Mobile County Cross Country Championships 2018

Mobile, AL

Mobile County Cross Country Championships 2018 vs Mobile County Cross Country Championships 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -37 205 242
Overall Average -51.91 22:50.06 23:41.97
1st-10th Place +6.68 17:24.40 17:17.72
1st-25th Place -10.13 17:52.33 18:02.46
1st-50th Place -10.09 18:35.08 18:45.18
1st-100th Place -11.20 19:46.26 19:57.46
Common Athletes -- -- 45
Ran Faster 27 36 9
Ran Season Best -- 3 3
Average Time -1:31.41 21:45.10 23:16.51
Median Time -40.35 21:36.85 22:17.20
Middle 80% Times -1:31.34 21:37.28 23:08.62
Top 10% Times -1:12.05 17:13.40 18:25.45
Top 25% Times -1:38.35 18:05.06 19:43.41
Top 50% Times -1:28.02 19:12.46 20:40.48
Bottom 50% Times -1:30.83 23:20.99 24:51.82
Bottom 25% Times -1:59.26 25:52.73 27:51.99
Bottom 10% Times -1:56.32 28:05.83 30:02.15
Average Difference -1:31.41 -- --
Median Difference +1:43.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:29.73 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:16.27 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:20.91 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:16.27 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:38.08 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:27.44 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:36.40 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Myles Stoots Faith Academy -1:11.22 16:30.59 17:41.81
Caleb Troy Smith Mary G Montgomery -29.22 16:59.80 17:29.02
John Michael Romanos St. Paul's Episcopal -2:27.92 17:04.02 19:31.94
Wilkes Howes St. Paul's Episcopal -58.58 17:43.68 18:42.26
Walker Reusser Mobile Christian -3:41.47 17:48.92 21:30.39
Connor Stoots Faith Academy -3:16.47 17:54.54 21:11.01
Benno Ehrhardt UMS-Wright -1:47.78 18:21.46 20:09.24
Garrett Brooks McGill-Toolen Catholic -35.61 18:27.91 19:03.52
Sean Blackmon Alma Bryant -2:23.22 18:34.78 20:58.00
Connor Holm Satsuma -2:47.82 18:58.97 21:46.79
Isabel Valenzuela St. Paul's Episcopal +14.77 19:25.40 19:10.63
Justin Walker Faith Academy -6:41.34 19:15.95 25:57.29
Hoang Truong Davidson -1:39.28 19:20.07 20:59.35
Caden Ryan Saraland High School -2:32.71 19:35.68 22:08.39
Jacob DeLange Davidson -2:21.55 19:59.80 22:21.35
Frieda Kickliter McGill-Toolen Catholic -54.75 20:00.11 20:54.86
Bailey Lansdown Faith Academy -1:42.36 20:13.66 21:56.02
Claire Frazier Bolton McGill-Toolen Catholic -1:16.17 20:17.70 21:33.87
Andrew Hanenkrat Cottage Hill Christian Academy -2:53.91 20:36.78 23:30.69
Emma Sibley Baker -41.69 20:40.26 21:21.95
Anna Bulman McGill-Toolen Catholic +1:43.40 22:32.64 20:49.24
Dalton Sellers Satsuma -2:45.47 21:00.10 23:45.57
Mary Howard Singleton St. Paul's Episcopal +33.91 21:47.05 21:13.14
Allen Turner Faith Academy -2:30.77 21:19.65 23:50.42
Joseph McDonald Saraland High School +1:24.48 22:51.60 21:27.12
Katherine Rush St. Paul's Episcopal +4.88 21:39.38 21:34.50
Caleb Smith Mobile Christian -24.07 21:36.85 22:00.92
Sarah Strickland St. Paul's Episcopal -39.34 21:37.86 22:17.20
JeMarcus Spencer Vigor High School -2:22.49 22:32.55 24:55.04
Audrey Sewell UMS-Wright +1:29.37 24:10.53 22:41.16
Maria Alvarez Cottage Hill Christian Academy +6.04 23:01.74 22:55.70
Julianne Berte Davidson -3:40.96 23:21.74 27:02.70
Katherine Allred Cottage Hill Christian Academy -10.62 23:30.75 23:41.37
Amelia Johnston Faith Academy -1:27.19 23:34.67 25:01.86
Anna Smith Baker -1:53.95 23:35.64 25:29.59
Dalton Stokes Citronelle HS -2:15.60 23:42.92 25:58.52
Katelyn Sohne Satsuma -6:26.16 23:48.68 30:14.84
Emily Douglas UMS-Wright -39.41 24:05.35 24:44.76
Ryleigh Rawson Satsuma +2:06.37 27:09.06 25:02.69
Makayla Wilkinson Theodore -1:40.56 25:10.21 26:50.77
Jordan Jernigan Saraland High School -2:21.27 25:30.26 27:51.53
Rian Shields Davidson -2:47.03 26:08.85 28:55.88
Mckenna Souder Saraland High School -1:18.41 26:46.94 28:05.35
Noelle Sherer Citronelle HS +52.87 30:29.34 29:36.47
Sabrina Higdon Davidson -3:23.27 29:54.96 33:18.23