Helena Classic on the Hill 2021

Helena,, AL
Timing/Results Xpress Timing

Meet Information

Field Flight Sheets

Pre-Spring Break Meet.

We are reaching our max number of teams, thus I've put a password on the meet.  Please email if you are interested in participating in this meet.  We don't want the meet to be too big on a school night.  Thanks.  randerson@shelbyed.org

The starting time is 4pm.

ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED on www.alabamarunners.com.

You may enter 4 athletes per running event, 3 per field event, and 2 relay teams. No changes can be made to entries once registration closes.

Meet Fees $300.00 per school/$150.00 per gender/$15 per athlete if less than 10 per team

Make checks out to Helena High School

Payments Please Mail to:

Attn: Richard Anderson

Helena High School

1310 Hillsboro Pkwy

Helena, AL 35080-6831

Race Day payments are accepted.

Admission for spectators will be $7 per person.

GoFan Ticket Code: https://gofan.co/app/events/233269?schoolId=AL67193

Concession will be open. CASH ONLY!!!

Helena Classic on the Hill I

Running Events

4:15pm Rolling Schedule

4x800m Relay

4x100m Relay

1600m Run

100m/110m Hurdles

400m Dash

100m Dash

800m Run

300m Hurdles

200m Dash

3200m Run

4x400m Relay


Field Events





