Trinity Trailblazer 2019

Montgomery, AL

Boys 5K

 	Xpress Timing - Contractor License	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  9:45 AM  8/24/2019  Page 1	 
 	The Trinity Trailblazer - 8/24/2019	 
 	Auburn University of Montgomery Trails	 
 	Event 4  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity	 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points	 
Results - Men	 
  1 Hardin, Judson               Alabama Christian     17:10.46    1	 
  2 Johnson, Hollis              Catholic - M          17:25.69    2	 
  3 Dorrill, Sean                Central - Ph          18:07.52    3	 
  4 Brewer, Chas                 Opelika High School   18:14.91    4	 
  5 Bridges, John                American Chr          18:27.91    5	 
  6 Leslie, Sam                  Catholic - M          18:53.00    6	 
  7 Edwards, Torrence            Demopolis             18:54.92    7	 
  8 Mathison, Mat                Trinity Pres          19:00.28    8	 
  9 Valencia, Chris              Catholic - M          19:06.86    9	 
 10 Hammons, Jensen              Demopolis             19:21.13   10	 
 11 Skala, Harrison              Catholic - M          19:22.30   11	 
 12 Brown, Tajairus              Stanhope Elmore       19:35.18	 
 13 Byers, Cole                  American Chr          19:46.06   12	 
 14 Thornhill, Nickolus          Prattville H          20:04.23   13	 
 15 Porterfield, Justin          Zion Chapel           20:06.89   14	 
 16 Renicks, Carson              American Chr          20:15.55   15	 
 17 Byers, Alex                  American Chr          20:16.33   16	 
 18 Renicks, Brock               American Chr          20:39.71   17	 
 19 Strowbridge, Connor          Alabama Christian     20:39.76   18	 
 20 Scarborough, Andrew          Central - Ph          20:41.57   19	 
 21 Sams, Tyler                  Demopolis             20:42.60   20	 
 22 Bice, Caleb                  Dadeville             20:47.29	 
 23 Rafferty, Keegan             Stanhope Elmore       20:49.63	 
 24 Ramones, Jackson             Central - Ph          20:50.09   21	 
 25 Thomason, Dave               American Chr          20:51.44   22	 
 26 Schmidt, Joseph              Catholic - M          20:51.48   23	 
 27 Kilpatrick, Lane             Alabama Christian     20:55.74   24	 
 28 Ramones, Connor              Central - Ph          20:58.81   25	 
 29 Norred, Brodie               Central - Ph          20:59.31   26	 
 30 Pierce, Cole                 Catholic - M          21:02.57   27	 
 31 Hart, Michael                Opelika High School   21:03.81   28	 
 32 Jones, Ethan                 Prattville H          21:04.63   29	 
 33 Bibb, Alex                   Prattville H          21:05.37   30	 
 34 Harlow, Clayton              Central - Ph          21:09.25   31	 
 35 Davis, Tyler                 Demopolis             21:15.70   32	 
 36 Lees, David                  Prattville H          21:19.58   33	 
 37 Dudle, Nick                  Prattville H          21:22.59   34	 
 38 Tufts, Winston               Opelika High School   21:23.28   35	 
 39 Hill, Chappell               Trinity Pres          21:25.37   36	 
 40 Molen, Tyler                 Prattville H          21:26.88   37	 
 41 Hixon, Josh                  Trinity Pres          21:28.43   38	 
 42 Ford, Jordan                 Dadeville             21:31.36	 
 43 Jones, Tykell                Opelika High School   21:43.34   39	 
 44 Smith, Ryan                  Central - Ph          21:44.27   40	 
 45 Reed, Jaylen                 Demopolis             21:46.19   41	 
 46 Niemi, John                  Catholic - M          21:50.14   42	 
 47 Billman, Stephen             American Chr          22:02.14   43	 
 48 Kenny, Andrew                Pike Road School      22:05.61   44	 
 49 McDade, Jalen                Alabama Christian     22:07.88   45	 
 50 Roberson, Carson             Prattville C          22:11.42   46	 
 51 Jones, Dylan                 American Chr          22:12.41	 
 52 Lemmon, Michael              American Chr          22:24.67	 	 
 53 Gay, Charles                 Prattville C          22:28.27   47	 
 54 Gilbert, Ethan               Catholic - M          22:29.04	 
 55 Harris, Brayden              Demopolis             22:30.75   48	 
 56 Miller, Brasher              Booker T Was          22:31.03   49	 
 57 Tuley, Beck                  Trinity Pres          22:43.60   50	 
 58 Crisco, Antonio              Central - Ph          22:43.75	 
 59 Davis, James                 Alabama Christian     22:45.32   51	 
 60 Allen, Wyatt                 American Chr          22:46.38	 
 61 Spangler, Sam                Holtville             22:48.35	 
 62 Booker, Amarion              Demopolis             22:55.72   52	 
 63 Hurst, Walter                Demopolis             23:02.94	 
 64 Rose, Ben                    American Chr          23:08.74	 
 65 Mackey, Christopher          Pike Road School      23:11.72   53	 
 66 Tindell, James Austin        Bibb County           23:12.58   54	 
 67 Tew, Colby                   Kinston High School   23:15.72   55	 
 68 Bice, Jarrett                Horseshoe Be          23:19.18   56	 
 69 Scott, Terry                 Central - Ph          23:20.65	 
 70 Chandler, Jon Robert         Trinity Pres          23:23.51   57	 
 71 Losik, Aiden                 Catholic - M          23:26.38	 
 72 Estes, Benjamin              Opelika High School   23:27.12   58	 
 73 Garcia, Christian            Horseshoe Be          23:31.36   59	 
 74 Goodman, Evan                Opelika High School   23:34.09   60	 
 75 Lopez, William               Bibb County           23:36.98   61	 
 76 Shirley, Tyler               Bibb County           23:38.23   62	 
 77 Mann, Marion                 American Chr          23:41.16	 
 78 Shaw, Zalen                  Opelika High School   23:44.53   63	 
 79 Gray, Alex                   American Chr          23:45.38	 
 80 Price, Cap                   Prattville H          23:47.09   64	 
 81 Jones, Earl                  Demopolis             24:01.62	 
 82 Adcock, Stetson              Zion Chapel           24:06.24   65	 
 83 Rivers, Jabez                Central - Ph          24:07.08	 
 84 Thompson, Michael            Kinston High School   24:13.42   66	 
 85 Gates, Kadiri                Opelika High School   24:14.63	 
 86 Macrory, Preston             Pike Road School      24:16.19   67	 
 87 White, Trey                  Opelika High School   24:22.42	 
 88 Dennis, Eric                 Zion Chapel           24:24.95   68	 
 89 Johnston, Scott              Booker T Was          24:33.65   69	 
 90 Stowe, Micah                 Dadeville             24:35.35	 
 91 Benson, Carter               Pike Road School      24:39.66   70	 
 92 Hiday, Kyle                  Prattville H          24:42.04	 
 93 Sowell, Armani               Booker T Was          24:46.24   71	 
 94 Jacobs, Korin                Zion Chapel           24:48.93   72	 
 95 Kirk, Ryan                   Prattville C          24:52.38   73	 
 96 James, Grady                 Horseshoe Be          24:52.50   74	 
 97 Thornton, Carson             Demopolis             25:20.29	 
 98 Culey, Jay                   Holtville             25:25.78	 
 99 Sawicki, Liam                Pike Road School      25:29.39   75	 
100 Flores, Osvaldo              Kinston High School   25:35.01   76	 
101 Bucurel, Trey                Demopolis             25:52.75	 
102 Arensmeyer, Kaleb            Prattville H          25:54.01	 
103 Lathram, Chris               Catholic - M          26:09.80	 
104 Story, Matthew               Prattville C          26:13.37   77	 
105 Holley, Jay                  Demopolis             26:19.61	 
106 Patterson, Brady             Horseshoe Be          26:23.31   78	 
107 Staver, Adam                 Zion Chapel           26:26.11   79	 	 
108 Morrow, Cornelius            Bibb County           26:29.93   80	 
109 Hendrix, Justin              Bibb County           26:30.67   81	 
110 sims, joseph                 Booker T Was          26:35.41   82	 
111 Trew, Jack                   Pike Road School      26:57.60   83	 
112 pruitt, william              Booker T Was          27:00.81   84	 
113 Segarra, Sam                 Holtville             27:00.87	 
114 Flores, Patrick              Catholic - M          27:10.20	 
115 O'Quinn, Jack                Opelika High School   27:11.05	 
116 Hines, Jackson               Prattville C          28:34.89   85	 
117 DeBoer, Ben                  Pike Road School      28:44.38   86	 
118 Fuqua, Randy                 Prattville H          28:56.98	 
119 Nummy, Brodie                Prattville H          29:19.25	 
120 floyd, whit                  Kinston High School   29:28.60   87	 
121 Sims, Kaden                  Kinston High School   29:29.63   88	 
122 Smith, Justus                Prattville H          29:39.05	 
123 Jackson, Cooper              Kinston High School   29:42.06   89	 
124 Edgy, Noah                   Bibb County           29:57.87   90	 
125 Grace, Landon                Opelika High School   30:21.46	 
126 Deason, Trevor               Bibb County           30:50.97   91	 
127 Sowers, kevin                Booker T Was          31:09.54   92	 
128 Dark, Jadon                  Horseshoe Be          31:27.42   93	 
129 Pearson, Emmanuel            Dadeville             31:48.79	 
130 Daniels, Gabe                Demopolis             31:49.74	 
131 Pyron, Carl                  Holtville             31:57.39	 
132 Gamble, Thompson             Horseshoe Be          32:01.80   94	 
133 Melton, William              Pike Road School      32:27.94	 
134 Brady, Carson                Pike Road School      32:29.42	 
135 Garrett, Nicholas            Booker T Was          33:25.55   95	 
136 Knight, Cayden               Bibb County           35:13.53	 
137 Lopez, Armando               Horseshoe Be          36:12.14   96	 
138 Jones, Jonwesley             Horseshoe Be          37:57.89	 
139 Chambers, Jax                Horseshoe Be          38:04.97	 
140 Peppers, Joseph              Horseshoe Be          43:16.00	 
                                   Team Scores	 
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9	 
Results - Men	 
   1 Catholic - Montgomery        51    2    6    9   11   23   27   42	 
      Total Time:  1:35:39.33	 
         Average:    19:07.87	 
   2 American Christian Academ    65    5   12   15   16   17   22   43	 
      Total Time:  1:39:25.56	 
         Average:    19:53.12	 
   3 Central - Phenix City        94    3   19   21   25   26   31   40	 
      Total Time:  1:41:37.30	 
         Average:    20:19.46	 	 
   4 Demopolis                   110    7   10   20   32   41   48   52	 
      Total Time:  1:42:00.54	 
         Average:    20:24.11	 
   5 Prattville High School      139   13   29   30   33   34   37   64	 
      Total Time:  1:44:56.40	 
         Average:    20:59.28	 
   6 Alabama Christian           139    1   18   24   45   51	 
      Total Time:  1:43:39.16	 
         Average:    20:43.84	 
   7 Opelika High School         164    4   28   35   39   58   60   63	 
      Total Time:  1:45:52.46	 
         Average:    21:10.50	 
   8 Trinity Presbyterian Scho   189    8   36   38   50   57	 
      Total Time:  1:48:01.19	 
         Average:    21:36.24	 
   9 Zion Chapel High School     298   14   65   68   72   79	 
      Total Time:  1:59:53.12	 
         Average:    23:58.63	 
  10 Pike Road School            309   44   53   67   70   75   83   86	 
      Total Time:  1:59:42.57	 
         Average:    23:56.52	 
  11 Prattville Christian Acad   328   46   47   73   77   85	 
      Total Time:  2:04:20.33	 
         Average:    24:52.07	 
  12 Bibb County High School     338   54   61   62   80   81   90   91	 
      Total Time:  2:03:28.39	 
         Average:    24:41.68	 
  13 Booker T Washington Magne   355   49   69   71   82   84   92   95	 
      Total Time:  2:05:27.14	 
         Average:    25:05.43	 
  14 Horseshoe Bend High Schoo   360   56   59   74   78   93   94   96	 
      Total Time:  2:09:33.77	 
         Average:    25:54.76	 
  15 Kinston High School         372   55   66   76   87   88   89	 
      Total Time:  2:12:02.38	 
         Average:    26:24.48