Cullman Invitational 2001

Cullman, AL
Hosted by Cullman


                   Cullman Varsity Inv. Track and Field Meet             Page 1
                   Oliver Woodard Stadium - Saturday 03/17/01                  
                                SCORES FOR GIRLS                               
Rank School                     Score    Rank School                     Score 
==== ========================= =======   ==== ========================= =======
   1 Cullman                    115        11 Walker                       9   
   2 Scottsboro                 110        11 Bradshaw                     9   
   3 Pleasant Grove              41        13 American Christian Academ    8   
   4 Falkville                   39        14 Mortimer Jordan              7.50
   5 Athens                      36        15 Brewer                       6.50
   5 Arab                        36        16 Decatur                      6   
   7 Tuscaloosa County           30        17 Fort Payne                   5   
   8 Austin                      24        18 Buckhorn                     4   
   9 Muscle Shoals               20        19 Scottsboro B-Team            1   
  10 Huntsville                  15                                         
                                SCORES FOR BOYS                                
Rank School                     Score    Rank School                     Score 
==== ========================= =======   ==== ========================= =======
   1 Scottsboro                 102.40     11 Marion County               13   
   2 Tuscaloosa County           94.20     12 Bradshaw                    10   
   3 Cullman                     68.70     13 Austin                       9   
   4 Muscle Shoals               67.50     14 Mortimer Jordan              4.20
   5 Brewer                      37        15 Athens                       4   
   6 Huntsville                  23        15 Walker                       4   
   7 Hillcrest                   17        15 Sylacauga                    4   
   8 Arab                        16        18 Tuscaloosa County B-Team     3   
   8 Decatur                     16        19 Fort Payne                   2   
  10 Clay County                 14        20 Hartselle                    1   
Mountain Brook High School                                Hy-Tek\'s MEET MANAGER
                   Cullman Varsity Inv. Track and Field Meet             Page 1
                   Oliver Woodard Stadium - Saturday 03/17/01                  
                        COMPLETE RESULTS FOR ALL ROUNDS                        
                              Girls 100 Meter Dash                             
                     % Meet: 11.82 TASHA CAIN-DECATUR 1999                     
                    Preliminary Results - Saturday 03/17/01                    
                             Top 6 Advance by Time                             
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT   
     ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ==   
         1 Lockett, Shauntae            Athens                    12.70    4   
         2 Johnson, Lauren              Scottsboro                13.02    6   
         3 Morrow, Bethany              Cullman                   13.04    2   
         4 Unknown, Sandy               Tuscaloosa County B-Team  13.15    3   
         5 Thompson, Marquita           Muscle Shoals             13.18    7   
         5 Williams, Kim                Pleasant Grove            13.18    3   
         7 Jackson, Sha                 Decatur                   13.38    1   
         8 Dunn, Marketta               Tuscaloosa County         13.55    3   
         9 Harrison, Melissa            Fort Payne                13.60    2   
        10 Gamble, Nikki                Tuscaloosa County         13.65    6   
        11 Leonard, Ivory               Bradshaw                  13.66    8   
        12 Fletcher, Shaniqua           Austin                    13.67   10   
        13 Powers, Sherrell             Decatur                   13.68    3   
        13 Canada, Tosha                Walker                    13.68    1   
        15 Light, Maegan                Arab                      13.70    2   
        16 Malone, Meka                 Muscle Shoals             13.77    5   
        16 Nance, Juanita               Bradshaw                  13.77   10   
        18 Morris, Kendra               Decatur                   13.83    5   
        19 Brown, Tiffany               Tuscaloosa County         13.84    5   
        20 Downs, Katrina               Marion County             13.95    3   
        21 Locklear, Crystal            Falkville                 13.97   10   
        22 Jackson, Shanika             West Morgan               14.03    4   
        23 Loeb, Heather                Huntsville                14.12    6   
        24 Silver, Clerra               Tuscaloosa County B-Team  14.14    2   
        25 Sims, Jennifer               Sylacauga                 14.17    9   
        26 Thrasher, Jamie              Haleyville                14.22    7   
        27 Horton, Rolesia              Athens                    14.27    9   
        28 Neely, Toya                  Cleveland                 14.33    5   
        29 Bradley, Ciora               Hillcrest                 14.43    4   
        30 Brooks, Cardi                Huntsville                14.48    1   
        31 Thompson, Carrie             Scottsboro                14.50    4   
        32 Malone, Chesa                Athens                    14.53    5   
        33 Maze, Blair                  Arab                      14.57    9   
        34 Tyler, Katie                 Arab                      14.60   10   
        35 Daniel, Amy                  Sylacauga                 14.69    8   
        36 Steele, Quista               Fort Payne                14.83    4   
        37 Taylor, Amanda               Randolph                  14.85    6   
        38 Holmes, Shelly               Falkville                 14.87    2   
        39 Holmes, E                    Brewer                    14.88    7   
        40 Johnson, Cherrie             Walker                    14.93    8   
        41 McGRUDER, Tranicia           Pleasant Grove            14.99    8   
        42 Steeley, Amanda              Westbrook                 15.00    5   
        43 Blackwood, L                 Brewer                    15.09    8   
        44 Hampton, Jurita              Muscle Shoals             15.11    9   
        45 Barr, Laurel                 Mortimer Jordan           15.15    6   
        46 Byrd, Victoria               Bradshaw                  15.18    1   
        47 Watts, Christi               Cullman B-Team            15.24    9   
        48 Nabors, JaRYCE               Pleasant Grove            15.25    7   
        49 Murphy, Mandy                Falkville                 15.31    2   
        50 Avila, Yadira                Fort Payne                15.45    1   
        51 Breeden, K                   Brewer                    15.51    9   
        52 Gibbs, Tammy                 Huntsville                15.58    7   
        53 Thomas, Tiffany              Scottsboro                15.60   10   
        54 Taylor, Ashley               Cullman B-Team            15.69    6   
        55 Wilder, Lakitha              Tuscaloosa County B-Team  15.75    7   
        56 Frost, Heather               Cullman B-Team            16.10    4   
        57 Blount, Michelle             Randolph                  16.35    1   
        58 Cato, Heidi                  Westbrook                 16.38    3   
         - McCOMBS, Felecia             Mortimer Jordan              NT    8   
         - Fortenberry, Lacey           Mortimer Jordan              NT   10   
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS    
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ====   
       1 Lockett, Shauntae            Athens                    12.63    10    
       2 Williams, Kim                Pleasant Grove            13.16     8    
       3 Johnson, Lauren              Scottsboro                13.20     6    
       4 Morrow, Bethany              Cullman                   13.23     4    
       5 Thompson, Marquita           Muscle Shoals             13.43     2    
       6 Safiyah, Jowharah            Austin                    13.46     1    
                              Girls 200 Meter Dash                             
                     % Meet: 25.65 TASHA CAIN-DECATUR 1999                     
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
  PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT PTS  
  ===== ============================ ========================= ======= == ==== 
      1 Lockett, Shauntae            Athens                    25.98   12 10   
      2 Morrow, Bethany              Cullman                   27.74   11  8   
      3 Moore, Bruchette             Athens                    27.82   11  6   
      4 Williams, Kim                Pleasant Grove            27.97   10  4   
      5 Jackson, Sha                 Decatur                   28.05   12  2   
      6 Dunn, Marketta               Tuscaloosa County         28.06    9  1   
      7 Locklear, Crystal            Falkville                 28.21    4      
      8 Safiyah, Jowharah            Austin                    28.26    2      
      8 Raye, Candice                Fort Payne                28.26   11      
      8 Reed, Markeeta               Hillcrest                 28.26    4      
     11 Leonard, Ivory               Bradshaw                  28.28   10      
     12 Maddox, Gavonna              Tuscaloosa County         28.63   10      
     13 Burns, Jaime                 Cullman                   28.74    9      
     14 Morris, Kendra               Decatur                   28.92   12      
     15 Silver, Clerra               Tuscaloosa County B-Team  29.21    8      
     16 Maze, Blair                  Arab                      29.42    7      
     17 Ball, Colitha                Hillcrest                 29.64    1      
     18 Canada, Tosha                Walker                    29.78    8      
     19 Harrison, Melissa            Fort Payne                29.90   11      
     20 Thompson, Carrie             Scottsboro                30.05    9      
     21 Raney, Cody                  Scottsboro                30.33    3      
     22 Pruett, Veronica             Tuscaloosa County         30.44    9      
     23 Gray, Mallory                Austin                    30.57    2      
     24 Steele, Quista               Fort Payne                30.63    9      
     25 Sims, Jennifer               Sylacauga                 30.69    6      
     26 Ballinger, K                 Brewer                    30.81    7      
     27 Heptinstall, Lacy            Cullman B-Team            31.19    7      
     27 Brown, Caroline              Randolph                  31.19    2      
     29 McGRUDER, Tranicia           Pleasant Grove            31.23    6      
     30 Blackwood, L                 Brewer                    31.27    2      
     31 Johnson, Annie               Bradshaw                  31.31   10      
     32 Watts, Christi               Cullman B-Team            31.45    7      
     33 Barr, Laurel                 Mortimer Jordan           31.51    5      
     34 Sullivan, Teresa             Muscle Shoals             31.53   10      
     35 Hale, Latoya                 Muscle Shoals             31.57   11      
     36 Fox                          Falkville                 31.82    3      
     37 Byrd, Victoria               Bradshaw                  32.24    8      
     38 Parnell, Stephanie           Pleasant Grove            32.58    6      
     39 Diamantis                    Randolph                  32.78    3      
     40 Taylor, Ashley               Cullman B-Team            32.95    5      
     41 Bradshaw, Britni             Huntsville                33.01    6      
     42 Barnett, Katie               Falkville                 33.10    3      
     43 Smith, Paula                 Randolph                  33.19    3      
     44 Taylor, Ramsie               Huntsville                33.45    6      
     45 Steeley, Amanda              Westbrook                 33.66    5      
     46 Serrett, Jessica             Arab                      33.92    4      
     47 Frost, Heather               Cullman B-Team            33.99    4      
     48 Wilder, Lakitha              Tuscaloosa County B-Team  34.10    7      
     49 Cato, Heidi                  Westbrook                 34.25    4      
     50 Crutcher, Ashley             Athens                    34.48   10      
     51 King, Caley                  Westbrook                 34.60    2      
     52 Alexander, Laura             Arab                      34.90    2      
     53 Moore, Mariah                Westbrook                 35.68    4      
     54 Fletcher, Shaniqua           Austin                    39.42   11      
      - Fortenberry, Lacey           Mortimer Jordan              NT    5      
      - Davis, Sherrell              Huntsville                   NT    5      
      - Guy, Brooke                  Haleyville                   NT   12      
      - Easter, Lindsay              Falkville                    NT    1      
      - Taylor, Amanda               Randolph                     NT    1      
      - Thrasher, Jamie              Haleyville                   NT   12      
      - Thompson, Marquita           Muscle Shoals                NT   12      
      - Manzella, Crystal            Mortimer Jordan              NT    5      
      - Neely, Toya                  Cleveland                    NT    8      
      - Jackson, Shanika             West Morgan                  NT    9      
      - Johnson, Cherrie             Walker                       NT    8      
                              Girls 400 Meter Dash                             
                    % Meet: 59.09 CASSIE BARRON-CULLMAN 1997                   
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
 PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME      HT PTS 
 ===== ============================ ========================= ========= == ====
     1 Johnson, Lauren              Scottsboro                1:00.96   10 10  
     2 Morrow, Bethany              Cullman                   1:03.81   10  8  
     3 Kinsey, Nicole               Huntsville                1:05.39    8  6  
     4 Aultman, Sarah               Pleasant Grove            1:06.25   10  3  
     4 Maddox, Gavonna              Tuscaloosa County         1:06.25    9  3  
     6 Patterson, Dawn              Bradshaw                  1:06.68   10  1  
     7 Stepp, Verna                 Huntsville                1:06.71    9     
     8 Gamble, Julie                Scottsboro                1:06.72    8     
     9 O\'Neal, B                    Randolph                  1:06.74    2     
    10 Raye, Candice                Fort Payne                1:07.48    9     
    11 Brown, Joy                   Tuscaloosa County         1:07.61    8     
    12 Fortenberry, Niki            Arab                      1:07.70    6     
    13 Hamilton, Amanda             Fort Payne                1:08.03    8     
    14 Webb, Amanda                 Scottsboro                1:08.33    9     
    15 Luker, Amber                 Cullman                   1:08.34    8     
    16 Burns, Jaime                 Cullman                   1:09.13    9     
    17 Washington, Deann            Athens                    1:10.34    6     
    18 Jackson, Shanika             West Morgan               1:10.62    7     
    19 West, Virginia               Falkville                 1:10.86    1     
    20 Thomas, S                    Brewer                    1:11.01    7     
    21 Whitaker, Ginger             Arab                      1:11.40    5     
    22 Thrower, Laura               Arab                      1:11.86    6     
    23 Wiggins, S                   Decatur                   1:12.23    3     
    24 Powers, Sherrell             Decatur                   1:12.54    8     
    25 Hinton, Martoya              Tuscaloosa County B-Team  1:13.03    5     
    26 Ross, Martia                 Bradshaw                  1:13.41   10     
    27 Murphy, Niki                 Bradshaw                  1:13.64    9     
    28 Watts, Christi               Cullman B-Team            1:13.76    5     
    29 Cartee, Megan                Hartselle                 1:14.32    2     
    30 Easter, Lindsay              Falkville                 1:14.73    3     
    31 Luckett, J                   Decatur                   1:15.22    6     
    32 Avila, Yadira                Fort Payne                1:15.32    2     
    33 Dooley                       Brewer                    1:16.46    2     
    34 Smith, Paula                 Randolph                  1:16.49    3     
    35 Morgan, Ashley               Mortimer Jordan           1:16.89    4     
    36 Nance, Rebecca               Mortimer Jordan           1:17.14    3     
    37 Williams, Venisha            Tuscaloosa County         1:17.46    6     
    38 Gray, Mallory                Austin                    1:17.78    1     
    39 Price, Nicole                Huntsville                1:18.51    5     
    40 Coffman, E                   Athens                    1:18.55    4     
    41 Barnett, Katie               Falkville                 1:18.62    2     
    42 Batchelor, Wendy             Haleyville                1:18.70    7     
    43 Williams, Q                  Muscle Shoals             1:18.95    7     
    44 Underwood, Cassie            Cleveland                 1:19.96    7     
    45 Powell, Celeste              West Morgan               1:20.20    4     
    46 Powell, Ashley               Tuscaloosa County         1:21.12    6     
    47 Clifton, Bethany             Sylacauga                 1:21.27    3     
    48 King, Caley                  Westbrook                 1:22.36    4     
    49 Moore, Mariah                Westbrook                 1:22.72    7     
    50 Talley, Elizabeth            Westbrook                 1:22.83    4     
    51 Fuller, Truleia              Muscle Shoals             1:23.09    4     
    52 Clark, Nichla                Hartselle                 1:27.45    2     
    53 Speegle, Joan                Mortimer Jordan           1:27.84    3     
    54 Plaza, Kena                  Austin                    1:31.59    1     
    55 Stanley, Markeya             Athens                    1:31.88    5     
    56 Sweatman, Onna               Cleveland                 1:34.88    5     
     - Sullivan, Lashonda           Muscle Shoals                  NT   10     
                              Girls 800 Meter Run                              
             % Meet: 2:29.20 JANET HOLLINGSWORTH-WHITE PLAINS 1987             
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
 PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME      HT PTS 
 ===== ============================ ========================= ========= == ====
     1 Thompson, Jennifer           Arab                      2:35.62    6 10  
     2 Gross, Jessi                 Scottsboro                2:36.48    6  8  
     3 Roberts, Ashley              Walker                    2:36.91    6  6  
     4 Bramlett, Rachel             Scottsboro                2:37.74    6  4  
     5 Chappell, Suzan              Cullman                   2:38.92    6  2  
     6 Calvert, Christa             Cullman                   2:39.54    6  1  
     7 Daniels, Natalie             Fort Payne                2:44.40    5     
     8 Witherspoon, Cynthia         Huntsville                2:48.91    2     
     9 Granger, Maegan              Arab                      2:52.11    6     
    10 Bucher, Meagan               Randolph                  2:54.41    1     
    11 Pettus, Whitney              Fort Payne                2:54.69    4     
    12 Randolph, Molly              Randolph                  2:57.14    2     
    13 Hudson, Angela               Walker                    2:57.31    5     
    14 Boudeleaw, Racheal           West Morgan               2:58.90    4     
    15 Knight, Vannah               Haleyville                2:59.27    3     
    16 Tucker, Andrea               Falkville                 2:59.74    1     
    17 Williamson, J                Decatur                   3:00.91    3     
    18 Shackleford, T               Decatur                   3:02.03    3     
    19 Bell, Savanna                Fort Payne                3:03.47    5     
    20 Beard, J                     Brewer                    3:06.64    3     
    21 Teal, Erin                   Huntsville                3:06.75    1     
    22 Gover, E                     Falkville                 3:08.63    5     
    23 Flemming, Joanna             Athens                    3:08.72    6     
    24 Kingston, Ashley             Arab                      3:10.86    2     
    25 Riley, Ashley                Muscle Shoals             3:11.65    5     
    26 Kyle, S                      Decatur                   3:12.95    3     
    27 Hand, Jennifer               Mortimer Jordan           3:13.66    3     
    28 Andrews, Ashley              Bradshaw                  3:15.93    4     
    29 Bomar, Megan                 Falkville                 3:16.25    1     
    30 Coffman, E                   Athens                    3:24.27    2     
    31 Smith, Kim                   Bradshaw                  3:29.16    5     
    32 Talley, Elizabeth            Westbrook                 3:31.06    2     
    33 Ponder, Jewelie              Westbrook                 3:36.65    3     
    34 Willis, Alyssa               Haleyville                3:39.10    2     
    35 Boudeleaw, Lois              West Morgan               3:39.75    3     
    36 Wallace, Amy                 Westbrook                 3:42.42    3     
                             Girls 1,600 Meter Run                             
                   % Meet: 5:29.00 MARLA INGRAM-CULLMAN 1994                   
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
 PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME      HT PTS 
 ===== ============================ ========================= ========= == ====
     1 Thompson, Jennifer           Arab                      5:31.78    4  10
     2 Underwood, Caroline          Muscle Shoals             5:32.84    4   8
     3 Green, Emily                 Scottsboro                5:38.44    4   6
     4 Griffith, Joy                American Christian Academ 5:39.17    4   4
     5 Bramlett, Rachel             Scottsboro                5:39.44    4   2
     6 Scavarda, Linda              Cullman                   5:40.17    4   1
     7 Calvert, Christa             Cullman                   5:45.79    4   
     8 Roberts, Ashley              Walker                    5:47.25    4   
     9 Gross, Jessi                 Scottsboro                5:49.05    4       
    10 Flouranoy, Shannon           Muscle Shoals             6:50.75    4         
    11 Hunt, Leslie                 Austin                    6:07.09    4         
    12 Granger, Maegan              Arab                      6:19.93    3     
    12 Randolph, Maegan             Randolph                  6:20.16    2     
    13 Knight, Vannah               Haleyville                6:26.64    3     
    14 Swenson, Ali                 Huntsville                6:32.02    3     
    15 Delong, Amy                  Huntsville                6:37.26    3     
    16 Demetris, Lydia              Randolph                  6:40.55    2     
    17 Bell, Savanna                Fort Payne                6:42.04    2     
    18 Kingston, Ashley             Arab                      6:43.64    2     
    19 Allison, Saint               Falkville                 6:51.68    3     
    10 Defoor, Katie                Falkville                 6:56.89    2     
    11 Dawson, Beth Anne            Austin                    7:05.75    3     
    12 Ham, Trista                  Austin                    7:07.07    1     
    13 Andrews, Ashley              Bradshaw                  7:13.85    3     
    14 Yancy, Amanda                Cleveland                 7:14.47    3     
    15 Smith, Kim                   Bradshaw                  7:17.10    3     
                             Girls 3,200 Meter Run                             
                   % Meet: 11:37.60 MARLA INGRAM-CULLMAN 1994                  
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
  PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME       PTS  
  ===== ============================ ========================= ========== ==== 
      1 Green, Emily                 Scottsboro                12:09.56    10  
      2 Griffith, Joy                American Christian Academ 12:21.86     8  
      3 Thompson, Jennifer           Arab                      12:29.25     6  
      4 Scavarda, Linda              Cullman                   12:38.64     4  
      5 Bramlett, Rachel             Scottsboro                13:01.92     2  
      6 Carter, Jessi                Scottsboro B-Team         13:07.60     1  
      7 Flouranoy, Shannon           Muscle Shoals             13:20.14        
      8 Fullington, Ashley           Scottsboro                13:22.97        
      9 Calvert, Christa             Cullman                   14:07.19        
     10 Swenson, Ali                 Huntsville                14:34.30        
     11 Harrison, Angela             Falkville                 15:04.11        
     12 Kingston, Ashley             Arab                      15:29.80        
     13 Wakefield, Amanda            Haleyville                15:46.45        
     14 Pierce, Kristen              Falkville                 16:08.03        
     15 Hanna, Amber                 Mortimer Jordan           16:53.45        

                          Girls 100 Meter High Hurdles                         
               % Meet: 15.59 CASSANDRA MATTHEWS-MADISON CO. 1999               
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
  PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT PTS  
  ===== ============================ ========================= ======= == ==== 
      1 Johnson, Lauren              Scottsboro                15.15 %  8 10   
      2 Safiyah, Jowharah            Austin                    16.06    1  8   
      3 Dunlap, Alyson               Falkville                 17.69    2  6   
      4 Freeman, Tammy               Scottsboro                17.76    8  4   
      5 Fortenberry, Niki            Arab                      17.98    3  2   
      6 Lackey, Meredith             Scottsboro                18.50    6  1   
      7 Brannon, Ashley              Bradshaw                  18.53    7      
      8 Roberts, Heather             Falkville                 18.96    1      
      9 Perkins, Candice             Arab                      19.22    1      
     10 Price, Nicole                Huntsville                19.33    3      
     11 Livingston, Allison          Falkville                 19.69    2      
     12 Messersmith, Mallory         Cullman                   19.94    6      
     13 Byrd, Victoria               Bradshaw                  20.43    6      
     14 Brown, Meyori                Bradshaw                  20.67    8      
     15 Bunch, Amanda                Arab                      20.98    3      
     16 Teal, Erin                   Huntsville                22.29    4      
     17 Turney, Steffanie            Haleyville                23.10    3      
     18 Dean, Tamichael              Pleasant Grove            23.32    4      
      - Parnell, Stephanie           Pleasant Grove               DQ    2      
      - Chambers, Maria              Cullman                      DQ    8      
                          Girls 300 Meter Int Hurdles                          
                      % Meet: 47.60 BATTISTO-DESHLER 1985                      
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
 PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME      HT PTS 
 ===== ============================ ========================= ========= == ====
     1 Johnson, Lauren              Scottsboro                  47.89   10 10  
     2 Parker, Tiffany              Cullman                     50.80   10  8  
     3 Dunlap, Alyson               Falkville                   53.60    1  6  
     4 Freeman, Tammy               Scottsboro                  53.80   10  4  
     5 Roberts, Heather             Falkville                   54.64    2  2  
     6 Hatcher, Porsha              Walker                      55.38    2  1  
     7 Piper, Kristen               Cullman                     55.77    8     
     8 Chambers, Maria              Cullman                     57.25    7     
     9 Price, Nicole                Huntsville                  57.64    7     
    10 Bunch, Amanda                Arab                        58.79    6     
    10 Thrower, Laura               Arab                        58.79    6     
    12 Ross, Martia                 Bradshaw                    59.17    6     
    13 Delong, Amy                  Huntsville                1:00.56    8     
    14 Teal, Erin                   Huntsville                1:01.23    5     
    15 Brown, Caroline              Randolph                  1:01.47    3     
    16 Brown, Meyori                Bradshaw                  1:01.56    6     
    17 Ham, Trista                  Austin                    1:02.49    1     
    18 Brannon, Ashley              Bradshaw                  1:02.73    7     
    19 Hudson, Angela               Walker                    1:03.10    1     
    20 Dawson, Beth Anne            Austin                    1:03.23    5     
    21 Flynn, K                     Decatur                   1:04.66    3     
    22 Guy, Brooke                  Haleyville                1:05.69    4     
    23 Anderson, K                  Decatur                   1:05.85    2     
     - Shackelford, L               Decatur                        DQ    4     
     - Speegle, Joan                Mortimer Jordan                DQ    5     
                            Girls 4x100 Meter Relay                            
              % Meet: 49.61 ELLIOT/TORAIN/CLARK/CAIN-DECATUR 1999              
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
          PLACE  RELAY AFFILIATION                   TIME      HT PTS          
          =====  =================================== ========= == ====         
              1  ATHN      Athens                      53.00    3 10           
              2  MUSC      Muscle Shoals               53.04    3  8           
              3  TUSC      Tuscaloosa County           53.15    3  6           
              4  DECA      Decatur                     53.82    3  4           
              5  BRAD      Bradshaw                    54.32    2  2           
              6  FORT      Fort Payne                  54.70    3  1                  
              7  HILL      Hillcrest                   55.28    1              
              8  SCOT      Scottsboro                  55.65    3              
              9  FALK      Falkville                   56.39    1              
             10  ARAB      Arab                        59.44    1              
             11  MORT      Mortimer Jordan           1:00.09    2              
             12  BREW      Brewer                    1:00.60    2              
             13  PLEA      Pleasant Grove            1:00.86    2              
             14  HUNT      Huntsville                1:00.99    2              
             15  SYLA      Sylacauga                 1:02.60    1              
              -  TUSB      Tuscaloosa County B-Team       NT    1              
              -  WALK      Walker                         NT    2              
              -  HART      Hartselle                      NT    1              
                            Girls 4x400 Meter Relay                            
           % Meet: 4:14.20 HARRIS/HARRIS/McELRATH/HILL-FT. PAYNE 1988          
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
          PLACE  RELAY AFFILIATION                   TIME      HT PTS          
          =====  =================================== ========= == ====         
              1  SCOT      Scottsboro                4:32.58    3 10           
              2  HUNT      Huntsville                4:33.03    3  8           
              3  CULL      Cullman                   4:39.00    3  6           
              4  FALK      Falkville                 4:55.73    2  4           
              5  ARAB      Arab                      4:56.08    1  2           
              6  AUST      Austin                    5:05.11    2  1           
              7  BREW      Brewer                    5:17.27    1              
              8  HALE      Haleyville                5:34.26    3              
                            Girls 4x800 Meter Relay                            
          % Meet: 10:14.20 HARRIS/HARRIS/MANNING/GRIGGS-FT. PAYNE 1990         
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
         PLACE  RELAY AFFILIATION                   TIME       HT PTS          
         =====  =================================== ========== == ====         
             1  SCOT      Scottsboro                10:31.61    3 10           
             2  CULL      Cullman                   10:38.38    3  8                
             3  ARAB      Arab                      11:21.67    1  6           
             4  FORT      Fort Payne                11:29.32    3  4           
             5  MUSC      Muscle Shoals             11:30.58    2  2           
             6  BREW      Brewer                    11:46.00    2  1           
             7  RAND      Randolph                  11:48.18    1              
             8  FALK      Falkville                 12:06.30    2              
             9  HUNT      Huntsville                12:16.11    3              
            10  DECA      Decatur                   12:21.86    2              
            11  ATHN      Athens                    12:34.44    2              
            12  AUST      Austin                    12:49.95    3              
            13  HALE      Haleyville                12:50.00    3              
            14  MORT      Mortimer Jordan           12:56.02    2              
             -  HART      Hartselle                       NT    1              
                                Girls High Jump                                
                % Meet: 5\'05.00\" KIDADA HOLTZCLAW-SYLACAUGA 1994               
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK           PTS    
    ===== ========================== =================== ==========     ====   
        1 Bussey, Lauren             Cullman             5\'00.00\"       10     
        2 Aultman, Sarah             Pleasant Grove      4\'10.00\"        8     
        3 Murphy, Niki               Bradshaw            4\'08.00\"        6     
        4 Parker, Tiffany            Cullman             4\'06.00\"        4     
        5 Webb, Amanda               Scottsboro          4\'06.00\"        1     
        5 Polk, Paige                Huntsville          4\'06.00\"        1     
        5 Wiley, Meagan              Falkville           4\'06.00\"        1     
        8 Williams, Kim              Pleasant Grove      4\'04.00\"              
        8 Nance, Juanita             Bradshaw            4\'04.00\"              
        8 Fortenberry, Niki          Arab                4\'04.00\"              

                                Girls Pole Vault                               
                 % Meet: 8\'03.00\" TAMMY FREEMAN-SCOTTSBORO 2000                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK           PTS    
    ===== ========================== =================== ==========     ====   
        1 Freeman, Tammy             Scottsboro          8\'00.00\"       10     
        2 Bussey, Lauren             Cullman             8\'00.00\"        8     
        3 Piper, Kristen             Cullman             7\'06.00\"        6     
        4 Freeman, Lindsay           Buckhorn            7\'06.00\"        4     
        5 Lackey, Meredith           Scottsboro          6\'06.00\"        2     
                                Girls Long Jump                                
                   % Meet: 18\'00.00\" TASHA CAIN-DECATUR 1999                   
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Dunn, Marketta             Tuscaloosa County   15\'10.00\"       10     
       2 Aultman, Sarah             Pleasant Grove      15\'07.00\"        8     
       3 Fletcher, Shaniqua         Austin              14\'09.00\"        6     
       4 Brown, Joy                 Tuscaloosa County   14\'08.25\"        4     
       5 Williams, Kim              Pleasant Grove      14\'04.00\"        2     
       6 Hatcher, Porsha            Walker              14\'03.75\"        1     
       7 Locklear, Crystal          Falkville           14\'03.50\"              
       8 Harris, Gigi               Bradshaw            13\'10.00\"              
       9 Huckaby, Lindsay           Arab                13\'07.00\"              
      10 Hamilton, Amanda           Fort Payne          13\'06.50\"              
      10 Stepp, Verna               Huntsville          13\'06.50\"              
      12 Downs, Katrina             Marion County       13\'03.75\"              
      13 Nolan, Savannah            Scottsboro          13\'01.25\"              
      14 Watkins, Ashley            Athens              13\'00.00\"              
      15 Sims, Jennifer             Sylacauga           12\'10.50\"              
      16 Moore, Bruchette           Athens              12\'10.25\"              
      17 Lockett, Shauntae          Athens              12\'09.50\"              
      18 Burns, Jaime               Cullman             12\'07.00\"              
      18 Livingston, Allison        Falkville           12\'07.00\"              
      20 Steele, Quista             Fort Payne          12\'04.50\"              
      21 Vinson, Latrica            Muscle Shoals       12\'01.00\"              
      22 Norkus, Emily              Huntsville          12\'00.50\"              
      23 Demetris, Lydia            Randolph            11\'10.00\"              
      24 Neely, Toya                Cleveland           11\'09.00\"              
      25 Leonard, Ivory             Bradshaw            11\'08.50\"                
      26 Malone, Feresie            Sylacauga           11\'08.00\"              
      27 Barnett, Katie             Falkville           11\'07.50\"              
      28 Brown, Meyori              Bradshaw            11\'04.50\"              
      28 Williams, Venisha          Tuscaloosa County   11\'04.50\"              
      30 Parnell, Stephanie         Pleasant Grove      11\'02.00\"              
      31 Morgan, Ashley             Mortimer Jordan     11\'01.50\"              
      32 Adams, Linsi               Arab                10\'08.00\"              
      33 Brewer, Allison            Muscle Shoals       10\'07.00\"              
      34 Iannucci, Mary             Hartselle            9\'11.00\"              
      34 Underwood, Cassie          Cleveland            9\'11.00\"              
      36 Allen, Kimberly            Arab                 9\'09.00\"              
       - Sharpley, Terri            Hartselle                  ND              
       - Fletcher, S                Decatur                    ND              
       - Polk, Paige                Huntsville                 ND              
       - Wiggins, S                 Decatur                    ND              
       - Ball, Colitha              Hillcrest                  ND              
       - Morris, Kendra             Decatur                    ND              
       - Blackwood, L               Brewer                     ND              
       - Wallace, Tiesha            Hamilton                   ND              
       - King, E                    Brewer                     ND              
       - Miller, LeANNE             Hamilton                   ND              
       - Fortenberry, Lacey         Mortimer Jordan            ND              
       - McPHERSON, Miranda         Mortimer Jordan            ND              
       - Jackson, Shanika           West Morgan                ND              
       - Jones, Rachel              Randolph                   ND              
       - Canada, Tosha              Walker                     ND              
       - Shatas, Lane               Randolph                   ND              
       - Johnson, Cherrie           Walker                     ND              
                               Girls Triple Jump                               
             % Meet: 35\'05.50\" CASSANDRA MATTHEWS-MADISON CO. 1999             
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Bussey, Lauren             Cullman             32\'02.50\"       10     
       2 Aultman, Sarah             Pleasant Grove      31\'07.00\"        8     
       3 Parker, Tiffany            Cullman             30\'11.50\"        6     
       4 Piper, Kristen             Cullman             28\'08.00\"        4     
       5 Fletcher, Shaniqua         Austin              28\'07.25\"        2     
       6 Hatcher, Porsha            Walker              28\'06.50\"        1     
       7 Huckaby, Lindsay           Arab                28\'01.00\"              
       8 Roberts, Heather           Falkville           27\'10.00\"              
       9 Nance, Juanita             Bradshaw            26\'02.00\"              
      10 Malone, Feresie            Sylacauga           25\'10.75\"              
      11 Perkins, Candice           Arab                25\'09.75\"              
      12 Wiley, Meagan              Falkville           25\'07.75\"              
      13 Speegle, Joan              Mortimer Jordan     25\'04.50\"              
      14 Taylor, J                  Brewer              25\'00.00\"              
      14 Johnson, Annie             Bradshaw            25\'00.00\"              
      16 Hand, Jennifer             Mortimer Jordan     24\'05.00\"              
      17 Tynan, Sarah               Falkville           24\'00.50\"              
                                 Girls Shot Put                                
                    % Meet: 34\'07.50\" KIM BROWN-BREWER 1997                    
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Kyle, Danielle             Falkville           32\'06.50\"       10     
       2 Bussey, Lauren             Cullman             32\'02.50\"        8     
       3 Williams, Brittany         Tuscaloosa County   30\'10.00\"        6     
       4 Lamitie, L                 Brewer              30\'02.50\"        4     
       5 Cater, Markeita            Austin              30\'00.50\"        2     
       6 Stansberry, Lynsey         Cullman             28\'00.50\"        1     
       7 Nelson, Terica             Bradshaw            27\'00.00\"              
       8 Arant, Shelley             Mortimer Jordan     26\'10.00\"              
       9 Garner, Kristy             Bradshaw            26\'09.00\"              
      10 Owens, Chasity             Austin              26\'07.00\"              
      11 Moore, Starris             Bradshaw            26\'02.50\"              
      12 Elliot, Christie           Hillcrest           25\'05.00\"              
      13 Moon, Rhianna              Arab                25\'00.50\"              
      14 Glenn, Beth                Mortimer Jordan     24\'10.00\"              
      15 Petty, R                   Decatur             24\'07.00\"              
      16 Tift, Traci                Pleasant Grove      24\'05.00\"              
      17 Loggans, Satorius          Tuscaloosa County   24\'04.50\"              
      18 Allen, April               Muscle Shoals       24\'03.50\"              
      19 Travis, Tara               Walker              24\'02.50\"              
      20 Burgett, Adrian            Mortimer Jordan     24\'01.00\"              
      21 Ball, Colitha              Hillcrest           23\'11.00\"              
      22 Moton, Felicia             Tuscaloosa County   23\'09.00\"              
      23 Newman, A                  Brewer              23\'06.50\"              
      24 Reichwein, Sarah           Cullman             22\'08.00\"              
      25 Laeks, Aly                 Scottsboro          22\'06.00\"              
      25 Evans, L                   Falkville           22\'06.00\"              
      27 Vest, Beth                 Falkville           22\'05.00\"              
      28 Johnson, Latoya            Muscle Shoals       21\'10.50\"              
      29 Steeley, Amanda            Westbrook           21\'07.50\"              
      30 Radansky, Whitney          Scottsboro          21\'06.50\"              
      31 Wilson, Taniasia           Sylacauga           21\'02.50\"              
      32 Malone, Feresie            Sylacauga           21\'01.00\"              
      33 Chappell, Kathryn          Cullman B-Team      20\'11.00\"              
      34 Eze, B                     Decatur             20\'10.00\"              
      35 Burnette, Rachel           Cullman B-Team      20\'07.00\"              
      36 Batchelor, Wendy           Haleyville          20\'06.50\"              

                               Girls Discus Throw                              
                    % Meet: 119\'07.00\" KIM BROWN-BREWER 1997                   
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Kyle, Danielle             Falkville           86\'08.00\"       10     
       2 Stansberry, Lynsey         Cullman             84\'07.00\"        8     
       3 Glenn, Beth                Mortimer Jordan     84\'02.00\"        6     
       4 Owens, Chasity             Austin              75\'09.50\"        4     
       5 Burgett, Adrian            Mortimer Jordan     75\'09.00\"        1.50  
       5 Lamitie, L                 Brewer              75\'09.00\"        1.50  
       7 Moon, Rhianna              Arab                74\'06.00\"              
       8 Williams, Brittany         Tuscaloosa County   70\'11.00\"              
       9 Cater, Markeita            Austin              70\'03.00\"              
      10 Nelson, Terica             Bradshaw            70\'01.00\"              
      11 Harris, T                  Decatur             68\'05.50\"              
      12 Radansky, Whitney          Scottsboro          67\'10.00\"              
      13 Vest, Beth                 Falkville           66\'09.00\"              
      14 Moton, Felicia             Tuscaloosa County   65\'03.00\"              
      15 Garner, Kristy             Bradshaw            64\'10.00\"              
      16 Newman, A                  Brewer              64\'09.00\"              
      17 Galloway, Sara             Muscle Shoals       62\'06.00\"              
      18 Ball, Colitha              Hillcrest           61\'02.00\"              
      19 Watkins, Ashley            Athens              60\'08.00\"              
      20 Malone, Feresie            Sylacauga           60\'05.00\"              
      21 Arant, Shelley             Mortimer Jordan     59\'02.50\"              
      22 Wilson, Taniasia           Sylacauga           57\'07.00\"              
      23 Laeks, Aly                 Scottsboro          57\'01.00\"              
      24 Sutton, Tonya              Arab                56\'11.50\"              
      25 Huntley, Allison           Scottsboro          55\'05.00\"              
      26 Langford, C                Brewer              55\'02.00\"              
      27 Burnette, Rachel           Cullman B-Team      55\'00.00\"              
      28 Norkus, Emily              Huntsville          54\'07.00\"              
      29 Eubanks, Brittany          Arab                53\'01.00\"              
      30 Travis, Tara               Walker              52\'02.00\"              
      31 Taylor, Ramsie             Huntsville          51\'04.00\"              
      32 Johnson, Latisa            Athens              51\'02.00\"              
      33 Plaza, Kena                Austin              49\'00.00\"              
      34 Villanova, Jennifer        Hartselle           48\'06.00\"              

                              Boys 100 Meter Dash                              
                       % Meet: 10.69 VON WEBB-ATHENS 1999                      
                    Preliminary Results - Saturday 03/17/01                    
                             Top 6 Advance by Time                             
     PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT   
     ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ==   
         1 Ryan, Titus                  Tuscaloosa County         10.89   11   
         2 Biddle, Ratavious            Decatur                   11.22    7   
         3 Moore, Deonne                Hillcrest                 11.24    2   
         4 Brothers, Jeffrey            Bradshaw                  11.40    8   
         5 Manson, Marcus               Hillcrest                 11.51    5   
         6 Allen, Jason                 Muscle Shoals             11.58   10   
         7 Cain, Courtney               Athens                    11.59    4   
         8 Shirley, Jordan              Muscle Shoals             11.62    9   
         9 Houston, Vallentino          Athens                    11.66    1   
        10 Waldrop, Lionel              Tuscaloosa County B-Team  11.67    2   
        11 Deloney, Fabian              Decatur                   11.68    3   
        12 Sewell, Kevin                Tuscaloosa County         11.70    2   
        13 Laney, Cade                  Arab                      11.74    2   
        14 Murphy, Nate                 Sylacauga                 11.75    5   
        15 Walker, Reshawn              Tuscaloosa County         11.76    1   
        16 Moore, O\'Neal                Decatur                   11.79    1   
        17 Grigsby, Jason               Cleveland                 11.80    8   
        18 Harris, Omar                 Westbrook                 11.81    5   
        19 Guess, Drew                  Arab                      11.82    6   
        20 Farris, Blake                Walker                    11.83    4   
        21 Goudy, Terrence              Sylacauga                 11.86    7   
        22 Stone, William               Buckhorn                  11.91    3   
        23 McDOLE, Zac                  Scottsboro                11.98    3   
        23 Hill, Brandon                Arab                      11.98    5   
        25 Egban                        Bradshaw                  12.04    2   
        26 Webb, Don                    Scottsboro                12.06    9   
        27 Mosley, Richard              West Morgan               12.08   10   
        28 Beachum, R                   Bradshaw                  12.15    5   
        29 Acklin, Ian                  Muscle Shoals             12.19    4   
        29 Peevy, Robbie                Buckhorn                  12.19    6   
        31 Billups, Billy Joe           Tuscaloosa County B-Team  12.26    1   
        31 McCOMBS, Josh                Mortimer Jordan           12.26    6   
        33 Parks, Tim                   Sylacauga                 12.29    6   
        34 Clark, Trey                  Hartselle                 12.31    3   
        35 Ragland, Tyrone              Buckhorn                  12.35    3   
        36 McCLUNG, Chase               West Morgan               12.37    8   
        37 Taylor, Perez                Decatur B-Team            12.42    7   
        38 Williams, Bobby              Huntsville                12.46    7   
        39 Clay, Darnell                Walker B-Team             12.58    3   
        40 Chung, Will                  Tuscaloosa County B-Team  12.62    1   
        40 Ballentine, Micheal          Decatur B-Team            12.62   10   
        42 Hankins, Bobby               Walker                    12.68   10   
        43 Phillips, Brandon            Mortimer Jordan           12.74    8   
        44 Harris, Joe                  Walker B-Team             12.84    2   
        45 Beairds, Dawson              Scottsboro B-Team         12.86    9   
        46 Jones, Kevin                 Hartselle                 12.92   11   
        47 Edwards, Brad                Mortimer Jordan           12.99    7   
        48 Taylor, Quincy               Decatur B-Team            13.04    8   
        49 Balke, B                     Brewer                    13.13    4   
        50 Rogers, Drew                 Huntsville                13.29    6   
        51 Elliott, Stanley             Austin                    13.35   10   
        52 Long, Maurice                Austin                    13.64    8   
        53 Engle, Daniel                Hartselle                 13.79    6   
        54 Bradshaw, Ricky              Huntsville                14.96    9   
         - Lang, John                   Brewer                       NT    5   
         - Townsend, Sashua             Westbrook                    NT   11   
         - Gray, Eric                   West Morgan                  NT   11   
         - Stewart, Jamaan              Marion County                NT    9   
         - Guyton, Travis               Marion County                NT    7   
         - McNUTT, Drew                 Scottsboro                   NT   11   
         - Hon, Kevin                   Randolph                     NT    1   
         - Kicker, Patrick              Austin                       NT    4   
         - Riggins, Josh                Marion County                NT    4   
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    PTS    
   ===== ============================ ========================= ======= ====   
       1 Ryan, Titus                  Tuscaloosa County         10.79    10    
       2 Moore, Deonne                Hillcrest                 11.16     8    
       3 Biddle, Ratavious            Decatur                   11.18     6    
       4 Brothers, Jeffrey            Bradshaw                  11.40     4    
       5 Manson, Marcus               Hillcrest                 11.60     2    
       6 Allen, Jason                 Muscle Shoals             11.76     1    

                              Boys 200 Meter Dash                              
                  % Meet: 21.87 ADRIAN GREEN-WEST MORGAN 2000                  
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
  PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT PTS  
  ===== ============================ ========================= ======= == ==== 
      1 Ryan, Titus                  Tuscaloosa County         21.64 % 12 10   
      2 Langford, Dexter             Brewer                    22.99   12  8   
      3 Thompson, Marquis            Muscle Shoals             23.17    8  6   
      4 Lacey, Steven                Mortimer Jordan           23.36    5  4   
      5 Horton, Tre                  Scottsboro                23.47   10  2   
      6 Blackburn, Theron            Tuscaloosa County         23.52    9  1   
      7 Laney, Cade                  Arab                      23.62   11      
      8 Webb, Don                    Scottsboro                23.83    8      
      9 Guess, Drew                  Arab                      23.94    9      
      9 Hill, Brandon                Arab                      23.94   10      
     11 Walker, Jon                  Tuscaloosa County B-Team  24.25    6      
     12 Miller, Preston              Cullman                   24.32    8      
     13 McNUTT, Drew                 Scottsboro                24.37    2      
     14 Farris, Blake                Walker                    24.49   11      
     15 Henderson, Courtney          Decatur                   24.65   10      
     16 Shealey, Martel              Sylacauga                 24.68    8      
     17 Rainey, Gerald               Sylacauga                 24.78    6      
     18 Darby, Matt                  Austin                    24.94    3      
     19 King, Darrell                Hillcrest                 25.00    3      
     20 Elliott, Stanley             Austin                    25.03    7      
     21 Medlock, Chris               Cullman                   25.26    6      
     22 Taylor, Perez                Decatur B-Team            25.32    2      
     23 Pless, Eurie                 Decatur                   25.41   12      
     24 Gamble, Dustin               Westbrook                 25.43    6      
     25 Thompson, Brian              Bradshaw                  25.47   11      
     26 Demetris, Alex               Randolph                  25.49    2      
     27 Manson, Marcus               Hillcrest                 25.65    1      
     28 Wright, Richard              Cullman                   25.66    5      
     29 Monroe, Joe                  Hillcrest                 25.80    3      
     30 Gordon, Blair                Decatur                   25.95   11      
     31 Walton, Derek                Fort Payne                25.96    4      
     32 Beairds, Dawson              Scottsboro B-Team         26.15    5      
     33 Hamilton, Fulton             Huntsville                26.57    6      
     34 Taylor, Quincy               Decatur B-Team            26.72    4      
     35 Rogers, Kevin                Sylacauga                 27.01    6      
     36 Harris, Joe                  Walker B-Team             27.03    5      
     37 Armstead, Dante              Muscle Shoals             27.07    7      
     38 Mitchell, Ryan               Westbrook                 27.10    7      
     39 McCOMBS, Josh                Mortimer Jordan           27.20    9      
     40 Davidson, Adam               Hartselle                 27.29    1      
     41 Ballentine, Micheal          Decatur B-Team            27.47    3      
     41 Riley, Ron                   Tuscaloosa County B-Team  27.47    2      
     43 Gilbert, Zac                 Bradshaw                  27.60   12      
     44 Wallace, Lee                 Marion County             27.75   10      
     45 Hill, David                  Cullman                   28.33    5      
     46 Long, Maurice                Austin                    28.46    4      
     47 Hanes, Eric                  Fort Payne                29.98    4      
     48 Arnold, Kerr                 Westbrook                 30.26    4      
                              Boys 400 Meter Dash                              
                  % Meet: 49.00 ADRIAN GREEN-WEST MORGAN 1999                  
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
 PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME      HT PTS 
 ===== ============================ ========================= ========= == ====
     1 Langford, Dexter             Brewer                      51.30   11 10  
     2 Cole, John                   Tuscaloosa County           54.09   11  8  
     3 Miller, Preston              Cullman                     54.94   11  6  
     4 Norris, Zac                  Walker                      55.18    8  4  
     5 Armstead, Dante              Muscle Shoals               55.31   11  2  
     6 Owens, Kevin                 Tuscaloosa County B-Team    55.85    7  1  
     7 Williams, Charles            Tuscaloosa County           56.07    3     
     8 Blackburn, Cornelius         Tuscaloosa County           56.22   10     
     9 Flemming, Rick               Athens                      56.34    7     
    10 Harper, Chris                Arab                        56.52    9     
    11 Simms, Charles               Sylacauga                   56.55    5     
    11 Harbin, Tanner               Scottsboro                  56.55    9     
    13 St. John, Jake               Scottsboro                  56.70    9     
    14 Oliver, Eric                 Walker                      57.14   11     
    15 Scurry, Lionel               Walker                      57.42    7     
    16 Lei, Lionel                  Scottsboro                  57.62   10     
    17 Medlock, Chris               Cullman                     57.81    8     
    18 Hall, Jeremy                 Tuscaloosa County B-Team    57.94    7     
    19 Phillips, John               Decatur                     58.03    9     
    20 Reous, Sancho                Athens                      58.12    6     
    21 Smith, Brandon               Clay County                 58.21    5     
    22 Harris, Clay                 Cullman                     58.31    6     
    23 Williams, Tim                West Morgan                 58.39    8     
    24 Abrams, Vodrick              Hillcrest                   58.40    3     
    25 Gamble, Dustin               Westbrook                   58.49    4     
    26 Arnold, Robin                Huntsville                  59.08    4     
    27 Darby, Matt                  Austin                      59.15    5     
    28 Garner, A                    Bradshaw                    59.17    3     
    29 Morton, Jacob                Cleveland                   59.50    9     
    30 Holcomb, Kris                Hartselle                   59.89    2     
    31 Bohannon, Jeremy             Scottsboro B-Team         1:00.13    8     
    32 Hobbs, J                     Brewer                    1:00.19    5     
    33 Kitchens, Michael            West Morgan               1:00.37    6     
    34 Key, Rod                     Muscle Shoals             1:00.88   10     
    35 Nickles, Ben                 Mortimer Jordan           1:00.95    7     
    36 Lambert                      Arab                      1:01.04    1     
    37 Edwards, Brad                Mortimer Jordan           1:02.09    1     
    38 Hon, Kevin                   Randolph                  1:02.11    2     
    39 Mitchell, Ryan               Westbrook                 1:02.84    4     
    40 Huges, Jon                   Athens                    1:02.89    6     
    41 Fuqua, Daryl                 Muscle Shoals             1:04.08   10     
    42 London, Jonathan             Westbrook                 1:04.17    4     
    43 Elliott, Robert              Haleyville                1:04.19    7     
    44 Thompson, Ricky              Austin                    1:05.37    4     
    45 Weatherman                   Arab                      1:06.34    1     
    46 Driggers, Josh               Hartselle                 1:07.74    1     
    47 Walton, Derek                Fort Payne                1:08.40    2     
    48 Arnold, Eric                 Austin                    1:08.45    3     
    49 Baba, Nathan                 Cleveland                 1:09.03    9     
    50 Johnson, Brad                Fort Payne                1:09.60    2     
    51 Harris, Freddie              Decatur                   1:10.16   10     
    52 Muhammed, W                  Huntsville                1:18.80    1     
                               Boys 800 Meter Run                              
                 % Meet: 1:59.21 JOHN PHILLIPPE-SCOTTSBORO 2000                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
 PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME      HT PTS 
 ===== ============================ ========================= ========= == ====
     1 Nuckols, Sam                 Huntsville                2:05.19    5 10  
     2 Dryman, Chris                Tuscaloosa County         2:08.37    8  8  
     3 Wilson, Matt                 Scottsboro                2:09.17    8  6  
     4 Smith, Brandon               Clay County               2:10.29    8  4  
     5 Houenstein, Joe              Scottsboro                2:14.73    8  2  
     6 Kara, Gaiting                Austin                    2:15.48    1  1  
     7 Jones, Jake                  Fort Payne                2:16.32    6     
     8 Lewis, Harold                Tuscaloosa County         2:16.42    2     
     9 Steinmark, Shan              Mortimer Jordan           2:20.03    7     
    10 Johnson, Taurus              Tuscaloosa County         2:20.07    1     
    11 Horton, John                 Fort Payne                2:20.32    6     
    12 Wilson, Steven               Scottsboro                2:21.77    6     
    13 Bellamy, Cody                Scottsboro B-Team         2:21.82    7     
    14 Daniels, Tyler               Fort Payne                2:22.12    7     
    15 Thompson, Justin             Arab                      2:22.55    2     
    16 Fortenberry, Russ            Arab                      2:24.72    5     
    17 Bagnets, John                Bradshaw                  2:24.81    8     
    18 Ross, Daniel                 Mortimer Jordan           2:25.73    6     
    19 Light, Clint                 Arab                      2:25.80    4     
    20 Hall, Jeremy                 Tuscaloosa County B-Team  2:26.51    6     
    21 Derrick, Drew                Huntsville                2:28.04    4     
    22 Fox, Aaron                   Cullman                   2:30.01    8     
    23 Dees, Alan                   Sylacauga                 2:30.60    4     
    24 Powell, Anthony              Cullman                   2:33.60    3     
    25 Harsh, E                     Brewer                    2:34.16    5     
    26 Shepard, Kendrick            Tuscaloosa County B-Team  2:34.84    5     
    27 Chitters, Arum               Randolph                  2:35.13    1     
    28 McLELLAN, Matthew            Austin                    2:35.74    4     
    29 Dutton, Cody                 Scottsboro B-Team         2:35.86    6     
    30 Harris, Stephan              Athens                    2:35.95    7     
    31 Thompson, Ricky              Austin                    2:36.83    1     
    32 Lee, Chris                   Randolph                  2:38.52    2     
    33 Elliott, Levi                Haleyville                2:39.76    5     
    34 Holt, Steven                 Falkville                 2:40.33    1     
    35 Pewitt, Chris                Hartselle                 2:41.46    2     
    36 Gibson, Tyler                West Morgan               2:44.58    5     
    37 London, Jonathan             Westbrook                 2:47.77    3     
    38 Turney, Steven               Haleyville                2:48.41    4     
    39 Davis                        Bradshaw                  2:54.81    1     
    40 Loughman, JR                 Hartselle                 3:00.36    1     
    41 Simmons, Craig               Westbrook                 3:04.59    1     
    42 Hyman, Aharon                Muscle Shoals             3:11.98    7     
    43 Myhand, Kyle                 Muscle Shoals             3:14.42    7     
                              Boys 1,600 Meter Run                             
                   % Meet: 4:27.07 CHAD JOHNSON-CULLMAN 2000                   
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
 PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME      HT PTS 
 ===== ============================ ========================= ========= == ====
     1 Smith, Brandon               Clay County               4:37.41    4 10  
     2 Nuckols, Sam                 Huntsville                4:38.63    4  8  
     3 Wilson, Matt                 Scottsboro                4:41.71    4  6  
     4 Thomas, D                    Brewer                    4:44.14    4  4  
     5 Kara, Gaiting                Austin                    4:50.47    4  2  
     6 McGEE, Will                  Scottsboro                4:51.28    4  1  
     7 Guthrie, James               Scottsboro                4:55.30    4     
     8 Calvert, Stephen             Cullman                   4:56.82    4     
     9 Isaacs, Greg                 Huntsville                4:59.03    4     
    10 Bellamy, Cody                Scottsboro B-Team         5:03.92    1     
    11 Steinmark, Shan              Mortimer Jordan           5:04.75    4     
    12 Ricketts, Trent              Cullman                   5:05.13    4     
    13 Carter, Bryan                Tuscaloosa County         5:13.06    3     
    14 Hock, Jeremy                 Cleveland                 5:14.98    4     
    15 Conn, Joe                    Cullman                   5:15.62    3     
    16 McCRARY, Robbie              Scottsboro B-Team         5:15.76    4     
    17 Bagnets, John                Bradshaw                  5:18.54    1     
    18 Myers, Jonathan              Arab                      5:18.62    4     
    19 Thompson, Justin             Arab                      5:19.06    3     
    20 Daniels, Tyler               Fort Payne                5:21.93    3     
    21 Sisk, John                   Hillcrest                 5:24.04    1     
    22 Allen, Sean                  Fort Payne                5:24.97    3     
    23 Reed, Peter                  Arab                      5:31.35    2     
    24 Hall, Jeremy                 Tuscaloosa County B-Team  5:32.24    1     
    25 Shepard, Kendrick            Tuscaloosa County B-Team  5:32.38    3     
    26 McLELLAN, Matthew            Austin                    5:33.02    3     
    27 Piper, Zac                   Cullman                   5:33.71    1     
    28 Ross, Daniel                 Mortimer Jordan           5:36.85    3     
    29 Reasonover, M                Brewer                    5:39.53    3     
    30 Kicker, Patrick              Austin                    5:41.65    3     
    31 Carpenter, Kevin             Haleyville                5:47.11    3     
    32 Fox, Aaron                   Cullman                   5:49.76    4     
    33 Harden, Keith                Mortimer Jordan           5:54.27    3     
    34 Elliott, Levi                Haleyville                5:56.20    3     

                              Boys 3,200 Meter Run                             
                 % Meet: 9:56.00 ANDREW HODGES-SCOTTSBORO 2000                 
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME       HT PTS 
===== ============================ ========================= ========== == ====
    1 Wilson, Matt                 Scottsboro                10:04.03    2     
    2 Nuckols, Sam                 Huntsville                10:20.54    2     
    3 Calvert, Stephen             Cullman                   10:24.22    2     
    4 McGEE, Will                  Scottsboro                10:34.78    2     
    5 Thomas, D                    Brewer                    10:43.99    2     
    6 Isaacs, Greg                 Huntsville                10:51.79    2     
    7 Jones, Jake                  Fort Payne                11:23.44    1     
    8 McCRARY, Robbie              Scottsboro B-Team         11:31.67    2     
    9 Kara, Gaiting                Austin                    11:32.22    2     
   10 Ricketts, Trent              Cullman                   11:40.11    2     
   11 Chitters, Arum               Randolph                  11:48.19    1     
   12 Reasonover, M                Brewer                    11:50.35    1     
   13 Sisk, John                   Hillcrest                 11:53.04    1     
   14 Kicker, Patrick              Austin                    11:53.26    1     
   15 Byrd, C                      Brewer                    11:56.54    1     
   16 Hardin, K                    Mortimer Jordan           12:13.19    1     
   17 Piper, Zac                   Cullman                   12:18.85    2     
   18 Carter, Bryan                Tuscaloosa County         12:21.26    2     
   19 Parker, Lee                  Scottsboro B-Team         12:25.45    2     
   20 Blevins, Zach                Fort Payne                12:36.00    1     
   21 Shuver, Justin               Westbrook                 12:42.79    1     
   22 Flemming, Josh               Arab                      12:44.40    1     
   23 Mardis, Patrick              Hartselle                 12:49.97    1     
   24 Burchfield, Allen            Cleveland                 12:52.32    1     
   25 Dees, Alan                   Sylacauga                 13:36.59    1     
   26 Carpenter, Kevin             Haleyville                13:43.08    2     

                          Boys 110 Meter High Hurdles                          
                 % Meet: 14.51 JESSE MORROW-MUSCLE SHOALS 1999                 
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
  PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT PTS  
  ===== ============================ ========================= ======= == ==== 
      1 Walker, Reshawn              Tuscaloosa County         15.43    7 10   
      2 Jones, Terrence              Tuscaloosa County         15.73    7  8   
      3 Hudson, Nicholas             Muscle Shoals             15.87    7  6   
      4 Nolan, Daniel                Scottsboro                16.24    7  4   
      5 Acklin, Ian                  Muscle Shoals             16.34    6  2   
      6 Malone, David                Sylacauga                 16.67    5  1   

                           Boys 300 Meter Int Hurdles                          
                 % Meet: 39.87 DAVID HENSON-MADSION COUNTY 1999                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
  PLACE ATHLETE NAME                 SCHOOL                    TIME    HT PTS  
  ===== ============================ ========================= ======= == ==== 
      1 Nolan, Daniel                Scottsboro                41.97   11 10   
      2 Paulk, Nathan                Scottsboro                43.08   11  8   
      3 Hudson, Nicholas             Muscle Shoals             43.79   10  6   
      4 Bowling, Daniel              Arab                      45.06   10  4   
      5 Jones, Terrence              Tuscaloosa County         45.39   11  2   
      6 Willoughby, Kyle             Cullman                   46.08   10  1   
      7 Billups, Billy Joe           Tuscaloosa County B-Team  46.62    7      
      8 Higginbotham, Tyler          Tuscaloosa County         46.64   11      
      9 Kicker, Patrick              Austin                    46.96    6      
     10 Acklin, Ian                  Muscle Shoals             48.14    5      
     11 Harris, Clay                 Cullman                   48.27    8      
     12 Nunn, Antonio                Muscle Shoals             48.51    5      
     13 Dotson, Chris                Cullman                   48.65    9      
     14 Bailey, Jared                Westbrook                 48.98    5      
     15 Yandic, Petey                Arab                      49.73    7      
     16 Cagle, Josh                  Mortimer Jordan           49.77    8      
     17 Parks, Tim                   Sylacauga                 49.98    4      
     18 Kipker, J                    Brewer                    50.11    9      
     19 Conley, Ben                  Sylacauga                 50.39    9      
     20 Anderson, T                  Bradshaw                  50.71    3      
     21 Sparks, Corey                Arab                      50.81    8      
     22 Patton, Josh                 Sylacauga                 51.32    3      
     23 Nevels, John                 Austin                    51.78    1      
     24 Thompson, Ricky              Austin                    52.06    2      
     25 Brown, Andrew                Mortimer Jordan           53.86    8      
     26 Cagle, Cameron               Haleyville                55.03    1      
     27 Villanueva, Brian            Hartselle                 59.40    1      
      - Hamby, Paul                  Haleyville                   DQ    2      
      - Thomas, Darryl               Tuscaloosa County            DQ    9      
      - Evans, T                     Brewer                       DQ    5      
                             Boys 4x100 Meter Relay                            
           % Meet: 43.75 CRUTCH/STOVER/JONES/MADDEN-COLBERT CO. 1989           
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
           PLACE  RELAY AFFILIATION                   TIME    HT PTS           
           =====  =================================== ======= == ====          
               1  DECA      Decatur                   44.38    1 10            
               2  TUSC      Tuscaloosa County         44.55    4  8            
               3  MUSC      Muscle Shoals             45.02    4  6            
               4  HILL      Hillcrest                 45.41    1  4            
               5  SCOT      Scottsboro                45.55    4  2            
               6  ARAB      Arab                      46.07    1  1            
               7  WALK      Walker                    46.97    3               
               8  BRAD      Bradshaw                  47.34    4               
               9  MARI      Marion County             47.39    4               
              10  TUSB      Tuscaloosa County B-Team  47.41    3               
              11  SYLA      Sylacauga                 47.78    3               
              12  HART      Hartselle                 49.59    2               
              13  MORT      Mortimer Jordan           49.97    3               
              14  WEST      Westbrook                 51.50    2               
              15  HUNT      Huntsville                51.76    2               
              16  BREW      Brewer                    52.49    2               
              17  AUST      Austin                    52.72    2               
              18  HALE      Haleyville                55.49    1               
               -  CULL      Cullman                      NT    3               
               -  WMOR      West Morgan                  NT    4               
               -  DECB      Decatur B-Team               DQ    2               
               -  BUCK      Buckhorn                     DQ    3               

                             Boys 4x400 Meter Relay                            
          % Meet: 3:31.70 CRUTCH/HARRIS/JONES/MADDEN-COLBERT CO. 1989          
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
          PLACE  RELAY AFFILIATION                   TIME      HT PTS          
          =====  =================================== ========= == ====         
              1  TUSC      Tuscaloosa County         3:43.55    4 10           
              2  SCOT      Scottsboro                3:45.46    4  8           
              3  CULL      Cullman                   3:54.17    4  6           
              4  ARAB      Arab                      3:56.88    2  4           
              5  TUSB      Tuscaloosa County B-Team  3:57.67    3  2           
              6  BREW      Brewer                    3:58.83    1  1           
              7  SYLA      Sylacauga                 4:02.34    3              
              8  MORT      Mortimer Jordan           4:10.44    4              
              9  SCOB      Scottsboro B-Team         4:15.59    1              
             10  AUST      Austin                    4:18.25    3              
             11  HALE      Haleyville                4:31.89    1              
              -  MUSC      Muscle Shoals                  DQ    2              
                             Boys 4x800 Meter Relay                            
          % Meet: 8:24.48 WILSON/GUTHRIE/HODGES/PHILLIPPE-SCOTTSB 1997         
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
         PLACE  RELAY AFFILIATION                   TIME       HT PTS          
         =====  =================================== ========== == ====         
             1  SCOT      Scottsboro                 8:47.57    4 10           
             2  CULL      Cullman                    9:01.00    4  8           
             3  TUSC      Tuscaloosa County          9:09.79    4  6           
             4  BREW      Brewer                     9:11.86    2  4           
             5  FORT      Fort Payne                 9:24.14    3  2           
             6  ARAB      Arab                       9:34.61    2  1           
             7  HUNT      Huntsville                 9:40.87    4              
             8  MORT      Mortimer Jordan            9:46.02    3              
             9  SCOB      Scottsboro B-Team          9:54.49    3              
            10  AUST      Austin                     9:55.84    3              
            11  MUSC      Muscle Shoals             10:06.84    4              
            12  SYLA      Sylacauga                 10:09.57    3              
            13  ATHN      Athens                    10:12.93    4              
            14  WEST      Westbrook                 10:42.63    2              
            15  HALE      Haleyville                10:48.10    2              
            16  HART      Hartselle                 10:48.56    1              
             -  WMOR      West Morgan                     NT    1              
             -  HILL      Hillcrest                       NT    2              
                                 Boys High Jump                                
                % Meet: 6\'08.00\" BRANDON ROBINSON-BUCKHORN 2000                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
    PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK           PTS    
    ===== ========================== =================== ==========     ====   
        1 Mason, J                   Brewer              6\'00.00\"       10     
        2 Guyton, Travis             Marion County       5\'10.00\"        7     
        2 Lewis, Harold              Tuscaloosa County   5\'10.00\"        7     
        4 Troupe, Michale            Athens              5\'08.00\"        4     
        5 Murphy, Nate               Sylacauga           5\'07.00\"        2     
        6 Alldredge, Steven          Cullman             5\'06.00\"        0.20  
        6 Sapp, Kyle                 Mortimer Jordan     5\'06.00\"        0.20  
        6 Ford, JJ                   Scottsboro          5\'06.00\"        0.20  
        6 Williams, L.A.             Tuscaloosa County   5\'06.00\"        0.20  
        6 Lei, Lionel                Scottsboro          5\'06.00\"        0.20  
       11 Waldrop, Lionel            Tuscaloosa County B 5\'04.00\"              
       11 Carden, Mitchell           Cullman             5\'04.00\"              
       11 Simpson, Jared             Hillcrest           5\'04.00\"              
       11 McGRADY, Mario             West Morgan         5\'04.00\"              
       11 Horton, Tre                Scottsboro          5\'04.00\"              

                                Boys Pole Vault                                
                 % Meet: 13\'00.00\" JACOB SWEINFORTH-ATHENS 1995                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Protz, Jeremy              Scottsboro          12\'06.00\"       10     
       2 Walden, Adam               Cullman             11\'00.00\"        8     
       3 Miller, Jake               Cullman             10\'06.00\"        5     
       3 Wilkins, Matt              Huntsville          10\'06.00\"        5     
       5 Salter, Matt               Cullman             10\'00.00\"        2     
       6 Lindholm, Robert           Muscle Shoals        9\'06.00\"        0.50  
       6 McGEE, Adam                Cullman              9\'06.00\"        0.50  
       8 Dotson, Chris              Cullman              9\'00.00\"              
       8 Tenseey, Derek             Marion County        9\'00.00\"              
      10 Bellamy, Cody              Scottsboro B-Team    8\'06.00\"              

                                 Boys Long Jump                                
                 % Meet: 21\'06.25\" GREG AVERETTE-SYLACAUGA 1993                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Allen, Jason               Muscle Shoals       22\'00.25\" %     10     
       2 Nolan, Daniel              Scottsboro          19\'08.50\"        8     
       3 Willoughby, Kyle           Cullman             19\'05.50\"        6     
       4 Ryan, Titus                Tuscaloosa County   19\'03.00\"        4     
       5 Moon, Danny                Marion County       19\'02.50\"        2     
       6 Clark, Trey                Hartselle           19\'00.25\"        1     
       7 Troupe, Michale            Athens              18\'08.50\"              
       8 Riggins, Josh              Marion County       18\'07.75\"              
       9 Harris, Omar               Westbrook           18\'05.50\"              
      10 Lewis, Harold              Tuscaloosa County   18\'05.00\"              
      11 Jones, Terrence            Tuscaloosa County   18\'04.25\"              
      12 Shealey, Martel            Sylacauga           18\'03.25\"              
      13 Thomas, Fred               Hillcrest           18\'03.00\"              
      14 Conley, Ben                Sylacauga           18\'02.75\"              
      15 Gray, Eric                 West Morgan         18\'01.50\"              
      16 Guyton, Travis             Marion County       18\'00.25\"              
      17 Perez, Leo                 Muscle Shoals       17\'10.00\"              
      18 Peevy, Robbie              Buckhorn            17\'02.00\"              
      18 Bowman, Wil                Arab                17\'02.00\"              
      20 McDOLE, Zac                Scottsboro          16\'09.25\"              
      21 McGRADY, Mario             West Morgan         16\'09.00\"              
      22 Brown, Andrew              Mortimer Jordan     16\'05.50\"              
      23 McCLAIN, Leron             Tuscaloosa County B 16\'04.75\"              
      24 Jones, Peter               Randolph            16\'04.00\"              
      24 Black, Rod                 Austin              16\'04.00\"              
      26 Horton, Tre                Scottsboro          16\'03.00\"              
      27 Holt, Steven               Falkville           16\'02.50\"              
      27 Murphy, Nate               Sylacauga           16\'02.50\"              
      29 Sapp, Kyle                 Mortimer Jordan     15\'11.50\"              
      30 Engle, Daniel              Hartselle           15\'07.75\"              
      31 Balke, B                   Brewer              15\'07.00\"              
      32 Lacey, Steven              Mortimer Jordan     15\'05.50\"              
      33 Williams, David            Athens              15\'04.50\"              
      34 Isaacs, Greg               Huntsville          15\'00.25\"              
      35 Acklin, Ian                Muscle Shoals       15\'00.00\"              
      36 Moore, Chauncey            Athens              14\'11.00\"              
      37 Villanueva, Brian          Hartselle           14\'06.00\"              
      38 Hamilton, Fulton           Huntsville          14\'03.50\"              
      39 Harris, Joe                Walker B-Team       13\'06.00\"              
      40 Clay, Darnell              Walker B-Team       13\'01.00\"              
      41 Demetris, Alex             Randolph            12\'05.00\"              
      42 Lawrence, J                Brewer              11\'02.50\"              

                                Boys Triple Jump                               
                  % Meet: 43\'02.00\" ALLEN CALVERT-CULLMAN 2000                 
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Allen, Jason               Muscle Shoals       41\'10.50\"       10     
       2 Willoughby, Kyle           Cullman             41\'02.75\"        8     
       3 Kara, Gaiting              Austin              39\'03.00\"        6     
       4 Moon, Danny                Marion County       38\'06.00\"        4     
       5 Jones, Terrence            Tuscaloosa County   38\'04.00\"        2     
       6 Goudy, Terrence            Sylacauga           37\'11.00\"        1     
       7 Bowman, Wil                Arab                37\'06.00\"              
       8 Elliott, Stanley           Austin              37\'02.00\"              
       9 Alldredge, Steven          Cullman             37\'01.25\"              
      10 McCLAIN, Leron             Tuscaloosa County B 36\'07.00\"              
      11 Williams, L.A.             Tuscaloosa County   36\'06.50\"              
      11 Sewell, Kevin              Tuscaloosa County   36\'06.50\"              
      13 Doss, Rod                  Athens              36\'05.00\"              
      14 Dotson, Chris              Cullman             36\'03.75\"              
      15 Hudson, Nicholas           Muscle Shoals       36\'02.50\"              
      16 Clark, Trey                Hartselle           35\'09.00\"              
      17 Bowling, Daniel            Arab                35\'03.25\"              
      18 Medlock, Chris             Cullman             35\'01.00\"              
      19 Frazier, Adrian            Scottsboro          34\'00.25\"              
      20 Sapp, Kyle                 Mortimer Jordan     34\'00.00\"              
      21 Rhinehart, Andy            Huntsville          33\'05.25\"              
      22 Riley, Ron                 Tuscaloosa County B 33\'00.25\"              
      23 Williams, David            Athens              32\'05.50\"              
      24 Ogletree, Landon           Mortimer Jordan     32\'05.00\"              
      25 Black, Rod                 Austin              32\'04.00\"              
                                 Boys Shot Put                                 
                 % Meet: 55\'02.00\" PHILLIP JENNINGS-ATHENS 1973                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK            PTS    
   ===== ========================== =================== ===========     ====   
       1 Britt, Taylor              Cullman             46\'07.00\"       10     
       2 Mayes, Terrence            Muscle Shoals       45\'11.50\"        8     
       3 Motte, Chad                Arab                45\'03.50\"        6     
       4 Alexander, Micheal         Scottsboro          44\'09.00\"        4     
       5 Scott, Eric                Scottsboro          44\'00.50\"        2     
       6 Griffin, Charlie           Hillcrest           43\'02.00\"        1     

                               Boys Discus Throw                               
                % Meet: 156\'00.25\" JASON BOX-MUSCLE SHOALS 1994                
                       Finals Results - Saturday 03/17/01                      
   PLACE ATHLETE NAME               SCHOOL              MARK             PTS   
   ===== ========================== =================== ============     ====  
       1 Mayes, Terrence            Muscle Shoals       144\'00.00\"       10    
       2 Britt, Taylor              Cullman             137\'01.00\"        8    
       3 Russell, Zac               Bradshaw            129\'06.00\"        6    
       4 Alexander, Micheal         Scottsboro          121\'00.00\"        4    
       5 Griffin, Charlie           Hillcrest           120\'04.00\"        2    
       6 Scott, Eric                Scottsboro          117\'06.00\"        1    
       7 Presley, Kendall           Tuscaloosa County   116\'03.00\"             
       8 Money, Josh                Scottsboro          114\'11.00\"             
       9 Britt, Justin              Cullman             114\'05.50\"             
      10 Grammar, Cody              Tuscaloosa County   111\'03.00\"             
      11 Snow, Jackson              Tuscaloosa County   110\'08.00\"             
      12 Kelly, Rance               Arab                108\'11.00\"             
      13 Knox, Ken                  Tuscaloosa County   108\'09.00\"             
      14 Spencer, J                 Hillcrest           107\'11.00\"             
      15 Reno, Zack                 Mortimer Jordan     107\'07.00\"             
      16 Parrish, D                 Walker              106\'03.00\"             
      17 Dovers, Jared              Scottsboro B-Team   102\'05.00\"             
      18 Motte, Chad                Arab                101\'11.00\"             
      19 Monroe, Laboris            Tuscaloosa County B 101\'10.00\"             
      20 Adams, James               Tuscaloosa County B 101\'07.00\"             
      21 Rhinehart, Andy            Huntsville          101\'00.00\"             
      21 Tate, Terrell              Huntsville          101\'00.00\"             
      23 Gillon, Dustin             Cullman              98\'08.00\"             
      24 Tenseey, Derek             Marion County        96\'07.00\"             
      25 Butler, BJ                 Mortimer Jordan      96\'02.00\"             
      26 Hale, Dexter               Sylacauga            95\'01.00\"             
      27 Brookins, Joe              Sylacauga            93\'00.00\"             
      28 Hall, B                    Brewer               92\'08.00\"             
      29 Horton, Nathan             Mortimer Jordan      92\'07.00\"             
      30 Emerson, S                 Brewer               89\'08.50\"             
      31 Duster, Jamar              Bradshaw             89\'08.00\"             
      32 Chandler, Aaron            Sylacauga            87\'08.00\"             
      33 Crowell, Jim               Scottsboro B-Team    87\'06.00\"             
      34 Lund, Seth                 Arab                 86\'10.00\"             
      35 Woods, Michael             Cullman              82\'01.00\"             
      36 Rastall, Michael           Fort Payne           81\'07.00\"             
      37 Roney, Ross                Bradshaw             81\'04.00\"             
      38 Rabb, Callaway             Hartselle            81\'02.00\"             
      39 Rogers, Michael            Fort Payne           81\'00.00\"             
      40 Gregg, Ryan                Fort Payne           80\'04.00\"             
      41 Smith, Ryan                Muscle Shoals        78\'10.00\"             
      42 Wilson, Brian              Scottsboro B-Team    76\'10.00\"