Meet Information
-The Inaugural Randolph School Cross Country Classic, still being held on Tuesday, September 21, 2004, first race being the JV Boys and Girls (combined) will start at 4:00pm will not be held on Garth Road, across from Jones Valley Elementary School as originally planned, (due to unforeseen construction). It will be held on the UAH campus (south end) off of John Wright Drive, going north away from Technology Drive from Sparkman Drive. The entrance to the course is directly behind the Business Services Building and the campus radio station, WLRH building. Please do not wear your Sunday's best because the course will be muddy and wet! Sorry for the inconvenience and we look forward to a great race!
If there is still any questions, please call Coach James Terwilliger @ (256) 797-0936 or email
If there is still any questions, please call Coach James Terwilliger @ (256) 797-0936 or email