Meet Information
Greetings Cross Country Coaches:
Welcome to the first annual "Randolph Invitational" at John Hunt Cross Country Park. As most of you may know, the course is popular with the athletes, being an extremely fast course, as it's the same course from the "Running Lane National Championhips" and the ever popular "Southern Showcase". This will be the same course as the AHSAA Sectional Championships in late Ocotber as well as the NCAA Division 1 South Regional Championships in November! This will be a great oppurtunity for your athletes to get a fast time and huge confidence before their sectionals/state championships in a couple weeks! Don't miss out!
RACE EVENT VENUE: John Hunt Cross Country Park (2151 Airport Rd SW, Huntsville, AL 35801)
MEET FEES ( registration): $7 per runner (maximum payment of $400)**After online entries close, your team will owe the amount entered at the time of entry process closed on October 10th. If you bring fewer runners than the amount you initially entered, you still owe for the initial amount at the time the entry process closed.Payments Mail or pay at meet only.
1:00pm Course Opens
3:45pm Junior High Girls 2 Mile Race Start (only grades 7-9)
4:00pm Junior High Boys 2 Mile Race Start (only grades 7-9)
4:15pm Varsity Girls 3.1 Mile Race Start
4:45pm Varsity Boys 3.1 Mile Race Start
5:30pm Awards Ceremony for ALL Races
TEAMS: Top 2 teams will receive a trophy in each division (JHG, JHB, VG, VB)
INDIVIDUALS: Top 15 inidividuals will receive a commemerative award in each division (JHG, JHB, VG, VB)
- Huntsville Sports Commission
- Fleet Feet Sports
Timing: Xpress Timing, Dan Passen -
Universal Sound-DJ at Meet, Scott Adams -
PARKING: Huntsville Parking Services will be charging $5 for parking.
Tell your spectators to bring correct cash please!! Early arrival is suggested as spillover lots will be a bit further of a walk. There will be plenty of handicap parking near the course. Buses can drop off in the circular turnaround near
the sand volleyball complex.
must be made it will be on a day-by -day basis and we will inform you ASAP via email. If we need to delay during the meet due to dangerous weather, you and your team will be instructed to move
to cars & buses to wait for a later start.
coolers and cups
walking space by doing this
will not be lined off and is first come, first serve.
(West would be the Tennis Center side of the park).
-Please inform your spectators that no parents are allowed inside the starting box area or the finish chute
-The starting area is huge, and we are going to do our best to rope this off - it will help if you stress this to
area - please help us by informing your runners / spectators that when they finish they need to make
their way quickly back to team areas, or be sure to be inside the lane that runs between the start and finish line area.
unused chips to Xpress Timing ASAP before leaving the meet
-We will have plenty of portas throughout John Hunt Park, as well as several near the start line in the upper
parking lot closest to the start. We will also have 2 out at the finish line.