Dew It On The Trails 2023

Decatur, AL
Timing/Results Xpress Timing

Boys 1a-4a

 	Xpress Timing - Contractor License	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  11:41 AM  10/14/2023  Page 1	 
 	Decatur "Dew It" on the Trails XC 2023 - 10/14/2023	 
 	Point Mallard Park	 
 	Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC 1-4A Div	 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points	 
Results - Men	 
  1 Barnett, Travis              Holly Pond            16:00.39    1	 
  2 Masterson, Carson            Hatton                16:41.46    2	 
  3 Miley, Calob                 Hatton                16:56.56    3	 
  4 Lawson, Chase                Brooks                17:06.59    4	 
  5 Putman, Matthew              Holly Pond            17:08.66    5	 
  6 Putman, Joshua               Holly Pond            17:09.22    6	 
  7 Webb, Joshua                 Hamilton              17:20.18    7	 
  8 Crosslin, Isaiah             Hatton                17:23.81    8	 
  9 Streetman, Anderson          Hamilton              17:27.93    9	 
 10 Kidd, Dakota                 Hatton                17:33.14   10	 
 11 Krieger, isiaah              Lexington             17:48.93   11	 
 12 Bell, Zack                   Covenant Christian    17:57.72   12	 
 13 Whitaker, Kaden              Hamilton              18:00.38   13	 
 14 Senkbeil, Nigel              Holy Spirit           18:06.37	 
 15 Stephens, Carter             Marion County         18:06.57   14	 
 16 Fraley, BenJamin             Cordova               18:16.79   15	 
 17 Hinkle, Andy                 Elkmont High School   18:18.35   16	 
 18 Hood, Paul                   Lexington             18:19.36   17	 
 19 Benton, Elijah               Fayette Coun          18:20.54   18	 
 20 Lambert, Elijah              Central - Florence    18:22.13   19	 
 21 Pierce, Kayden               Hatton                18:23.11   20	 
 22 Gargis, Ayden                Brooks                18:25.60   21	 
 23 Davis, Luis                  Central - Florence    18:29.43   22	 
 24 Mcdaniel, Jaiden             Lexington             18:31.11   23	 
 25 Barnes, Ethan                Athens Bible School   18:33.43   24	 
 26 Horton, Kohl                 Holly Pond            18:41.59   25	 
 27 Carroll, Malachi             Haleyville H          18:49.91   26	 
 28 Barnett, Emery               Holly Pond            18:50.03   27	 
 29 Pilotte, Luke                Westbrook Ch          18:50.63	 
 30 Bailey, Fisher               Cordova               18:54.84   28	 
 31 Thompson, Colin              Covenant Christian    18:55.24   29	 
 32 Hall, Jake                   Covenant Christian    18:58.32   30	 
 33 Christ, Daniel               Elkmont High School   19:00.81   31	 
 34 Peete, Casey                 Athens Bible School   19:03.29   32	 
 35 Flake, Jonathan              Hamilton              19:07.90   33	 
 36 Bannister, Braden            Hamilton              19:08.25   34	 
 37 Jackson, Walker              Haleyville H          19:11.70   35	 
 38 Davis, Manny                 Central - Florence    19:14.46   36	 
 39 Minshew, Everette            Deshler High School   19:19.07   37	 
 40 Albright, Conrad             Brooks                19:24.21   38	 
 41 Brazeale, Mitchell           Deshler High School   19:24.80   39	 
 42 Moody, Caden                 Holly Pond            19:27.80   40	 
 43 Owens, Jonah                 Hatton                19:29.49   41	 
 44 Skipworth, Jordan            Madison County        19:34.71   42	 
 45 Hendrix, Elijah              Madison County        19:35.01   43	 
 46 Grissom, Cash                Brooks                19:36.70   44	 
 47 Johnson, Devan               Cordova               19:36.94   45	 
 48 Kilpatrick, Samuel           Central - Florence    19:44.13   46	 
 49 Rebman, Elijah               Cherokee              19:47.62	 
 50 Barnett, John                Curry High School     19:55.96	 
 51 nichols, riley               Lexington             19:56.08   47	 
 52 Stanley, Corey               Elkmont High School   20:02.75   48	 
 	Xpress Timing - Contractor License	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  11:41 AM  10/14/2023  Page 2	 
 	Decatur "Dew It" on the Trails XC 2023 - 10/14/2023	 
 	Point Mallard Park	 
 	....Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC 1-4A Div	 
 53 Denton, Parker               Deshler High School   20:14.56   49	 
 54 Richards, Jacob              Deshler High School   20:14.59   50	 
 55 Murrell, Luke                Athens Bible School   20:18.10   51	 
 56 Suggs, Carter                Colbert Heights       20:18.20   52	 
 57 Henson, Eli                  Colbert Heights       20:19.27   53	 
 58 Lodree, AJ                   Holy Spirit           20:21.53	 
 59 Fredrick, Michael            Colbert Heights       20:23.70   54	 
 60 Voigt, Rayan                 Central - Florence    20:23.89   55	 
 61 Myrick, Matthew              Cordova               20:28.96   56	 
 62 Nichols, Jonas               Rogers                20:31.32   57	 
 63 Mitchell, Ridge              Colbert Heights       20:32.51   58	 
 64 Roberts, Brandon             Cordova               20:33.81   59	 
 65 Yarbrough, Drake             Hatton                20:33.97   60	 
 66 white, Devan                 Lexington             20:43.96   61	 
 67 Jones, Brady                 Fayette Coun          20:44.10   62	 
 68 Rubio, Josue                 Tanner                20:44.29   63	 
 69 House, Pheonix               Cordova               20:44.44   64	 
 70 Ramsey, Jackson              Fayette Coun          20:45.69   65	 
 71 Hill-Hart, Jullian           Deshler High School   20:49.32   66	 
 72 Tidwell, Daniel              Cordova               20:51.03   67	 
 73 Roberts, Luke                Cordova               20:51.21	 
 74 Robins, William              Haleyville H          20:52.57   68	 
 75 Vazquez, Kevin               Cordova               20:56.22	 
 76 Heathcoat, Jacob             Central - Florence    20:56.51   69	 
 77 Landers, Logan               Covenant Christian    20:57.32   70	 
 78 Williams, Connor             Hatton                20:57.71	 
 79 Minkin, Joseph               Westbrook Ch          20:57.86	 
 80 McCarley, Talan              Lexington             21:00.12   71	 
 81 Narmore, James Cayden        Central - Florence    21:00.82   72	 
 82 Barnes, Jonathan             Athens Bible School   21:04.02   73	 
 83 Grosso, Nicholas             Lexington             21:06.11   74	 
 84 Clemons, Andrew              Central - Florence    21:07.26	 
 85 Cagle, Cody                  Haleyville H          21:09.15   75	 
 86 Hodge, Jonah                 Covenant Christian    21:10.74   76	 
 87 Herdzik, Max                 Marion County         21:12.18   77	 
 88 Clark, Kendle                Marion County         21:12.22   78	 
 89 Gardner, William             Madison County        21:13.70   79	 
 90 Craft, Jaxon                 Covenant Christian    21:14.58   80	 
 91 Bath, Jacob                  Athens Bible School   21:15.28   81	 
 92 Ables, Holton                Hamilton              21:17.48   82	 
 93 Ainsworth, Abram             Covenant Christian    21:18.68   83	 
 94 Gallagher, Noah              Hamilton              21:22.86   84	 
 95 Standridge, Justice          West Morgan           21:27.74	 
 96 Cohron, Noah                 Cordova               21:27.86	 
 97 Porter, Kayne                Curry High School     21:36.09	 
 98 Guido, Greyson               Sheffield             21:36.31   85	 
 99 Boyden, John                 Hatton                21:47.73	 
100 Tribble, Junior              Elkmont High School   21:49.64   86	 
101 James, Chandler              Athens Bible School   21:51.58   87	 
102 McDonald, Reece              Hatton                21:53.65	 
103 Moore, Tucker                Rogers                21:53.88   88	 
104 Hudson, Asa                  Lexington             21:54.95	 
105 sinyard, lathyn              Lexington             22:00.59	 
106 Thomas, Josiah               Covenant Christian    22:01.52	 
107 Potts, David                 Lexington             22:06.39	 
 	Xpress Timing - Contractor License	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  11:41 AM  10/14/2023  Page 3	 
 	Decatur "Dew It" on the Trails XC 2023 - 10/14/2023	 
 	Point Mallard Park	 
 	....Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC 1-4A Div	 
108 Henderson, Noah              Cordova               22:06.41	 
109 Austin, Eaden                Rogers                22:14.84   89	 
110 Hernandez, Daniel            Marion County         22:23.11   90	 
111 Rezo, Amare                  Brooks                22:23.18   91	 
112 Martin, Jason                Madison County        22:24.33   92	 
113 Berry, Gabrial               Sheffield             22:25.81   93	 
114 McElroy, Brandon             Sheffield             22:28.82   94	 
115 Crook, Jacob                 Haleyville H          22:29.36   95	 
116 Hallmark, Tyson              Marion County         22:36.43   96	 
117 Marchan, Nathan              West Morgan           22:37.29	 
118 Trawick, Mason               Westbrook Ch          22:44.05	 
119 Whitson, Calvin              Deshler High School   22:45.92   97	 
120 Germany, Caleb               Decatur Heri          22:46.06   98	 
121 Cristino, Emmanuel           Cordova               22:52.97	 
122 Michael, Lane                Colbert Heights       22:53.34   99	 
123 Rogers, Sam                  Fayette Coun          22:53.62  100	 
124 Brewis, Carter               Holly Pond            22:53.83  101	 
125 Lynch, William               Holy Spirit           22:54.30	 
126 Nix, Ty                      Hatton                22:55.64	 
127 Ford, Rilan                  Covenant Christian    23:01.91	 
128 O'Malley, Ethan              Rogers                23:02.12  102	 
129 Woods, Bradley               Holly Pond            23:04.73	 
130 Mccoy, Gray                  Covenant Christian    23:07.08	 
131 handley, tyson               Lexington             23:08.91	 
132 Copeland, Brody              Cordova               23:08.93	 
133 Lewis, Jaydon                Haleyville H          23:14.90  103	 
134 Quinn, Kade                  Marion County         23:15.28  104	 
135 King-Ellenburg, Ryder        Elkmont High School   23:16.65  105	 
136 Pineda, Daniel               Tanner                23:17.93  106	 
137 Godsey, John Barrett         Haleyville H          23:18.10  107	 
138 Rilling, Logan               Tanner                23:25.19  108	 
139 Bradford, Davis              Athens Bible School   23:26.54  109	 
140 Hulsey, Landon               Hamilton              23:29.63	 
141 Stutts, Wesley               Central - Florence    23:30.99	 
142 Abbott, Elijah               Sheffield             23:34.30  110	 
143 Cooper, Dominique            Westbrook Ch          23:35.03	 
144 Hamm, Tristan                Colbert Heights       23:35.96  111	 
145 Jones, Jason                 Rogers                23:51.78  112	 
146 Marbutt, Jay                 Haleyville H          23:52.72	 
147 Handley, Kyler               Haleyville H          23:52.81	 
148 Myrick, Kendal               Brooks                24:02.87  113	 
149 Williams, Sonny              Athens Bible School   24:03.25	 
150 Sloan, Zachary               Decatur Heri          24:05.39  114	 
151 Rice, Connor                 Cullman Chri          24:09.41	 
152 Roberson, Riley              Colbert Heights       24:11.58  115	 
153 Jackle, Andrew               Shoals Christian      24:14.80	 
154 Berry, John Ryan             Colbert Heights       24:25.93	 
155 Faust, Ryan                  Athens Bible School   24:32.96	 
156 McCaleb, Ian                 Marion County         24:40.50  116	 
157 Munoz, Santiago              Tanner                24:50.95  117	 
158 Danner, jameson              Lexington             24:51.50	 
159 Rose, Joe                    Hatton                25:03.91	 
160 Sparks, Karson               Fayette Coun          25:12.35  118	 
161 Garcia, Antelmo              Cordova               25:16.95	 
162 Reischman, Elliott           Decatur Heri          25:19.25  119	 
 	Xpress Timing - Contractor License	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  11:41 AM  10/14/2023  Page 4	 
 	Decatur "Dew It" on the Trails XC 2023 - 10/14/2023	 
 	Point Mallard Park	 
 	....Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC 1-4A Div	 
163 Smith, Wyatt                 Madison County        25:25.98  120	 
164 Welsh, Cailian               Brooks                25:27.05  121	 
165 McElroy, Drayden             Sheffield             25:30.41  122	 
166 Gonzalez, Kaleb              Tanner                25:34.39  123	 
167 McBride, Tyler               Madison County        25:43.75  124	 
168 Strickland, Conner           Danville Hig          25:48.01	 
169 Fuller, Ethan                Colbert Heights       25:48.26	 
170 handley, tanner              Lexington             25:50.94	 
171 Waid, Brayden                Cordova               25:53.87	 
172 Standridge, Canaan           West Morgan           26:01.27	 
173 Strickland, Camden           Athens Bible School   26:01.68	 
174 Letson, Brice                Deshler High School   26:13.19  125	 
175 Hall, Joseph                 Central - Florence    26:18.71	 
176 Willis, Samuel               Deshler High School   26:35.80	 
177 Ham, Hunter                  Fayette Coun          26:46.35  126	 
178 Shockley, Jonah              Holly Pond            27:11.10	 
179 Thrasher, Kam                Colbert Heights       27:13.95	 
180 Saldivar, Logan              Sheffield             27:25.45  127	 
181 McLaurine, Sam               Holy Spirit           27:27.01	 
182 Jones, Tucker                Sheffield             27:41.40  128	 
183 Richardson, Seth             Central - Florence    27:48.98	 
184 Sneed, Rowlett               Decatur Heri          28:31.17  129	 
185 Franks, Wyatt                Marion County         28:55.31	 
186 Davis, Nathan                Fayette Coun          29:12.76  130	 
187 Boyles, Jason                Haleyville H          29:29.86	 
188 Gipson, Levi                 Sheffield             29:30.00	 
189 Haden, Kyle                  Decatur Heri          29:47.61  131	 
190 Newton, Jessi                Lexington             30:01.27	 
191 Vickery, Brant               Haleyville H          30:32.01	 
                                   Team Scores	 
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9	 
Results - Men	 
   1 Hatton                       43    2    3    8   10   20   41   60	 
      Total Time:  1:26:58.08	 
         Average:    17:23.62	 
   2 Holly Pond                   64    1    5    6   25   27   40  101	 
      Total Time:  1:27:49.89	 
         Average:    17:33.98	 
   3 Hamilton                     96    7    9   13   33   34   82   84	 
      Total Time:  1:31:04.64	 
         Average:    18:12.93	 
   4 Lexington                   159   11   17   23   47   61   71   74	 
      Total Time:  1:35:19.44	 
         Average:    19:03.89	 
   5 Central - Florence          178   19   22   36   46   55   69   72	 
      Total Time:  1:36:14.04	 
         Average:    19:14.81	 
 	Xpress Timing - Contractor License	Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER  11:41 AM  10/14/2023  Page 5	 
 	Decatur "Dew It" on the Trails XC 2023 - 10/14/2023	 
 	Point Mallard Park	 
 	....Event 6  Boys 5k Run CC 1-4A Div	 
   6 Brooks                      198    4   21   38   44   91  113  121	 
      Total Time:  1:36:56.28	 
         Average:    19:23.26	 
   7 Cordova                     203   15   28   45   56   59   64   67	 
      Total Time:  1:37:51.34	 
         Average:    19:34.27	 
   8 Covenant Christian          217   12   29   30   70   76   80   83	 
      Total Time:  1:37:59.34	 
         Average:    19:35.87	 
   9 Deshler High School         241   37   39   49   50   66   97  125	 
      Total Time:  1:40:02.34	 
         Average:    20:00.47	 
  10 Athens Bible School         261   24   32   51   73   81   87  109	 
      Total Time:  1:40:14.12	 
         Average:    20:02.83	 
  11 Elkmont High School         286   16   31   48   86  105	 
      Total Time:  1:42:28.20	 
         Average:    20:29.64	 
  12 Haleyville High School      299   26   35   68   75   95  103  107	 
      Total Time:  1:42:32.69	 
         Average:    20:30.54	 
  13 Colbert Heights             316   52   53   54   58   99  111  115	 
      Total Time:  1:44:27.02	 
         Average:    20:53.41	 
  14 Marion County               355   14   77   78   90   96  104  116	 
      Total Time:  1:45:30.51	 
         Average:    21:06.11	 
  15 Fayette County High Schoo   363   18   62   65  100  118  126  130	 
      Total Time:  1:47:56.30	 
         Average:    21:35.26	 
  16 Madison County              376   42   43   79   92  120  124	 
      Total Time:  1:48:13.73	 
         Average:    21:38.75	 
  17 Rogers                      448   57   88   89  102  112	 
      Total Time:  1:51:33.94	 
         Average:    22:18.79	 
  18 Sheffield                   504   85   93   94  110  122  127  128	 
      Total Time:  1:55:35.65	 
         Average:    23:07.13	 
  19 Tanner                      517   63  106  108  117  123	 
      Total Time:  1:57:52.75	 
         Average:    23:34.55	 
  20 Decatur Heritage Christia   591   98  114  119  129  131	 
      Total Time:  2:10:29.48	 
         Average:    26:05.90