
Not Specified

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-03-27 6th ANNUAL SAKS RELAYS
2023-10-24 Etowah County Championship
2023-03-22 5th ANNUAL SAKS RELAYS
2022-10-21 Etowah County Championship
2022-10-21 Etowah County Championship
2022-10-21 Etowah County Championship
2022-10-21 Etowah County Championship
2022-03-30 SAKS RELAYS
2022-01-22 Samford Open
2021-10-21 Etowah County Championship
2021-09-23 Cullman v. Hartselle
2021-05-07 Gulf Shores Track Festival
2021-03-17 SAKS RELAYS
2020-11-26 Black Squirrel Turkey Chase
2020-10-22 Etowah County Invitational
2020-09-29 Boonie Run Dual Meet
2020-09-24 Cullman v. Hartselle
2020-04-01 BSC Private School Invite
2020-03-20 Selma High Invitational-Cancelled
2020-03-17 Covington County Invitational 2
2020-02-21 NEW MS TEST MEET 2020
2019-10-25 Etowah County Championship
2019-10-07 AAIS League Meet #5
2019-07-11 5k APSU
2019-06-08 Alabama State Games
2019-05-12 berkshire
2019-04-30 Pleasant Valley Twilight Ridge Rumble
2019-04-20 CCS Invitational 2
2019-04-13 CCS Invitational 1
2019-03-20 3rd Annual Saks Relays
2019-03-17 Covington County Invitational 2
2019-03-09 Southern Invitational
2019-03-05 Jefferson County HS League Meet #1 @ Center Point High School
2019-02-07 Mobile Independant Schools 3-6 Grade
2018-12-10 Invitational
2018-10-27 ACCC Championships
2018-10-25 Etowah County Championship
2018-10-16 Opp Bobcat Invitational #2
2018-10-13 Montgomery Academy Invitational
2018-10-09 Boonies Invite
2018-09-20 Opp Bobcat Invitational #1
2018-05-19 Gulf Coast Invitational
2018-04-11 Saks Relay Meet 1
2018-03-22 Mobile Independent Schools Championship 3-6 Grade
2018-03-21 Spartan Spectacular #2
2018-03-15 Mobile Independent Schools 3-6 Grade
2018-03-10 Bearcat March Mile
2018-03-08 Mobile Independent Schools Grades 3-6

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 + 41.00 21:00 + 57.00
16:00 + 44.00 22:00 + 1:00.00
17:00 + 46.00 23:00 + 1:03.00
18:00 + 49.00 24:00 + 1:06.00
19:00 + 52.00 25:00 + 1:08.00
20:00 + 55.00 26:00 + 1:11.00