Meet Information
Updated Heat Sheets
I need for everybody to enter the front gate because everybody need to go through a metal detective for security reasons. Please unload all athletics at the front entrance not the back.
Fee; $150.00 per gender, $300.00 per team
Admission: Go Fan or $10.00 cash, free parking
All checks must be made out to Charles Henderson High school track (CHHS track).
Coaching Meeting will start at 3:30
Field events will start at 3:50
Boys long jump
Girls long jump
girls javelin
boys shot
girls discus
girls high jump
boys triple jump
girls triple jump
boys javelin
girls shot
boys discus
boys high jump
Running events will start around 4:15, rolling schedule
4 x 800
100 / 110 Hurdles
100 m
1600 m
4 x 100 relay
400 m
300 Hurdles
800 m
200 m
3200 m
4 x 400 relay