Baldwin County Middle School Meet #2 2025

Gulf Shores, AL
Registration Closes in 15 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions



We are hosting the 3rd meet in the Baldwin County Track Season. Our track is covered by 11 mm of Rekotan, the worlds premier running surface, offering the best combination of safety, performance, and durability. We are offering trophies for the top 2 teams in each division and gender, plenty of room for fans to spread out and social distance, and a great hospitality room for coaches and officials. The beaches will be beautiful and The City of Gulf Shores will be hosting spring breakers from all over the southeast. If you have any questions please email me at


Meet Director:
Jason Hill

Official Timer:  
FAT timed by Port City Timing

Meet Info:

Meet Fee: $170 total for both gender teams)

Tickets for adults are $8 and only available through Go Fan.

Link forthcoming

Payments Mail checks to:

Gulf Shores High School

Attn: Track Entrance Fee-Jason Hill

600 East 15th Ave

Gulf Shores, AL 36542

2025 Schedule of Events

Coaches meeting at 4:15

The meet will begin at 4:30. .

Order of Events 


100 m 

1600 m 

4 x 100 m 

400 m 

800 m 

200 m 

4 x 400 m


Boys Long Jump

Girls Long Jump

Boys Triple Jump

Girls Triple Jump

Boys Shot Put / Girls Discus

Girls Shot Put / Boys Discus

-All throws will be completed 2 and then 2  to expedite the competition. The furthest throw out of the two throws, given both are legal, will be measured. NO FINALS.

*In order for an athlete to qualify to compete in the Baldwin County Invitational Meet, he/she must compete in at least one other meet.

*Admission will be charged at all track meets this year. All tickets will be sold through GoFan.

Admission:$ 7.00. 

Concessions: Drinks and Snacks will be sold at the meet.

*Entry Fee:  $170.00 per school.

(Includes officials and timer)

*Each school will provide two volunteer to help with the events.