Life of a Runner: Jordan Adams

Mud splattered on jerseys and calves, waist-high water, and avoiding slippery rocks descending from a hill is exactly how to describe the 2012 Randolph Classic at the UAH campus. 

For this race, I was set out for the enjoyment. It's not often that you get the opportunity to run through a creek 4 times, right? So, I took this opportunity to have fun. As any other typical cross country runner, most races are focused on when to pick up the pace, mile splits, and wondering what place you are in. This was the only exception for the season. My team always has fun at this race and it's one of our favorites. Even though this wasn't a race we were all aiming to have a PR on, we still did pretty good! Our JV teams did much better than our previous races and our new teammates are getting the hang of the strategy. My teammate, Cele Moon, and I both placed in the Top 15 out of over 200 girls! Our Varsity Boys had fun with the race as well! We all put out a great effort & ended with satisfying times. This was a dual-meet week for my team. This weekend we will be competing at the 1st Annual Florence Invitational. We will be competing with teams from different states and local teams. This is one of the very few meets that run 1A-6A together, even though awards are separated divisions at the end. I'm very excited to run with larger schools and see where I would fit when competing with them. I hope we have a great outcome and get our times lowered this weekend. 
I hope everyone is having an amazing season and keeps up the good work!