Senior Salute: RJ Torbor

Another Hoover Standout in this edition of Senior Salute is RJ Torbor.  RJ is a well rounded athlete that was a big part of Hoover's team success in the spring of 2024 Want to be featured in the Senior Salute, Click this HERE!

Interview with RJ Torbor of Hoover High School

Q: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

A:  Cookie two-step it's vanilla with Oreos and cookie dough (Editor's note, gonna have to check this one out!)

Q: Where are you planning to attend college? Or do you have other post high school plans?

A:  South Alabama

Q: Do you plan to continue competing in track and field or cross country in college?

A:  Yes

Q: What is your favorite event to compete in and why?

A: The 110 hurdles because it's so unpredictable, anything can happen once the gun goes off. Also I don't know how to run with nothing in the way, the hurdles make it easier!

Q: Do you have any pre-race/competition rituals or superstitions?

A: I listen to a playlist I made to help lock in. Home and Stick by JID are my go to pre meet songs.

Q: Which track or cross country meet was your favorite and why?

A:  New balance indoors this year had the best atmosphere out of any meet I've ever been to. Winning the hurdle relay and being a national champion made it that much better.

Q: What is your favorite memory or highlight from your time on the track and field or cross country team?

A:  Hanging out with my team in the condos at the state meet always lead to some great moments. There was something that made the trip memorable all four years.

Q:  Is there anyone you'd like to give a special shout-out to?

A:  Marlon and Brittley Humphrey, I couldn't have gotten to be the hurdler I am today without their coaching.