Challenge of Champions 2003

Mobile, AL
Hosted by Murphy HS

Open Men

C.F.P.I. Timing & Data Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
Challenge of Champions Invitational - 9/6/2003
Mobile, AL
Last Completed Event
Event 6 Boys 3 Mile Run CC open
       Name                    Yr        Team                     Pace          Time       Score
1      Strange, Hunter        SO         Murphy                   5:42.6        17:07.82    1
2      Cook, Hunter                      Tall. Chiles, FL         5:45.1        17:15.09    2
3      Guth, Pablo            SR         Ben Franklin, LA         5:51.9        17:35.52    3
4      Miletich, Bryan        FR         Tall. Chiles, FL         5:52.8        17:38.19    4
5      Harper, Joey           SR         Tall. Chiles, FL         5:53.9        17:41.70    5
6      Jones, Joshua          JR         Murphy                   5:54.2        17:42.35    6
7      Weaver, Westbrook      SR         Murphy                   5:54.3        17:42.77    7
8      De Vore, Evan          SO         Tall. Chiles, FL         5:54.4        17:43.11    8
9      Vincent, Cameron                  Ocean Springs            5:55.9        17:47.53    9
10     Dixon, Matt            SO         Tall. Chiles, FL         5:59.6        17:58.61    10
11     Rider, Joseph          SR         Fairhope                 6:04.0        18:11.82    11
12     Strachan, Ryan         SO         Fairhope                 6:04.6        18:13.59    12
13     Keyser, Dan            JR         Fairhope                 6:06.9        18:20.51    13
14     Weishaar, Thad                    McGill Toolen            6:07.8        18:23.37    14
15     Galloway, Spencer      JR         Tall. Chiles, FL         6:09.1        18:27.14    15
16     Smiley, Scott          SO         Ft Walton Bch, FL        6:09.7        18:28.96    16
17     Summers, Blake         SO         Baker                    6:10.3        18:30.70    17
18     Grizzard, Chris        SR         Pearl High               6:11.0        18:32.80    18
19     Tijerina, Alfonso      JR         Tall. Chiles, FL         6:11.4        18:34.05    19
20     Hammrick, Alex         SO         Gulf Shores              6:12.1        18:36.03    20
21     Hecker, Kyle           SO         Brother Martin, LA       6:12.3        18:36.73    21
22     De Hart, Erich         SO         Ben Franklin, LA         6:12.7        18:37.86    22
23     Ross, Jason            JR         Tall. Chiles, FL         6:13.1        18:39.24
24     St.John, Jeffery                  Ums- Wright              6:13.5        18:40.46    23
25     Dessauer, Luke         08         St Paul's Sc             6:14.4        18:43.12    24
26     Oschwald, Joe          SO         Baker                    6:14.7        18:44.11    25
27     Zellner, Peter         SO         AL School M&S            6:14.9        18:44.54    26
28     Lozes, Brian           08         St Paul's Sc             6:15.0        18:44.90    27
29     Johnson, Jeremy                   Ocean Springs            6:15.2        18:45.39    28
30     Zellner, Stephen       SO         AL School M&S            6:15.5        18:46.33    29
31     Chance, Zachary        SR         Ft Walton Bch, FL        6:15.8        18:47.17    30
32     Diemert, Travis                   McGill Toolen            6:16.0        18:48.01    31
33     Smiley, Mathew         JR         Ft Walton Bch, FL        6:16.7        18:49.99    32
34     Newman, Jimmy          JR         Robertsdale              6:17.2        18:51.58    33
35     Sailors, Christopher   SR         Ft Walton Bch, FL        6:17.5        18:52.24    34
36     Martin, Chris          FR         East Central             6:19.1        18:57.31    35
37     Rasmussen, Dane                   Ocean Springs            6:19.3        18:57.71    36
38     Farrow, Sha-ul         SR         Robertsdale              6:20.7        19:01.95    37
39     Hays, Justin           SO         Fairhope                 6:20.9        19:02.61    38
40     Parish, Ross                      McGill Toolen            6:22.2        19:06.56    39
41     Kontur, Jared                     Ocean Springs.           6:22.5        19:07.27    40
42     Edgar, Jason           JR         Murphy                   6:22.7        19:07.94    41
43     Watson, Chase          FR         Pearl High               6:23.2        19:09.37    42
44     Pappas, Alex                      St. Paul's E             6:23.3        19:09.90
45     Tillotson, Jake        JR         Tall. Chiles, FL         6:23.5        19:10.46
46     Pantazelos, Josh       FR         Robertsdale              6:23.9        19:11.57    43
47     Kalmus, Jeremy         FR         Ben Franklin, LA         6:24.0        19:12.02    44
48     Shoto, Elmore          SO         Pearl High               6:24.5        19:13.50    45
49     Taylor, John                      Robert Ums- Wright       6:24.7        19:13.96    46
50     Smith, PJ                         St. Paul's E             6:24.8        19:14.42
51     Owens, Kenneth         SO         Pearl High               6:25.8        19:17.14    47
52     Wade, Adam             07         Pearl High               6:27.0        19:20.95    48
53     Davis, Brian                      Ocean Springs.           6:27.7        19:23.00    49
54     Squires, Austin        SO         Pearl High               6:28.1        19:24.22    50
55     Craven, Jack           JR         Pearl High               6:29.1        19:27.04    51
56     Chatelain, Kevin       SO         St Paul's Sc             6:29.4        19:27.95    52
57     Gray, Devin            FR         Pearl High               6:29.6        19:28.63
58     Goff, Matt             FR         Foley                    6:29.7        19:29.05    53
59     Bowron, Ward                      Ums- Wright              6:29.9        19:29.56    54
60     Hamilton, Gordon                  Ums- Wright              6:31.4        19:34.16    55
61     Tabary, Paul           SR         Brother Martin, LA       6:32.7        19:37.84    56
62     Zimmerman, Ryan        JR         St Paul's Sc             6:34.0        19:41.86    57
63     Hatch, Mike                       Davidson                 6:34.8        19:44.22
64     Adolph, Kyle           SO         Brother Martin, LA       6:34.9        19:44.63    58
65     Boyd, Kyle             FR         Baker                    6:35.0        19:44.96    59
66     Goodlad, James         SR         Ben Franklin, LA         6:36.0        19:47.81    60
67     Smith, Michael         SO         Pearl High               6:36.3        19:48.74
68     Bennion, Matt                     Ocean Springs            6:36.6        19:49.63    61
69     Smith, Adam                       McGill Toolen            6:36.9        19:50.50    62
70     Perisch, Nick          SO         Brother Martin, LA       6:40.0        19:59.84    63
71     Mathieu, David         SO         Murphy                   6:40.9        20:02.71    64
72     Tyree, Chris           SO         Brother Martin, LA       6:41.6        20:04.63    65
73     Provost, Sean                     Ocean Springs.           6:41.8        20:05.34    66
74     Foster, Nick           SO         Pearl High               6:42.1        20:06.11
75     Griffiths, Morgan      FR         Ben Franklin, LA         6:43.0        20:08.73    67
76     Warlick, Craig         SO         Daphne                   6:43.1        20:09.15    68
77     Donaldson, Logan                  McGill Toolen            6:43.2        20:09.49    69
78     Kersh, Morris          07         Pearl High               6:43.4        20:10.07
79     Stewart, Dwayne        JR         Baldwin County           6:43.5        20:10.51
80     Williams, Cameron      FR         Daphne                   6:44.4        20:12.96    70
81     Wee, Ryan              SO         Ben Franklin, LA         6:44.6        20:13.61    71
82     Lee, Daniel            SO         Brother Martin, LA       6:44.7        20:14.11    72
83     Walding, Luke                     Ums- Wright              6:45.5        20:16.50    73
84     Mcatee, Greg                      McGill Toolen            6:46.3        20:18.79    74
85     Fossen, Justin                    Ocean Springs.           6:46.5        20:19.48
86     St.John, Trey                     Ums- Wright              6:46.8        20:20.32    75
87     Gane, Michael                     McGill Toolen            6:47.8        20:23.14    76
88     Hassell, Davon                    Ums- Wright              6:49.1        20:27.11    77
89     Vest, Dylan            JR         AL School M&S            6:49.9        20:29.47    78
90     Bohlin, Brett          SO         Foley                    6:50.1        20:30.08    79
91     Mayson, Frazer         SR         AL School M&S            6:50.2        20:30.54    80
92     Boykin, Chad           JR         McGill Toolen            6:51.6        20:34.63
93     Loyacano, Barry        FR         St Thomas Aq             6:52.5        20:37.45
94     Blades, Johnny                    Ocean Springs            6:53.5        20:40.35
95     Beam, Colt                        Ocean Springs            6:54.1        20:42.23
96     Etheridge, Bragg       SO         Fairhope                 6:56.0        20:47.99    81
97     Whiting, Andrew        JR         AL School M&S            6:56.6        20:49.69    82
98     Fregger, Ryan          SO         Ft Walton Bch, FL        6:56.8        20:50.17    83
99     Johnson, Caleb                    Ocean Springs.           6:56.9        20:50.49
100    Waters, James          SR         Robertsdale              6:57.0        20:50.89    84
101    Livaudais, Ryan        JR         Brother Martin, LA       6:58.4        20:55.20    85
102    Ferry, Matt                       Davidson                 7:00.6        21:01.71
103    Rittenhouse, Adam      JR         Pearl High               7:00.8        21:02.28
104    Calogrides, John                  McGill Toolen            7:01.0        21:02.93
105    Kemp, Kristian         SR         AL School M&S            7:02.6        21:07.53    86
106    Vorhoff, Harry         JR         Ben Franklin, LA         7:03.3        21:09.64    87
107    Turner, Edward         JR         Citronelle               7:03.4        21:10.13    88
108    Elliott, Derrick       FR         Foley                    7:04.7        21:13.99    89
109    Hill, Chris                       Ocean Springs.           7:05.1        21:15.15
110    Cypress, A.J.                     FR St Paul's Sc          7:05.6        21:16.78    90
111    Taldon, Rashad                    Vigor                    7:05.8        21:17.16
112    Garcia, Manny          FR         Pearl High               7:05.9        21:17.54
113    Notvest, Kyle          SR         East Central             7:06.5        21:19.42    91
114    Frederic, Stephen      SR         East Central.            7:07.3        21:21.78    92
115    Faralli, Thomas                   McGill Toolen            7:07.5        21:22.32
116    Finley, Bradley        JR         Baker                    7:07.6        21:22.67    93
117    MC Cracken, James                 T. R. Miller             7:07.9        21:23.60    94
118    Lechner, Colin         08         Biloxi High              7:08.4        21:25.15    95
119    Hixon, Robert          SO         Fairhope                 7:08.7        21:26.09    96
120    Davidson, Joseph       SO         Fairhope                 7:10.9        21:32.58    97
121    Ferreday, Zach         FR         St Paul's Sc             7:11.0        21:32.98    98
122    Wright, Thayne         FR         Biloxi High              7:13.7        21:40.86    99
123    Gilmore, Roderick      SO         Pearl High               7:14.0        21:42.00
124    Hunter, Johndeontae               Vigor                    7:14.2        21:42.59
125    McNeely, Isaac                    St. Paul's E             7:15.0        21:44.80
126    Seyler, Elliott        SO         Ben Franklin, LA         7:17.8        21:53.15
127    Lerner, Geoffrey                  Ums- Wright              7:19.0        21:56.97
128    Richardson, Carl       FR         Ft Walton Bch, FL        7:19.4        21:58.14    100
129    Shawbitz, Nathan       SO         Ft Walton Bch, FL        7:20.9        22:02.43    101
130    Mcdonough, Robert                 McGill Toolen            7:22.2        22:06.43
131    Wesson, Blane          FR         St Paul's Sc             7:22.3        22:06.87    102
132    Brenton, Ryan          FR         Ft Walton Bch, FL        7:22.5        22:07.44
133    James, Eric                       Biloxi High              7:22.8        22:08.27    103
134    Brown, Alex            FR         St Paul's Sc             7:22.9        22:08.68
135    Lee, Peter             JR         AL School M&S            7:23.0        22:09.00    104
136    Tobler, Jonathan       SO         St Thomas Aq             7:23.2        22:09.43
137    Stealey, Ryan          SO         Daphne                   7:23.4        22:10.02    105
138    Carmack, David         SO         Murphy                   7:23.5        22:10.51    106
139    Keenan, Thomas                    McGill Toolen            7:25.7        22:17.03
140    Farrelly, Kirk         SO         Brother Martin, LA       7:29.2        22:27.40
141    Guzzardo, Ayla         SO         St Thomas Aq             7:29.3        22:27.75
142    McPherson, Matt                   Ocean Springs.           7:29.5        22:28.49
143    Connell, Joshua        SR         AL School M&S            7:30.4        22:31.08
144    Hunt, Michael                     T. R. Miller             7:30.5        22:31.47    107
145    Stallworth, Kelley                T. R. Miller             7:30.7        22:31.89    108
146    Pierce, George         SR         Citronelle               7:36.7        22:49.90    109
147    Sullivan, Johnathan    SR         Citronelle               7:37.0        22:50.73    110
148    McCaskill, Cameron     FR         Pearl High               7:37.1        22:51.24
149    Pettway, Gary                     Vigor                    7:38.4        22:55.12
150    Tucker, Dan                       Vigor                    7:40.4        23:01.20
151    Linam, Caleb           SO         Baldwin County           7:40.6        23:01.63
152    Williams, David        FR         Ben Franklin, LA         7:40.8        23:02.14
153    Charmichel, Chad       FR         Ft Walton Bch, FL        7:44.8        23:14.14
154    Lomax, Joseph                     Citronelle               7:45.9        23:17.58    111
155    Waters, Jacob          FR         Robertsdale              7:46.1        23:18.24    112
156    Fugate, Leandro        SR         AL School M&S            7:46.3        23:18.66
157    Taylor, Chris          JR         Baldwin County           7:46.4        23:19.15
158    Martell, Nick          SR         Biloxi High              7:47.3        23:21.75    113
159    Thomas, Darrin         JR         Fairhope                 7:48.0        23:23.99
160    Williams, Neil         SO         AL School M&S            7:48.2        23:24.46
161    Thigpen, Chase         JR         East Central.            7:48.3        23:24.89    114
162    Jacquet, Jesse         JR         Biloxi High              7:50.2        23:30.36    115
163    Craig, Ryan                       T. R. Miller             7:51.1        23:33.20    116
164    Stanford, Dustin       08         East Central.            7:52.4        23:37.10    117
165    Nixon, Graham          SO         Foley                    7:52.6        23:37.81    118
166    Cooper, Michael        JR         Robertsdale              7:53.1        23:39.15    119
167    Adams, Stephen         FR         St Paul's Sc             7:56.2        23:48.55
168    Schamburger, Dale      SO         Gulf Shores              7:59.6        23:58.74    120
169    Smith, Collin          FR         Baker                    8:01.3        24:03.82    121
170    Shows, John            FR         East Central.            8:02.6        24:07.60    122
171    Johnson, Gaines        SO         Gulf Shores              8:04.4        24:13.04    123
172    Cooper, Adam           SO         Gulf Shores              8:04.5        24:13.52    124
173    Land, Jordan                      T. R. Miller             8:04.7        24:14.08    125
174    Vogtner, Andrew        SO         Baker                    8:05.8        24:17.29    126
175    Lombardy, Jon          SR         AL School M&S            8:08.0        24:23.94
176    Kissel, Kevin          JR         Biloxi High              8:09.4        24:28.10    127
177    Lynch, Joshua          JR         Citronelle               8:11.8        24:35.38    128
178    Bowen, Gregg           SR         Biloxi High              8:12.1        24:36.14    129
179    Blair, Daniel          FR         Daphne                   8:12.2        24:36.60    130
180    Huguet, Justin         SR         AL School M&S            8:12.4        24:37.11
181    Fletcher, Drew                    Ocean Springs            8:13.2        24:39.57
182    Mitchell, William      JR         AL School M&S            8:14.0        24:41.92
183    Goodwin, Daniel        JR         Robertsdale              8:15.4        24:46.18    131
184    Porter, Joshua         SR         AL School M&S            8:19.1        24:57.21
185    Adkson, Josh           FR         East Central.            8:22.2        25:06.44    132
186    Craft, Matthew         SO         East Central.            8:22.3        25:06.90
187    Nylen, James           SR         AL School M&S            8:25.7        25:16.84
188    Sellers, Marshal       JR         Citronelle               8:28.0        25:23.82    133
189    Brown, Adam            JR         East Central.            8:36.2        25:48.50
190    Cole, Tre              SO         Ft Walton Bch, FL        8:40.8        26:02.26
191    Keith, Cameron         FR         Foley                    8:41.0        26:02.95    134
192    Lawrenz, Anthony       SR         AL School M&S            8:44.1        26:12.05
193    Tapia, Alexander       SO         Murphy                   8:44.3        26:12.76    135
194    Payne, Daniel                     Ocean Springs            8:45.8        26:17.38
195    Thompson, Ryan                    Ocean Springs            8:48.3        26:24.70
196    Wilters, Stone         SO         Gulf Shores              8:54.8        26:44.15    136
197    Sherman, Ben           SO         Baldwin County           8:55.4        26:46.15
198    Parnell, Evan          SR         AL School M&S            9:08.9        27:26.43
199    Lawley, James                     Davidson                 9:09.4        27:28.15
200    Hosford, Tad           SR         Robertsdale              9:09.6        27:28.55
201    Carter, Tyler          FR         East Central.            9:13.0        27:38.78
202    Motley, Jake           SO         Daphne                   9:13.1        27:39.21    137
203    Little, Murphy         JR         Citronelle               9:47.9        29:23.50    138