Meet Information
2018 Section 2 3A Cross Country Championships November 1, 2018
3A Entries
** please see the 7A Section 2 webpage for live results and performance lists
Race time: 10:00am 6A/7A Girls
10:40 am 3A Girls
11:20am 6A/7A Boys
12:00 am 3A Boys
12:40 pm Awards
$15.00 per individual if less than 5 athletes. $75.00 per gender team. $150.00 max fee per school.
Payments Pay at the meet or mail to Dan Norton, c/o Auburn High School, 1701 E. Samford Ave, Auburn, AL 36830 before 10/20/18 or bring to the meet. Payment must be made before race time.
Special Rules- From AHSAA Fall Sports Book-
1. A team must participate in a section qualifying meet in order to be eligible for the state meet.
2. Submit entries via the Alabama Runners website ( weekbefore the section meet.
3. A school competing in a section meet may enter a maximum of 10 runners in each division in which it enters.
4. A school competing in the state meet may enter a maximum of 10 runners in each division in which it qualifies.
5. Individuals and teams may qualify for the state meet at a section meet.
6. Running combined races in section meets is permitted at the discretion of the section meet director.
7. Schools may substitute team members between the section and state meets.
8. The assignment of teams in the starting boxes at the state meet will be based on section winners, runners-up, and third place finishers.
9. Schools that fail to participate in a section meet after submitting entry forms are subject to a monetary fine.
10.Use of GPS tracking/timing devices by participants is not allowed.
Section Qualifying Meets:Section qualifying meets must be held Nov. 1-3, 2018. The girls and boys divisions in each class of a section meet will qualify:(a) The top four teams(b) The top six individuals not on the section rosters of the three qualifying