Meet Information
Live Results
Running Heat Sheets
Field Flight Sheets
Place: Center Point High School Track and Field Complex
Meet time 3:30 PM
Entries will close at 20 teams and/or 800 athletes.
All teams will be asked to help with an event.
All Jefferson County COVID19 protocols will be followed. A detailed list of guidelines will be emailed to all Head Coaches.
Entry: All entries will be made on-line on: $50.00 per team per gender (less than 5 athletes $5.00 per athlete.) $5.00 spectator admission
*** Entry fees can be waived if you or part of your staff or volunteers are certified officials and officiate an event. Contact Coach Wilson directly.***
Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the stadium. There will be concessions. A team cooler for water or Gatorade/Powerade will be allowed. We will however have water on the infield for competitors.
Make checks Payable to Center Point High School Track and Field. Checks can be checked in at concession stand for receipt or mailed to Center Point High School, 1000 Eagle Dr, Center Point, Alabama 35215.
Entry fees can be waived if you or part of your staff or volunteers are certified officials and officiate an event.
I can be reached at, or 205-401-6867
Order of Events: The entire meet will be run on a rolling schedule
4x800m relay
100/110 hurdles
4x100m relay
4x400m relay
*** No Pole Vault