Information from the state: This year better leave your bike and dog at home. Neither will be allowed at the meet. For Section Directors: If Hy-Tek meet manager is used (which it should be), please send the entire backup of the meet to You need not send results; just the backup of Hy-Tek meet manager database.
(Photo by Paul Everett) National championship fever is spreading across the country. The world of prep cross country begins its ascent to the national finals. Many will seek individual honors at either the historic Foot Locker National Cross Country Championships or Nike Cross National Championships. Nike Cross Nationals will offer the Team National Championship.
The 2009 AHSAA State Cross Country meet is here. Statement Releases from the Meet Director Admission to the State Meet Status of the Course What not to bring Entries for all Classifications 1A-6A Female Entries for all Classifications Male Entries for all Classifications