Dew It On The Trails 2022

Decatur, AL
Timing/Results Xpress Timing

Dew It On The Trails 2022 vs Dew It On The Trails 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -581 362 943
Overall Average +2.48 22:43.19 22:40.70
1st-10th Place +1:08.32 16:37.70 15:29.39
1st-25th Place +1:18.50 17:11.90 15:53.40
1st-50th Place +1:23.40 17:45.19 16:21.78
1st-100th Place +1:39.70 18:38.32 16:58.62
Common Athletes -- -- 65
Ran Faster -19 23 42
Ran Season Best -- 29 29
Average Time +32.99 21:32.79 20:59.80
Median Time +47.34 20:52.78 20:05.44
Middle 80% Times +33.48 21:23.46 20:49.99
Top 10% Times +44.75 16:54.53 16:09.78
Top 25% Times +57.21 17:57.05 16:59.83
Top 50% Times +47.57 18:57.02 18:09.45
Bottom 50% Times +17.41 23:29.39 23:11.97
Bottom 25% Times +14.13 25:54.57 25:40.44
Bottom 10% Times +0.65 27:52.44 27:51.80
Average Difference +32.99 -- --
Median Difference -1:45.12 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +39.17 -- --
Top 10% Difference +34.78 -- --
Top 50% Difference +43.79 -- --
Top 25% Difference +45.75 -- --
Top 50% Difference +43.79 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +18.01 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +11.09 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -19.80 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Anglin Young Northridge High School +58.61 16:41.02 15:42.41
Shawn Stephenson Northridge High School +1:37.60 17:29.89 15:52.29
Andrue Barnett Cullman -6.69 15:57.26 16:03.95
Joshua Webb Hamilton +41.90 16:57.68 16:15.78
Tyler Morring Ardmore High School +3:45.45 20:02.27 16:16.82
Rene Moreno-Tovar West Point High School +1.35 16:27.92 16:26.57
Cayden Smith Athens High School +33.61 17:04.28 16:30.67
Anderson Streetman Hamilton +2:14.69 18:55.15 16:40.46
Preston Barnes Northridge High School +2:29.26 19:10.97 16:41.71
Henry Singleton Ardmore High School +2:41.28 19:25.67 16:44.39
Kaden Whitaker Hamilton +2:01.24 18:49.06 16:47.82
Dane Ard Decatur High School +17.05 17:43.69 17:26.64
David Ralios Athens High School -2.20 17:55.80 17:58.00
Braden Bannister Hamilton +2:00.04 20:15.70 18:15.66
Wyatt Simms Athens High School +38.44 19:01.67 18:23.23
Jakob Salter West Point High School +1:59.51 20:24.29 18:24.78
Paul Hood Lexington +1:04.68 19:30.66 18:25.98
Everette Minshew Deshler High School -17.83 18:26.60 18:44.43
Ian Taylor Decatur High School +1:21.07 19:56.10 18:35.03
Nate Givens Holy Spirit Catholic High School -52.54 18:36.01 19:28.55
Landon Hooks Ardmore High School +0.08 18:36.76 18:36.68
Jordan Skipworth Madison County -49.46 18:39.02 19:28.48
Brayden White Cullman -1.11 18:50.19 18:51.30
Edgar Elizondo Austin -1:07.66 18:57.78 20:05.44
Parker Denton Deshler High School +3:00.99 22:06.41 19:05.42
Jaiden McDaniel Lexington +29.22 19:39.64 19:10.42
Addison Tiemann Ardmore High School +38.79 19:51.34 19:12.55
Mason Morris Athens High School +27.32 20:00.67 19:33.35
Korben Hanley Lawrence Co. High School +3:38.90 23:13.95 19:35.05
Kate Sanders Athens High School +1:39.56 21:27.81 19:48.25
Samuel Barkley Athens High School -7.90 19:53.31 20:01.21
Riley Nichols Lexington +3.76 20:01.28 19:57.52
Julilan Hill-Hart Deshler High School +1:28.38 21:29.54 20:01.16
CJ Brock Ardmore High School -1:45.12 20:12.74 21:57.86
Kenlee Williams Madison County -2:45.32 20:17.33 23:02.65
Natalee Saylor Shoals Christian -3:59.65 20:37.22 24:36.87
Andrew Langkawel Holy Spirit Catholic High School -1:47.57 20:52.78 22:40.35
Jaxon Jeffreys Deshler High School +1:19.72 22:21.09 21:01.37
William Lynch Holy Spirit Catholic High School +3:08.08 24:23.48 21:15.40
Nicholas Grosso Lexington +1:15.19 22:35.58 21:20.39
Calvin Whitson Deshler High School +2:52.51 24:38.29 21:45.78
Canaan Standridge West Morgan +56.94 22:43.17 21:46.23
Chloe Moore Holy Spirit Catholic High School +1:09.95 22:58.28 21:48.33
Asa Hudson Lexington +3:20.28 25:09.32 21:49.04
Dash Dixon Austin +2.63 21:53.19 21:50.56
Jameson Danner Lexington +32.09 22:22.82 21:50.73
Alden White Northridge High School +3:04.94 25:10.30 22:05.36
Justice Standridge West Morgan -47.42 22:05.72 22:53.14
Sarah Hill-Hart Deshler High School -23.88 22:17.53 22:41.41
Lilly Patterson West Point High School -7:02.24 22:20.14 29:22.38
Julie Anna Shirley Deshler High School +2:38.39 25:00.12 22:21.73
Michelle Ruiz-Rivera Austin -2:48.37 22:23.00 25:11.37
Mollye Hellebrand Decatur High School -1:10.87 22:23.74 23:34.61
Joshua Whitener Grissom HS +9.00 23:16.47 23:07.47
Emily Tran Grissom HS +1:46.94 25:17.56 23:30.62
Luke Langkawel Holy Spirit Catholic High School +14.91 24:11.14 23:56.23
Briony Loper Holy Spirit Catholic High School -49.13 24:15.23 25:04.36
Micah Bernard Deshler High School -22.31 24:17.45 24:39.76
Kaleb Gonzalez Tanner +4:12.29 28:53.26 24:40.97
Lucy McManus Grissom HS -2:55.34 24:58.85 27:54.19
Kaili Congleton Deshler High School -2:50.98 26:19.96 29:10.94
Hollie Salter West Point High School -16.45 26:26.91 26:43.36
Brice Letson Deshler High School +2:13.73 29:16.50 27:02.77
Haley Hall Deshler High School -2.70 27:10.51 27:13.21
Emely Alonso Austin +4:06.67 31:42.39 27:35.72