AHSAA 6A - Section 3 Mountain Brook 2019

Mountain Brook, AL
Timing/Results Xpress Timing

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 100 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Threatt, D'Anthony G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Tate, Terrence Clay-Chalkville High School
Smith, Jamari Jackson-Olin
Barnett, Brantan 10.84 Opelika High School
Stinson, Jaylen 11.01 Opelika High School
edwards, Gavin 11.03 Benjamin Russell
Stinson, Jarell 11.10 Opelika High School
Wormely, Alex 11.25 Homewood HS
French, Colin 11.29 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Carter, Kris 11.30 Pelham
Miller, Willie 11.32 Clay-Chalkville High School
Smith, Justin 11.34 Clay-Chalkville High School
Alexander, Jaden 11.39 Homewood HS
Blackmon, Jakobi 11.43 Huffman High School
Allen, Kendale 11.52 Gardendale
Chandler, Kanaji 11.53 Gardendale
Finch, Deshawn 11.55 Huffman High School
Smith, Randy 11.57 Pinson Valley High School
Robinson, Quandarrius 11.58 Jackson-Olin
Copeland, Jordan 11.58 Pelham
Finkley, Quindarius 11.64 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Thomas, A'Derrius 11.67 Jackson-Olin
Peterson, Dylan 11.68 Pelham
Kelley, Caleb 11.70 Helena High School
Hentley, Darius 11.71 Homewood HS
Bowins, Martiez 11.76 Huffman High School
McCray, Zach 11.82 Pinson Valley High School
Wilson, Makhi 11.85 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Fleming, Tedjuan 11.89 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Densmore, DeMarques 11.93 Pinson Valley High School
Thomas, Dontarious 11.94 Benjamin Russell
Cox, Laijairous 11.94 Benjamin Russell
Findley, BJ 11.96 Gardendale
Jackson, Myrick 12.02 Russell County
Lawson, Amerion 12.10 Russell County
Mathis, Andrell 12.10 Russell County
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High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kindred, Daniel 15.33 Opelika High School
Shorter, Justin 15.35 Opelika High School
Thomas, Josh 15.37 Homewood HS
Naugher, Demetrious 15.56 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Hill, Christian 16.01 Helena High School
Lamb, Spenser 16.14 Homewood HS
Marlowe, Brayden 16.62 Pelham
Huynh, David 17.15 Homewood HS
Murrell, John 17.50 Pinson Valley High School
Betendt, Carter 17.84 Gardendale
Kornegay, Kameron 18.21 Clay-Chalkville High School
Fitzpatrick, Dominique 19.43 Gardendale
Roberson, Zorrian 19.97 Benjamin Russell
Hawes, Will 20.11 Helena High School
Arrington, Sean 20.54 Gardendale
marbury, kadarious 20.94h Benjamin Russell
Carlisle, Christain 21.61 Benjamin Russell
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High School Boys 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stone, Will 4:18.21 Homewood HS
Hope, Crawford 4:25.32 Homewood HS
Cunigan, Lance 4:28.90 Benjamin Russell
Bedics, Carson 4:30.55 Homewood HS
Keller, Adam 4:31.61 Pelham
Barton, Brady 4:32.41 Helena High School
Gennari, TJ 4:37.49 Pelham
Pritchard, Talon 4:46.67 Helena High School
Lord, Seth 4:53.92 Pinson Valley High School
Sweetwyne, Reginald 4:58.09 Benjamin Russell
Del Toro, Carlos 5:02.56 Pinson Valley High School
Bradford, Layton 5:06.35 Benjamin Russell
Byers, Caleb 5:10.69 Helena High School
Camper, Lee 5:27.71 Russell County
Siddle, Hunter 5:32.38 Pinson Valley High School
Sanchez, Luis 5:43.70 Gardendale
Patillo, Ryan 5:52.23 Gardendale
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High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Owens, Nate Clay-Chalkville High School
Barnett, Brantan 21.69 Opelika High School
Stinson, Jarell 21.99 Opelika High School
Crenshaw, Ladarius 22.10 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Stinson, Jaylen 22.17 Opelika High School
Wormely, Alex 22.99 Homewood HS
Moss, Solomon 23.05 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Wilson, Makhi 23.05 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
French, Colin 23.09 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Smith, Justin 23.23 Clay-Chalkville High School
Blackmon, Jakobi 23.31 Huffman High School
Chandler, Kanaji 23.38 Gardendale
Copeland, Jordan 23.68 Pelham
Finch, Deshawn 23.94 Huffman High School
Fleming, Tedjuan 24.09 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Rogers, David 24.13 Huffman High School
Hentley, Darius 24.14 Homewood HS
Fields, Tiji 24.22 Homewood HS
Carter, Derek 24.30 Gardendale
Robinson, Quandarrius 24.32 Jackson-Olin
Jackson, Myrick 24.35 Russell County
Lewis, Stephen 24.35 Gardendale
Hall, Christopher 24.68 Jackson-Olin
Adams, Da' Markis 24.71 Pinson Valley High School
Cox, Laijairous 24.88 Benjamin Russell
Roberson, Zorrian 25.34 Benjamin Russell
Thomas, Dontarious 25.49 Benjamin Russell
Davis, Martel 25.86 Jackson-Olin
York, Tarik 26.43 Russell County
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High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kornegay, Kameron Clay-Chalkville High School
Watson, Curtis 40.44 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Watts, Eric 41.86 Opelika High School
Williams, JC 41.88 Clay-Chalkville High School
Lamb, Spenser 42.10 Homewood HS
Prewitt, Mitchell 42.16 Homewood HS
Hill, Christian 42.48 Helena High School
Lyles, Walker 42.96 Pelham
Naugher, Demetrious 43.10 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Marlowe, Brayden 43.32 Pelham
Madden, Gabe 43.51 Homewood HS
Kindred, Daniel 43.78 Opelika High School
Shorter, Justin 43.96 Opelika High School
Long, Justin 44.30 Helena High School
Childers, Blake 44.60 Helena High School
Cox, Laijairous 45.24 Benjamin Russell
Drake, Donzell 45.52 Benjamin Russell
Childress, Avery 45.55 Pelham
Billingsley, Jerald 47.80 Clay-Chalkville High School
Woods, Criston 48.38 Huffman High School
Holmes, Andrew 48.43 Gardendale
Murrell, John 49.02 Pinson Valley High School
Fowler, Kendall 49.53 Gardendale
Fitzpatrick, Dominique 49.86 Gardendale
Peterson, Yechiel 50.72 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Roberson, Zorrian 52.04 Benjamin Russell
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High School Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cunigan, Lance 10:13.47 Benjamin Russell
Pritchard, Talon 10:34.92 Helena High School
Lord, Seth 10:46.68 Pinson Valley High School
Bradford, Layton 10:48.84 Benjamin Russell
Patillo, Ryan 12:47.76 Gardendale
Stone, Will 9:17.49 Homewood HS
Hope, Crawford 9:28.40 Homewood HS
Barton, Brady 9:36.31 Helena High School
Bedics, Carson 9:37.56 Homewood HS
Keller, Adam 9:41.76 Pelham
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High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mathis, Andrell Russell County
Layton, Micah Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Drake, Donzell Benjamin Russell
Jackson, Myrick Russell County
Brooks, Jayson Gardendale
Hall, Christopher 1:01.24 Jackson-Olin
Short, Cameron 1:02.37 Clay-Chalkville High School
Griffith, Gregory 1:03.75 Pinson Valley High School
Stinson, Jarell 48.24 Opelika High School
Stinson, Jaylen 50.09 Opelika High School
Poe, Kelvin 50.31 Huffman High School
Torbert, Dalen 50.83 Opelika High School
Armstrong, Chance 50.94 Clay-Chalkville High School
Crenshaw, Ladarius 51.23 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Washington, Elbert 51.63 Huffman High School
Nabers, Elgin 51.70 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Busby, Blake 51.99 Homewood HS
Smith, Randy 53.32 Pinson Valley High School
McLain, Jackson 53.33 Homewood HS
Alcantar, Oscar 53.56 Homewood HS
Moss, Solomon 53.82 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Davis, Martel 54.22 Jackson-Olin
Cox, Keshawn 54.34 Benjamin Russell
Perkins, Cameron 54.37 Pelham
Johnson, Keenan 55.89 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Duncan, Latrell 56.73 Gardendale
Stowes, Kaleb 57.42 Benjamin Russell
Mark, Myles 57.60 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Brown, Cepada 58.53 Huffman High School
Morris, Elijah 58.69 Jackson-Olin
Holifield, John 59.77 Gardendale
Murrell, John 59.88 Pinson Valley High School
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High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.58 Opelika High School
Relay Team A 42.80 Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A 43.46 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Relay Team A 43.55 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Relay Team A 43.85 Clay-Chalkville High School
Relay Team A 44.20 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 44.55 Gardendale
Relay Team A 44.68 Pelham
Relay Team A 44.69 Pinson Valley High School
Relay Team B 44.85 Huffman High School
Relay Team A 44.97 Jackson-Olin
Relay Team A 46.66 Russell County
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High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:31.87 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Relay Team B 3:31.94 Huffman High School
Relay Team A 3:35.36 Pelham
Relay Team A 3:35.86 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 3:35.91 Opelika High School
Relay Team A 3:36.61 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Relay Team A 3:36.90 Clay-Chalkville High School
Relay Team A 3:43.25 Helena High School
Relay Team A 3:43.61 Gardendale
Relay Team A 3:46.56 Jackson-Olin
Relay Team A 4:09.19 Pinson Valley High School
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High School Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:27.34 Gardendale
Relay Team A 8:17.89 Pelham
Relay Team A 8:22.12 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 8:45.11 Helena High School
Relay Team A 9:12.56 Pinson Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:16.98 Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A 9:45.53 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
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High School Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Jamari Jackson-Olin
Fanella, Dominic 1:56.61 Pelham
Stone, Will 1:56.76 Homewood HS
Cunigan, Lance 2:00.67 Benjamin Russell
Hope, Crawford 2:00.99 Homewood HS
Gennari, TJ 2:01.73 Pelham
Poe, Kelvin 2:01.73 Huffman High School
Justice, Logan 2:02.86 Homewood HS
Shelton, William 2:03.89 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Armstrong, Chance 2:04.85 Clay-Chalkville High School
Keller, Adam 2:05.33 Pelham
Sweetwyne, Reginald 2:15.27 Benjamin Russell
Parks, Cire 2:15.80 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Pennington, Hunter 2:17.86 Helena High School
Pritchard, Gage 2:19.37 Helena High School
Del Toro, Carlos 2:20.37 Pinson Valley High School
Brown, Cepada 2:21.18 Huffman High School
Siddle, Hayden 2:21.50 Pinson Valley High School
Farris, Malik 2:22.24 Huffman High School
Byrd, Dominick 2:25.94 Clay-Chalkville High School
Siddle, Hunter 2:26.46 Pinson Valley High School
Bradford, Layton 2:28.89 Benjamin Russell
Sherman, Devin 2:32.07 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Mamucud, Jordan 2:33.97 Clay-Chalkville High School
Sanchez, Luis 2:38.27 Gardendale
Porter, Riley 2:52.74 Gardendale
Li, Marcos 2:53.74 Gardendale
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High School Boys Discus 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tolbert, Dorian 158-2 Pelham
Thomas, Tobias 133-3.5 Homewood HS
Nunn, Corban 129-8 Opelika High School
Love, Justin 125-10 Opelika High School
Hinds, Garrett 120-6 Helena High School
Hines, Damian 118-6 Helena High School
Landers, Blake 118-2 Opelika High School
Swope, Reed 115-10 Homewood HS
Mitchell, Jalen 114-10 Russell County
Eiser, Brenden 112-11 Gardendale
Pearson, Damiko 108-9 Huffman High School
McAdams, Lamar 104-8 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Willis, Jamiere 102-3 Russell County
Higdon, Brock 102-2 Pelham
Holley, Matt 96-2 Gardendale
Noyes, Tyler 92-7 Helena High School
Ball, Johnathan 88-0 Huffman High School
Wood, Blake 85-3 Gardendale
Smith, Zykece 83-9 Benjamin Russell
Ross, Darious 82-3 Benjamin Russell
Pollock, Keyon 77-7 Jackson-Olin
Pickens, Treyveon 73-0.5 Jackson-Olin
Oliver, Davoski 56-2 Benjamin Russell
Williams, Tyrek 42-7 Huffman High School
Abrams, Jammal Jackson-Olin
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High School Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hyde, Jonah 6-6 Helena High School
Downey, Bowman 6-3 Helena High School
edwards, Gavin 6-2 Benjamin Russell
Funches, Tj 6-2 Helena High School
Phillips, Caleb 6-2 Opelika High School
Rowell, LeDamian 6-2 Opelika High School
May, Stephon 6-2 Homewood HS
Dill, Sam 6-1 Homewood HS
Watts, Eric 6-0 Opelika High School
Thomas, Josh 6-0 Homewood HS
Higdon, Brock 5-10 Pelham
Brownfield, Marqaviuos 5-8.1 Benjamin Russell
Parks, Justin 5-6 Gardendale
Robinson, Andrew 5-6 Pelham
Drake, Donzell 5-4 Benjamin Russell
Findley, BJ 5-4 Gardendale
Lewis, Stephen 5-2 Gardendale
Ward, Ethan Shades Valley High School/JCIB
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High School Boys Javelin 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stinson, Jaylen 172-6 Opelika High School
Gamble, Jakobiee 160-7 Benjamin Russell
Brooks, Eli 154-2 Homewood HS
Jackson, Marquel 137-4 Benjamin Russell
Wimberly, Ivan 134-7.75 Homewood HS
McLain, Jackson 131-0.75 Homewood HS
Hinds, Garrett 128-9 Helena High School
Nunn, Corban 127-4 Opelika High School
Love, Justin 125-9.5 Opelika High School
Traweek, Will 117-4.25 Helena High School
Hines, Damian 116-9 Helena High School
Fowler, Kendall 111-5 Gardendale
Parsons, Bailey 110-4 Gardendale
Pearson, Griffith 106-0 Gardendale
Ball, Johnathan 92-6 Huffman High School
Griffith, Gregory 79-3 Pinson Valley High School
Hallmark, Luke 76-2 Pinson Valley High School
Pearson, Damiko 62-0 Huffman High School
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High School Boys Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watts, Eric 22-4 Opelika High School
Thomas, Josh 22-0.75 Homewood HS
Rowell, LeDamian 21-8 Opelika High School
Dill, Sam 21-8 Homewood HS
May, Stephon 21-4.5 Homewood HS
Holloway, Omar 21-3 Opelika High School
Toney, Alvin 20-9 Jackson-Olin
Stowes, Xzavia 20-8.5 Benjamin Russell
Hyde, Jonah 20-2.25 Helena High School
Hall, Christopher 20-2 Jackson-Olin
Woods, Criston 19-6.5 Huffman High School
Farris, Malik 19-5.25 Huffman High School
Dailey, Jamari 19-4.25 Pinson Valley High School
Finkley, Quindarius 19-2.25 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Perkins, Cameron 19-0 Pelham
Hines, Damian 18-11.5 Helena High School
Carlisle, Christain 18-11 Benjamin Russell
Stignani, Tatum 18-8 Pelham
Cox, Laijairous 18-5 Benjamin Russell
Craig, JaCori 18-2 Gardendale
Robinson, Quandarrius 17-11.5 Jackson-Olin
Mason, Kennedy 17-8 Gardendale
Jones, Derian 17-5.5 Huffman High School
Johnson, Keenan 17-4 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Shirley, Chris 16-3.5 Gardendale
Ward, Ethan 15-11 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Montgomery, David 15-7 Clay-Chalkville High School
Dailey, Markel Pinson Valley High School
Billingsley, Jerald Clay-Chalkville High School
Mathis, Andrell Russell County
Henry, Ja'Ron Shades Valley High School/JCIB
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High School Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Eli 14-0 Homewood HS
Smith, Walker 13-9 Homewood HS
Cassell, Brady 13-6 Homewood HS
Knight, Jake 11-0 Helena High School
Battle, Terrian 11-0 Opelika High School
Brown, Braden 10-6 Helena High School
Harvey, Steven 10-6 Opelika High School
Kanis, Peyton 10-6 Pelham
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High School Boys Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Tobias 49-7 Homewood HS
Landers, Blake 49-3 Opelika High School
Tolbert, Dorian 45-7 Pelham
Moore, Trevon 44-1 Opelika High School
Nunn, Corban 43-8 Opelika High School
Hinds, Garrett 41-2 Helena High School
Swope, Reed 41-2 Homewood HS
McGhee, Antoine 41-0 Homewood HS
Parsons, Bailey 40-8.5 Gardendale
Smith, Zykece 40-6 Benjamin Russell
Holley, Matt 40-4 Gardendale
Abrams, Jammal 39-10 Jackson-Olin
Hines, Damian 38-9.5 Helena High School
Finch, Deshawn 37-4 Huffman High School
Pollock, Keyon 36-11.5 Jackson-Olin
Tuck, Jarzayus 36-6 Benjamin Russell
Mitchell, Jalen 36-6 Russell County
Pickens, Treyveon 36-4 Jackson-Olin
Eiser, Brenden 35-9 Gardendale
Williams, Ahmad 35-4 Benjamin Russell
Pearson, Damiko 33-8 Huffman High School
Willis, Jamiere 33-7 Russell County
McAdams, Lamar 33-2 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Ball, Johnathan 31-0 Huffman High School
Traweek, Will 30-4.5 Helena High School
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High School Boys Triple Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Josh 46-10 Homewood HS
Rowell, LeDamian 45-2 Opelika High School
Holloway, Omar 43-5 Opelika High School
Hyde, Jonah 43-2.25 Helena High School
Stowes, Xzavia 42-8 Benjamin Russell
Thomas, Cencale 42-8 Opelika High School
Dailey, Markel 42-6 Pinson Valley High School
Peterson, Kameron 42-2 Clay-Chalkville High School
Dailey, Jamari 41-11.5 Pinson Valley High School
Robinson, Andrew 40-3 Pelham
Gamble, Gabe 39-4 Pelham
Billingsley, Jerald 37-2 Clay-Chalkville High School
Fowler, Kendall 36-0 Gardendale
Carlisle, Christain 35-8 Benjamin Russell
Fitzpatrick, Dominique 35-0.5 Gardendale
Woods, Criston 34-8.5 Huffman High School
Mason, Kennedy 33-5.5 Gardendale
Short, Cameron 32-3 Clay-Chalkville High School
Ward, Ethan 31-3.25 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Freeman, Marcus Benjamin Russell
Finkley, Quindarius Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Henry, Ja'Ron Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Jones, Derian Huffman High School
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High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Edwards, Keri Clay-Chalkville High School
Sills, Makiyah 12.35 Homewood HS
Robinson, Aniyah 12.53 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Hudson, Jada 12.66 Jackson-Olin
Sanders, Haley 12.66 Opelika High School
Mills, Tanjuanette 12.71 Jackson-Olin
Garner, Nyah 12.78 Jackson-Olin
Hutchinson, Kelsey 12.89 Gardendale
Williams, Jordan 12.89 Pelham
Davis-Briggins, Caroline 12.93 Helena High School
Tarver, Faith 12.94 Huffman High School
Davis, Makiyah 12.99 Pinson Valley High School
Slaughter, Brionna 13.23 Benjamin Russell
Hinton, Kerrion 13.23 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Page, Brianna 13.24 Pinson Valley High School
Strong, Nya 13.29 Pinson Valley High School
Jamison, Tiye 13.34 Homewood HS
Lawson, Tamara 13.36 Benjamin Russell
Gibson, Hannah 13.37 Clay-Chalkville High School
Judkins, Tailore 13.55 Homewood HS
Murphy, Jasmine 13.68 Opelika High School
Montford, Zaherra 13.72 Gardendale
Banks, Jerusalem 13.72 Benjamin Russell
Threatt, Paris 13.84 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Parks, Keziah 13.87 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Lewis, Aniya 13.93 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Crumpton, Jazmyne 14.16 Pelham
Gresham, Aniya 14.17 Gardendale
Padgett, Makiya 14.40 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Johnson, Destiny 14.75 Huffman High School
Poe, Christine 15.29 Huffman High School
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High School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sills, Makiyah 14.32 Homewood HS
Derriso, Sarah 17.17 Homewood HS
Shealey, Jada 17.31 Benjamin Russell
Woods, Octavia 17.39 Pinson Valley High School
Bodkin, Bailey 17.42 Homewood HS
Irungu, Muringo 19.40 Helena High School
Agee, Jermanzya 19.43 Benjamin Russell
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High School Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strozier, Katie 5:02.61 Pelham
Phelps, Lainey 5:07.97 Homewood HS
Wilkins, Alex 5:21.24 Pelham
Owen, Maris 5:31.24 Homewood HS
Smith, Edie 5:33.62 Homewood HS
Walker, Ashley 5:35.84 Benjamin Russell
Gould, Breckin 5:49.45 Opelika High School
Watters, Ana 5:55.42 Helena High School
Tsimpides, Madison 6:06.45 Helena High School
Adams, Serena 6:18.70 Russell County
Torres, Paola 6:19.48 Opelika High School
Ford, Abigail 6:22.53 Helena High School
Jackson, Cheyanne 7:08.45 Benjamin Russell
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High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Powe, Keandra Clay-Chalkville High School
Alford, Malaya Jackson-Olin
Parks, Keziah Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Gibson, Hannah Clay-Chalkville High School
Kirksey, Brooklynn 25.99 Helena High School
Tarver, Faith 26.25 Huffman High School
Mills, Tanjuanette 26.51 Jackson-Olin
Robinson, Aniyah 26.70 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
White, Lauren 26.79 Opelika High School
Hutchinson, Kelsey 26.97 Gardendale
Sanders, Haley 27.10 Opelika High School
Hinton, Kerrion 27.34 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Gardner, Kya 27.39 Helena High School
Page, Brianna 27.51 Pinson Valley High School
Davis, Makiyah 27.67 Pinson Valley High School
Strong, Nya 27.75 Pinson Valley High School
Murphy, Jasmine 27.77 Opelika High School
Thomas, Aliyah 27.93 Benjamin Russell
Tate, Autumn 27.99 Homewood HS
Roper, Ariana 28.10 Homewood HS
Jamison, Tiye 28.21 Homewood HS
Garner, Nyah 28.48 Jackson-Olin
Amerson, Kaitlyn 28.75 Huffman High School
Williams, Destiny 28.94 Huffman High School
Montford, Zaherra 29.02 Gardendale
Davis, Jayda 29.28 Gardendale
Smith, Rachel 29.59 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Lawson, Tamara 29.68 Benjamin Russell
Hollins, Brittney 29.82 Clay-Chalkville High School
Marnia, Janeicia 29.88 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Agee, Jermanzya 30.30 Benjamin Russell
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High School Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woods, Jada Huffman High School
Agee, Jermanzya 1:00.52 Benjamin Russell
Sills, Makiyah 44.26 Homewood HS
Moulton, Lakerrya 48.62 Clay-Chalkville High School
Derriso, Sarah 50.12 Homewood HS
Gibbons, Anna Grace 51.01 Homewood HS
Williams, Jordan 53.38 Pelham
Woods, Octavia 54.14 Pinson Valley High School
Shealey, Jada 55.65 Benjamin Russell
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High School Girls 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phelps, Lainey 10:53.43 Homewood HS
Smith, Edie 11:36.25 Homewood HS
Walker, Ashley 12:10.30 Benjamin Russell
Thompson, Victoria 12:29.58 Homewood HS
Gould, Breckin 12:38.70 Opelika High School
Watters, Ana 12:51.74 Helena High School
Stephenson, Sydney 12:56.66 Pelham
Bass, Meredith 12:58.74 Pelham
Ford, Abigail 13:36.54 Helena High School
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High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Hannah Gardendale
Bonner, Ivy Gardendale
Alford, Malaya Jackson-Olin
Marnia, Janeicia G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Tarver, Faith 1:00.06 Huffman High School
Slaughter, Brionna 1:02.17 Benjamin Russell
Roper, Ariana 1:02.73 Homewood HS
Gardner, Kya 1:03.25 Helena High School
Gooden, Kiara 1:03.43 Homewood HS
Murphy, Jasmine 1:04.15 Opelika High School
Tate, Autumn 1:04.48 Homewood HS
Strong, Nya 1:06.24 Pinson Valley High School
Swanson, Ashanti 1:06.84 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Thomas, Aliyah 1:07.09 Benjamin Russell
Amerson, Kaitlyn 1:07.31 Huffman High School
Short, Cailyn 1:07.52 Clay-Chalkville High School
Hill, LaRaven 1:11.42 Gardendale
Jackson, Mallory 1:12.19 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Powe, Keandra 1:12.83 Clay-Chalkville High School
Lewis, Khoriah 1:13.74 Jackson-Olin
Wright, Anayah 1:19.50 Jackson-Olin
Poe, Christine 1:22.35 Huffman High School
Daniels, Dariana 1:22.40 Clay-Chalkville High School
Daniel, Maya 1:34.09 Benjamin Russell
Strozier, Katie 58.07 Pelham
Kirksey, Brooklynn 58.47 Helena High School
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High School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.86 Helena High School
Relay Team A 50.35 Jackson-Olin
Relay Team A 51.37 Pinson Valley High School
Relay Team A 51.52 Benjamin Russell
Relay Team A 51.56 Pelham
Relay Team A 51.99 Gardendale
Relay Team A 52.82 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Relay Team A 52.95 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 53.01 Huffman High School
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High School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:09.03 Pelham
Relay Team A 4:17.65 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 4:28.00h Pinson Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:35.50 Helena High School
Relay Team A 4:36.34 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Relay Team A 4:40.67 Gardendale
Relay Team A 4:45.15 Jackson-Olin
Relay Team A 4:55.78 Clay-Chalkville High School
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High School Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:06.74 Homewood HS
Relay Team A 12:08.10 Clay-Chalkville High School
Relay Team A 9:39.96 Pelham
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High School Girls 800 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewis, Khoriah Jackson-Olin
Torres, Paola Opelika High School
Jones, Kiara Clay-Chalkville High School
Strozier, Katie 2:11.89 Pelham
Wilkins, Alex 2:16.10 Pelham
Phelps, Lainey 2:16.55 Homewood HS
Poleshek, Marin 2:26.74 Homewood HS
Dubose, Madilyn 2:28.55 Pelham
Allen, Adah 2:30.27 Homewood HS
Walker, Ashley 2:37.43 Benjamin Russell
Malone, Joi 2:59.10 Gardendale
Gregg, Haleigh 3:08.43 Gardendale
Woods, Jada 3:08.51 Huffman High School
Jackson, Cheyanne 3:12.60 Benjamin Russell
Hamilton, Mallory 3:13.46 Helena High School
McCrear, Zoe 3:15.01 Gardendale
Ranson, Samantha 3:15.88 Helena High School
Walker, Haley 3:20.09 Benjamin Russell
Strickland, Nikki 3:27.10 Clay-Chalkville High School
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High School Girls Discus 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Maggie 114-7 Homewood HS
Hughley, A'Nyiah 109-1 Opelika High School
Gardner, Kirsen 108-2 Helena High School
Brown, Victoria 107-5 Helena High School
Perry, Priscilla 105-9 Opelika High School
Love, Trinity 100-1 Opelika High School
Taylor, Sanaa 92-0.5 Homewood HS
McDaniel, Damari 91-5 Gardendale
Wilson, Brianna 87-7 Helena High School
Blackmon, Emma 83-8 Homewood HS
Eke, Chidinma 76-11 Pelham
Parker, Aiyana 75-11 Russell County
Woods, Amiya 75-10 Pelham
McDaniel, Zuri 74-6 Pinson Valley High School
Marshall, Tychari 71-0 Jackson-Olin
Arnold, Akyra 69-8 Pinson Valley High School
Payne, Kayla 69-0 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Ambrose, Kaitlin 67-9 Pinson Valley High School
Byrd, Keyona 66-8 Benjamin Russell
Ellison, Nia 55-5 Gardendale
jenkins, kennedy 54-7 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Edwards, Endia 53-6 Benjamin Russell
Davis, Zackeria 39-11 Gardendale
Birmingham, Taylor 33-0 Benjamin Russell
Pearson-Norwood, Essence Jackson-Olin
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High School Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tanner, Allison 5-4 Helena High School
Long, Erin 5-3 Pelham
Bunn, Reid Catherine 5-2 Homewood HS
Jackson, Ansley 5-0 Opelika High School
Kline, Maddie 5-0 Homewood HS
Arnold, Akyra 4-6 Pinson Valley High School
Knight, Tylar 4-6 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Williams, Sequoia 4-6 Opelika High School
Johnson, Destiny 4-0 Huffman High School
Padgett, Makiya Shades Valley High School/JCIB
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High School Girls Javelin 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Erin 134-5.5 Pelham
Hughley, A'Nyiah 112-1 Opelika High School
White, Maggie 108-9 Homewood HS
Guthrie, Sarah 97-2 Pelham
Justice, Katie 90-9 Homewood HS
Blackmon, Emma 88-11.75 Homewood HS
Hayhurst, Elizabeth 87-8 Pelham
White, Lauren 82-0 Opelika High School
Ellison, Nia 75-11 Gardendale
Wilson, Brianna 75-4.5 Helena High School
Barnett, Brianna 73-10 Opelika High School
McDaniel, Zuri 69-1 Pinson Valley High School
Byrd, Keyona 51-7 Benjamin Russell
Penick, Ayana 50-8 Pinson Valley High School
Edwards, Endia 41-7.5 Benjamin Russell
Birmingham, Taylor 40-0 Benjamin Russell
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High School Girls Long Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finch, Aiya 18-6 Homewood HS
Jackson, Ansley 16-11.75 Opelika High School
White, Lauren 16-8 Opelika High School
Langford, Alyssa 16-7 Homewood HS
Long, Erin 16-2.5 Pelham
Guthrie, Sarah 16-1.5 Pelham
McDaniel, Damari 16-0 Gardendale
Amerson, Kaitlyn 15-11 Huffman High School
Tatum, Tameria 15-7 Clay-Chalkville High School
Tanner, Allison 15-4.75 Helena High School
Shealey, Jada 15-4 Benjamin Russell
Walton, Lexi 15-3 Helena High School
Jamison, Natalie 15-2.5 Pelham
Parks, Keziah 15-1.5 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Reed, Phoebe 15-1.5 Homewood HS
Padgett, Makiya 14-10.75 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
North, Tori 14-10.5 Helena High School
Sweeney, Ja'Kara 14-7 Huffman High School
Williams, Sequoia 14-5.25 Opelika High School
Colvin, Tarnesha 14-3.5 Jackson-Olin
Williams, Destiny 14-3 Huffman High School
Arnold, Akyra 14-0.75 Pinson Valley High School
Knight, Tylar 13-10.25 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Gibson, Hannah 13-9 Clay-Chalkville High School
Marnia, Janeicia 13-8 G. W. Carver High School - Birmi
Mills, Tanjuanette 13-1 Jackson-Olin
Jones, Kyrston 12-9.5 Gardendale
Bush, Alexandria 12-7.5 Gardendale
Edwards, Keri Clay-Chalkville High School
Garner, Nyah Jackson-Olin
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High School Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Alex 12-0 Homewood HS
Walden, Brooke 11-3 Homewood HS
Reaves, Jordan 9-6 Homewood HS
Guthrie, Sarah 9-3 Pelham
Boutwell, Anna 7-0 Pelham
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High School Girls Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gardner, Kirsen 37-4 Helena High School
White, Maggie 36-9.25 Homewood HS
Hasty, Adia 35-3 Pelham
Hughley, A'Nyiah 35-1 Opelika High School
Love, Trinity 33-4 Opelika High School
Brown, Victoria 32-7 Helena High School
Fuller, Erin 32-1.5 Helena High School
Payne, Kayla 32-1 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Ashford, Jordan 31-7.25 Opelika High School
Woods, Amiya 30-0 Pelham
Ware, Jillian 28-6.5 Homewood HS
Marshall, Tychari 28-1 Jackson-Olin
Parker, Aiyana 27-2.25 Russell County
Ambrose, Kaitlin 26-4 Pinson Valley High School
Byrd, Keyona 24-8 Benjamin Russell
jenkins, kennedy 23-3 Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Dukes, Danyelle 23-1.5 Pinson Valley High School
Davis, Zackeria 22-8 Gardendale
Jackson, DaiCoreia 22-0 Huffman High School
Gaston, Ashlee 21-4.5 Pinson Valley High School
Edwards, Endia 18-4 Benjamin Russell
Birmingham, Taylor 14-7 Benjamin Russell
Pearson-Norwood, Essence Jackson-Olin
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High School Girls Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finch, Aiya 38-3 Homewood HS
Long, Erin 35-7.5 Pelham
Tanner, Allison 35-2.5 Helena High School
Jackson, Ansley 35-0 Opelika High School
Wilkins, Alex 34-3 Pelham
Gibson, Hannah 33-8.5 Clay-Chalkville High School
White, Lauren 33-5.25 Opelika High School
Williams, Sequoia 32-7 Opelika High School
McDaniel, Damari 31-6 Gardendale
Edwards, Keri 30-6.25 Clay-Chalkville High School
Woods, Jada 29-6 Huffman High School
Rinker, Clara 29-4 Homewood HS
Jones, Kyrston 29-1 Gardendale
Jackson, DaiCoreia 25-9 Huffman High School
Knight, Tylar Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Padgett, Makiya Shades Valley High School/JCIB
Sweeney, Ja'Kara Huffman High School
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