Glenn Copeland Invite 2021

Opelika, AL

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 76 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harris, Jakeem Chattahoochee County
Roblero, Jose Stanhope Elmore
Wyckoff, Chris Benjamin Russell
Williams, Warren Chattahoochee County
Simmons, Bryan Benjamin Russell
Holman, Kyren Beauregard High School
Stowes, Kaleb Benjamin Russell
Perkins, Treylon Sidney Lanier
Williams, Elijah Chattahoochee County
Simmons, Malcolm Benjamin Russell
Brown, Kendarious Stanhope Elmore
Stamps, Micha Benjamin Russell
Nobles, JaCorey Stanhope Elmore
Vega, Quinn Valley High School
Perkins, Kennaris Sidney Lanier
Short, Donald Chattahoochee County
Augustus, Javen Catholic - Montgomery
Hicks, Jy Benjamin Russell
Williams, Quinn Sidney Lanier
Jamerson, Cameron Catholic - Montgomery
Roblero, Eduardo Stanhope Elmore
Bellamy, Patrick Chattahoochee County
Augustus, Jamarion Catholic - Montgomery
Owens, Zyon Benjamin Russell
Holman, Javonn Beauregard High School
Billups, Malachi Sidney Lanier
Heath, Josh 11.13 Valley High School
Combs, Joshua 11.16 LaFayette
Cobb, Jeremiah 11.32 Catholic - Montgomery
Williams, Azlan 11.50 Stanhope Elmore
Brooks, Randall 11.60 Valley High School
Maloy, Kyan 11.69 Beauregard High School
Babies, EJ 11.80 Catholic - Montgomery
Short, Tonie 11.80 Chattahoochee County
Tolefree, Keyshawn 11.85 Beauregard High School
Wilson, Latravious 11.86 Beulah High School
Crim, Aden 11.92 Beulah High School
Harrison, Carter 11.92 Stanhope Elmore
Cox, Keshawn 11.92 Benjamin Russell
Thomas, Dontarious 11.94 Benjamin Russell
Thomas, Phillip 12.01 Sidney Lanier
Stephens, Kenneth 12.02 Valley High School
Hamilton, Jamarcus 12.03 Sidney Lanier
Edwards, Gemain 12.04 Stanhope Elmore
Linson, Demartino 12.10 Valley High School
Brown, Tajairus 12.22 Stanhope Elmore
Brown, Johnny 12.30 Reeltown
King, Treveon 12.37 Beauregard High School
Morris, Ortez 12.37 Stanhope Elmore
Francis, Braelen 12.39 Stanhope Elmore
Annotti, Alex 12.43 Prattville Christian Academy
McNeal, Demarcus 12.46 Benjamin Russell
Smith, Qua 12.50 Benjamin Russell
Washington, T.J. 12.51 Beulah High School
Baker, Israel 12.52 Stanhope Elmore
Franklin, Titus 12.53 Catholic - Montgomery
marbury, kadarious 12.54 Benjamin Russell
Freeman, Marcus 12.58 Benjamin Russell
Bristow, Kaleb 12.63 Stanhope Elmore
Thompson , Buck 12.63 Reeltown
Maddox, Malik 12.66 Benjamin Russell
Gary, Sean 12.70h Catholic - Montgomery
Collins, Zy 12.78 Reeltown
Bristow, RJ 12.79 Catholic - Montgomery
Taylor, Mason 12.79 Prattville Christian Academy
Austin, Alex 12.97 Catholic - Montgomery
Caffee, Dashaun 13.01 Stanhope Elmore
Thomas, Xavier 13.09 Reeltown
Greenlee, James 13.22 Stanhope Elmore
Cunningham, KC 13.24 Stanhope Elmore
Martin, Orenthal 13.36 Stanhope Elmore
Woods, Arthur 13.37 Reeltown
Ellis, Rocky 14.36 Beulah High School
Wolfe, Ty 14.48 Prattville Christian Academy
Brendleson, Asher 14.49 Stanhope Elmore
Billingsley, Vincent 14.67 Beulah High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jaylen Chattahoochee County
Allen, Elijah Benjamin Russell
Barranco, Matthew Catholic - Montgomery
Brooks , Jaedan Reeltown
White, Darien Chattahoochee County
Knight, Zantjuan 16.37 Reeltown
Holloway, Demarcus 16.60 LaFayette
Roberson, Zorrian 18.34 Benjamin Russell
Woods, Arthur 19.93 Reeltown
Kendrick , Jay Jay 21.74 Reeltown
Williams, Quinn 21.90 Sidney Lanier
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castanza, Benjamin Catholic - Montgomery
Butcher, Mark Benjamin Russell
Hess, Cole Catholic - Montgomery
Hornsby, Logan Reeltown
Freeman, Javion Benjamin Russell
Armstrong, Caleb Catholic - Montgomery
Mabry, Desmond Chattahoochee County
Herrman, Teddy Benjamin Russell
Izer, Nate Catholic - Montgomery
Davidson, Camden Valley High School
Skala, Harrison 4:48.56 Catholic - Montgomery
Leslie, Sam 4:57.07 Catholic - Montgomery
Rafferty, Keegan 5:03.11 Stanhope Elmore
Len, Joshua 5:19.91 Beauregard High School
Palmore, Cohen 5:20.17 Prattville Christian Academy
Prestridge, Graisan 5:23.13 Beulah High School
Lemuz, Andres 5:27.92 Catholic - Montgomery
Adams, Ryan 5:29.58 Beauregard High School
Rattan, Cade 6:00.20 Stanhope Elmore
Friedman, Jacob 6:05.09 Beulah High School
Foster, Thomas 6:06.13 Beulah High School
Bennett, Robert 6:10.00 Beulah High School
Binns, Ethan 6:10.14 Catholic - Montgomery
Davies III, Hardy 6:17.04 Beulah High School
Valdez, Alex 6:29.59 Beauregard High School
Campos, Braeden 6:31.57 Chattahoochee County
Marroquin, Josh 7:03.27 Chattahoochee County
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 68 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jamerson, Cameron Catholic - Montgomery
Allen, Elijah Benjamin Russell
Richards, Elijah Sidney Lanier
Augustus, Javen Catholic - Montgomery
Caffee, Dashaun Stanhope Elmore
Perkins, Kennaris Sidney Lanier
Stamps, Micha Benjamin Russell
Bellamy, Patrick Chattahoochee County
Gary, Sean Catholic - Montgomery
Nobles, JaCorey Stanhope Elmore
Wyckoff, Chris Benjamin Russell
Augustus, Jamarion Catholic - Montgomery
Traylor, Christian Reeltown
Cunningham, KC Stanhope Elmore
Brown, RJ Stanhope Elmore
McKinney, Labronski Benjamin Russell
Williams, Warren Chattahoochee County
Galvin, Michael Catholic - Montgomery
Roblero, Eduardo Stanhope Elmore
Bristow, Kaleb Stanhope Elmore
Billups, Malachi Sidney Lanier
Williams, Elijah Chattahoochee County
Simmons, Bryan Benjamin Russell
Roblero, Jose Stanhope Elmore
Brown, Kendarious Stanhope Elmore
Short, Donald Chattahoochee County
Hill, Tanner Reeltown
Heath, Josh 22.52 Valley High School
Combs, Joshua 22.80 LaFayette
Cobb, Jeremiah 23.24 Catholic - Montgomery
Holloway, Demarcus 23.88 LaFayette
Thomas, Phillip 23.90 Sidney Lanier
Harrison, Carter 24.13 Stanhope Elmore
Short, Tonie 24.22 Chattahoochee County
Babies, EJ 24.23 Catholic - Montgomery
Wilson, Latravious 24.49 Beulah High School
Cox, Keshawn 24.60 Benjamin Russell
Stephens, Kenneth 24.76 Valley High School
Brooks, Randall 24.79 Valley High School
Callaway, Qydes 24.92 Beauregard High School
Linson, Demartino 24.96 Valley High School
Brown, Johnny 24.97 Reeltown
Edwards, Gemain 25.05 Stanhope Elmore
Knight, Zantjuan 25.16 Reeltown
Williams, Azlan 25.27 Stanhope Elmore
Holman, Javonn 25.42 Beauregard High School
Francis, Braelen 25.64 Stanhope Elmore
Morris, Ortez 25.87 Stanhope Elmore
Perkins, Treylon 25.90 Sidney Lanier
Thomas, Davion 26.03 Stanhope Elmore
Fields, Dacian 26.32 Stanhope Elmore
King, Treveon 26.33 Beauregard High School
Baker, Israel 26.41 Stanhope Elmore
Hamilton, Jamarcus 26.54 Sidney Lanier
Bristow, RJ 26.56 Catholic - Montgomery
Taylor, Mason 26.62 Prattville Christian Academy
Annotti, Alex 26.64 Prattville Christian Academy
Simpson, Keyone 27.00 Beauregard High School
Collins, Zy 27.02 Reeltown
Austin, Alex 27.57 Catholic - Montgomery
Sabir, Jacob 27.69 Prattville Christian Academy
Maloy, Kyan 27.71 Beauregard High School
Waver, Tyvon 27.91 Reeltown
Martin, Orenthal 27.95 Stanhope Elmore
Tarver, Jacori 29.09 Beulah High School
Wolfe, Ty 29.34 Prattville Christian Academy
Kendrick , Jay Jay 29.60 Reeltown
Potts, Keo 35.53 Reeltown
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Holman, Javonn Beauregard High School
White, Darien Chattahoochee County
Saele, Riley Prattville Christian Academy
Brooks , Jaedan Reeltown
Mabry, Desmond Chattahoochee County
Sponsler, Shawn Catholic - Montgomery
Brown, Jaylen Chattahoochee County
Knight, Zantjuan 42.82 Reeltown
Vega, Quinn 44.07 Valley High School
Wilson, Latravious 46.63 Beulah High School
Pierce, Justin 49.94 Beauregard High School
Stinson, Corday 51.45 Beauregard High School
Williams, Quinn 51.62 Sidney Lanier
Richards, Elijah 51.65 Sidney Lanier
Crim, Aden 51.94 Beulah High School
Woods, Arthur 52.02 Reeltown
Graham, Katelis 53.25 Beauregard High School
Sabir, Jacob 53.29 Prattville Christian Academy
Washington, T.J. 54.97 Beulah High School
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valdez, Alex Beauregard High School
Johnson, Hollis 10:07.54 Catholic - Montgomery
Rafferty, Keegan 11:03.13 Stanhope Elmore
Len, Joshua 11:54.05 Beauregard High School
Adams, Ryan 11:56.18 Beauregard High School
Binns, Brennan 12:46.96 Catholic - Montgomery
Palmore, Cohen 13:16.38 Prattville Christian Academy
Campos, Braeden 14:16.12 Chattahoochee County
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, RJ Stanhope Elmore
Nobles, JaCorey Stanhope Elmore
Harris, Jalen Chattahoochee County
Kelly, A'Corbin Benjamin Russell
Augustus, Javen Catholic - Montgomery
Barringer, Michael Stanhope Elmore
Ward, Adam Reeltown
Roblero, Eduardo Stanhope Elmore
White, Darien Chattahoochee County
Williams, Quinn Sidney Lanier
Augustus, Jamarion Catholic - Montgomery
Seals, Kristian Stanhope Elmore
Potts, Keo Reeltown
Roblero, Jose Stanhope Elmore
Jamerson, Cameron Catholic - Montgomery
Greenlee, James Stanhope Elmore
Traylor, Christian Reeltown
Simmons, Bryan Benjamin Russell
Dent, Torrie Reeltown
Capel, Colin Catholic - Montgomery
Galvin, Michael Catholic - Montgomery
Crim-Davis, Ian 1:00.71 Valley High School
Harris, Jakeem 1:01.21 Chattahoochee County
Eady, Grant 1:02.50 Catholic - Montgomery
Robinson, Julian 1:02.74 LaFayette
Taylor, Mason 1:05.26 Prattville Christian Academy
Cunningham, KC 1:05.92 Stanhope Elmore
LaFrance, Nikolas 1:07.28 Prattville Christian Academy
Perkins, Kennaris 1:11.65 Sidney Lanier
Brooks , Jaedan 1:12.37 Reeltown
Wolfe, Ty 1:12.80 Prattville Christian Academy
Billups, Malachi 1:14.74 Sidney Lanier
Harris, Elijah 1:14.95 Prattville Christian Academy
Weldon, Dawson 1:15.00 Beulah High School
Ellis, Rocky 1:18.00 Beulah High School
Billingsley, Vincent 1:20.24 Beulah High School
Cockrell, Evan 1:36.06 Prattville Christian Academy
Cobb, Jeremiah 51.70 Catholic - Montgomery
Phillips, Jadien 54.71 Valley High School
Galvin, Matthew 54.82 Catholic - Montgomery
McKinney, Labronski 55.13 Benjamin Russell
Wilson, Latravious 56.84 Beulah High School
Davids, Kyler 57.37 Chattahoochee County
Franklin, Titus 57.42 Catholic - Montgomery
Crim, Aden 57.45 Beulah High School
Dogan, Mitchell 57.45 Catholic - Montgomery
Washington, T.J. 58.32 Beulah High School
Fields, Dacian 58.90 Stanhope Elmore
Babies, EJ 58.95 Catholic - Montgomery
Saele, Riley 59.58 Prattville Christian Academy
Tyynismaa, Dylan 59.75 Catholic - Montgomery
Sabir, Jacob 59.95 Prattville Christian Academy
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A Reeltown
Relay Team B Reeltown
Relay Team A Chattahoochee County
Relay Team A Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A 44.82 Valley High School
Relay Team A 46.22 Sidney Lanier
Relay Team A 46.90 Stanhope Elmore
Relay Team A 48.70 Catholic - Montgomery
Relay Team B 48.70 Catholic - Montgomery
Relay Team B 48.93 Stanhope Elmore
Relay Team C 48.93 Stanhope Elmore
Relay Team A 50.43 Beauregard High School
Relay Team B 50.43 Beauregard High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Chattahoochee County
Relay Team A Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A Reeltown
Relay Team A Chattahoochee County
Relay Team A 3:42.20 Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:50.00 Beulah High School
Relay Team A 3:52.69 Catholic - Montgomery
Relay Team A 4:02.94 Stanhope Elmore
Relay Team B 4:02.94 Stanhope Elmore
Relay Team B 4:15.00 Beulah High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Chattahoochee County
Relay Team A Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A 10:04.98 Beauregard High School
Relay Team B 10:30.00 Beulah High School
Relay Team B 10:50.05 Catholic - Montgomery
Relay Team A 8:57.40 Catholic - Montgomery
Relay Team A 9:50.00 Beulah High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Atkins, Nyk Benjamin Russell
Ward, Adam Reeltown
Hess, Cole Catholic - Montgomery
Perkins, Kennaris Sidney Lanier
Allen, Elijah Benjamin Russell
Rafferty, Keegan 2:10.00 Stanhope Elmore
Prestridge, Graisan 2:13.04 Beulah High School
Brown, Tajairus 2:13.24 Stanhope Elmore
Pierce, Justin 2:26.91 Beauregard High School
Skala, Henry 2:26.93 Catholic - Montgomery
Stowes, Kaleb 2:27.38 Benjamin Russell
Foster, Thomas 2:27.67 Beulah High School
Davidson, Camden 2:29.99 Valley High School
Friedman, Jacob 2:30.00 Beulah High School
Eady, Grant 2:30.78 Catholic - Montgomery
Crim-Davis, Ian 2:31.97 Valley High School
Marroquin, Josh 2:34.23 Chattahoochee County
Palmore, Cohen 2:34.43 Prattville Christian Academy
Binns, Ethan 2:34.85 Catholic - Montgomery
Underwood, Stephen 2:35.46 Catholic - Montgomery
Len, Joshua 2:36.34 Beauregard High School
Binns, Brennan 2:39.03 Catholic - Montgomery
Adams, Ryan 2:40.36 Beauregard High School
Saele, Riley 2:42.70 Prattville Christian Academy
Robinson, Julian 2:50.18 LaFayette
Davies III, Hardy 2:51.53 Beulah High School
Weldon, Dawson 2:55.00 Beulah High School
Bennett, Robert 2:55.00 Beulah High School
Parker, Marzayvion 2:55.00 Beulah High School
LaFrance, Nikolas 2:58.36 Prattville Christian Academy
Ellis, Rocky 3:00.00 Beulah High School
Billingsley, Vincent 3:01.54 Beulah High School
Harris, Elijah 3:09.70 Prattville Christian Academy
Baker, Benjamin 3:15.22 Prattville Christian Academy
Billups, Malachi 3:21.54 Sidney Lanier
Cockrell, Evan 3:46.92 Prattville Christian Academy
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HS Boys Discus Throw 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilder, Joshua 114-6 Valley High School
Wilson, Riley 110-10 Beauregard High School
Toby, Martin 94-10.5 Stanhope Elmore
Whitlow, William 92-10 Stanhope Elmore
Hill, LJ 85-5 Reeltown
Foster, Caleb 83-6 Stanhope Elmore
Brooks, Sedarico 78-7 Reeltown
Barker, Brandon 74-6 Beauregard High School
Burke, Terry 72-9 Stanhope Elmore
Lynch, Antwan 71-6 Valley High School
Tarver, Jacori 70-0 Beulah High School
Damiano, Ryder 69-7 Valley High School
Griffin, Rondarius (Dee) 69-6 Reeltown
Williams, Colin 67-11 Beauregard High School
Friedman, Jacob 60-0 Beulah High School
Owens, Zyon 57-7 Benjamin Russell
Dunn, Dalton 57-2 Valley High School
Reaves, Blake 54-10 Valley High School
Weatherley, Parker 51-5 Beauregard High School
Brendleson, Asher 51-0 Stanhope Elmore
Robinson, Izaya 47-9 Valley High School
Darnell, Aidan 34-2 Reeltown
Saele, Riley Prattville Christian Academy
Gipson, Devin Stanhope Elmore
marbury, kadarious Benjamin Russell
Smith, Qua Benjamin Russell
McElrath, Jason Benjamin Russell
Williams, Ky'Marion Benjamin Russell
Hicks, Jy Benjamin Russell
Chapman, Jayvius Reeltown
Waver, Tyvon Reeltown
Tyner, Keith Chattahoochee County
Davids, Kyler Chattahoochee County
Demunn, Azaiah Chattahoochee County
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HS Boys High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weatherly, Brandon 6-2 Beauregard High School
Sponsler, Shawn 5-10 Catholic - Montgomery
Combs, Joshua 5-8 LaFayette
Underwood, Stephen Catholic - Montgomery
Maloy, KJ Beauregard High School
Simmons, Malcolm Benjamin Russell
Kelly, A'Corbin Benjamin Russell
McKinney, Labronski Benjamin Russell
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HS Boys Javelin 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Waters, Bryant 153-8 Beauregard High School
Sponsler, Shawn 127-0 Catholic - Montgomery
Brooks, Randall 119-1 Valley High School
Williams, Ky'Marion 115-1 Benjamin Russell
Damiano, Ryder 111-7 Valley High School
Hughes, Braxton 103-9 Beauregard High School
Holloway, Demarcus 102-9 LaFayette
Tyynismaa, Dylan 101-0 Catholic - Montgomery
Clark, Jacob 98-0 Beauregard High School
Hill, LJ 96-2 Reeltown
Galvin, Michael 95-7 Catholic - Montgomery
McConnell, Austin 91-1 Beauregard High School
Seals, Kristian 89-9 Stanhope Elmore
Weatherley, Parker 89-9 Beauregard High School
Owens, Zyon 84-5 Benjamin Russell
Dunn, Dalton 83-0 Valley High School
Foster, Caleb 82-9 Stanhope Elmore
Taylor, Mason 76-2 Prattville Christian Academy
Lynch, Antwan 71-0 Valley High School
Friedman, Jacob 70-0 Beulah High School
Brendleson, Asher 68-8 Stanhope Elmore
Riley, Zack 59-9 Reeltown
Tarver, Jacori 58-11 Beulah High School
Barringer, Michael 57-10 Stanhope Elmore
Collier, Robert Sidney Lanier
Trammel, Jacquez Valley High School
Roberson, Devin Beauregard High School
Hicks, Jy Benjamin Russell
McElrath, Jason Benjamin Russell
marbury, kadarious Benjamin Russell
Griffin, Rondarius (Dee) Reeltown
Hill, Tanner Reeltown
Hornsby, Logan Reeltown
Roblero, Eduardo Stanhope Elmore
Darnell, Jack Reeltown
Reaves, Blake Valley High School
Robinson, Izaya Valley High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trammel, Jacquez 21-7.75 Valley High School
Weatherly, Brandon 20-9.5 Beauregard High School
Short, Tonie 19-9.75 Chattahoochee County
Tolefree, Keyshon 19-8.25 Beauregard High School
Phillips, Jadien 19-0 Valley High School
Combs, Joshua 18-9.5 LaFayette
Williams, Azlan 18-6 Stanhope Elmore
Williams, Elijah 18-5.5 Chattahoochee County
Brown, Johnny 18-4 Reeltown
Galvin, Matthew 17-10 Catholic - Montgomery
Richards, Elijah 17-7 Sidney Lanier
Stephens, Kenneth 17-6 Valley High School
Freeman, Marcus 17-0 Benjamin Russell
Carter, Dezhion 16-6 Catholic - Montgomery
Reese, C.J. 16-3 Beauregard High School
Bristow, Kaleb 15-5.75 Stanhope Elmore
Woods, Arthur 15-4 Reeltown
Sabir, Jacob 15-1 Prattville Christian Academy
Maloy, KJ 14-0 Beauregard High School
Seals, Kristian 13-10 Stanhope Elmore
Collins, Zy 13-10 Reeltown
Barringer, Michael 13-4.5 Stanhope Elmore
LaFrance, Nikolas 13-4 Prattville Christian Academy
Barranco, Matthew Catholic - Montgomery
Brown, RJ Stanhope Elmore
Hamilton, Jamarcus Sidney Lanier
Mattocks, Markeyous Benjamin Russell
Simmons, Malcolm Benjamin Russell
McNeal, Demarcus Benjamin Russell
Atkins, Nyk Benjamin Russell
Stowes, Kaleb Benjamin Russell
Thomas, Xavier Reeltown
Thompson , Buck Reeltown
Kendrick , Jay Jay Reeltown
Hill, Tanner Reeltown
Vega, Quinn Valley High School
Brown, Jaylen Chattahoochee County
Williams, Warren Chattahoochee County
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HS Boys Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hughes, Braxton 11-0 Beauregard High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whitlow, William 41-11.25 Stanhope Elmore
Hill, LJ 41-5 Reeltown
Wilson, Riley 40-2 Beauregard High School
Foster, Caleb 37-10 Stanhope Elmore
Waters, Bryant 37-6.25 Beauregard High School
Parker, Jamie 36-1.75 Stanhope Elmore
Toby, Martin 36-0 Stanhope Elmore
Barnes, Jaqualen 34-3 Beauregard High School
Tarver, Jacori 33-8 Beulah High School
Gilder, Joshua 32-1 Valley High School
Williams, Ky'Marion 31-7 Benjamin Russell
Drake, Cornelius 31-5 Catholic - Montgomery
Riley, Zack 31-1 Reeltown
Burke, Terry 30-6.5 Stanhope Elmore
Dunn, Dalton 29-9.5 Valley High School
Brooks, Sedarico 29-9 Reeltown
Annotti, Alex 29-6.75 Prattville Christian Academy
Brendleson, Asher 27-3.75 Stanhope Elmore
Williams, Colin 26-10.75 Beauregard High School
Reaves, Blake 25-10 Valley High School
Barker, Brandon 25-2.75 Beauregard High School
Lynch, Antwan 24-8 Valley High School
Tyner, Keith 24-0 Chattahoochee County
Robinson, Izaya 20-9 Valley High School
Darnell, Jack 11-5 Reeltown
Driver, Will Catholic - Montgomery
Perkins, Treylon Sidney Lanier
Gipson, Devin Stanhope Elmore
Collier, Robert Sidney Lanier
Roberson, Devin Beauregard High School
Hicks, Jy Benjamin Russell
Owens, Zyon Benjamin Russell
Smith, Qua Benjamin Russell
marbury, kadarious Benjamin Russell
McElrath, Jason Benjamin Russell
Chapman, Jayvius Reeltown
Griffin, Rondarius (Dee) Reeltown
Waver, Tyvon Reeltown
Demunn, Azaiah Chattahoochee County
Foy, Ace Reeltown
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trammel, Jacquez 46-8 Valley High School
Tolefree, Keyshon 42-5 Beauregard High School
Weatherly, Brandon 42-0.5 Beauregard High School
Freeman, Marcus 40-2.5 Benjamin Russell
Galvin, Matthew 39-6 Catholic - Montgomery
Short, Tonie 37-5.75 Chattahoochee County
Stamps, Micha 34-6.5 Benjamin Russell
McNeal, Demarcus Benjamin Russell
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Kenya Sidney Lanier
Grimes, Naomi Chattahoochee County
Dean, Nygeria Sidney Lanier
Jackson, Kelli Benjamin Russell
Greene, Jamerial Stanhope Elmore
Duncan, Tamya Sidney Lanier
McManus, Lizzie Valley High School
Mister, Jai Sidney Lanier
Burton, Mia Benjamin Russell
Williams, Mickayla Chattahoochee County
Coleman, Jada Stanhope Elmore
Mason, Haylei Catholic - Montgomery
Prince, Shanice Sidney Lanier
Bly, Janiyah Sidney Lanier
Crittenden, Aryel Opelika High School
Heard, Bri Benjamin Russell
Russell, Jaelin Sidney Lanier
Burton, Kalaysia Benjamin Russell
Slaughter, Brionna 12.29 Benjamin Russell
Sanders, Haley 12.39 Opelika High School
Billingsley, A. 12.55 Beauregard High School
Parker, Jazmine 12.61 Beauregard High School
Collier, Toniya 12.84 LaFayette
Jones, Cortiryana 13.06 Valley High School
Davis, Wai'yunna 13.12 Opelika High School
Ellis, Myasia 13.12 LaFayette
Luckie, Arulan 13.24 Sidney Lanier
Oliver, Brooke 13.32 Benjamin Russell
Cobb, Ann 13.35 Catholic - Montgomery
May, Marnavia 13.43 Benjamin Russell
Darden, India 13.45 Valley High School
Moore, Chalexus 13.55 Beauregard High School
Isom, Minka 13.70 Beauregard High School
Tunstall, Taylar 13.74 Catholic - Montgomery
Lawson, Timira 13.76 Benjamin Russell
Earl, Karley 13.88 Stanhope Elmore
Patrick, Jayla 13.90 Valley High School
Sutton, Camille 14.03 LaFayette
Hankins, Jessica 14.05 Catholic - Montgomery
Finley, Shaniyah 14.10 Opelika High School
Houser, Kahmari 14.14 Stanhope Elmore
Upshaw, Nikki 14.19 LaFayette
Green, Carliyah 14.38 Sidney Lanier
Reeves, Jamiel 14.45 Stanhope Elmore
Gonzales, Amara 14.58 Chattahoochee County
Ross, Chandler 14.70 Stanhope Elmore
Riley, Brekia 14.85 Reeltown
Bailey, Jaye 14.97 Catholic - Montgomery
Carlisle, Nakiyah 15.03 Valley High School
Baker, Toniya 15.06 Beauregard High School
Tarver, Zakyhia 15.20 Stanhope Elmore
Macon, Miya 15.21 Reeltown
Mabry, Destiny 15.27 Chattahoochee County
Hooks, Lee Lee 15.91 Reeltown
Weedon, Annabelle 16.10h Prattville Christian Academy
Minor, Kenadie 16.21 Prattville Christian Academy
Lathram, Anna 16.26 Catholic - Montgomery
Duncan, Susie 16.57 Stanhope Elmore
Eady, Evelyn 18.02 Catholic - Montgomery
Hutchinson, Shakira 18.69 Reeltown
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mason, Haylei Catholic - Montgomery
Bailey, Jaye Catholic - Montgomery
Bunch, Anesha Benjamin Russell
Greer, Feliah 16.31 LaFayette
James, A'shayla 18.23 LaFayette
Keith, Dasia 19.28 Reeltown
Riley, Brekia 19.55 Reeltown
James, A'niyah 20.21 LaFayette
Huguley, Shamia 21.29 LaFayette
Miles, Tymesha 22.03 Beulah High School
Gilmore, Adrianna 22.27 Benjamin Russell
McManus, Lizzie 22.29 Valley High School
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Jerrica Valley High School
Barrett, Ava Benjamin Russell
Gould, Breckin 5:33.62 Opelika High School
Conway, Molly 5:39.82 Beauregard High School
Torres, Paola 5:53.95 Opelika High School
Bice, Margaret 6:06.50 Opelika High School
Alcorn, Violett 6:24.45 Opelika High School
Calloway, Angelica 6:35.60 Beulah High School
Thomas, Taylar 6:40.20 Opelika High School
Patton, Joanie 6:40.62 Stanhope Elmore
Karch, Trinity 6:50.77 Beulah High School
Birchmeier, Sarah 6:52.02 Prattville Christian Academy
Kirk, Rolley Len 6:54.30 Beauregard High School
Gaston, Susan 7:05.98 Opelika High School
Dine, Julie 7:12.96 Chattahoochee County
Scannell, Dionne 7:20.00 Beulah High School
Campos, Paige 7:39.56 Chattahoochee County
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 63 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crittenden, Aryel Opelika High School
Dixon, Journey Valley High School
Edwards, Demyah Opelika High School
Dean, Nygeria Sidney Lanier
Weedon, Annabelle Prattville Christian Academy
Finley, Shaniyah Opelika High School
Greene, Jamerial Stanhope Elmore
Tarver, Zakyhia Stanhope Elmore
Mister, Jai Sidney Lanier
Burton, Kalaysia Benjamin Russell
Turpin, Morgan Chattahoochee County
Montgomery, Addison Prattville Christian Academy
Johnson, Saniya Opelika High School
Macon, Miya Reeltown
Coleman, Jada Stanhope Elmore
Jackson, Kelli Benjamin Russell
Williams, Mickayla Chattahoochee County
Temples, Tara Opelika High School
Carlisle, Nakiyah Valley High School
Duncan, Susie Stanhope Elmore
Sanders, Haley 25.52 Opelika High School
Billingsley, A. 25.86 Beauregard High School
Parker, Jazmine 26.18 Beauregard High School
Collier, Toniya 27.36 LaFayette
Ellis, Myasia 27.45 LaFayette
Jones, Cortiryana 27.71 Valley High School
Luckie, Arulan 27.79 Sidney Lanier
Cobb, Ann 28.05 Catholic - Montgomery
May, Marnavia 28.41 Benjamin Russell
Davis, Wai'yunna 28.42 Opelika High School
Hankins, Jessica 28.56 Catholic - Montgomery
Earl, Karley 28.67 Stanhope Elmore
Harrison, Kennedi 28.71 Valley High School
Patrick, Jayla 28.85 Valley High School
Tunstall, Taylar 28.89 Catholic - Montgomery
Grimes, Naomi 29.04 Chattahoochee County
Gilmore, Adrianna 29.14 Benjamin Russell
Whatley, Lavechia 29.29 Beauregard High School
Houser, Kahmari 29.47 Stanhope Elmore
Moore, Chalexus 29.52 Beauregard High School
James, A'niyah 29.77 LaFayette
Holloway, Indiana 29.82 Opelika High School
Reeves, Jamiel 29.97 Stanhope Elmore
Upshaw, Nikki 30.26 LaFayette
Ricks, Makala 30.57 Valley High School
Baker, Toniya 31.00 Beauregard High School
Thomas, Salandria 31.02 LaFayette
Cooper, Ny'Kerrion 31.19 Beulah High School
Mabry, Destiny 31.96 Chattahoochee County
Gonzales, Amara 32.03 Chattahoochee County
Bailey, Jaye 32.25 Catholic - Montgomery
Brooks, Skylar 32.57 Valley High School
Darden, India 32.60 Valley High School
Williams, LaTaevia 32.66 Beulah High School
Ortiz, Niki 33.35 Beulah High School
David, Mikayla 33.45 Beulah High School
Potts, Shantia 33.47 Reeltown
Foreman, Kumya 33.50 Beulah High School
Leonard, Madison 34.45 Beulah High School
Hooks, Lee Lee 34.75 Reeltown
Lathram, Anna 34.94 Catholic - Montgomery
Minor, Kenadie 35.28 Prattville Christian Academy
Eady, Evelyn 40.76 Catholic - Montgomery
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bly, Janiyah Sidney Lanier
Miles, Tymesha 1:02.09 Beulah High School
Russell, Jaelin 1:02.47 Sidney Lanier
Huguley, Shamia 1:04.69 LaFayette
James, A'shayla 46.81 LaFayette
Keith, Dasia 52.25 Reeltown
Williams, Aryn 56.13 Sidney Lanier
Beaty, Myleah 56.90 Beulah High School
Echols, Akaylin 57.09 Beauregard High School
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kirk, Rolley Len Beauregard High School
Gould, Breckin 11:51.45 Opelika High School
Conway, Molly 11:59.99 Beauregard High School
Birchmeier, Sarah 13:42.42 Prattville Christian Academy
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Aryn Sidney Lanier
Edwards, Demyah Opelika High School
Rudolph, Khennedi Stanhope Elmore
Craig, Nicey Beauregard High School
Little, Shaniyah Opelika High School
Finley, Shaniyah Opelika High School
Duncan, Susie Stanhope Elmore
Weedon, Annabelle Prattville Christian Academy
Pulliam, BraDazjah Benjamin Russell
Gonzales, Amara Chattahoochee County
Temples, Tara Opelika High School
Jones, Kenya Sidney Lanier
Craig, JyKirra Opelika High School
Johnson, Jordyn Chattahoochee County
Slaughter, Brionna 1:00.96 Benjamin Russell
James, A'shayla 1:02.01 LaFayette
Cobb, Ann 1:02.05 Catholic - Montgomery
Holloway, Indiana 1:04.88 Opelika High School
Harrison, Kennedi 1:05.87 Valley High School
Mason, Haylei 1:06.29 Catholic - Montgomery
Calloway, Angelica 1:06.87 Beulah High School
Frazier, Sacaria 1:07.51 Opelika High School
James, A'niyah 1:08.19 LaFayette
Sutton, Camille 1:09.22 LaFayette
Harmon, Erica 1:09.51 Beauregard High School
McElrath, Madison 1:10.04 Stanhope Elmore
Harris, Tamaya 1:10.74 Benjamin Russell
Thompson, Amya 1:10.92 Stanhope Elmore
Cooper, Ny'Kerrion 1:11.07 Beulah High School
Glaze, Inari 1:11.91 Valley High School
Beaty, Myleah 1:12.00 Beulah High School
Tarver, Zakyhia 1:12.17 Stanhope Elmore
Ausborn, Nylah 1:12.23 Opelika High School
Thomas, Salandria 1:12.76 LaFayette
Bufford, Kahmya 1:13.82 Beulah High School
Johnson, Saniya 1:14.30 Opelika High School
Williams, LaTaevia 1:14.68 Beulah High School
Williams, Cadence 1:14.98 Opelika High School
Long, Destiny 1:15.62 Beauregard High School
Foreman, Kumya 1:16.00 Beulah High School
Pratt, Skylar 1:17.67 Prattville Christian Academy
Ricks, Makala 1:19.72 Valley High School
Ortiz, Niki 1:20.00 Beulah High School
Karch, Destiny 1:20.17 Beulah High School
Fowler, Rileigh 1:20.40 Prattville Christian Academy
David, Mikayla 1:21.89 Beulah High School
Day, Samantha 1:22.95 Catholic - Montgomery
Daniel, Patience 1:24.09 Opelika High School
Montgomery, Addison 1:24.23 Prattville Christian Academy
Miles, Tymesha 1:24.83 Beulah High School
Prince, Shanice 1:25.59 Sidney Lanier
Day, Catherine 1:29.31 Catholic - Montgomery
Minor, Kenadie 1:29.57 Prattville Christian Academy
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A Chattahoochee County
Relay Team A 1:01.19 Reeltown
Relay Team B 52.73 Beauregard High School
Relay Team A 52.73 Beauregard High School
Relay Team A 54.17 Catholic - Montgomery
Relay Team A 54.65 LaFayette
Relay Team A 54.95 Valley High School
Relay Team A 55.91 Sidney Lanier
Relay Team B 57.05 Stanhope Elmore
Relay Team A 57.05 Stanhope Elmore
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:36.54 Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:50.00 Beulah High School
Relay Team A 4:55.00h Beauregard High School
Relay Team A 5:08.62 Chattahoochee County
Relay Team A 5:09.11 Stanhope Elmore
Relay Team A 5:16.02 Sidney Lanier
Relay Team B 5:30.00 Beulah High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:03.05 Beauregard High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Beulah High School
Relay Team B 13:20.00 Beulah High School
Relay Team C 13:35.00 Beulah High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Torres, Paola Opelika High School
Bly, Janiyah Sidney Lanier
Alcorn, Violett Opelika High School
Campos, Paige Chattahoochee County
Thomas, Taylar Opelika High School
Adams, Jerrica Valley High School
Day, Catherine Catholic - Montgomery
Turpin, Morgan Chattahoochee County
Bice, Margaret Opelika High School
Prince, Shanice Sidney Lanier
Conway, Molly 2:31.53 Beauregard High School
Gould, Breckin 2:33.71 Opelika High School
Wiggins, Elizabeth 2:40.63 Beauregard High School
Calloway, Angelica 2:45.83 Beulah High School
McElrath, Madison 2:46.42 Stanhope Elmore
Gibson, Brynia 2:47.98 Valley High School
Karch, Trinity 2:49.47 Beulah High School
Focht, Gabby 2:51.06 Beauregard High School
Williams, Aryn 2:51.24 Sidney Lanier
Wiggins, Catherine 2:51.81 Beauregard High School
Gaston, Susan 2:56.90 Opelika High School
Jackson, Kenley 3:02.93 Opelika High School
Patton, Joanie 3:04.23 Stanhope Elmore
Joseph, Ronnetra 3:06.03 Reeltown
Frazier, Sacaria 3:06.12 Opelika High School
Birchmeier, Sarah 3:06.70 Prattville Christian Academy
Fowler, Rileigh 3:07.70 Prattville Christian Academy
Glaze, Inari 3:09.30 Valley High School
Pratt, Skylar 3:09.30 Prattville Christian Academy
Dine, Julianna 3:12.30 Chattahoochee County
Cave, Emma 3:16.03 Stanhope Elmore
Montgomery, Addison 3:18.54 Prattville Christian Academy
Karch, Destiny 3:19.45 Beulah High School
Turner, Maggie 3:27.34 Catholic - Montgomery
Leonard, Madison 3:30.00h Beulah High School
Scannell, Dionne 3:35.15 Beulah High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Love, Trinity 111-0 Opelika High School
Greer, Feliah 97-2 LaFayette
Sanford, Lexi 88-3 Valley High School
Wood, Cara 83-3 Beulah High School
Rooks, Trinity 78-0 Opelika High School
Chambers, Ny'Asia 71-8 LaFayette
Johnson, D'Asia 71-2 Valley High School
Williams, Alshaquala 68-7 LaFayette
Prince, Tamiah 65-4 Opelika High School
Appling, Ava 62-4 Stanhope Elmore
Daniels, Cherdi 62-0 Opelika High School
Overcash, Heavonly 61-1 Valley High School
Ellis, Quintresia 60-5 LaFayette
Pitts, Ashleigh 58-4 Opelika High School
McAnally, Anna 56-3 Beauregard High School
Turner, Maggie 52-4 Catholic - Montgomery
Portis, Grace 50-8 Beulah High School
Cave, Emma 49-7 Stanhope Elmore
Johnson, Kintajah 48-6 Beauregard High School
Yeager, Hannah 48-5 Beulah High School
Moss, Kasman 48-0 Opelika High School
Jones, Kadence 42-10 Beauregard High School
Browning, Lydia 41-10 Beauregard High School
Gilmore, Brianna 41-9.5 Benjamin Russell
Agee, Xiomara 36-4 Stanhope Elmore
Potts, Shantia 32-11 Reeltown
Sheeley, Allison Beauregard High School
Thomas, Ashanti Opelika High School
Green, Carliyah Sidney Lanier
Fuller, Jimysha Sidney Lanier
Denton, Lucy Chattahoochee County
Lewis, Toccara Benjamin Russell
Burton, Kalaysia Benjamin Russell
Heard, Bri Benjamin Russell
Cameron, Tatyana Reeltown
Harris, LaShantiss Reeltown
Stephens, Kaitlyn Reeltown
Williams, Gabrielle Reeltown
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HS Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Alexxia 4-6 Beauregard High School
Huntly, De'leah 4-6 Opelika High School
Huguley, Shamia 4-6 LaFayette
James, A'niyah 4-6 LaFayette
Rudd, Lana 4-2 Beauregard High School
Beaty, Myleah 4-2 Beulah High School
Pulliam, BraDazjah Benjamin Russell
Harris, Tamaya Benjamin Russell
Rowell, Kimora Opelika High School
Ricks, Makala Valley High School
Heard, Bri Benjamin Russell
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HS Girls Javelin 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Greer, Feliah 109-11 LaFayette
Wilkerson, Katie 105-5 Beauregard High School
Love, Trinity 92-6 Opelika High School
Johnson, D'Asia 81-0 Valley High School
Williams, Alshaquala 79-6 LaFayette
Sanford, Lexi 76-2 Valley High School
Portis, Grace 75-9 Beulah High School
Overcash, Heavonly 74-11 Valley High School
Wood, Cara 69-2 Beulah High School
Woody, Akijah 63-10 LaFayette
Ellis, Quintresia 62-5 LaFayette
Black, Tahia 58-11 LaFayette
Day, Samantha 58-9.5 Catholic - Montgomery
Moss, Kasman 56-2 Opelika High School
Jones, Kadence 53-10 Beauregard High School
Prince, Tamiah 52-5 Opelika High School
Pitts, Ashleigh 51-3 Opelika High School
Edwards, Lizavia 45-1 Opelika High School
Agee, Xiomara 43-6 Stanhope Elmore
Fuller, Jimysha 43-3 Sidney Lanier
Garrett, Zoe 43-2 Stanhope Elmore
Green, Carliyah 43-1 Sidney Lanier
Rafferty, Kennedie 39-1 Stanhope Elmore
Gilmore, Brianna 28-1 Benjamin Russell
Rooks, Trinity Opelika High School
Appling, Ava Stanhope Elmore
Johnson, Kintajah Beauregard High School
Lewis, Toccara Benjamin Russell
Heard, Bri Benjamin Russell
Burton, Kalaysia Benjamin Russell
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HS Girls Long Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanders, Haley 16-6 Opelika High School
Williams, Aryn 15-7 Sidney Lanier
Whatley, Lavechia 15-4 Beauregard High School
Echols, Akaylin 15-0 Beauregard High School
Parker, Jazmine 14-3 Beauregard High School
Tunstall, Taylar 14-2 Catholic - Montgomery
Smith, Rina 14-0 Beauregard High School
Harris, Tamaya 13-9 Benjamin Russell
Ferrell, Kele 13-8 Opelika High School
Beaty, Myleah 13-4 Beulah High School
Russell, Jaelin 13-2 Sidney Lanier
Carlisle, Nakiyah 13-0.5 Valley High School
McManus, Lizzie 13-0 Valley High School
Carr, Ceylon 12-6 Valley High School
Luckie, Arulan 12-5 Sidney Lanier
Dortch, Madison 12-4 Valley High School
Lathram, Anna 12-2 Catholic - Montgomery
Walton, Niya 11-4.5 Opelika High School
Ross, Chandler 10-11.75 Stanhope Elmore
Jones, Kenya 10-10 Sidney Lanier
Mason, Haylei Catholic - Montgomery
Davis, Wai'yunna Opelika High School
Duncan, Tamya Sidney Lanier
Coleman, Jada Stanhope Elmore
Heard, Bri Benjamin Russell
Pulliam, BraDazjah Benjamin Russell
Keith, Dasia Reeltown
Coleman, Sandrea Reeltown
Stephens, Kaitlyn Reeltown
Rowell, Kimora Opelika High School
Reeves, Jamiel Stanhope Elmore
Greene, Jamerial Stanhope Elmore
Brooks, Skylar Valley High School
Dixon, Journey Valley High School
James, A'niyah LaFayette
Sutton, Camille LaFayette
Upshaw, Nikki LaFayette
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HS Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hansen, Sabrina Jeri 7-6 Opelika High School
Harmon, Erica Beauregard High School
Craig, Nicey Beauregard High School
Scott, Trinity Beauregard High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Greer, Feliah 40-0.5 LaFayette
Love, Trinity 37-4.75 Opelika High School
Williams, Alshaquala 31-1 LaFayette
Wood, Cara 29-3 Beulah High School
Green, Carliyah 29-1 Sidney Lanier
Thomas, Ashanti 28-9 Opelika High School
Agee, Xiomara 27-11 Stanhope Elmore
Sanford, Lexi 27-4.75 Valley High School
Woody, Akijah 26-10 LaFayette
Appling, Ava 26-7.5 Stanhope Elmore
Johnson, D'Asia 26-6 Valley High School
Peters, Auriana 26-6 LaFayette
Moss, Kasman 26-0 Opelika High School
Harris, LaShantiss 25-7 Reeltown
Black, Tahia 25-5 LaFayette
Rooks, Trinity 25-0 Opelika High School
Fuller, Jimysha 24-5 Sidney Lanier
McAnally, Anna 23-10.5 Beauregard High School
Portis, Grace 23-2 Beulah High School
Prince, Tamiah 22-7 Opelika High School
Jones, Kadence 21-9 Beauregard High School
Johnson, Kintajah 20-8.5 Beauregard High School
Garrett, Zoe 19-9 Stanhope Elmore
Browning, Lydia 18-8.5 Beauregard High School
Pitts, Ashleigh 18-5.5 Opelika High School
Gilmore, Brianna 17-0 Benjamin Russell
Denton, Lucy 14-2 Chattahoochee County
Sheeley, Allison Beauregard High School
Overcash, Heavonly Valley High School
Daniels, Cherdi Opelika High School
Duncan, Tamya Sidney Lanier
Burnett, London LaFayette
Lewis, Toccara Benjamin Russell
Burton, Kalaysia Benjamin Russell
Heard, Bri Benjamin Russell
Potts, Shantia Reeltown
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HS Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Keith, Dasia 34-0 Reeltown
Echols, Akaylin 31-2 Beauregard High School
Carr, Ceylon 29-6 Valley High School
Walton, Niya 29-0 Opelika High School
Ferrell, Kele 28-11 Opelika High School
Rowell, Kimora 28-11 Opelika High School
Russell, Jaelin 28-6 Sidney Lanier
McManus, Lizzie 27-9 Valley High School
Whatley, Lavechia Beauregard High School
Edwards, Demyah Opelika High School
Dortch, Madison Valley High School
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