Trinity Trailblazer 2019

Montgomery, AL

Meet Information



Welcome to the 3rd Annual Trinity Trailblazer!

Please text @tpsblazer1 to phone number81010 immediately!


Hosted by Trinity Presbyterian School


2mi Coed All Ages, Womens' Varsity 5k, and Mens' Varsity 5k (Max Entries 10 runners per team for 5K)

The 5k Course is the host course for 4A, Section 1 and 1A&2A, Section 1.

(2 mile will be Combined/Coed; Boys and Girls will be SCORED separately but RUN together as numbers allow.)


SATURDAY MORNING, 8/24, Rain or Shine!

Women's 5k: 8:00

Men's 5k: 8:30

Coed 2mi: 9:00

No ACT conflicts! No Football conflicts! Preview the Sectional Course! Start the first weekend of competition off right!

PLEASE NOTE: We will be starting a race every thirty minutes. Due to the routing of the course, runners taking longer than 30 minutes to finish may have to wait for the starting pack to pass before proceeding. Therefore, for the safety of the runners, we ask that you consider placing any runners that cannot complete a 5k in under 29 minutes into the CoEd 2mi race.


Auburn University of Montgomery Trails

7400 East Dr, Montgomery, AL 36117

PARKING: ONLY by the AUM Softball fields and YMCA Soccer Fields north of the trails. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER AUM FROM TAYLOR ROAD; ONLY ENTER FROM ATLANTA HIGHWAY OR BELL ROAD. Classes will be in session at AUM, and we have an agreement not to drive across or park on campus. We may NOT park on the Academic Campus. You are encouraged to use the restroom and change clothes in the restrooms by the softball and soccer fields.


2mi: $20 per individual or $100/team

Boys' 5k: $20/individual or $100/team

Girls' 5k: $20/individual or $100/team

Max per school: $250*

*Schools may enter up to 36 individuals in each of the 3 races - 12 total in the Coed 2.1mi and 12 each in the Boys' and Girls' 5ks - for a total of $250. Please bring an additional $10/athlete if you go over 12 entries in any of those 3 races.


Girls' 5k: Top 10 Individuals, Top Team

Boys' 5k: Top 10 Individuals, Top Team



There will be a small spectator fee: $3 for each individual, or $5 for each pair... so bring a date! Also, we will have a small, cash-only concession stand with pizza and sports drinks.