Mobile County Championships 2021

Mobile, AL

Mobile County Championships 2021 vs Mobile County Championships 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -104 199 303
Overall Average +1:16.54 23:47.45 22:30.91
1st-10th Place +55.65 17:12.05 16:16.41
1st-25th Place +1:27.18 18:18.29 16:51.11
1st-50th Place +1:59.61 19:28.89 17:29.28
1st-100th Place +2:20.13 20:46.44 18:26.31
Common Athletes -- -- 57
Ran Faster -55 1 56
Ran Season Best -25 -- 25
Average Time +2:47.52 23:35.88 20:48.35
Median Time +1:59.03 22:29.53 20:30.50
Middle 80% Times +2:44.40 23:19.58 20:35.18
Top 10% Times +2:10.79 18:13.67 16:02.88
Top 25% Times +2:40.32 19:33.55 16:53.22
Top 50% Times +2:21.47 20:39.69 18:18.21
Bottom 50% Times +3:07.79 25:43.24 22:35.44
Bottom 25% Times +3:52.02 29:12.17 25:20.15
Bottom 10% Times +4:14.32 32:17.08 28:02.76
Average Difference +2:47.52 -- --
Median Difference +4:39.29 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:40.41 -- --
Top 10% Difference +2:02.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:01.96 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:59.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:01.96 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3:36.94 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:10.65 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:26.65 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Charles Perry UMS-Wright +1:19.76 16:28.71 15:08.95
William Porr McGill-Toolen Catholic +2:26.91 18:06.95 15:40.04
J Roe Hand UMS-Wright +2:31.38 18:42.54 16:11.16
Garrett Dolbear St. Luke's Episcopal School +2:18.40 18:37.23 16:18.83
Peyton Holderer UMS-Wright +4:32.84 20:58.47 16:25.63
Joshua Sasser McGill-Toolen Catholic +4:45.82 21:18.50 16:32.68
Alex Gamble UMS-Wright +1:45.03 18:20.31 16:35.28
Cade Henderson Saraland High School +4:54.98 21:45.56 16:50.58
Bennett Morgan Baker +2:54.37 20:02.50 17:08.13
Haydn Sayner-Oubre St. Paul's Episcopal +1:53.42 19:06.30 17:12.88
Daniel Walker Faith Academy +3:27.56 20:51.66 17:24.10
Jp McDonald Saraland High School +5:09.03 22:48.45 17:39.42
Preston Pollara Faith Academy +1:24.51 19:07.83 17:43.32
Cameron Skipper Saraland High School +4:39.29 22:29.53 17:50.24
Tate McAnnally UMS-Wright +2:07.32 20:44.43 18:37.11
William Blanchette McGill-Toolen Catholic +2:34.69 21:14.06 18:39.37
Mallory Helms UMS-Wright +2:07.79 21:22.83 19:15.04
Mallary Little Saraland High School +2:25.75 21:43.12 19:17.37
Claire Mostellar McGill-Toolen Catholic +1:52.82 21:15.46 19:22.64
Micah Trippe Faith Academy +1.12 19:38.55 19:37.43
Gabriel Andrews Saraland High School +3:56.21 23:47.10 19:50.89
David Guthrie Satsuma +6:48.50 26:44.64 19:56.14
Izzy Riddick Satsuma +4:01.62 23:58.97 19:57.35
Josie McDonald Saraland High School +1:26.93 21:31.83 20:04.90
Lindsey Baxter Baker +28.65 20:35.44 20:06.79
Neely Kate Benton St. Paul's Episcopal +2:37.31 22:45.26 20:07.95
Carlen Cook UMS-Wright +2:20.72 22:36.88 20:16.16
Lexi Bolton McGill-Toolen Catholic +1:29.90 21:57.28 20:27.38
Ernest Dixon Theodore +1:19.67 21:50.17 20:30.50
Audrey Kate Smith St. Paul's Episcopal +6.19 20:48.24 20:42.05
Jadin Allen Saraland High School +1:20.51 22:04.44 20:43.93
Jayden Steiner St. Luke's Episcopal School +2:56.89 23:42.12 20:45.23
Mathew Kaulfers Mobile Christian +7:24.81 28:10.90 20:46.09
Grace Swain St. Paul's Episcopal +1:54.46 22:42.08 20:47.62
Annalee Parks Saraland High School +4:33.81 25:30.34 20:56.53
Lulu McDonald Saraland High School +4:08.71 25:14.06 21:05.35
Emily Shumock Faith Academy +13.08 21:28.64 21:15.56
Joscelyn Kemper Faith Academy +1:04.40 22:20.46 21:16.06
Hannah Wickel Baker +4:00.90 25:18.92 21:18.02
Elsa Grow McGill-Toolen Catholic +45.38 22:21.93 21:36.55
Tanner Skelton Faith Academy +38.33 22:17.93 21:39.60
Lydia Sayner-Oubre St. Paul's Episcopal +2:34.64 24:47.72 22:13.08
Camille Wittendorfer McGill-Toolen Catholic +46.37 23:00.59 22:14.22
Maycie Drews Davidson +27.20 22:45.81 22:18.61
Abigail Keahey Davidson +2:38.16 25:22.27 22:44.11
Ava Quinones Davidson +7:56.60 30:51.71 22:55.11
Mei Lin McNeal Mobile Christian +3:05.21 26:06.66 23:01.45
Makenzie Nelson Satsuma +3:37.74 27:24.69 23:46.95
Rowan Yeager St. Luke's Episcopal School -1:26.63 24:23.54 25:50.17
Mattilyn Johnson Satsuma +7:19.41 31:55.62 24:36.21
Matalin McNeal Mobile Christian +2:24.34 27:18.68 24:54.34
Abby Catlett Baker +1:35.43 26:50.11 25:14.68
Sabria Chaney Mary G Montgomery +8:17.68 33:53.75 25:36.07
Presleigh Montalvo Satsuma +4:03.79 31:06.54 27:02.75
Alyson Davidson Mary G Montgomery +2:45.13 31:00.44 28:15.31
Julie Dombroski Alma Bryant +3:05.13 31:22.89 28:17.76
Kinley Johnston Alma Bryant +1:08.75 34:23.26 33:14.51