Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Coaches meeting at 4:15
The meet will begin at 4:30. .
Order of Events
100 m
1600 m
4 x 100 m
400 m
800 m
200 m
4 X 800
4 x 400 m
Boys Long Jump
Girls Long Jump
Boys Triple Jump
Girls Triple Jump
Boys Shot Put / Girls Discus
Girls Shot Put / Boys Discus
-All throws will be completed 2 and then 2 to expedite the competition. The furthest throw out of the two throws, given both are legal, will be measured. NO FINALS.
*In order for an athlete to qualify to compete in the Baldwin County Invitational Meet, he/she must compete in at least one other meet.
*Admission will be charged at all track meets this year. All tickets will be sold through GoFan.
Admission:$ 7.00. Fairhope Middle school
Concessions: Drinks and Snacks will be sold at the meet.
*Entry Fee: $170.00 per school.
(Includes officials and timer)
*Each school will provide two volunteer to help with the events.