Meet Information
Milesplit Live results may be found here
We are inviting High Schools across the southeast to compete in the 65th Annual Southeastern Relays Meet. We are offering Trophies to the 1st & 2nd Place teams in each gender, medals for top three individuals and relays teams in each event, as well as plenty of room for teams and fans to spread out. If you have any questions please email me at
Meet Site: Saraland High School Track Complex
Date: Saturday, February 22nd 2025
Host School: Saraland High School
Meet Director: Matt Dearmon, head coach @ Saraland HS
Saraland High School
1115 Industrial Parkway, Saraland AL. 36571
251-680-7790 (cell)
Admission: $10 Please see attached link at bottom for GoFan instructions.
Timing: FAT timing - Port City Timing - Kevin Jones
EntryFee: $300 per school ($150 for each gender team); Make all checks payable to Saraland High School. Please bring a check with you to the meet. DO NOT MAIL CHECK. Checks should be brought to the meet. Without such, athletes from the non-paying school may not be able to participate. Please visit the clerking table to take care of payment and retrieve your team's meet packet upon arrival at the meet site. A receipt will be included in your team packet.
Tent/Team Area: All tents should be set up on the Band Field just inside the entry gate, overlooking the track facility. Restroom Facilities are located behind the concession stand. We will also have port-a-lets placed throughout the facility as well. (NO ONE SHOULD ENTER THE ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE FACILITY DURING THE MEET.)
Online Entries: All entries must be submitted online at
Entry deadline: Thursday, February 20th at 11:00pm CDT. No entries will be taken after that time! Performance lists will hopefully be posted on Alabama Runners mid-day on Friday, February 21st. If not, they will be in your team's meet packet.
Entrants: There are 4 entries allowed per school per open event for each gender and 2 entries allowed per school per relay for each gender. Athletes are not allowed to compete in more than 4 events total (including relays)
Event Scoring: Relay events (Max 2 Relay/school) Scores: 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Only 1 relay team and top 3 individuals per school will be scored. Top 3 per event will receive ribbons. Field events are scored as relays with the distances of your top three athletes best marks combined together. Any recorded marks, whether or not they meet minimum standards, will be used in determining scoring for events.The hurdle races must have three competitors with their times added together to score. All scoring will be 10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1. You will be permitted four entries per field event and hurdle relay, but only the top three 3 will be used for scoring purposes.
JV Open 1600m: Non-Scoring Event. Athletes can compete in other events as long as they don't exceed 4 total events.
Sanctioning: The meet will be sanctioned for members of the AHSAA (Alabama), MHSAA (Mississippi) and FHSAA (Florida).
Scratches/Substitutions: Substitutions for relay events will be permitted. Names for athletes who are subbed for in field or hurdle events will remain the same as the athlete name submitted during registration unless the timer has time to change the names before the meet.
Appeals: Any appeal must be given to the meet referee in writing accompanied with $30.00 cash within 30 minutes of infraction. If the appeal is upheld, the money will be refunded. Appealable offenses are misapplications of NFHSA rules. Judgment calls cannot be appealed. Please have your rule book with you when appealing any infraction
Awards: Team Trophies 1st and 2nd Place; Boys and Girls Division. Richmond Brown Outstanding Performance Award (1 Boy & 1 Girl) (Based on athletes that score the most points for their team). Medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in each event
Field Event Standards:
Due to the larger than anticipated number of teams for this competition, minimum standards for throwing events and horizontal jumps will be used. Please see below for the standards in each event. Each athletes first non-foul attempt will be measured regardless of whether he/she meets the standards. Each subsequent attempt must meet the minimum standard in order to have it measured
SHOT PUT 38' 27'
DISCUS 100' 75'
JAVELIN 100' 75'
LONG JUMP 19' 14'
HIGH JUMP 5'0" 4'0"
POLE VAULT 7'0" 6'0"
Parking: All buses are asked to park on the north side of campus close to the covered walkway. There will be signs directing bus as to where to park.
Spikes: 1/4 pyramid spikes only
Concessions: Concessions will be sold (Pizza will arrive around 11:00am)
Coaches Boxes: When coaching at a field event, all coaches must be inside of the designated coaching area. Field officials will be instructed to ask a coach to leave if he/she cannot follow directions.
Results: All results will be submitted to Alabama Runners.
65th Annual southeastern Relays 2025: Schedule of Events
Coaches meeting: 8:30 am at the clerking tent.
FIELD EVENT-1ST SESSION-9:00AM: (Warm-up begins as early as 8:30 am - must be declared by the Meet Referee & a head coach or official must be at the event. Will try and start at 9:00am)
Discus (Boys first then Girls - max 4 entries per gender per division per school) 100/75
Shot Put (Girls first then Boys - max 4 entries per gender per division per school) 27/38
Shot Put will be contested in two pits. Athletes will be divided based on seeding
High Jump (Boys first then Girls - max 4 entries per gender per division per school) 5'0"/4'0"
Pole Vault (Girls first then Boys - max 4 entries per gender per division per school) 6'0"/7'6"
Boys Long Jump-(West Pit - max 4 entries per gender per division per school) 18'
Boys Triple Jump-(West Pit - max 4 entries per gender per division per school) 38'
RUNNING EVENTS: Athletes will compete in flights based on seeded time. Girls will always go first followed by boys. All races will be run as finals.
9:00am (Rolling Schedule/Times are estimates and may be earlier or later)
4x100m Relay
Sprint Medley Relay (200-200-400-800)
4x800 Relay
Distance Medley Relay (1200-400-800-1600)
Throwers 4x100 Relay (Non-Scoring Event)
4x400m Relay
Awards Presentation
All tickets for the event will be sold through The link for the event is:
Please inform parents not to purchase tickets until at least the night before to make sure the weather allows us to compete. If the event is rescheduled, the tickets will still be good if purchased for the original date.