Myquell Smith Invitational 2023

Enterprise, AL
Timing/Results Wildcat Timing

Meet Information


Admission: $6.00 - GOFAN only. We do not accept cash.

Time ScheduleCoaches Meeting: 1:10pm - near the finish line

Field Event Events: 1:30pm

Running Events: 2:15pm

ENTRIES: 5 per event, plus 2 per relay

Fees: $125 per gender or $250 for Both 

Medals: Given for top 3 places per event


SPIKES: pyramid (no Christmas Tree or Needles) Spikes may be worn on all runways, approach areas, and the track itself. The tip of the spike should extend no more than 1/4th of an inch from the sole of the shoe.

Chalk or Tape may be used on the track

SCORINGThere will be 8 places scored for all events (10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1)

1 relay will score per team and max of 3 individuals per event can score per team

Order of events (track events will start at 2:15)

4x100 Meter Relay

4x800 Meter Relay

100/110 Hurdles

100 Meter Dash

1600 Meter Run

400 Meter Dash

300 Hurdles

800 Meter Run

200 Meter Dash

3200 Meter Run

4x400 Meter Relay

4x100 throwers relay

Field Events (Warmups start at 1:10, event starts at 1:30)

Girls Shot Put First, Boys After first Flight Discus is done

Boys Discus First, Girls to follow after Javelin

Javelin, Girls first after 1st flight of Girls shot put

Long Jump (Boys First then girls, jumpers will need hip number)

Triple Jump (Combine Boys and Girls with Hip Numbers)

High Jump (Girls First, then Boys)

Pole vault (Girls First, followed by boys)