Meet Information
LOCATION: Auburn University at Montgomery Trails
8:45 AM High School Girls 5k
9:30 AM High School Boys 5k
10:15 AM Combined Middle School 3k
ENTRY FEE: $100.00 per team - $200 combined (HIGH SCHOOL); $20 per individual if less than 5 runners (HIGH SCHOOL); $50 per team - $100 combined (MIDDLE SCHOOL); $10 per individual if less than 5 runners (MIDDLE SCHOOL) ***The ENTRY FEE will allow a team to enter an unlimited number of athletes.
Make checks payable to AUM CROSS COUNTRY. Please identify your school in the memo line of the check and whether it is from male, female or both. Receipts will be emailed Monday following the race.
ENTRY DEADLINE: No later than 11:59 PM - Tuesday, September 25, 2018
CONTACT: Ryan Thompson, AUM Head Cross Country Coach / / 970-692-6555 (cell)