, brooklyn            Florence                        7:12.22  
 15 sparks, kelli                Bob Jones                       7:13.67  
 16 muaryama, kaho               Austin                          7:18.77  
 17 kaufman, anna                Huntsville                      7:31.04  
 18 beer, gracie                 Florence                        7:34.20  
 19 vandiver, katherine          Florence                        7:35.85  
Event 12  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 werline, trevor              Bob Jones                       4:56.16   10   
  2 richert, trip                Bob Jones                       4:58.34    8   
  3 murphy, justin               Florence                        5:01.74    6   
  4 Collins, leland              Randolph School                 5:02.22    5   
  5 dunn, mathew                 Austin                          5:04.33    4   
  6 Olsen, David                 Bob Jones                       5:06.67    3   
  7 rossi, tony                  Austin                          5:10.22    2   
  8 dorsey, dante                Huntsville                      5:14.87    1   
  9 McCabe, Scott                Bob Jones                       5:21.14  
 10 meriganian, aaron            Randolph School                 5:21.61  
 11 holm, jeff                   Austin                          5:21.62  
 12 brooks, jacob                Huntsville                      5:23.17  
 13 myrick, chris                Bob Jones                       5:23.59  
 14 oliver, tucker               Huntsville                      5:25.54  
 15 sowers, mitchell             Bob Jones                       5:28.06  
 16 bolding, john                Austin                          5:30.85  
 17 Rawlings, Alec               Decatur                         5:35.45  
 18 Yang, kevin                  Randolph School                 5:35.95  
 19 newcomb, derek               Austin                          5:42.91  
 20 Johnson, Nathaniel           Bob Jones                       5:43.35  
 21 keener, kyle                 Austin                          5:45.05  
 22 Smith, Evan                  Decatur                         5:58.18  
 23 Hanserd, Tykarius            Athens High Scho                5:59.59  
 24 daniel, phelps               Huntsville                      6:01.54  
 25 girsh, kevin                 Florence                        6:02.34  
 26 beckman, andrew              Randolph School                 6:04.21  
 27 Newman, Garrett              Decatur                         6:08.43  
 28 amey, lars                   Randolph School                 6:31.91  
 29 miller, riley                Huntsville                      6:32.43  
Event 13  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 sharpe, madeline             Huntsville                     12:50.00   10   
  2 martin, kaycee               Bob Jones                      12:58.00    8   
  3 Hurley, Samantha             Bob Jones                      13:14.00    6   
  4 Goldsmith, Katie             Bob Jones                      13:15.00    5   
  5 Black, Samantha              Lawrence County                14:15.00    4   
  6 McWhorter, Sarah             Lawrence County                15:19.00    3   
  7 Hensley, Autumn              Lawrence County                15:20.00    2   
Event 14  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 richert, trip                Bob Jones                      10:43.00   10   
  2 dunn, mathew                 Austin                         10:53.00    8   
  3 Olsen, David                 Bob Jones                      11:05.00    6   
  4 dorsey, dante                Huntsville                     11:12.00    5   
  5 Brooks, Michael              Lawrence County                11:20.00    4   
  6 baily, nate                  Florence                       12:32.00    3   
  7 little, matthew              Huntsville                     12:34.00    2   
  8 Derrick, Trent               Decatur                        12:36.00    1   
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 cleveland, mary-katherin     Florence                          52.65   3  10   
  2 burgess, taryn               Florence                          54.45   3   8   
  3 Grimm, Toria                 Bob Jones                         56.02   3   6   
  4 pride, paris                 Austin                          1:09.13   3   5   
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 beavers, nick                Bob Jones                         40.24   2  10   
  2 Jackson, Nate                Bob Jones                         44.53   1   8   
  3 parks, walter                Huntsville                        45.31   3   6   
  4 adams, madison               Florence                          46.41   2   5   
  5 Moore, Collins               Bob Jones                         48.07   1   4   
  6 mitchell, churmell           Austin                            49.22   3   3   
  7 steward, roderick            Austin                            49.47   1   2   
  8 fitzgibbon, zach             Bob Jones                         49.70   1   1   
  9 martin, terry                Florence                          50.19   3 
 10 brewer, trey                 Austin                            50.92   2 
 11 vaughn, tamarius             Florence                          51.97   2 
 12 irons, charley               Austin                            52.07   1 
Event 17  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Decatur High School  'A'                                       53.04   2  10   
  2 Florence High School  'A'                                      53.18   2   8   
     1) briggs, kandis                  2) byrd, matoria                  
     3) hannah, mollie                  4) cleveland, mary-katherine      
  3 Austin High School  'A'                             53.00      53.84   2   6   
     1) smith, preshonda                2) smith, kreshonda               
     3) scott, alex                     4) jordan, tymalika               
  4 Bob Jones High School  'A'                          51.00      54.94   2   5   
  5 Huntsville High School  'A'                         53.00      55.68   2   4   
     1) mitchell, chrystal              2)                                
     3) ortiz, elizabeth                4)                                
  6 Austin High School  'B'                                        56.45   1   3   
     1) allen, xzenia                   2) oliver, brittany               
     3) hinton, amber                   4) crayton, portia                
  7 Austin High School  'C'                                        57.31   1   2   
     1) harris, peyton                  2) jackson, brittany              
     3) williams, corianna              4) beavers, clarisse              
  8 Bob Jones High School  'B'                          56.00    1:00.22   2   1   
  9 Huntsville High School  'B'                       1:05.00    1:03.00   1 
     1) anderson, shaniqua              2) cunningham, kate               
     3) detz, elizabeth                 4) douglas, dominique             
Event 18  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bob Jones High School  'A'                          43.20      44.35   2  10   
  2 Austin High School  'A'                             44.00      44.95   2   8   
  3 Florence High School  'A'                                      45.35   2   6   
  4 Decatur High School  'A'                                       46.80   1   5   
  5 Huntsville High School  'A'                         45.00      47.62   2   4   
  6 Bob Jones High School  'B'                          46.00      47.82   2   3   
  7 Austin High School  'C'                                        48.10   1   2   
  8 Huntsville High School  'B'                         48.00      51.52   2   1   
Event 19  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Huntsville High School  'A'                                  4:44.02   10   
     1) clay, khadiji                   2) mitchell, chrystal             
     3) strickland, mary-beth           4)                                
  2 Florence High School  'A'                                    4:50.96    8   
     1) briggs, kandis                  2) burgess, taryn                 
     3) hannah, mollie                  4) cleveland, mary-katherine      
  3 Bob Jones High School  'A'                        4:10.00    4:52.07    6   
  4 Bob Jones High School  'B'                        4:45.00    5:34.00    5   
Event 20  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bob Jones High School  'A'                        3:30.00    4:06.69   2  10   
  2 Florence High School  'A'                                    4:13.38   2   8   
  3 Huntsville High School  'A'                       3:40.00    4:32.58   2   6   
  4 Austin High School  'A'                                      4:33.07   2   5   
Event 21  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bob Jones High School  'A'                       10:20.00   10:41.42   10   
  2 Lawrence County High School  'A'                            11:25.20    8   
     1) Black, Samantha                 2) Stephenson, Ari                
     3) McWhorter, Sarah                4) Warren, Lindsey                
  3 Bob Jones High School  'B'                       11:00.00   11:28.57    6   
  4 Austin High School  'A'                                     12:38.67    5   
     1) lane, sarah                     2) muaryama, kaho                 
     3) nevels, lynn                    4) tuell, gabby                   
Event 22  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bob Jones High School  'A'                        9:30.00    9:01.26   10   
  2 Austin High School  'A'                                      9:07.12    8   
     1) dunn, mathew                    2) holm, jeff                     
     3) viall, blake                    4) bolding, john                  
  3 Florence High School  'A'                                    9:35.78    6   
     1) baily, nate                     2) carpenter, brandon             
     3) smith, chase                    4) murphy, justin                 
  4 Bob Jones High School  'B'                       10:30.00    9:44.13    5   
  5 Austin High School  'B'                                     10:02.69    4   
     1) keener, kyle                    2) newcomb, derek                 
     3) rossi, tony                     4) sheeler, matt                  
  6 Randolph School  'A'                                        10:16.29    3   
  7 Huntsville High School  'A'                       9:15.00   11:14.50    2   
Event 23  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 burgess, taryn               Florence                        4-08.00   10   
  2 turner, anisa                Florence                        4-06.00    8   
  3 yound, jalesha               Austin                          4-04.00    6   
 -- boyd, alice                  Huntsville                           NH  
 -- McCamy, Mary                 Decatur                              NH  
 -- buell, maggie                Randolph School                      NH  
 -- clark, katie                 Austin                               NH  
 -- bowers, timeka               Austin                               NH  
Event 24  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 russell, eric                Huntsville                      5-10.00   10   
  2 taylor, dave                 Huntsville                      5-08.00    6.33
  2 white, jerome                Austin                          5-08.00    6.33
  2 Caudle, Macio                Bob Jones                       5-08.00    6.33
  5 quarles, chris               Florence                        5-06.00    2.50
  5 watkins, reggie              Florence                        5-06.00    2.50
  5 bone, dominique              Huntsville                      5-06.00    2.50
  5 Brackett, Arthur             Bob Jones                       5-06.00    2.50
 -- campbell, rashara            Florence                             NH  
 -- burke, stephen               Randolph School                      NH  
 -- Blue, Dominique              Bob Jones                            NH  
 -- young, dylan                 Florence                             NH  
 -- leary, shawn                 Florence                             NH  
 -- beckman, andrew              Randolph School                      NH  
 -- brown, ramelle               Florence                             NH  
Event 25  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 mangieri, daneila            Bob Jones                       6-05.00   10   
  2 detz, elizabeth              Huntsville                      6-00.00    8   
  3 sowers, kimberly             Bob Jones                      J6-00.00    6   
 -- bulseco, chelsea             Bob Jones                            NH  
 -- gillespie, mary              Austin                               NH  
 -- cookingham, taylor           Bob Jones                            NH  
 -- tuell, gabby                 Austin                               NH  
 -- lorge, moriah                Bob Jones                            NH  
Event 26  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 taylor, morgan               Bob Jones                      13-00.00   10   
  2 west, matt                   Bob Jones                       9-05.00    8   
  3 ecklin, greg                 Bob Jones                      J9-05.00    6   
  4 schwartz, jarius             Bob Jones                       9-00.00    5   
  5 shelton, devin               Austin                          8-00.00    4   
  6 nekufar, justin              Austin                          7-05.00    3   
 -- lucas, caleb                 Austin                               NH  
 -- gilmore, calvin              Austin                               NH  
 -- scalfano, jason              Austin                               NH  
Event 27  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Billings, Jada               Decatur                        14-04.00   10   
  2 trowbridge, sara             Bob Jones                      13-07.50    8   
  3 grider, jamika               Bob Jones                      13-05.00    6   
  4 ortiz, elizabeth             Huntsville                     13-01.50    5   
  5 Moses, Alex                  Decatur                        13-00.00    4   
  6 Goodly, Rachel               Bob Jones                      12-11.00    3   
  7 palmer, jasmine              Huntsville                     12-08.00    2   
  8 Perry, Rhea                  Bob Jones                      12-07.00    1   
  9 weir, rebecca                Bob Jones                      12-05.00  
 10 cunningham, kate             Huntsville                     10-10.00  
Event 28  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Blue, Dominique              Bob Jones                      19-09.00   10   
  2 haley, kenneth               Florence                       19-06.50    8   
  3 buchanan, alex               Huntsville                     18-11.00    5.50
  3 Caudle, Macio                Bob Jones                      18-11.00    5.50
  5 Wallace, Shaquille           Decatur                        18-06.00    4   
  6 Larson, Jake                 Bob Jones                      18-01.00    2.50
  6 vardaman, nathan             Huntsville                     18-01.00    2.50
  8 smith, carson                Florence                       18-00.00    1   
  9 thompson, aaron              Bob Jones                      17-08.00  
 10 young, dylan                 Florence                       17-01.50  
 11 shelton, devin               Austin                         17-00.00  
 12 marsh, zachary               Huntsville                     16-06.00  
 13 Dalton, Jesse                Lawrence County                15-10.00  
 14 anderson, DeMarcus           Florence                       15-09.50  
 15 Early, Patrick               Lawrence County                15-01.00  
 15 Prince, Zach                 Lawrence County                15-01.00  
 17 blackburn, Detanion          Huntsville                     14-11.00  
 18 burke, stephen               Randolph School                14-01.00  
 19 quarles, chris               Florence                       12-07.50  
Event 29  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Nichols, Haley               Lawrence County                29-11.00   10   
  2 pride, paris                 Austin                         28-06.50    8   
  3 trowbridge, sara             Bob Jones                      27-10.50    6   
  4 grider, jamika               Bob Jones                      27-08.00    5   
  5 weir, rebecca                Bob Jones                      26-01.50    4   
Event 30  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Blue, Dominique              Bob Jones                      39-10.00   10   
  2 Jackson, Jarett              Bob Jones                      39-09.50    8   
  3 Caudle, Macio                Bob Jones                      38-10.50    6   
  4 Larson, Jake                 Bob Jones                      38-04.00    5   
  5 young, jaleel                Austin                         37-03.50    4   
  6 irons, charley               Austin                         35-09.00    3   
  7 thompson, aaron              Bob Jones                      31-05.00    2   
  8 quarles, chris               Florence                       26-11.00    1   
Event 31  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 coleman, alica               Florence                          87-03   10   
  2 Owens, Veyonka               Bob Jones                         71-07    8   
  3 green, jerrica               Bob Jones                         65-01    6   
  4 chatman, jori                Florence                          64-01    5   
  5 Toney, Brittney              Decatur                           57-01    4   
  6 watson, danielle             Bob Jones                         56-05    3   
  7 finley, haley                Florence                          55-03    2   
  8 turner, anisa                Florence                          54-08    1   
  9 Gilcrease, Jaliah            Decatur                           52-03  
 10 Kyles, Darnisha              Bob Jones                         50-08  
 11 west, fallon                 Austin                            50-00  
 12 smithers, alexandria         Bob Jones                         48-03  
 13 Williams, uniqua             Florence                          45-05  
 14 harris, peyton               Austin                            43-03  
 15 shanes, dominique            Florence                          41-04  
 16 kaufman, anna                Huntsville                        41-01  
 17 Hawkins, Savannah            Decatur                           40-11  
 18 coleman, ariel               Bob Jones                         37-01  
 19 slaughter, rachel            Bob Jones                         36-02  
 20 moradi, aida                 Randolph School                   34-11  
 21 jackson, montresa            Florence                          29-09  
 22 mcLemore, lakenshe           Florence                          23-11  
Event 32  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 martin, darryl               Huntsville                       123-09   10   
  2 hill, brian                  Huntsville                       117-01    8   
  3 robbins, ryland              Randolph School                  112-08    6   
  4 McCoy, Jonathon              Bob Jones                        102-09    5   
  5 birdsong, artavious          Austin                           102-02    4   
  6 Royce, Dalton                Florence                          96-00    3   
  7 clark, brody                 Austin                            91-00    2   
  8 Speegle, Michael             Athens High Scho                  89-08    1   
  9 martin, drexel               Randolph School                   88-10  
 10 lucas, shane                 Austin                            84-06  
 11 Hanson, Josh                 Bob Jones                         82-11  
 12 Nelson, Zach                 Bob Jones                         80-07  
 13 rice, marcus                 Austin                            70-06  
 14 Gill, Nick                   Bob Jones                         68-03  
 15 Brann, Josh                  Bob Jones                         67-11  
 16 throop, kenneth              Bob Jones                         65-03  
 17 Smith, James                 Bob Jones                         64-05  
 18 borman, jacob                Randolph School                   63-04  
 19 owen, kyle                   Austin                            62-08  
 20 Grant, Jeremy                Bob Jones                         60-11  
 21 Bouffard, Chris              Bob Jones                         60-06  
 22 Kennermer, Carlos            Athens High Scho                  58-07  
 23 Batson, Zach                 Bob Jones                         48-06  
 24 madden, jaron                Florence                          46-04  
 25 Patterson, gentry            Randolph School                   44-03  
Event 33  Girls Javelin Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gaines, Casey                Bob Jones                         93-09   10   
  2 tadesse, brittany            Bob Jones                         77-08    8   
  3 taylor, daunna               Bob Jones                         49-00    6   
  4 tuell, gabby                 Austin                            42-00    5   
  5 Williams, uniqua             Florence                          37-00    4   
  6 harris, peyton               Austin                            35-00    3   
Event 34  Boys Javelin Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 robbins, ryland              Randolph School                  172-00   10   
  2 martin, darryl               Huntsville                       171-00    8   
  3 haley, kenneth               Florence                         152-00    6   
  4 Lavelle, Desmond             Decatur                          141-00    5   
  5 crenshaw, trevor             Florence                         132-00    4   
  6 McCoy, Jonathon              Bob Jones                        115-00    3   
  7 Aldrige, Daniel              Bob Jones                        104-00    2   
  8 Bouffard, Chris              Bob Jones                        101-00    1   
  9 Smith, James                 Bob Jones                         96-00  
 10 hill, brian                  Huntsville                        95-00  
 11 Gill, Nick                   Bob Jones                         92-00  
 12 borman, jacob                Randolph School                   82-00  
 13 throop, kenneth              Bob Jones                         81-00  
 13 owen, kyle                   Austin                            81-00  
 15 garth, jock                  Austin                            77-00  
 16 rice, marcus                 Austin                            75-00  
 17 clark, brody                 Austin                            73-00  
 17 lucas, shane                 Austin                            73-00  
 19 clugston, trey               Austin                            65-00  
Event 35  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 coleman, alica               Florence                       30-06.00   10   
  2 Owens, Veyonka               Bob Jones                      28-08.00    8   
  3 green, jerrica               Bob Jones                      26-07.50    6   
  4 Toney, Brittney              Decatur                        26-07.00    5   
  5 turner, anisa                Florence                       26-02.50    4   
  6 harris, peyton               Austin                         25-03.00    3   
  7 Gilcrease, Jaliah            Decatur                        24-00.00    2   
  8 shanes, dominique            Florence                       23-05.00    1   
  9 Kyles, Darnisha              Bob Jones                      22-11.50  
 10 chatman, jori                Florence                       22-05.00  
 11 smithers, alexandria         Bob Jones                      22-04.00  
 12 Higdon, Anna                 Decatur                        21-11.00  
 12 watson, danielle             Bob Jones                      21-11.00  
 14 slaughter, rachel            Bob Jones                      17-10.00  
 15 Williams, uniqua             Florence                       17-05.50  
 16 Hawkins, Savannah            Decatur                        16-07.00  
 17 coleman, ariel               Bob Jones                      15-00.00  
 18 west, fallon                 Austin                         13-03.00  
 19 moradi, aida                 Randolph School                12-00.00  
 20 jackson, montresa            Florence                       11-10.00  
 21 mcLemore, lakenshe           Florence                       11-04.00  
Event 36  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Royce, Dalton                Florence                       39-06.50   10   
  2 Lavelle, Desmond             Decatur                        39-05.00    8   
  3 robbins, ryland              Randolph School                37-00.00    6   
  4 clark, brody                 Austin                         35-01.00    5   
  5 Porter, Ren                  Lawrence County                34-00.00    4   
  6 shackleford, DT              Austin                         33-11.00    3   
  7 Speegle, Michael             Athens High Scho               33-08.50    2   
  8 birdsong, artavious          Austin                         31-03.00    1   
  9 hill, brian                  Huntsville                     31-02.50  
 10 blackburn, Detanion          Huntsville                     30-06.00  
 11 madden, jaron                Florence                       30-00.00  
 12 Johnson, Garrett             Lawrence County                29-11.50  
 13 borman, jacob                Randolph School                29-10.00  
 14 martin, drexel               Randolph School                29-03.50  
 15 throop, kenneth              Bob Jones                      29-03.00  
 16 Nelson, Zach                 Bob Jones                      28-10.00  
 17 rice, marcus                 Austin                         27-07.50  
 18 Brann, Josh                  Bob Jones                      27-04.00  
 19 Smith, James                 Bob Jones                      27-03.00  
 20 Gill, Nick                   Bob Jones                      27-00.00  
 21 garth, jock                  Austin                         26-05.50  
 22 lucas, shane                 Austin                         26-01.00  
 23 Batson, Zach                 Bob Jones                      26-00.00  
 24 owen, kyle                   Austin                         25-07.00  
 25 Hanson, Josh                 Bob Jones                      25-04.00  
 26 Kennermer, Carlos            Athens High Scho               24-02.00  
 27 Grant, Jeremy                Bob Jones                      22-02.50  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Bob Jones High School      257        2) Florence High School      137   
    3) Austin High School          77        4) Huntsville High School     68   
    5) Decatur High School         63        6) Lawrence County High Scho  27   
    7) Randolph School              3