Friday Night Lights Invite (Track only events) 2021

Enterprise, AL

Meet Information

Time Schedule: Coaches Meeting:4:30 pm - near the finish line

Running Events: 5:00pm ENTRIES:  Fees: $100 per gender or $200 for Both. If you pay for Friday, then Saturdays field events only is free.

TEAM AREAS: Please set up team camps behind the tennis courts.

Entries: Two(2) per relay, 6 per open events

Running Events - Girls First, Boys Second in all running event  

4x800M Relay-                                         

100 M High Hurdles Finals - Girls(33 Inches)                  

110M High Hurdles Finals - Boys (39 inches)                  

100M Dash                                              

1600M Run                                                                                                          

        4x100M Relay

        400M Dash

        300M Low Hurdles - Girls( 30 inches) /300M Intermediate Hurdles - Boys( 36 inches)

        800M Run

        200M Dash

        3200M Run- 

        1600M Relay