Vestavia Hills King of the Mountain Middle school Invitational 2020

Vestavia Hills, AL
Timing/Results Xpress Timing

Athlete Entries

MS Boys 100 Meter Dash 64 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ulch, Jamie Pizitz
Oleinick, Jackson Liberty Park Middle School
Travis, Jackson Pizitz
Lorino, Ben Liberty Park Middle School
Moxley, Jimmy Liberty Park Middle School
Chism, Jose Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Poe, Colby Pizitz
Arnold, Ethan Liberty Park Middle School
Moore, Chemar Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Bailey, Gavin Liberty Park Middle School
Coleman, Luke Pizitz
McGough, William 11.91 Pelham Park Middle School
Seymour, Cameron 11.97 Simmons Middle School
Edwards, Gemain 12.09 Millbrook Middle School
Wilburn, Chris 12.33 Simmons Middle School
Woodard, Terrel 12.37 Jackson Olin Middle School
Williams, DeEljon 12.40 James Clemens
Webb, Chase 12.56 Pizitz
Hood, Camauri 12.60 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
McCall, Ny'saiah 12.63 Simmons Middle School
Johnson, Justin 12.69 James Clemens
Atkins, Hunter 12.70 Helena Middle School
Rice-Edison, Jimmy 12.70 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Jackson, Kao 12.76 Millbrook Middle School
Bristow, Caleb 12.76 Millbrook Middle School
Simmons, Malcolm 12.8 Alex City MS
Ross, Jordan 12.81 Pizitz
Smith, Colton 12.90h Pizitz
Bean, Gibson 12.93 Pizitz
Burks, Caden 12.95 James Clemens
Willingham, Crishawn 12.99 James Clemens
Payne, Clarence 13.03 Jackson Olin Middle School
Lewis, Averyll 13.05 Jackson Olin Middle School
Altamirano, Victor 13.10 Liberty Park Middle School
Williams, Brandon 13.16 Helena Middle School
Moultrie, JJ 13.23 Simmons Middle School
Johnson, Jeremiah 13.32 Liberty Park Middle School
Pleasant, Micah 13.34 Helena Middle School
Torres, Michael 13.63 Liberty Park Middle School
Hicks, Jy 13.70h Alex City MS
Freeman, Eli 13.74 Pizitz
Ritondo, Josh 13.77 Helena Middle School
Beam, Anthony 13.84 Pizitz
McClendon, Hunter 13.90h Alex City MS
Miller, Drake 13.96 Pizitz
Moore, McCall 13.97 Pizitz
Mancuso, Tony 14.15 Pelham Park Middle School
Walley, Harrison 14.24 Pizitz
Abrams, Kerry 14.31 Millbrook Middle School
wyckoff, chris 14.35 Alex City MS
Bourland, Will 14.41 Pizitz
Gee, Javian 14.43 Pelham Park Middle School
Gadson III, Roderick 14.48 Pizitz
Waldrop, Griffin 14.61 Pizitz
Stubbs, Jack 14.76 Liberty Park Middle School
Neeley, Joshua 14.77 Pizitz
Bennett, Brooks 14.96 Pizitz
Arnold, Sawyer 15.02 Pizitz
Jeethandran, Nairit 15.19 Liberty Park Middle School
Turner, Talan 15.26 Pizitz
Higginbotham, Luke 15.71 Pizitz
Bishop, Wright 15.72 Pizitz
Fowler, Owen 15.97 Pizitz
Roby, Carter 16.13 Liberty Park Middle School
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MS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martin, Rashad Jackson Olin Middle School
Gwaltney, Graham Pizitz
Spencer, Ashton Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Hawley, Logan Pizitz
Watkins, Kaleb Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Simmons, Malcolm 14.20h Alex City MS
Ross, Michael 17.16 James Clemens
Moore, Damon 17.92 Jackson Olin Middle School
Finn, Caid 18.13 Simmons Middle School
Rice-Edison, Jimmy 18.73 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Wilks, Charles 18.87 Simmons Middle School
Roebuck, Andrew 18.88 Simmons Middle School
Hage, Alexander 18.99 Liberty Park Middle School
Hegwood, Landen 20.69 James Clemens
Collins, Logan 21.31 Helena Middle School
Sestili, Michael 22.27 Helena Middle School
Downing, Lucas 22.46 James Clemens
Pukstys, David 23.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Watts, Marshall 23.00h Pelham Park Middle School
McNeal, Josue 23.63 Helena Middle School
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MS Boys 1600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moates, Nathan Millbrook Middle School
Russell III, Levy Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Dryer, Dylan 4:45.16 James Clemens
Stovall, John Luke 4:56.31 James Clemens
Armstrong, Max 5:11.94 Pizitz
Alverson, Luke 5:12.04 James Clemens
Strand, Henry 5:15.00h Pizitz
Holt, Wilson 5:26.00h Pizitz
McDonald, Denton 5:30.00h Pizitz
Simmons, Brant 5:30.44 Simmons Middle School
Toenes, Grayson 5:30.60 Simmons Middle School
Thompson, Jack 5:35.00h Pizitz
Jowers, Ethan 5:44.58 Pelham Park Middle School
Ogden, Jackson 5:45.00h Pizitz
Bohorfoush, Whit 5:45.00h Pizitz
Pukstys, Dane 5:45.98 Pelham Park Middle School
Rellah, Bishop 5:48.52 Pelham Park Middle School
Arnold, Ethan 5:52.99 Liberty Park Middle School
Cochran, Tre 5:55.12 Simmons Middle School
Seal, Owen 6:00.00h Pizitz
Morris, Drew 6:00.00h Pizitz
Rafferty, Palmer 6:00.00h Pizitz
Dean, Thomas 6:01.32 Alex City MS
Knight, Gabe 6:15.00h Helena Middle School
Saylor, Harrison 6:15.20 Helena Middle School
Blevins, Nathaniel 6:15.40 Helena Middle School
Morgan, Bradley 6:16.88 Millbrook Middle School
Promer, Brennan 6:20.00h Pizitz
Riley, Ivan 6:20.00h Pizitz
Patton, Thomas 6:20.00h Pizitz
Bube, Gavin 6:25.13 Liberty Park Middle School
Hicks, Jesse 6:33.56 Liberty Park Middle School
Lorino, Ben 6:57.06 Liberty Park Middle School
Waldrop, Owen 6:59.71 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
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MS Boys 200 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fluker, Amaren Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Roby, Carter Liberty Park Middle School
Scales, Tevin Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Moore, Chemar Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Fowler, Owen Pizitz
Bishop, Wright Pizitz
El Shayeb, Yousef Liberty Park Middle School
McQueen, Arthur Millbrook Middle School
Miller, Drake Pizitz
McGough, William 24.74 Pelham Park Middle School
Dunson, Fred 24.74 Simmons Middle School
Seymour, Cameron 24.81 Simmons Middle School
Edwards, Gemain 25.19 Millbrook Middle School
Jackson, Kao 25.69 Millbrook Middle School
Morton, Randy 25.71 Jackson Olin Middle School
Altamirano, Victor 25.88 Liberty Park Middle School
Woodard, Terrel 25.90 Jackson Olin Middle School
Webb, Chase 26 Pizitz
Bean, Gibson 26 Pizitz
Sharp, Gentry 26 Pizitz
Ross, Jordan 26 Pizitz
Wilburn, Chris 26.31 Simmons Middle School
McClain, Jerrod 26.56 Helena Middle School
wyckoff, chris 26.61 Alex City MS
Williams, DeEljon 26.78 James Clemens
Milliner, Demarcus 26.90h Alex City MS
Marshall, Brenden 27 Pizitz
Smith, Colton 27.00h Pizitz
Willingham, Crishawn 27.14 James Clemens
Dowdell, Brycen 27.20 James Clemens
Amison, Cornelius 27.25 Jackson Olin Middle School
Griffin, Kesean 27.96 Pelham Park Middle School
Moore, McCall 28.00h Pizitz
Haley, Jorden 28.06 Helena Middle School
Hayes, Jayden 28.78 Pelham Park Middle School
Sullivan, Andrew 29 Pizitz
Anderson, Kamran 29.75 Millbrook Middle School
Bennett, Brooks 30 Pizitz
Fouts, Noah 30 Pizitz
Kaiser, Philip 30 Pizitz
Furlow, D'Keontae 30.10 Alex City MS
Jones, Dillon 30.26 Helena Middle School
Freeman, Eli 30.40 Pizitz
Jeethandran, Nairit 31.76 Liberty Park Middle School
Gadson III, Roderick 33 Pizitz
Walley, Harrison 33 Pizitz
Gwaltney, Graham 33 Pizitz
Arnold, Sawyer 33 Pizitz
Waldrop, Griffin 33 Pizitz
Poe, Colby 33.00h Pizitz
Oleinick, Jackson 42.28 Liberty Park Middle School
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MS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watkins, Kaleb Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Chism, Jose Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Martin, Rashad Jackson Olin Middle School
Spencer, Ashton Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Pukstys, David 1:00 Pelham Park Middle School
Watts, Marshall 1:00 Pelham Park Middle School
Jones, Caleb 1:12.55 Helena Middle School
Collins, Logan 1:15.00h Helena Middle School
Ross, Michael 47.34 James Clemens
Hegwood, Landen 48.00h James Clemens
Strand, Henry 48.30 Pizitz
Page, Garrett 48.50 Simmons Middle School
Wendorf, Fritz 48.80 Simmons Middle School
Roebuck, Andrew 49.75 Simmons Middle School
Ross, Jonny 50.26 James Clemens
Moore, Damon 51.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
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MS Boys 400 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McDougall, Owen Liberty Park Middle School
Scales, Tevin Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
El Shayeb, Yousef Liberty Park Middle School
Sadler, Griffin Liberty Park Middle School
Cook, Jaylin Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Sullivan, Andrew Pizitz
Ulch, Jamie Pizitz
Moreland, Charlton Liberty Park Middle School
Fluker, Amaren Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Williams, Wyatt 1:00.12 Liberty Park Middle School
caffee, dashaun 1:00.27 Millbrook Middle School
Armstrong, Max 1:00.82 Pizitz
Page, Garrett 1:01.73 Simmons Middle School
Whatley, Jabrey 1:02.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Schaaf, Mitchell 1:02.57 Pizitz
Bell, Markel 1:02.81 Pelham Park Middle School
Johnson, Jeremiah 1:02.90 Liberty Park Middle School
Hage, Alexander 1:03.83 Liberty Park Middle School
Cassimus, Alex 1:03.89 Liberty Park Middle School
Morris, Payton 1:03.91 Simmons Middle School
Brown, Kendarius 1:04.50 Millbrook Middle School
Amison, Cornelius 1:05.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Lee- Dukes, Karlan 1:05.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Fouts, Noah 1:05.34 Pizitz
Rainey, Mark 1:06.00 Pizitz
Carter, Jordan 1:06.65 Pelham Park Middle School
Parrot, Ty 1:07.23 Alex City MS
Hawley, Logan 1:07.50 Pizitz
Nguyen, Lam 1:08.36 Pelham Park Middle School
Lott, Joseph 1:09.06 Helena Middle School
Pennington, Hudson 1:09.23 Helena Middle School
McQueen, Arthur 1:11.76 Millbrook Middle School
Bennett, Brooks 1:11.81 Pizitz
Travis, Jackson 1:11.87 Pizitz
Hinkle, Charlie 1:12.80 Liberty Park Middle School
Gwaltney, Graham 1:13.79 Pizitz
Bishop, Wright 1:15.77 Pizitz
Spears, Nick 1:16.53 Helena Middle School
Fowler, Owen 1:17.41 Pizitz
Sparks, Tate 1:20.00h Pizitz
Pollard, Isaac 56.28 James Clemens
Stovall, John Luke 56.84 James Clemens
Hayes, Jacorrey 58.30 Simmons Middle School
Sharp, Gentry 59.57 Pizitz
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MS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Relay Team A 46.83 Simmons Middle School
Relay Team B 47.68 Millbrook Middle School
Relay Team A 47.68 Millbrook Middle School
Relay Team A 47.80 Jackson Olin Middle School
Relay Team A 48.00h Pizitz
Relay Team A 48.28 James Clemens
Relay Team B 50.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Relay Team A 50.80h Alex City MS
Relay Team A 51.21 Liberty Park Middle School
Relay Team A 51.23 Pelham Park Middle School
Relay Team A 51.99 Helena Middle School
Relay Team C 52.21 Pizitz
Relay Team B 52.21 Pizitz
Relay Team B 52.50 Simmons Middle School
Relay Team B 54.48 Alex City MS
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MS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Liberty Park Middle School
Relay Team B Liberty Park Middle School
Relay Team A Millbrook Middle School
Relay Team A Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Relay Team B Pizitz
Relay Team B Millbrook Middle School
Relay Team A Jackson Olin Middle School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Pizitz
Relay Team A 4:00.12 James Clemens
Relay Team A 4:05.55 Simmons Middle School
Relay Team A 4:21.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Relay Team A 4:24.75 Helena Middle School
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MS Boys 800 Meter Run 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sadler, Griffin Liberty Park Middle School
Wilson, JaCameron Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Williams, Zac Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Bube, Gavin Liberty Park Middle School
Hicks, Jesse Liberty Park Middle School
Crummie, Tylan Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Everette, Rashad Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Stovall, John Luke 2:08.39 James Clemens
Dryer, Dylan 2:10.25 James Clemens
Strand, Henry 2:20 Pizitz
Armstrong, Max 2:20.00h Pizitz
Toenes, Grayson 2:25.97 Simmons Middle School
Jones, De'Kameron 2:27.11 Millbrook Middle School
Alverson, Luke 2:28.79 James Clemens
Batts, Gabriel 2:30.38 James Clemens
Gibson, Jamie 2:31.56 Jackson Olin Middle School
Williams, Wyatt 2:33.23 Liberty Park Middle School
Jowers, Ethan 2:34.34 Pelham Park Middle School
Moreland, Charlton 2:34.43 Liberty Park Middle School
Thompson, Jack 2:35 Pizitz
Schaaf, Mitchell 2:35 Pizitz
Jurado, Rodrigo 2:36.34 Liberty Park Middle School
Rellah, Bishop 2:36.68 Pelham Park Middle School
Bohorfoush, Whit 2:36.83 Pizitz
Pukstys, Dane 2:37.29 Pelham Park Middle School
Cassimus, Alex 2:38.11 Liberty Park Middle School
McDonald, Denton 2:40.00h Pizitz
Davis, Teagan 2:40.43 Simmons Middle School
Simmons, Brant 2:41.17 Simmons Middle School
Lee- Dukes, Karlan 2:42.09 Jackson Olin Middle School
Holt, Wilson 2:45 Pizitz
Cochran, Tre 2:45.00 Simmons Middle School
Dean, Thomas 2:46.96 Alex City MS
Seal, Owen 2:50 Pizitz
Ogden, Jackson 2:50 Pizitz
Morris, Drew 2:50 Pizitz
Patton, Thomas 2:51.25 Pizitz
Sparks, Tate 2:55 Pizitz
Promer, Brennan 2:55 Pizitz
Rafferty, Palmer 2:55 Pizitz
Saylor, Harrison 2:56.00h Helena Middle School
Bradshaw, Nate 3:00 Pizitz
Riley, Ivan 3:00 Pizitz
Williams, Tony 3:00.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Fruhauf, Aiden 3:02.59 Millbrook Middle School
Moates, Nathan 3:10.70 Millbrook Middle School
Lorino, Ben 3:11.35 Liberty Park Middle School
Johnston, Johnny 3:15 Pizitz
Knight, Gabe 3:15.00h Helena Middle School
Blevins, Nathaniel 3:15.42 Helena Middle School
Dash, Kioni 4:16.39 Millbrook Middle School
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MS Boys Discus 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shaw, Bradley 122-3 Simmons Middle School
Dunson, Fred 120-1 Simmons Middle School
Ogletree, Thomas 118-6 Pizitz
Hughes, Carter 114-4 Simmons Middle School
Burrow, Greyson 100-04 James Clemens
Orange, Cameron 89-4 Jackson Olin Middle School
Scales, Cameron 88-5 Jackson Olin Middle School
Marshall, Brenden 85-7 Pizitz
Gardner, Walker 81-4 Pizitz
McInnis, Tanner 79-6 Pizitz
Woods, Aiden 78-3 James Clemens
Spencer, Jaquarius 77-2 Jackson Olin Middle School
Moran, Logan 71-11 Helena Middle School
Rellah, Bishop 71-10 Pelham Park Middle School
Turner, Luke 71-1 Liberty Park Middle School
Martin, Drew 68-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Grayson, Mike 68-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Milner, Josh 63-9 Liberty Park Middle School
Higginbotham, Luke 63-0 Pizitz
Kaiser, Chase 58-6 Pizitz
Caro, Mateo 57-0 Liberty Park Middle School
Harden, James 56-10 Pizitz
Colee, Jacob 53-9 James Clemens
Bube, Gavin 52-8 Liberty Park Middle School
Jones, Dillon 40-0 Helena Middle School
Harper, Hutson 40-0 Helena Middle School
El Shayeb, Yousef 30-6 Liberty Park Middle School
Stockdale, Gavin Millbrook Middle School
Fruhauf, Aiden Millbrook Middle School
Moates, Nathan Millbrook Middle School
Fanklin, Sean Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Hunter, Tristen Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Branyon, Anton Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Neeley, Joshua Pizitz
Hedgemon, Monte Pizitz
Bourland, Will Pizitz
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MS Boys High Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simmons, Malcolm 15-0 Alex City MS
Jones, Kendrid 5-6 Jackson Olin Middle School
Thomason, Benjamin 5-6 James Clemens
Downing, Lucas 5-2 James Clemens
Morris, Payton 5-0 Simmons Middle School
Pollard, Isaac 5-0 James Clemens
Griffin, Kesean 5-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Roebuck, Andrew 4-10 Simmons Middle School
Isbell, Zach 4-10 Simmons Middle School
Watts, Marshall 4-6 Pelham Park Middle School
Shanks, Derrick 4-4 Jackson Olin Middle School
Sestili, Michael 4-4 Helena Middle School
Daniel, Egypt 4-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Register, Cohen 3-10 Helena Middle School
Crocker, Asher 3-10 Helena Middle School
Morton, Randy Jackson Olin Middle School
Watkins, Kaleb Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Crummie, Tylan Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Cook, Jaylin Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Webb, Chase Pizitz
McInnis, Tanner Pizitz
Beam, Anthony Pizitz
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MS Boys Long Jump 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomason, Benjamin 18-11.5 James Clemens
Jones, Kendrid 18-6.5 Jackson Olin Middle School
Dunson, Fred 18-1 Simmons Middle School
Jackson, Kao 17-9.25 Millbrook Middle School
Hayes, Jacorrey 17-0 Simmons Middle School
Ross, Jonny 17-0 James Clemens
Johnson, Justin 16-8.75 James Clemens
Shanks, Derrick 16-3.25 Jackson Olin Middle School
Johnson, Jeremiah 14-9.75 Liberty Park Middle School
Bainter, Sam 14-8.25 Helena Middle School
Pukstys, David 13-11 Pelham Park Middle School
Shanks, DaKari 13-7.25 Jackson Olin Middle School
Pukstys, Dane 13-6 Pelham Park Middle School
Marshall, Brenden 13-6 Pizitz
Davis, Teagan 13-5 Simmons Middle School
Fluker, Amaren 13-5 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Freeman, Eli 13-5 Pizitz
Hicks, Jy 13-0 Alex City MS
McCrary, Chase 12-10 Pelham Park Middle School
Sestili, Michael 12-4 Helena Middle School
Register, Cohen 12-0 Helena Middle School
Hinkle, Charlie 11-10 Liberty Park Middle School
Furlow, D'Keontae 11-0 Alex City MS
Wilson, Andrew 10-9.25 Pizitz
Sandlin, Cabellero 10-9 Alex City MS
McDougall, Owen Liberty Park Middle School
Gilder, Corian Millbrook Middle School
Martin, Arenthal Millbrook Middle School
Hood, Camauri Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Spencer, Ashton Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Arnold, Sawyer Pizitz
Carver, Emory Pizitz
Gadson III, Roderick Pizitz
Kaiser, Philip Pizitz
McInnis, Tanner Pizitz
Neeley, Joshua Pizitz
Ross, Jordan Pizitz
Turner, Talan Pizitz
Bradshaw, Nate Pizitz
Waldrop, Griffin Pizitz
Beam, Anthony Pizitz
Sharp, Gentry Pizitz
Fouts, Noah Pizitz
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MS Boys Pole Vault 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ross, Michael 9-0 James Clemens
Abney, Austin 8-0 James Clemens
Horton, Jacob 7-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Watts, Ben 6-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Fisher, Brandon James Clemens
Williams, Zac Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Tran, Tyler Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Waldrop, Owen Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Yang, Edison Liberty Park Middle School
Moxley, Jimmy Liberty Park Middle School
Bailey, Gavin Liberty Park Middle School
Plaisance, William Pizitz
Ulch, Jamie Pizitz
Chandler, Mac Pizitz
Holt, Wilson Pizitz
Luccasen, AJ Pizitz
Ogden, Jackson Pizitz
Ogletree, Thomas Pizitz
Olivet, Kai Pizitz
Poe, Cameron Pizitz
Rainey, Mark Pizitz
Sullivan, Andrew Pizitz
Wilbanks, Austin Pizitz
Wilson, Andrew Pizitz
Ferguson, Graham Pizitz
Poe, Colby Pizitz
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MS Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shaw, Bradley 45-1.25 Simmons Middle School
Ogletree, Thomas 40-11.5 Pizitz
Hughes, Carter 39-2 Simmons Middle School
Scales, Cameron 38-0 Jackson Olin Middle School
Morton, Randy 37-2 Jackson Olin Middle School
Hampton, Micah 36-5.5 Simmons Middle School
Spencer, Jaquarius 35-9 Jackson Olin Middle School
Burrow, Greyson 34-04 James Clemens
Stockdale, Gavin 32-2 Millbrook Middle School
Hedgemon, Monte 32-1.5 Pizitz
Kaiser, Chase 31-6.25 Pizitz
Gardner, Walker 30-5.25 Pizitz
Bourland, Will 30-1.5 Pizitz
Rainey, Mark 29-10.25 Pizitz
Woods, Aiden 27-0 James Clemens
Turner, Luke 25-11.75 Liberty Park Middle School
Moran, Logan 25-11.5 Helena Middle School
Milner, Josh 25-11 Liberty Park Middle School
Martin, Beau 25-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Martin, Drew 25-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Crenshaw, Devon 25-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Smith, Wesley 24-6.75 Pizitz
Caro, Mateo 23-8.5 Liberty Park Middle School
Harper, Hutson 20-0 Helena Middle School
Jones, Dillon 20-0 Helena Middle School
Harden, James 19-3 Pizitz
Colee, Jacob 19-2 James Clemens
Fouts, Alex 9-3.5 Pizitz
Fruhauf, Aiden Millbrook Middle School
Abrams, Kerry Millbrook Middle School
Fanklin, Sean Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Hunter, Tristen Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Williams, JaVion Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Wilbanks, Austin Pizitz
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MS Boys Triple Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pollard, Isaac 39-10 James Clemens
Thomason, Benjamin 37-8 James Clemens
Ross, Jonny 37-6 James Clemens
Shaw, Bradley 37-4 Simmons Middle School
Bell, Markel 36-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Jowers, Ethan 32-5 Pelham Park Middle School
McKinney, Gavin 31-3 Simmons Middle School
Williams, Jaden 30-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Gibson, Jamie 28-0 Jackson Olin Middle School
Hand, Skyler 27-9.5 Simmons Middle School
Bainter, Sam 24-7 Helena Middle School
Collins, Logan 20-0 Helena Middle School
Ray, Aiden 20-0 Helena Middle School
Brown, Jamiryan Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Rile, Demarcus Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Stubbs, Jack Liberty Park Middle School
Everette, Rashad Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Carver, Emory Pizitz
Kaiser, Philip Pizitz
Bradshaw, Nate Pizitz
Turner, Talan Pizitz
Orange, Cameron Jackson Olin Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Dash 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Bryannah Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Katigbak, Ariella Liberty Park Middle School
Brown, Ajianna Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
McWilliams, Makayla Liberty Park Middle School
Moore, Caroline Pizitz
Ashley, Destinie Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Plemons, Rebekah Liberty Park Middle School
Wynn, Karma 13.50h Pelham Park Middle School
Frazier, Kasi 13.60 Simmons Middle School
Cockrell, Destiny 13.80 Simmons Middle School
Baldwin, Gracie 13.84 Helena Middle School
Bennett, Kaniya 13.98 Simmons Middle School
Brown, Somore 14.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
earl, karley 14.00 Millbrook Middle School
Dauphin, Dina 14.18 Liberty Park Middle School
Parker, Zaria 14.46 James Clemens
Hicks, Amaria 14.55 Jackson Olin Middle School
Akins, Serenity 14.61 Simmons Middle School
Buchanan, Destini 14.64 James Clemens
Stephens, Ella 14.81 Pizitz
Crew, Regina 14.85 Alex City MS
Martin, Kristin 14.94 James Clemens
Tarver, Zakyhia 15.11 Millbrook Middle School
Ramirez, Gabby 15.15 Pizitz
martin, jayla 15.22 Millbrook Middle School
Bailey, Anna Kate 15.25 Pizitz
Neff, Hallen 15.30h Helena Middle School
Coleman, Aliza 15.36 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Bridgwaters, Mackenzie 15.36 Liberty Park Middle School
Pitts, JaNyia 15.39 Helena Middle School
Whitener, Madilyn 15.43 Liberty Park Middle School
Safford, Tamaya 15.43 Jackson Olin Middle School
Williams, Savannah 15.55 Millbrook Middle School
Lemoine, Savannah 15.55 Liberty Park Middle School
Waver, Carnaeja 15.60h Alex City MS
Scott, Jasmine 15.7 Alex City MS
Vickers, Halle 15.74 Pizitz
Owens, Sha'Mya 15.8 Alex City MS
Beckner, Reese 15.81 Pizitz
Chapple, Bianca 15.87 Pelham Park Middle School
Wilson, Callie 15.88 Pizitz
Becker, Finley 15.94 Pizitz
Rowser, Angel 16.03 Jackson Olin Middle School
Bostic, Emmelyne 16.08 Liberty Park Middle School
Byrd, Mary 16.23 Pelham Park Middle School
Fulgham, Allie 16.24 Helena Middle School
Woodham, Libby 16.52 Pizitz
Appleby, Lauren 16.59 Pizitz
Ogletree, Millicent 16.77 Pizitz
Shepherd, Christy 16.91 Pizitz
Field, Kendall 16.95 Pizitz
Huang, Cindy 17.22 Liberty Park Middle School
Walkup, Charlotte 17.38 Pizitz
Raquib, Khadijah 17.56 Liberty Park Middle School
Moctezuma, Julie 17.97 Liberty Park Middle School
White, Ella 18.40 Liberty Park Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bailey, Anna Kate Pizitz
Jones, Tailar Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Field, Kendall Pizitz
Cleveland, Zacori Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Becker, Finley Pizitz
Peoples, Braylon Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Brown, Somore 17.75 Jackson Olin Middle School
Baldwin, Gracie 18.07 Helena Middle School
Chimara, Mikaylah 18.61 Simmons Middle School
Dauphin, Dina 18.72 Liberty Park Middle School
Wilford, Riana 18.75 James Clemens
Morse, Chloe 18.92 James Clemens
Leonard, Annie 20.12 Simmons Middle School
Seuferling, Emma Grace 20.13 Simmons Middle School
Moore, Alexandria 21.22 Helena Middle School
Henderson, Juliet 21.89 Liberty Park Middle School
Farley, Madisen 22.46 James Clemens
Pierce, Miranda 24.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Lowery, Alexis 24.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Katigbak, Ariella 26.01 Liberty Park Middle School
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MS Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Washington, Amiyah Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Cheek, Dana Pizitz
Steele, Ensley Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Hertz, Sarah 5:55.82 Simmons Middle School
Rhodes, Mallory 6:05.53 Helena Middle School
Hammonds, Lana Kate 6:15.55 Simmons Middle School
Apse, Brook 6:23.83 James Clemens
Zhang, Jasmine 6:29.00h Pizitz
Hjelmeland, Angela 6:29.46 Pizitz
Spooner, Claire 6:30.00h Pizitz
Plummer, Sophie 6:33.92 James Clemens
Channell, Mariana 6:35.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Leftwich, Mikayla 6:35.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Littleton, Elizabeth 6:35.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Mattingly, Brittain 6:43.23 James Clemens
Bender, Mary 7:04.22 Helena Middle School
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MS Girls 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yarbrough, Leiasha Jackson Olin Middle School
Hurst, Karsyn Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Katigbak, Ariella Liberty Park Middle School
Smith, Bryannah Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Cockrell, Destiny 27.88 Simmons Middle School
Hicks, Amaria 28.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Frazier, Kasi 28.27 Simmons Middle School
earl, karley 29.00 Millbrook Middle School
Payne, Sierra 29.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Mayers, Reynna 29.15 James Clemens
Parker, Zaria 29.50 James Clemens
Peterson, Caley 30.17 Pelham Park Middle School
Martin, Kristin 30.30 James Clemens
Lyles, Kennedy 30.32 Pelham Park Middle School
Gagakuma, Zuri 30.55 Simmons Middle School
Tarver, Zakyhia 30.86 Millbrook Middle School
Rowser, Angel 31.00 Jackson Olin Middle School
Bridgwaters, Mackenzie 31.55 Liberty Park Middle School
Coleman, Aliza 31.73 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
McGrew, Teagan 32 Pizitz
Ramirez, Gabby 32 Pizitz
Stephens, Ella 32 Pizitz
martin, jayla 32.43 Millbrook Middle School
Meadows, Deidra 32.7 Alex City MS
Woodham, Libby 33 Pizitz
Saville, Maddie 33.01 Helena Middle School
Jackson, Nivea 33.14 Alex City MS
Plemons, Rebekah 33.66 Liberty Park Middle School
Appleby, Lauren 34 Pizitz
Becker, Finley 34 Pizitz
Moore, Harmoni 34.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Harrell, K'niya 34.21 Alex City MS
Ragland, Alyson 34.64 Helena Middle School
Beckner, Reese 35 Pizitz
Yarbrough, Mallory 35.37 Helena Middle School
Vickers, Halle 36 Pizitz
Misner, Sarah Kate 36 Pizitz
Huang, Cindy 36.74 Liberty Park Middle School
Raquib, Khadijah 37.25 Liberty Park Middle School
Shepherd, Christy 38 Pizitz
Field, Kendall 38 Pizitz
Walkup, Charlotte 38 Pizitz
Moore, Caroline 39 Pizitz
Ogletree, Millicent 39 Pizitz
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MS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Tailar Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Cannon, Gabrielle Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Creighton, Amauria Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Leonard, Annie 1:00.11 Simmons Middle School
Seuferling, Emma Grace 1:00.71 Simmons Middle School
Lowery, Alexis 1:05.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Wiggins, Lily 1:09.80 Helena Middle School
Wynn, Karma 53.00 Pelham Park Middle School
Dauphin, Dina 54.42 Liberty Park Middle School
Wilford, Riana 55.12 James Clemens
Marron, Lauren 55.45 Liberty Park Middle School
Morse, Chloe 56.11 James Clemens
Chimara, Mikaylah 59.94 Simmons Middle School
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MS Girls 400 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vickers, Halle Pizitz
Misner, Sarah Kate Pizitz
Pope, Kaitlin Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Carmichael, Mikaylah Simmons Middle School
Cleveland, Zacori Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Mayers, Reynna 1:06.32 James Clemens
Stephens, Ella 1:06.55 Pizitz
Marron, Lauren 1:09.28 Liberty Park Middle School
McGrew, Teagan 1:09.87 Pizitz
Peterson, Caley 1:09.89 Pelham Park Middle School
Pettway, Monica 1:10.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Spooner, Claire 1:10.35 Pizitz
Hudgens, Grayson 1:10.59 Liberty Park Middle School
Brown, Barclay 1:11.54 Liberty Park Middle School
Crawford, Madeline 1:12.00h Pizitz
Childress, Anijah 1:12.22 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Lyles, Kennedy 1:12.50h Pelham Park Middle School
Ramirez, Gabby 1:12.76 Pizitz
Davis, Courtni 1:12.81 Simmons Middle School
Lemoine, Savannah 1:14.41 Liberty Park Middle School
Harris, Asia 1:18.52 Millbrook Middle School
Ragland, Alyson 1:18.73 Helena Middle School
Vincent, Charlotte 1:19.17 Helena Middle School
Williams, Savannah 1:19.46 Millbrook Middle School
West, Regan 1:21.56 Alex City MS
Cheek, Dana 1:22.88 Pizitz
Willis, Melanie 1:23.47 Alex City MS
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MS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Relay Team A 1:01.50h Alex City MS
Relay Team A 1:02.76 Helena Middle School
Relay Team A 1:02.82 Pelham Park Middle School
Relay Team A 1:03.69 Pizitz
Relay Team B 1:03.69 Pizitz
Relay Team B 1:04.21 Alex City MS
Relay Team A 53.12 James Clemens
Relay Team A 53.31 Simmons Middle School
Relay Team A 57.43 Millbrook Middle School
Relay Team B 57.55 Simmons Middle School
Relay Team A 58.49 Jackson Olin Middle School
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MS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Pizitz
Relay Team A Liberty Park Middle School
Relay Team B Pizitz
Relay Team B Liberty Park Middle School
Relay Team A Millbrook Middle School
Relay Team A Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Relay Team A 4:40.55 Simmons Middle School
Relay Team A 4:54.12 James Clemens
Relay Team A 5:10.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Relay Team A 5:52.03 Helena Middle School
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MS Girls 800 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Savage, Brianna Millbrook Middle School
Brown, Barclay Liberty Park Middle School
Pope, Kaitlin Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Dupree, Micah Millbrook Middle School
Carnethon, Mahana Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Hertz, Sarah 2:43.11 Simmons Middle School
Apse, Brook 2:46.93 James Clemens
Spooner, Claire 2:50.00h Pizitz
Hammonds, Lana Kate 2:52.39 Simmons Middle School
Rhodes, Mallory 2:52.66 Helena Middle School
Channell, Mariana 2:55.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Crawford, Madeline 2:55.00h Pizitz
Leftwich, Mikayla 2:55.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Littleton, Elizabeth 2:55.00h Pelham Park Middle School
Mattingly, Brittain 2:58.41 James Clemens
Zhang, Jasmine 2:59.00h Pizitz
Hjelmeland, Angela 2:59.38 Pizitz
Plummer, Sophie 3:01.36 James Clemens
Edison-Gay, Joi 3:10.27 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Vincent, Charlotte 3:11.82 Helena Middle School
Smalls, Tamira 3:21.03 Millbrook Middle School
Willis, Melanie 3:25.34 Alex City MS
West, Regan 3:25.35 Alex City MS
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MS Girls Discus 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grigsby, Jazmin 73-6 James Clemens
Juarez-Walls, Dariana 73-4 James Clemens
Dickinson, Abriel 70-4 Simmons Middle School
Robbins, Kelise 64-3 Simmons Middle School
Alawi, Aliyah 63-5 Simmons Middle School
Mosely, Kaitilin 60-10 Jackson Olin Middle School
Turner, Layne 54-1 Liberty Park Middle School
Pappalardo, Claire 52-1 Pizitz
Carpenter, Phoebe 49-7.25 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
McWilliams, Makayla 49-3 Liberty Park Middle School
Spencer, Armari 47-4 Liberty Park Middle School
Merrill, AnneMarie 44-8 Pizitz
Grewal, Jashan 42-4 Pelham Park Middle School
Pierce, Miranda 40-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Gallagher, Shae 40-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Curtis, Jena 39-2 Helena Middle School
Johnson, Anna Grace 35-0 Helena Middle School
Reynolds, Haley 35-0 Helena Middle School
Darnall, Erin 34-7 Pizitz
Moctezuma, Julie 33-3 Liberty Park Middle School
Meadows, Deidra 33-0 Alex City MS
Moreno Leal, Abygail 28-11 Alex City MS
Julian, Eliza 27-5 Liberty Park Middle School
Malveo, Karley Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Wilson, Joyrdan Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Appleby, Lauren Pizitz
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MS Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Melton, Lily 4-10 James Clemens
Morse, Chloe 4-6 James Clemens
Jung, Langley 4-4 Simmons Middle School
Henderson, Juliet 4-4 Liberty Park Middle School
Magouyrk, Kenzie 4-2 James Clemens
Rehberg, Harper 4-0 Simmons Middle School
Pruitt, Kaylee 4-0 Helena Middle School
Vincent, Charlotte 4-0 Helena Middle School
Elliot, Jocelyn 4-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Grindle, Laurel 4-0 Simmons Middle School
Saville, Maddie 3-8 Helena Middle School
Walker, A'Shuntis Jackson Olin Middle School
Collie, Ariel Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Cannon, Gabrielle Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Burnside, Jailyn Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
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MS Girls Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Melton, Lily 14-11 James Clemens
Lyles, Kennedy 13-9 Pelham Park Middle School
Peterson, Caley 13-4.5 Pelham Park Middle School
Bethers, Brooke 13-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Stamps, Lydia 12-11 Alex City MS
Crew, Regina 12-10.25 Alex City MS
Brown, Somore 12-9 Jackson Olin Middle School
Burton, Kalaysia 12-9 Alex City MS
Rhodes, Mallory 12-8.5 Helena Middle School
Reeves, Shaniya 12-7.5 Simmons Middle School
Lowe, Zariah 12-3.75 James Clemens
Hudgens, Grayson 12-0.75 Liberty Park Middle School
Carmichael, Mikaylah 11-11 Simmons Middle School
Grigsby, Jazmin 11-9 James Clemens
Jung, Langley 11-0 Simmons Middle School
Plemons, Rebekah 10-8.75 Liberty Park Middle School
Wiggins, Lily 10-8 Helena Middle School
Adams, Ann Harper 10-8 Liberty Park Middle School
Neff, Hallen 10-0 Helena Middle School
Payne, Sierra 8-8 Jackson Olin Middle School
Walker, A'Shuntis Jackson Olin Middle School
Collie, Ariel Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Harris, Ruby Liberty Park Middle School
White, Ella Liberty Park Middle School
Hurst, Karsyn Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Wells, A'alyssia Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Moore, Caroline Pizitz
Bailey, Anna Kate Pizitz
Beckner, Reese Pizitz
Yarbrough, Leiasha Jackson Olin Middle School
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MS Girls Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moreland, Kennedy 8-6 Liberty Park Middle School
Wilford, Riana 8-0 James Clemens
Rehberg, Harper 6-6 Simmons Middle School
Freeman, Reese 5-0 James Clemens
Cox, Kaitlyn Simmons Middle School
Collie, Ariel Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Pope, Kaitlin Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Burnside, Jailyn Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Harris, Ruby Liberty Park Middle School
Crawford, Madeline Pizitz
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MS Girls Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grigsby, Jazmin 36-9 James Clemens
Juarez-Walls, Dariana 32-2 James Clemens
Mosely, Kaitilin 31-3 Jackson Olin Middle School
Dickinson, Abriel 30-2.5 Simmons Middle School
Wynn, Karma 30-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Hubbard, Akeelah 29-10 Simmons Middle School
Burrell, Mariyah 27-11 Simmons Middle School
Spencer, Armari 27-1 Liberty Park Middle School
Carpenter, Phoebe 24-6 Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Whitener, Madilyn 23-6.75 Liberty Park Middle School
Turner, Layne 23-5 Liberty Park Middle School
Merrill, AnneMarie 22-7.75 Pizitz
Wilson, Callie 22-4.5 Pizitz
Ng'imba, Trinity 22-0 Pelham Park Middle School
Pappalardo, Claire 21-4 Pizitz
Woodham, Libby 21-3.75 Pizitz
Curtis, Jena 20-1.5 Helena Middle School
McWilliams, Makayla 20-0.5 Liberty Park Middle School
Grewal, Jashan 19-10.5 Pelham Park Middle School
Johnson, Anna Grace 18-0 Helena Middle School
Wilson, Jessie 18-0 Helena Middle School
Darnall, Erin 16-11.75 Pizitz
Julian, Eliza 15-0.75 Liberty Park Middle School
Ogletree, Millicent Pizitz
Malveo, Karley Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Wilson, Joyrdan Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
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MS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Melton, Lily 29-5 James Clemens
Lowe, Zariah 28-7 James Clemens
Magouyrk, Kenzie 27-9 James Clemens
Cox, Kaitlyn 27-0 Simmons Middle School
Adams, Ann Harper 25-8 Liberty Park Middle School
Jung, Langley 25-5 Simmons Middle School
Harris, Ruby 24-9 Liberty Park Middle School
Bethers, Brooke 24-4 Pelham Park Middle School
Hyde, Amber 23-7.25 Simmons Middle School
Pierce, Miranda 21-4 Pelham Park Middle School
Gilkerson, Mackenzie 20-1.5 Pelham Park Middle School
Wilson, Jessie 18-0 Helena Middle School
Wiggins, Lily 18-0 Helena Middle School
Brown, Ajianna Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Creighton, Amauria Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
Horton, Treanna Hillcrest MS-Tuscaloosa
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