Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Time Schedule: Coaches Meeting:4:05 pm - near the finish line
Field Events: 4:15pm
Running Events: 5:00pm
ENTRIES: Fees: $150 per gender or $300for Both
Unlimited entry in the following events:100/800/shot put/long jump/relays
SPIKES: in pyramid(no Christmas Tree or Needles) Spikes may be worn on all runways, approach areas, and the track itself. The tip of the spike should extend no more than 1/4th of an inch from the sole of the shoe.
Chalk or Tape may be used on the track
SCORING: There will be 8 places scored for all events (10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1)
1 relay will score per team and max of 3 individuals per event can score per team
SHOT PUT/DISCUS/JAVELIN: 3 throws per athlete - NO FINALS
Shot Put -Girls First > Boys Second
Discus - Boys First > Girls Second( will start after Javelin is complete)
Javelin- Girls First > Boys Second
POLE VAULT: Boys will compete first.
Boys opening height will be 8 ft.
Opening height will be 7 ft. Girls will compete 30 min. after the boys have finished.
LONG/TRIPLE JUMP: Boys first in Triple Jump - Girls first in Long Jump. Jumpers will get 3 jumps.
Jumpers will compete in an open pit format for 1 hour 30 minutes. If an event finishes early an announcement will be made to have the next event begin warm-ups.
All jumps will be finals.
Girls will jump first. Opening height will be 4'0.
Boys will jump after the girls. Opening height will be 5'0.
TEAM AREAS: Please set up team camps behind the tennis courts.
RESTRICTED AREAS: The infield will be restricted to everyone except officials, workers, and meet management with the following exception. Coaches will be allowed in the high jump, pole vault, shot put and discus, and horizontal jumps areas during their respective events. We ask that you always keep your athletes off the infield and inform parents that they should not be inside the track.
CONCESSIONS: Concessions will be available.
ADMISSION FEE: Adults and Students/Seniors: $6.00 NO PASSES
Exchange Zones: Please have two coaches at these zones to help officiate exchanges.
400 Relay: 1st Exchange -,2nd Exchange -, 3rd Exchange -
4:30 > Field Events (See above for specific gender assignments)
5:15> Running Events- Girls First, Boys Second in all running events
3200M Relay
100 M High Hurdles Finals - Girls
110M High Hurdles Finals - Boys
100M Dash
1600M Run
300M Low Hurdles - Girls
300M Intermediate Hurdles - Boys
400 M Relay 4x100
400M Dash
800M Run
200M Dash
3200M Run
1600M Relay(4x400)
4x100 Coaches Relay