Field of Dreams Day Meet 2025

Gulf Shores, AL
Registration Closes in 26 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions


Thursday 4/3/2025

If you have any questions please email me at

Thursday, April 3rd

Meet Director: Jason Hill

Gulf Shores High School

600 East 15th Ave., Gulf Shores, AL 

1-205-354-3633 (cell) 


Admission: $6 per adult. Please see attached letter at bottom for GoFan instructions.

Timing: No running events

Entry Fee: $300 per school ($150 for each gender team); Make all checks payable to Gulf Shores High School. Please bring either a check or a copy of the purchase order for the entry fee. Please visit the coaches hospitality room upon arrival to eat, take care of payment and retrieve the meet packet. All fees will be used to pay officials and meet supplies. 

Online Entries: All entries must be submitted online at 

Entry deadline: WEDNESDAY, April 2nd at MIDNIGHT CDT 

Entrants: The only limits are on long and triple jump (5 per gender per team). Rest of entries are unlimited

Event Scoring

Field Event Standards:  

-Athletes in the horizontal jumps will receive 4 attempts. NO FINALS

-All throws will be completed two and then two to expedite the competition. Furthest throw in the first two throws, given both are legal, will be measured. NO FINALS 

-The High Jump bar will move at 2 increments until only 2 remain.  

-Pole Vault bar will move at 6 inch increments.  Starting height for pole vault and high jump by gender and division listed below: 

EVENT                 Boys Opening Height         Girls Opening Height 

Pole Vault            7-6                                        7-0

High Jump           4-10                                      4-0

Parking: All buses are asked to park in the field beside the discus area in between the five plex fields for softball to allow all other parking to be used by spectators. TeamTents may be set up OUTSIDE the fenced area. The check in area will be inside the fence under the covered picnic area (same as state meet).

Spikes: 1/4 pyramid spikes only 

Concessions: Concessions will be sold. 

Coaching Boxes: When coaching at a field event, all coaches must be inside of the coaching box. Field officials will be instructed to ask a coach to leave if he/she cannot follow directions. 

2025 Field of Dreams: Schedule of Events 

Coaches meeting: 4:15 am at the finish line.


Warm-up begins as early as 4:00 PM - must be declared by the Meet Referee & a head coach or official must be at the event. Will try and start at 4:30 pm 

High Jump (Girls first then Boys - unlimited entries per gender per division per school) 

Shot Put (Boys first then Girls - unlimited entries per gender per division per school)  

Discus (Girls first then Boys - unlimited entries per gender per division per school)  

Long Jump (Boys first then Girls - max 5 entries per gender per division per school)  

Pole Vault (Boys first then Girls -unlimited entries per gender per division per school) 

Javelin (Boys first then Girls - unlimited entries per gender per division per school) 

Triple Jump (Boys first then Girls - max 5 entries per gender per division per school) 

All tickets for the event will be sold through  The link for the event is:

GoFan Link for Field of Dreams

Please inform parents not to purchase tickets until at least the night before to make sure the weather allows us to compete.  If the event is rescheduled, the tickets will still be good if purchased for the original date.