Meet Information
Pre-Spring Break Meet.
The starting time is 4pm.
Meet Fees $400.00 per school/$200.00 per gender/$25 per athlete if less than 10 per team
Make checks out to Helena High School
Payments Please Mail to:
Attn: Marie Day
Helena High School
1310 Hillsboro Pkwy
Helena, AL 35080-6831
Race Day payments are accepted.
Admission for spectators will be $8 per person.
GoFan Ticket Code:
Concession will be open. CASH and Cards
Husky Hilltop Classic
Running Events
4:00pm Rolling Schedule
Schedule of Events: The meet will start at 4:00 pm. The running events will be on a rolling schedule with girls running first followed by the boys. Teams are limited to four entries per event. Relay entries are limited to two 4x100m teams, two 4x400m teams, and one 4x800m team (per gender).
4:00 start
100m/110m Hurdles
4x100m Relay
1600m Run
400m Dash
100m Dash
800m Run
300m Hurdles
200m Dash
4x800m Relay
4x400m Relay
Throwing Schedule: We will start promptly at 4pm.
Boys Discus followed by Girls Discus
Boys Jav - followed by Girls Jav
Girls Shot Put followed by Boys Shot Put
All throws are in the area behind the baseball field. Due to all the rain it will be messy in the throw area. (We still must make some improvements in this area.) The Jav will be thrown on natural grass. There are no bleachers in this area. We do have a bench for athletes.
We will weigh implements at the throwing area.
We will have minimums in the throws. We will measure all first throws and then throws beyond the minimums.
Throwing Minimums:
Girls Jav - 70
Boys Jav - 110
Girls Shot - 26
Boys Shot - 36
Girls Disc - 70
Boys Disc - 100
Jumping Schedule:
4:00 - Rolling Schedule
Boys Long Jump - two pits - Girls High Jump
Girls Long Jump - two pits - Boys High Jump
Boys Triple Jump - one pit - Girls Triple Jump - one pit
4:00 am: Girls Pole Vault followed by boys pole vault.
Jump Minimums:
Boys Girls
Long Jump 18' 014'0
Triple Jump 36'0 31'0
We will measure the 1st jump and then all jumps beyond the minimums.
Starting Heights:
Boys Girls
High Jump 5'6 4'6
Pole Vault 10'0 7'6