Meet Information
Time Schedule: Coaches Meeting:9:30 am - near the finish line
Field Events:10:00 am
ENTRIES: Fees: If attending Friday night lights meet on 3/19 then free. If just attending the field and jumps meet, $50 per gender, 100 for both
TEAM AREAS: Please set up team camps behind the tennis courts.
Entries: Unlimited Entries for Jumping and Throwing Events
Four Jumps/Throws with No Finals. Minimum Marks will be send out before meet is had.
Shot Put> Girls First, Followed by Boys
Discus>Boys first, followed by Girls
Long Jump> Open pit both genders
Triple> after completion of Long Jump
High Jump Girls First, Followed by Boys
Pole Vault> Boys first, followed by Girls
Javelin> Girls First, Followed by Boys